Рассказ эстонского писателя о мальчике, родители которого мечтают определить его в спецшколу с углубленным изучением иностранных языков. Автор с юмором изображает обывательские настроения взрослых и реакцию на это ребенка.
Max Pendragon will kein Ritter werden. Im Gegensatz zu seiner Schwester Olivia findet er Lanzentraining ziemlich ?de, liebt es aber zu zaubern. Beim Zauberernachwuchswettbewerb auf Schloss Camelot wird er allen sein Talent beweisen. Als Max allerdings ?bt, einen Zaubertrank zuzubereiten, geht das ziemlich schief. Eine falsche Zutat landet im Kessel und ? B?ng! Alles spritzt heraus und Max, Olivia und ihre Ratte Grimm werden in Fr?sche verwandelt. Doch eigentlich genial! Noch nie hat es jemand geschafft, einen Menschen in einen Frosch zu verwandeln. Mit diesem Zauber wird er alle seine Konkurrenten in den Schatten stellen. Max ahnt nicht, ...
Przyjaci?? emocji informujemy o nowej serii przyg?d Trzech Detektyw?w. Bohaterowie powie?ci kryminalno-sensacyjnych dla m?odych czytelnik?w – Jupiter, Pete i Bob – s? nastolatkami, wkroczyli w ?wiat pierwszych mi?o?ci i pierwszych samochod?w. Ich firma detektywistyczna nadal dzia?a i podejmuje si? coraz niebezpieczniejszych zada?!
In un paese, dove per ordine del sovrano tutto funziona al contrario e ? proibito dire la verit?, arriva Gelsomino dalla voce potentissima che con l'aiuto di simpatici amici sconfigge la prepotenza e fa trionfare la sincerit?. In questo libro (uno dei primi) Rodari d? prova della sua straordinaria capacit? di esplorare con occhio critico la realt? sociale e di muovere con brio e finezza di stile verso un universo fantastico costruito sull'altruismo, sulla generosit?, sull'amicizia: Gelsomino con la sua voce e la sua simpatia ci invita a guardare con ottimismo al futuro. Et? di lettura: da 6 anni.
It’s the year 2075. A remote island Republic has emerged from an аросalyptic, plague-ridden past. Its citizens are safe but not free. They live in complete isolation from the outside world. Approaching planes are gunned down, refugees shot on sight. Until one man rescues a girl from the sea….Outstanding and original, Bernard Beckett’s dramatic narrative comes to a stunning close that will leave you reeling. This perfect combination of thrilling page-turner and provocative novel of ideas demands to be read again and again.
Gianni Rodari amava moltissimo i gatti e progettava un intero libro di storie, poesie, disegni a loro dedicato. La prematura scomparsa gli imped? di realizzare il volume, ma gli scritti qui raccolti danno idea del simpatico e divertente progetto: un «signor Gatto» con la vocazione del commercio, felini con denominazioni e professioni inusuali, vecchi scontenti della loro condizione e pronti a trasformarsi in gatti… Una girandola di trovate e di spunti che al gioco della fantasia e al gusto delle rime, sa unire il piacere di una riflessione mai oziosa e moralistica, l'invito ad essere sempre se stessi.Gianni Rodari (1920–1980), notissimo in Italia come in molti paesi stranieri, ha contribuito a rinnovare profondamente la letteratura per i ragazzi. Nel 1970 ha ricevuto il Premio Andersen.
The Sorceress and Wizard of Oz attempt to save Princess Ozma and Dorothy from the dangers which threaten them when they try to bring peace to two warring tribes.
It's Vegas, baby! Anything can happen.Reed has a (small) chance to win fame and fortune, thanks to his"entourage," Beth.Sick of feeling like a loser, Harper's betting she can win back herlife, starting with Miranda – whose birthday wish just might cometrue…Adam's also getting lucky, with a certain ex-girlfriend.Kane, as usual, is playing hard – and not very nice.Win or lose, it's going to be wild.
Presents recorded by the Brothers Grimm, many not available elsewhere. Includes such timeless favorites as Rapunzel, The Frog Prince etc. A delight for young and old alike.
Amerik??u rakstnieks Marks Tvens (1836-1910) b?rn?bu pavad?jis Hanibalas pils?ti?? Misisipi krastos. Tur g?tie iespaidi atainoti st?stos par diviem draugiem Tomu un Haku. Gr?mat? par Haklberiju Finu turpin?s “Toma Sojera piedz?vojumos” s?kt?s puiku d?kas. No ang?u valodas tulkojusi Mirdza ?empe. M?kslinieks Viesturs Grants.SATURSTOMA SOJERA PIEDZ?VOJUMI 5 HAKLBERIJA FINA PIEDZ?VOJUMI 173 MACKOVA JOLANTA. Marks Tvens — locis dz?ves up? 397 Koment?ri 405spr?d??a bibliot?ka9. s?jumsMarks Tvens TOMA SOJERA PIEDZ?VOJUMI HAKLBERIJA FINA PIEDZ?VOJUMI...
It’s hard to fall in love with an earnest, appealing young hero like Harry Potter and then to watch helplessly as he steps into terrible danger! And in J. K. Rowling’s , the much anticipated sequel to the award-winning , he is in terrible danger indeed. As if it’s not bad enough that after a long summer with the horrid Dursleys he is thwarted in his attempts to hop the train to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to begin his second year. But when his only transportation option is a magical flying car, it is just ...
For most children, summer vacation is something to look forward to. But not for our 13-year-old hero, who’s forced to spend his summers with an aunt, uncle, and cousin who detest him. The third book in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series catapults into action when the young wizard “accidentally” causes the Dursleys’ dreadful visitor Aunt Marge to inflate like a monstrous balloon and drift up to the ceiling. Fearing punishment from Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon (and from officials at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry who strictly forbid students to cast spells in the nonmagic ...
In , J. K. Rowling offers up equal parts danger and delight—and any number of dragons, house-elves, and death-defying challenges. Now 14, her orphan hero has only two more weeks with his Muggle relatives before returning to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Yet one night a vision harrowing enough to make his lightning-bolt-shaped scar burn has Harry on edge and contacting his godfather-in-hiding, Sirius Black. Happily, the prospect of attending the season’s premier sporting event, the Quidditch World Cup, is enough to make Harry momentarily forget that Lord Voldemort and his sinister familiars—the Death Eaters—are out ...
As his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry approaches, 15-year-old Harry Potter is in full-blown adolescence, complete with regular outbursts of rage, a nearly debilitating crush, and the blooming of a powerful sense of rebellion. It’s been yet another infuriating and boring summer with the despicable Dursleys, this time with minimal contact from our hero’s non-Muggle friends from school. Harry is feeling especially edgy at the lack of news from the magic world, wondering when the freshly revived evil Lord Voldemort will strike. Returning to Hogwarts will be a relief… or will it?...
The long-awaited, eagerly anticipated, arguably over-hyped has arrived, and the question on the minds of kids, adults, fans, and skeptics alike is, “Is it worth the hype?” The answer, luckily, is simple: yep. A magnificent spectacle more than worth the price of admission, will blow you away. However, given that so much has gone into protecting the secrets of the book (including armored trucks and injunctions), don’t expect any spoilers in this review. It’s much more fun not knowing what’s coming—and in the case of Rowling’s delicious sixth book, you don’t want to ...
Readers beware. The brilliant, breathtaking conclusion to J. K. Rowling’s spellbinding series is not for the faint of heart—such revelations, battles, and betrayals await in that no fan will make it to the end unscathed. Luckily, Rowling has prepped loyal readers for the end of her series by doling out increasingly dark and dangerous tales of magic and mystery, shot through with lessons about honor and contempt, love and loss, and right and wrong. Fear not, you will find no spoilers in our review—to tell the plot would ruin the journey, and is an odyssey the ...
Since it was first published in 1987, the story of thirteen-year-old Brian Robeson's survival following a plane crash has become a modern classic. Stranded in the desolate wilderness, Brian uses his instincts and his hatchet to stay alive for fifty-four harrowing days.This twentieth-anniversary edition of contains a new introduction and sidebar commentary by Gary Paulsen, written especially for this volume. Drew Willis's detailed pen-and-ink illustrations complement the descriptions in the text and add a new dimension to the book. This handsome edition of the Newbery Honor book will be treasured by fans as well as by readers encountering Brian's unforgettable story for the first time.
Im M?rchen haben Hexen immer alberne schwarze H?te auf, tragen schwarze Umh?nge und reiten auf dem Besen. Diese Geschichte ist jedoch kein M?rchen. Sie handelt von echten Hexen... echte Hexen tragen ganz normale Kleider und sehen auch wie ganz normale Frauen aus. Sie wohnen in normalen H?usern, und sie ?ben ganz normale Berufe aus. Deshalb ist es so schwer, sie zu erwischen.»
Luis Sep?lveda, a quien el p?blico de lengua espa?ola ya conoce bien, tiene dos hijos muy j?venes, a quienes llama «mis enanos» y a quienes prometi? un d?a escribir una historia acerca de lo mal que gestionamos los humanos nuestro propio entorno, lesionando la naturaleza, que nos brinda tantos bienes, y de paso autolesion?ndonos sin piedad. As? naci? Historia de una gaviota y del gato que le ense?? a volar, que cuenta las aventuras de Zorbas, un gato «grande, negro y gordo», cuyo inquebrantable sentido del honor le conduce un d?a a ...