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Книги 46676—46700 из 51942.
  • Life During Wartime
  • Shepard Lucius
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • ‘Richly peopled, highly literate, and brilliantly drawn… [Lucius Shepard is] one of the finest science fiction writers of all time’.Science Fiction Chronicle.In the jungles of Guatemala, David Mingolla is struggling to survive amongst the rotting vegetation and his despairing fellow foot soldiers. He knows he is nothing but an expendable pawn in an endless war. On R & R a few miles away from the warzone he meets Debora—an enigmatic young woman who may be working for the enemy—and stumbles into a deadly psychic conflict where the mind is the greatest weapon.

  • Life, the Universe and Everything
  • Adams Douglas
  • Жанр: Юмористическая фантастика
  • After adapting his Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy scripts from the BBC radio series into two successful novels, author Douglas Adams reshaped a rejected "Doctor Who" script he'd written into this third novel in the original trilogy. Reluctant space traveler Arthur Dent finds himself drawn into a race to save the universe from the people of Krikkit, who, upon discovering that they're not alone in the universe, set out to destroy it.In consequence of a number of stunning catastrophies, Arthur Dent is surprised to find himself living in a hideously miserable cave on prehistoric Earth. However, just as he thinks that things cannot possibly get any worse, they suddenly do. He discovers that the Galaxy is not only mind-bogglingly big and bewildering, but also that most of the things that happen in it are staggeringly unfair.

  • Harrison M.
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • marks that fine writer M John Harrison's first return to the heartland of SF--including spaceships and hair-raising interstellar chases--since his apocalyptic anti-space opera (1975). The heavy SF action begins in 2400. Space-going humanity is the latest of many civilizations to be baffled by the impenetrable Kefahuchi Tract; that vast stellar region where an unshielded singularity makes physics itself unreliable. Along its accessible fringe, the "Beach", solar systems are littered with crazy, abandoned devices used to probe the Tract since before life began on Earth. A whole dead-end culture is based on beachcombing this rubble of industrial archaeology... 25th-century characters ...

  • Lightspeed: Year One
  • Adams John
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Lightspeed (www.lightspeedmagazine.com) is the critically-acclaimed, online science fiction magazine edited by bestselling anthologist John Joseph Adams. Lightspeed publishes all types of science fiction, from near-future, sociological soft sf, to far-future, star-spanning hard sf, and anything and everything in between. Each month, Lightspeed features a mix of originals and reprints, from a variety of authors - from the bestsellers and award-winners you already know to the best new voices you haven''t heard of yet. Now, in Lightspeed: Year One, you will find all of the fiction published in Lightspeed''s first year, from new stories such as Nebula Award finalists, Vylar Kaftan''s "I''m Alive, I Love You, I''ll See You in Reno" and "Arvies" by Adam-Troy Castro, and Carrie Vaughn''s Hugo Award-nominee "Amaryllis," to classic reprints by Stephen King, Ursula K. Le Guin, George R. R. Martin, and more.

  • Lila The Werewolf
  • Beagle Peter
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • The author of A. and , a pair of the very best fantasy novels of our time, Peter S. Beagle has written only two fantasy short stories of which "Lila the Werewolf" is the best, a contemporary classic. Beagle is a musician, a script writer, and a literary descendant of the fantasist Robert Nathan. Like Avram Davidson, he is an urban fantasist of wit and perception; a lover of animals who knows their personalities; a writer with a flair for characterization that raises him to the very top rank of contemporary writers who choose the fantastic as their metier. And his New York setting vibrates with authenticity, though it has been twenty years since dogs have been so common in the city. This is not a story about love.

  • Lilith: A Snake in the Grass
  • Chalker Jack
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Somewhere, from among the four human-settled worlds of the Warden Diamond, hostile aliens were spying on Earth. But no agent could be sent to investigate and report back; a symbiont invaded all life forms and destroyed any form of machinery. That called for extraordinary means. One agent was chosen, then four men were stripped of their own minds and personalities, and his was imposed upon them. hooked up properly, he could then receive their reports, without ever leaving safe territory. Each man was assigned one world to conquer. His mission was first to find the Overlord of that world and kill him, then to take over his link with the aliens. Of course all this must be done with no help beyond his own naked ability.

  • Lilith: W?? w trawie
  • Chalker Jack
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Gdzie? z daleka, spo?r?d czterech zasiedlonych przez ludzi ?wiat?w Rombu Wardena, wroga cz?owiekowi rasa szpiegowa?a Ziemi?. Nie mo?na jednak by?o wys?a? tam agenta. Podr?? do ?wiat?w Wardena by?a bowiem podr??? bez mo?liwo?ci powrotu. ?yj?cy tam mikroskopijny symbiont przedostawa? si? do wn?trza ka?dego ?ywego organizmu, uniemo?liwiaj?c mu tym samym ?ycie poza systemem Wardena.Nale?a?o wi?c zastosowa? ?rodki nadzwyczjne. Wybrano jednego agenta, a czterech innych odarto z ich umys??w i osobowo?ci, narzucaj?c im umys? i osobowo?? tego ...

  • Lilja I Goram
  • Sandemo Margit
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Stra?nik Goram ma do wykonania wa?ne zadanie w Ma?ym Madrycie, zwanym inaczej miastem nieprzystosowanych. M?oda dziewczyna, Lilia, prosi mianowicie o pomoc dla swego siedmioletniego kuzyna, Silasa, kt?ry jest bardzo ?le traktowany i w rodzinnym domu, i w szkole. Tymczasem wys?annikom Kr?lestwa ?wiat?a udaje si? wyl?dowa? poza terytorium G?r Czarnych, ale dalsza droga do domu wydaje si? znacznie trudniejsza ni? kiedykolwiek przedtem…

  • Limes Inferior
  • Zajdel Janusz
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • I ty mo?esz znale?? si? po drugiej stronie zera!?P?ki KLUCZ w gar?ci, w sercu nadzieja?. P???wiatek Argolandu: lifterzy, downerzy, hieny, zdziercy? W absurdalnym, sztucznie wykreowanym ?wiecie Argolandu nic nie jest tym, czym si? z pozoru wydaje. Drobny kombinator, dzi?ki sprytowi inteligencji, dochodzi do szczyt?w w?adzy i odkrywa, ?e jego kraj jest koloni? sterowan? przez Obcych, kt?rzy narzucili mu ustr?j wzorowany na modelu stan?w atomowych. Kasta tzw. nadzerowc?w pr?buje zminimalizowa? skutki interwencji naje?d?c?w. Sztandarowa powie?? Janusza A. Zajdla, tw?rcy nurtu fantastyki socjologicznej w Polsce. G??wny bohater, Adi Cherryson, alias Sneer, wzorowany jest na postaci kolegi po pi?rze, Adamie Wi?niewskim-Snergu. Stanis?aw Lem uzna? Limes interior za najorgynalniejsz? polsk? powie?? SF, jak? czyta?.

  • Limpero delloscuro
  • Williamson Jack
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Forse i nostri lontani antenati erano venuti dallo spazio cosmico; forse, agli albori della storia, la terribile magia che dominava il mondo, fino alle Colonne d’Ercole e al lontano Catai, era un segreto venuto dall’infinito. Da mille anni Minosse, sovrano di Creta, dominava il mondo, con l’aiuto di Dedalo l’artificiere e di Talos, il gigante di bronzo. Solo Teseo, l’eroe greco che impugnava una spada fatta di metallo piovuto dal cielo, poteva sfidare l’impero di Cnosso e il cupo Labirinto! Jack Williamson, docente universitario di letteratura inglese, titolare di cattedra all’Universit? di New Mexico, e ha istituito un corso universitario dedicato alla letteratura fantascientifica. I suoi romanzi di fantascienza e di fantasy sono considerati pietre miliari nella storia della science-fiction moderna: «L’impero dell’Oscuro» ?, con «La Legione del tempo», «Il figlio delta notte», «Gli Umanoidi» e «The legion of space», uno dei pi? famosi capolavori.

  • Lincantesimo dei druidi
  • Kerr Katharine
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Rhodry e Jill sono impegnati in una missione ai limiti dell’impossibile, nonostante l’aiuto del potente druido Nevyn. Essi infatti intendono salvare il paese di Deverry dalle mire dei negromanti di Annwyn, l’oscura fratellanza che vuole impadronirsi della regione, ma l’unica speranza di realizzare quest’obiettivo consiste nel convincere gli uomini e gli elfi ad unire le loro forze. Come vincere una diffidenza e una ostilit? che si sono consolidate nei secoli? Come convincere le due razze ad accantonare i mille motivi di contrasto che il tempo ha creato? Come se non bastasse i maghi di Annwyn conoscono i piani di Rhodry e Jill e sono gi? pronti a contrastarli con qualunque mezzo. Basteranno l’astuzia e i poteri di Nevyn a sconvolgere i loro diabolici schemi e a salvare il regno di Deverry?

  • Lincubo sul fondo
  • Leinster Murray
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • I romanzi di Wiliam F. Jenkins, alias Murray Leinster, promettono fin dal titolo fantascienza, tutta fantascienza, niente altro che fantascienza. E chi ne ha letto anche uno solo (dei diciotto pubblicati in Urania dal n. 1 a oggi) sa che cosa significa per questo scrittore mantenere una promessa cos? allettante. Leinster non si ingombra di alti significati filosofici, non teorizza, non predica, non profetizza, non si impegna per nessuna buona o cattiva causa presente o futura. Leinster va dritto al suo scopo, che ? di sbattere subito e con tutta naturalezza i suoi personaggi nella pi? fantastica, mostruosa, allucinante delle situazioni, per poi lasciarli l? a sbrogliarsi realisticamente da soli contro, per esempio, la cieca violenza di un nemico alieno che si annida nel fondo del Pacifico…

  • Line War
  • Asher Neal
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • The Polity is under attack from a melded AI entity with control of the lethal Jain technology, yet the attack seems to have no coherence.When one of Erebuss wormships kills millions on the world of Klurhammon, a high-tech agricultural world of no real tactical significance, agent Ian Cormac is sent to investigate, though he is secretly struggling to control a new ability no human being possess…and beginning to question the motives of his AI masters.Further attacks and seemingly indiscriminate slaughter ensue, but only serve to bring some of the most dangerous individuals in the ...

  • Linea calda Ophiucus
  • Varley John
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Lilo era morta, processata, condannata, suicidata. Ma era anche viva. Anzi, c’erano molte Lilo...Negli anni della dispersione dell’umanit? sugli altri pianeti del sistema solare, dopo che gli Invasori ebbero conquistato la Terra, la clonazione era un sistema di sicurezza ormai comune. Clonazione, ovvero riproduzione di un essere umano completo di personalit? e memoria, una tecnica rivelata attraverso misteriose trasmissioni provenienti dallo spazio, la Linea Calda Ophiucus, appunto. Nessuno sapeva come e perch? quelle trasmissioni avvenissero, ma tutti applicavano entusiasticamente la nuova tecnica. Eppure la donazione era anche un pericolo terribile. E quando venne nelle mani ...

  • Linger
  • Стифватер Мэгги
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • In , Grace and Sam found each other. Now, in , they must fight to be together. For Grace, this means defying her parents and keeping a very dangerous secret about her own well-being. For Sam, this means grappling with his werewolf past . . . and figuring out a way to survive into the future. Add into the mix a new wolf named Cole, whose own past has the potential to destroy the whole pack. And Isabel, who already lost her brother to the wolves . . . and is nonetheless drawn to Cole. At turns harrowing and euphoric, is a spellbinding love story that explores both sides of love—the light and the dark, the warm and the cold—in a way you will never forget.