It’s 2001 and zombies have taken over Tom’s town. Meth zombies. The drug rips through Blackwater, PA, with a ferocity and a velocity that overwhelms everyone.It starts small, with petty thefts of cleaning supplies and Sudafed from the supermarket where Tom works. But by year's end there will be ruined, hollow people on every street corner. Meth will unmake the lives of friends and teachers and parents. It will fill the prisons, and the morgues.Tom’s always been focused on getting out of his depressing coal mining town, on planning his escape to a ...
If the melt-down, flood, plague, the third World War, new Ice Age, Rapture, alien invasion, clamp-down, meteor, or something else entirely hit today, what would tomorrow look like? Some of the biggest names in YA and adult literature answer that very question in this short story anthology, each story exploring the lives of teen protagonists raised in catastrophe's wake—whether set in the days after the change, or decades far in the future. bestselling authors Gregory Maguire, Garth Nix, Susan Beth Pfeffer, Carrie Ryan, Beth Revis, and Jane Yolen are among the many popular and award-winning storytellers lending their talents to this original and spellbinding anthology.
Conor Broekhart was born to fly. In fact, legend has it that he was born flying in a hot air balloon at the world's fair.In the 1890's Conor and his family live on the sovereign Saltee Islands, off the Irish coast. Conor spends his days studying the science of flight with his tutor and exploring the castle with the king's daughter, Princess Isabella.But the boy's idyllic life changes forever the day he discovers a conspiracy to overthrow the king. When Conor tries to expose the plot, he is branded a traitor and thrown into jail ...
Jest to pierwsza cz??? ba?niowej trylogii Jana Brzechwy – arcydzie?o, do przeczytania kt?rego nikogo nie trzeba zach?ca?. Tytu?ow? Akademi?, po?o?on? w ogromnym parku pe?nym jar?w i w?woz?w, otacza wysoki mur, w kt?rym jedna obok drugiej mieszcz? si? ?elazne furtki, zamkni?te na srebrne k??deczki, a ka?da z nich to drzwi do innej bajki… Wraz z Panem Kleksem – niezwyk?ym nauczycielem i wynalazc? – bohaterowie opowie?ci odwiedzaj? ba?niowe kr?lestwa i prze?ywaj? niewiarygodne przygody, a z ka?dej wyprawy wracaj? m?drzejsi.
AHMETS HROMAD?I?SAKMENS VILKIIZDEVNIEC?BA «LIESMA» R?GA 1972No krievu valodas tulkojis E Juh??vi?s Ilustr?jis G. Nikolskis V?ku un titulu z?m?jusi M. Birze
Jouant dans sa maison, Alice aper?oit un lapin v?tu ? la mode victorienne. Elle d?cide alors de le suivre jusque dans son terrier souhaitant voir ce qu'il y a "de l'autre c?t? du miroir". Dans ce nouveau monde fantastique tout est invers?,…
Jouant dans sa maison, Alice aper?oit un lapin v?tu ? la mode victorienne. Elle d?cide alors de le suivre jusque dans son terrier souhaitant voir ce qu'il y a "de l'autre c?t? du miroir". Dans ce nouveau monde fantastique tout est invers?,…
Aus dem Englischen von Antonie ZimmermannAutorisierte AusgabeMit den Illustrationen von John TennielKoloriert von G?nter J?rgensmeierLeipzig Johann Friedrich Hartknoch [1869]Der Verfasser w?nscht hiermit seine Anerkennung gegen die ?bersetzerin auszusprechen, die einige eingestreute Parodien englischer Kinderlieder, welche der deutschen Jugend unverst?ndlich gewesen w?ren, durch dergleichen von bekannten deutschen Gedichten ersetzt hat. Ebenso sind f?r die oft un?bersetzbaren englischen Wortspiele passende deutsche eingeschoben worden, welche das Buch allein der Gewandtheit der ?bersetzerin verdankt.
Bored on a hot afternoon, Alice follows a White Rabbit down a rabbit-hole and tumbles into Wonderland: a topsy-turvy world of riddles and nonsense where animals answer back, a baby turns into a pig, time stands still at a disorderly tea party, croquet is played with hedgehogs and flamingos, and the Mock Turtle and Gryphon dance the Lobster Quadrille. In a land in which nothing is as it seems and cakes, potions and mushrooms can make her shrink to ten inches or grow to the size of a house, will she ever find her way home?
La trayectoria de escritor de Horacio Quiroga (Salto, Uruguay, 1879 -Buenos Aires 1937) se desenvolvi? arm?nicamente desde la publicaci?n de su primer libro de poemas, pasando por el periodismo y el magisterio y la novel?stica, hasta alcanzar su m?s personal forma de expresi?n, el cuento, g?nero en el cual descoll? y que, en definitiva, hace perdurable su bien merecida fama, hasta llegar a llam?rsele el Kipling rioplatense, autor ?ste con quien comparte el amor por la selva y el acendrado sentido de la naturaleza. En Anaconda esa cosmovisi?n se acent?a notablemente y junto a los rudos y feroces paisajes misioneros, pululan los retratos de las fuertes personalidades que los pueblan, al tiempo que se insin?an y lo impregnan todas las leyendas y tradiciones con c?smico aliento.
Lana Spiggs is fed up with everyone telling her what to do. If it isn’t her mother nagging and shouting, it’s her teachers nagging and shouting. What Lana wants is to be grown-up. She wants her own flat, her own husband and her own children – and then no one will be able to boss her around any more. When Lana meets Les on her fifteenth birthday, she knows he is The One. And when she gets pregnant without even trying, she knows it’s her ticket to freedom – even though everyone else calls it a prison sentence. But can her dream of Happy Families stand up to reality?
It was a dumb idea, but one of those dumb ideas that accidentally turns out to be brilliant—which, I’ve come to realize, is much worse than being dumb. My name’s Antsy Bonano—but you probably already know that—and unless you got, like, memory issues, you’ll remember the kidnamed the Schwa, who I told you about last time. Well, now there’s this other kid, and his story is a whole lot stranger, if such a thing is possible. It all started when Gunnar ?mlaut and I were watching three airborne bozos struggle ...
No one ever told Margaret Simon that eleven-going-on- twelve would be such a hard age. When her family moves to New Jersey, she has to adjust to life in the suburbs, a different school, and a whole new group of friends. Margaret knows she needs someone to talk to about growing up-and it's not long before she's found a solution.Are you there God? It's me, Margaret. I can't wait until two o'clock God. That's when our dance starts. Do you think I'll get Philip Leroy for a partner? It's not so much that I like him as a person God, but as a boy he's very handsome. And I'd love to dance with him… just once or twice. Thank you God.
Arthur, S?l?nia et B?tam?che poursuivent leur p?riple ? travers les Sept Terres. Il leur faut retrouver le grand-p?re d'Arthur, car lui seul sait o? est cach? le tr?sor qui permettra au petit gar?on de d?jouer les plans de Davido. Mais M. le maudit fera tout pour emp?cher nos trois h?ros de parvenir a leur but. Arthur d?couvrira-t-il son grand-p?re ? temps? Gagnera-t-il le c?ur de la princesse S?l?nia? Et ensemble, r?ussiront-ils au p?ril de leur vie ? sauver le village minimoy? Rejoignez nos trois petits comp?res dans cette aventure mouvement?e au c?ur de la cit? interdite de N?cropolis...
Le pire est ? craindre car M le maudit a profit? de l'ouverture du rayon de lune pour grandir et passer dans l'autre monde, celui des humains. L'ignoble cr?ature mesure maintenant deux m?tres quarante et elle est bien d?cid?e ? conqu?rir ce nouveau monde.Devant l'ampleur du danger, Arthur et ses amis vont exploiter toutes les astuces, tirer profit des situations les plus inattendues et tout faire pour d?jouer l'effroyable plan de Maltazard.Mais est-ce que cette cause n'est pas perdue d'avance lorsque l'on ne mesure que deux millim?tres?
"Au secours!" Inscrit sur un grain de riz, ce cri d'alarme est remis ? Arthur par une araign?e. Les Minimoys sont en danger! Il n'y a pas une seconde ? perdre. Imaginer S?l?nia entre la vie et la mort lui est insupportable. Avec la complicit? de son chien Alfred, Arthur ?chappe ? la surveillance de ses parents et rejoint la maison de ses grands-parents. Bient?t minuit: heure fatidique o? le rayon de lune frappera la longue-vue d'Archibald et d?clenchera l'ouverture du passage vers le monde des Minimoys. Mais un nuage glisse de la nuit et s'appr?te ? cacher la lune...
Un m?chant promoteur r?ve de saisir la belle maison de sa grand-m?re dans laquelle il passe ses vacances.Pas question de compter sur ses parents qui l'ont d?pos? l? sans m?nagement.Pas question non plus d'attendre son grand-p?re, disparu myst?rieusement il y a maintenant quatre ans.Et puis, comble de malchance, Arthur n'a que dix ans... Peut-?tre pourra-t-il compter sur Alfred, son gros chien plus affectueux qu'intelligent?A moins que, dans la vieille biblioth?que du grand-p?re, un grimoire ne lui permette de passer "de l'autre c?t?", au pays des minimoys...
New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C., have been abandoned.The Bill of Rights has been revoked, and replaced with the Moral Statutes.There are no more police—instead, there are soldiers. There are no more fines for bad behavior—instead, there are arrests, trials, and maybe worse. People who get arrested usually don’t come back.Seventeen-year-old Ember Miller is old enough to remember that things weren’t always this way. Living with her rebellious single mother, it’s hard for her to forget that people weren’t always arrested for reading the wrong ...
VILHELMS HAUFSAUKST? SIRDSUN CITAS PASAKASLATVIJAS VALSTS IZDEVNIEC?BA R?GA 1958Wilhelm Hauff DAS KALTE HERZund andere Marchen Der Kinderbuchverlag Berlin 1956Tulkojis R?DOLFS EGLET. SLEGELES ilustr?cij?sK. FRIDRICHSONA apv?ka un v?ka z?m?jums?ai izdevum? iespiestas re?listisk?s Vilhelma Haufa pasakas, gan nesaglab?jot pirmos divus autora izveidotos nosl?gtos ciklus, no kuriem ir patur?tas tikai lab?k?s pasakas, tom?r atst?jot visam kopumam z?m?go ievadu par pasaku valdnieci Fantaziju un t?s vec?ko meitu Pasaci?u, kas labi raksturo gan Haufa uzskatus par pasaku lomu cilv?ku dz?v?, gan ar? vi?a romantiski izteikto st?st?juma veidu. Gr?mata sagatavota p?c V?cijas Demokr?tiskaj? Republik? izdot?s (Berlin?, 1956. g.) Haufa pasaku izlases, paturot ar? ?? izdevuma nosaukumu.