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Книги 14676—14700 из 19355.
  • Grota ?mierci
  • Coulter Catherine
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • W nowym, zapieraj?cym dech thrillerze pi?ra Catherine Coulter agenci FBI, Savich i Sherlock, prowadz? jedn? z najtrudniejszych spraw w swojej karierze, w kt?rej morderstwo i zemsta nierozerwalnie splataj? si? ze sob?. Akcja rozpoczyna si? w chwili, gdy agentka FBI, Ruth Warnecki, wyrusza do jaskini w Zachodniej Virginii na poszukiwanie konfederackiego z?ota. Ruth nawet nie przeczuwa, ?e natknie si? na przera?aj?ce morderstwo, kt?re rozpocznie ca?y korow?d ?mierci zwi?zany z presti?ow? Szko?? Muzyczn? Stanislaus.

  • Grzeszne Rozkosze
  • Hamilton Laurell
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • „Grzeszne rozkosze” to pierwsza cz??? wielotomowego cyklu o Anicie Blake. Dzi?ki niemu jej autorka, Laurell Kaye Hamilton, zyska?a ca?kiem spore uznanie. Dlatego niejedna osoba – w nadziei na udan? lektur? – si?gnie po wspomniane „Grzeszne rozkosze”, kt?re zapocz?tkowa?y popularn? seri?. Jednak czytaj?c je szybko dochodzimy do konkluzji, ?e trzymamy w d?oniach dzie?o pod niemal ka?dym wzgl?dem przeci?tne i tym samym zadowalaj?ce jedynie naprawd? ma?o wymagaj?cego odbiorc?.Akcja ksi??ki rozgrywa si? w niedalekiej przysz?o?ci, ale jest ona niestety w niewielkim stopniu odczuwalna. ...

  • Guardian of Lies
  • Martini Steve
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Defense attorney Paul Madriani gets caught in a web of deceit and murder involving Cold War secrets, a rare coin dealer who once worked for the CIA, and a furious assassin in one of the most entertaining novels yet in this New York Times bestselling series.A woman pauses in the hallway of a darkened San Diego beach house at night – listening for just the right moment when she can flee before her companion notices that she's gone.A man outside watches the same mansion, waiting for a sign that he can enter on his mission of ...

  • Guilty As Sin
  • Teller Joseph
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Did career criminal Alonzo Barnett, in and out of prison since age fifteen, commit the latest drug deal he's accused of? Yup, he's guilty as charged. But is he guilty as sin? That's the question criminal defense attorney Harrison J. Walker, the maverick known as Jaywalker, has to answer as he takes the court-appointed case. As Jaywalker is well aware, one wrong move, even for the right reason, can derail your life – and land an otherwise redeemed ex-con back in the slammer for years.Up against a team of prosecutors – one a talented, ethical newcomer, the other a sleazy, tightfisted veteran – Jaywalker has almost nothing on his side. Except his unshakable belief in his client.and the very real possibility of redemption for them both.

  • Guilty Pleasure
  • Leigh Lora
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The sizzling new erotic tale from New York Times bestselling author Lora LeighMarty Matthews swore she would never allow herself to be drawn into the secret, forbidden pleasures that the women she had grown up with enjoyed. Women whose husbands or lovers were members of the exclusive 'Club,' where they took a selected 'third' into their beds. Now, Marty is an FBI agent and her brand new case has put the one man she can't have in her sights.Marty's boss is convinced Khalid is involved in a plot to derail talks between his uncle and the President to strengthen ties between the US and the Middle East, and he wants Marty to get close enough to Khalid to prove it. However, Khalid is a member of the Club and he offers to introduce her to the kind of guilty pleasure Marty swore she would never experience. And even though danger lurks around every corner, there is no way to escape the man who threatens not only her control, but her very heart.

  • Gun Monkeys
  • Gischler Victor
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Charlie Swift just pumped three.38-caliber bullets into a dead polar bear in his taxidermist girlfriend's garage. But he's a gun monkey, and no one can blame him for having an itchy trigger finger. Ever since he drove down the Florida Turnpike with a headless body in the trunk of a Chrysler, then took down four cops, Charlie's been running hard through the sprawling sleaze of central Florida. And to make matters worse, he's holding on to some crooked paperwork that a lot of people would like to take off his hands. Now, with his boss disappeared and his friends dropping like flies, Charlie has got his work cut out just to survive. If he wants to keep the money and get the girl too, he's really going to have to go ape…Nominated for the Edgar Award for Best First Novel, Gun Monkeys is a fast, furious collage of wit and wise guys, violence and thrills-and a full-throttle run through the dark side of the Sunshine State.

  • Gutter
  • K'wan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The explosive sequel to GANGSTA has finally arrived!Blood answers for blood on the streets of Harlem. It's been months since Lou-loc was brutally murdered on his way to freedom and the pain is still fresh. Gutter, Lou-loc's best friend, finds himself on a path to self destruction, vowing to eradicate the entire Blood faction in New York City in the name of his fallen comrade. Sharell urges him to abandon the suicide mission, but his oath won't allow it. Not even for the child they are expecting. But as Gutter slips further into madness, a shocking revelation brings Satin out. In the middle of all this is a man named Major Blood. He has been flown in from Cali with two very simple instructions. Shut down Harlem Crip, and execute El Diablo's murderer. Walk back into the mouth of madness in the not-to-missed sequel to GANGSTA.

  • Guy Walks Into a Bar…
  • Child Lee
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Published in The New York Times (June 6, 2009).Child's contribution to the Times' Summer Thrills fiction series starts with a girl who catches Jack Reacher's eye at a Greenwich Village bar in the wee hours. She's no older than nineteen, Russian, and Reacher's instincts tell him she's about to be kidnapped. Longtime fans balance a trust in Reacher's take on most situations with the knowledge that, sooner or later, Child will upend expectations. When he does it is the surprise.

  • H is for Homicide
  • Grafton Sue
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Kinsey Millhone, twice-divorced ex-cop, ever dauntless, ever vulnerable ("A" is for Alibi, etc., etc.), now investigating claims for California Fidelity, is assigned a seemingly routine claim from the files of deceased co-worker Parnell Perkins – robbed and shot dead. The case leads Kinsey to elusive, beautiful Bibianna Diaz and to a late-night restaurant meal interrupted by an attempt to kidnap Bibianna that ends with the shooting death of Chago Maldonado – killed by Bibianna's escort Jimmy Tate – an ex-cop and old pal of Kinsey's. Tate lands in the hospital; Bibianna and Kinsey in jail – to be greeted on release by Chago's ...

  • Hades Nebula
  • Sisi Carlos
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Tras sobrevivir a la devastadora pandemia que ha asolado el mundo y con la esperanza de ahondar en el misterio del Necrosum, el peque?o grupo de supervivientes de Carranque llega finalmente a la Alhambra de Granada, donde el aparato militar ha instalado uno de los ?ltimos bastiones de resistencia de la Humanidad. Sin embargo, una vez all? descubrir?n que las cosas no son c?mo les hab?an prometido y los protagonistas deber?n afrontar una realidad a?n peor que todo lo que hab?an conocido hasta entonces.El autor se sirve de los muertos vivientes para describir situaciones de extrema dureza y dramatismo, explorando la complejidad del ser humano cuando se encuentra cara a cara con el terror en un mundo manifiestamente hostil, y lanzando al lector, en definitiva, a una monta?a rusa de sensaciones que desemboca en la conclusi?n final.

  • Haileys War
  • Compton Jodi
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Twenty-four-year-old Hailey Cain has dropped out of the US Military Academy for reasons she won't reveal. She has had to leave Los Angeles and it would be too big a risk for her to return. Now working as a bike messenger in San Francisco, Hailey keeps a low profile, until her high school best friend Serena Delgadillo makes a call that will turn her whole life upside-down. Serena is the head of an all-female gang on the rough streets of LA. She wants Hailey to escort the cousin of a recently murdered gang member across the border to Mexico. It's a mission that will nearly cost Hailey her life, causing her to choose more than once between loyalty and lawlessness, and forcing her to confront two very big secrets in her past…

  • Haiti Noir
  • Danticat Edwidge
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • An anthology of storiesFeaturing brand-new stories by: Edwidge Danticat, Rodney Saint-Eloi, Madison Smartt Bell, Gary Victor, M.J. Fi?vre, Marvin Victor, Yanick Lahens, Louis-Philipe Dalembert, Kettly Mars, Marie Ketsia Theodore-Pharel, Evelyne Trouillot, Katia Ulysse, Ibi Aanu Zoboi, Nadine Pinede, and others. Haiti has a tragic history and continues to be one of the most destitute places on the planet, especially in the aftermath of the earthquake. Here, however, Danticat reveals that even while the subject matter remains dark, the caliber of Haitian writing is of the highest order.