• Аннотация:Взгляд на события с точки зрения инженера-технолога ВПК. Описание организации промышленного производства оружия ибоеприпасов из подножного сырья в предельно примитивных условиях.В качестве личного огнестрела, для всех попаданцев, выбран револьвер "Наган" обр. 1895 года. Собираюсь подробно растолковать, почему эта немудрящая машинка полвека стояла навооружении самой воюющей страны мира, победно прошла две мировые войны и целых сто лет победно служила нашим спортсменам.
Seria utrzymana w stylu sagi Zmierzch.Akcja rozgrywa si? w ?rodowisku ameryka?skich nastolatk?w naznaczonych wampiryzmem, ucz?szczaj?cych do specjalnej szko?y, pozwalaj?cej im zdoby? kwalifikacje doros?ego wampira.Pocz?tkuj?ca wampirzyca, Zoey Redbird, trafia do szko?y Domu Nocy. To tu b?dzie musia?a przej?? nieodzown? Przemian?, by zdoby? kwalifikacje doros?ego wampira.Pomimo pocz?tkowych trudno?ci, przyzwyczaja si? do nadprzyrodzonych zdolno?ci, jakimi obdarzy?a j? Nyx, Bogini Wampir?w, i coraz lepiej wchodzi w rol? nowej przyw?dczyni C?r Ciemno?ci. I co najwa?niejsze – zaczyna ...
Contro la stupidaggine, neanche gli Dei possono nulla. Questo pessimistico giudizio che Friedrich von Schiller pronunci? nel 1802 ? all’origine del pi? felice evento dell’anno fantascientifico 1972: il ritorno di Isaac Asimov al romanzo, dopo quasi quindici anni in cui non aveva pi? scritto che racconti. Il giudizio di Schiller ha infatti fornito ad Asimov:a) lo spunto e il titolo del romanzo stesso;b) la base per la scoperta del Pu 186, strabiliante isotopo al plutonio;c) lo strumento indispensabile per l’esplorazione del Para-Universod) la possibilit? di modificare ottimisticamentele prospettive del nostro Universo (e di tutti gli altri Universi in cui dominano gli imbecilli) mediante l’aggiunta di un semplice punto interrogativo: Contro la stupidaggine neanche gli Dei possono nulla?Vincitore del premio Nebula per il miglior romanzo in 1972.Vincitore del premio Hugo per il miglior romanzo in 1973.
En las remotas monta?as del norte de Asia, un guerrero desaparece, una estudiante es asesinada y un eminente paleont?logo norteamericano se esfuma sin dejar rastro. Para la oscura instituci?n responsable de la investigaci?n todo esto son indicios de que algo ha salido mal en la m?s extraordinaria expedici?n jam?s llevada a cabo.Matt Mattison y Susan Arnot, antiguos alumnos del profesor desaparecido, ex amantes y en la actualidad rivales acad?micos, aceptar?n la misi?n de encontrar a su viejo tutor de Harvard y el secreto que ?l ansiaba descubrir: ...
Spanning over twenty years, 20 masters and modern authors of hardcore horror share their most bad-ass stories in this special edition from Comet Press. Many hard to find and out of print, some that were banned, Necro Files covers every imaginable mode of mayhem including serial killers, necrophilia, cannibals, werewolves, zombies, sex fetishes, psychopaths, snuff, occult, and more stories that dial into the dark side of human nature.
Joe Gibson is a washed-up alcoholic rock star, an ex-rebel who's now nothing but an embarrassment. When the TV starts sending him messages one night, he's inclined to write it off as no more than a bad case of DTs. Fortunately for Joe, the TV messages are followed up by a visit from a representative of the Nine, a shadowy council of mystics and seers, who warns Joe that he's on a voodoo hitlist. Thus begins a chaotic interdimensional chase, in which Gibson confronts ; psychic interference; UFOs; a very hip, and very scary, demon called Yancey Slide; and the ultimate transdimensional threat – Necrom itself. A precursor to the thoroughgoing non-realism of his later book, , sees Farren making playful use of some of the wilder jetsam of theosophy and parapsychology to drive an excellent thriller.
DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES…Except to Harry Keogh, Necroscope. And what they tell him is horrifying.In the Balkan mountains of Rumania, a terrible evil is growing. Long buried in hallowed ground, bound by earth and silver, the master vampire schemes and plots. Trapped in unlife, neither dead nor living, Thibor Ferenczy hungers for freedom and revenge.The vampire's human tool is Boris Dragosani, part of a super-secret Soviet spy agency. Dragosani is an avid pupil, eager to plumb the depthless evil of the vampire's mind. Ferenczy teaches Dragosani the awful skills of the necromancer, gives him the ability to rip secrets from the mind and bodies of the dead.Dragosani works not for Ferenczy's freedom but world domination. he will rule the world with knowledge raped from the dead.His only opponent: Harry Koegh, champion of the dead and the living.To protect Harry, the dead will do anything-even rise from their graves!
Only Harry Keogh, prisoner of the metaphysical Mobius Continuum, can stop the vampire Yulian Bodescu. Harry Keogh is a necroscope — he knows the thoughts of corpses in their graves. Unfortunately for Harry, his talent works both ways. Death is not the end of life, Harry Keogh discovered — and not the end of his battle against the terrible evil of vampires. In a secluded English village, Yulian Bodescu plots his takeover of the world. Imbued with a vampire's powers before his birth, Bodescu rules men's minds and bodies with supernatural ease. He is secretly creating an army of vampiric monsters, ...
A new vampire stalks the earth, and only Harry Keogh can defeat him!The silence of the grave is not silent at all. In their millions, the dead are screaming…but no one can hear them!Atop a perilous cliff, deep in the Balkan mountains, rises the castle of the Ferenczy. Once it was a stronghold of the Vamphyri…and now it will be so again, for Janos Ferenczy, vampire and black magician, has risen from his ages-long sleep. Powerful and evil, Janos conjures dead men and women into a semblance of life and subjects them to ...
There's a maniacal murderer on the loose, brutally slaughtering young women with a ferocity that rivals that of vampires Harry Koegh has spent his life combatting. The Necroscope's been asked to solve the crimes...asked by the dead spirits of the madman's victims.Harry cannot turn down a request from the dead...even if it costs him his soul. In the climactic battle with the vampires, mankind prevailed and purged the vampires from earth--thanks to Harry, his team of psychically-gifted spies, and Faethor Ferenczy, long-dead 'father' of the world's vampires, who betrayed his own kind.But Harry's alliance with Faethor has a terrible cost--Harry's very humanity is under attack from the vampire evil coiled in his mind!
Zara collects phobias the way other high school girls collect lipsticks. Little wonder, since life’s been pretty rough so far. Her father left, her stepfather just died, and her mother’s pretty much checked out. Now Zara’s living with her grandmother in sleepy, cold Maine so that she stays “safe.” Zara doesn’t think she’s in danger; she thinks her mother can’t deal. Wrong. Turns out that guy she sees everywhere, the one leaving trails of gold glitter, isn’t a figment of her imagination. He’s a pixie — and not the cute, lovable kind with wings. He’s the kind who has dreadful, uncontrollable needs. And he’s trailing Zara.
Two alien races lived under a single sun, someplace across the galaxy, sharing their world… sharing life itself. For they lived together in a partnership more perfect than any other known to the intelligences of the galaxy. Together, the two races became one, each deriving from the other that which made him greater than his individual self. Host and symbiote, they lived together, shared together… two bodies in one. For the one race was symbiotic, amorphous, able to enter the body of the other.Then one symbiote turned Criminal, and his race could not rest until he was tracked down. But the Criminal could hide in any living thing… and on Earth there were over two billion humans alone!HAL CLEMENT blends a masterpiece of science fiction with a story of pure detection to produce his best novel, and one of the most famous s-f novels of the past quarter-century.
With more than 12 million books in print, rights sold in almost 40 countries, and over two years on the bestseller list, the House of Night series is an international publishing sensation. Now, the excitement continues as the Cast mother-daughter duo shares the back stories of a few of the House of Night's most important — and mysterious — characters.In the third House of Night novella, the secret history we've all been waiting for is finally revealed... Neferet, the Tulsa House of Night's darkly seductive High Priestess, wasn't always a powerful vampyre, but she has always been beautiful. Raised in turn-of-the-century ...
Aaron nie jest z?ym ch?opakiem. Po prostu jest inny… Osierocony w dzieci?stwie, porywczy i sk?onny do niezrozumia?ych zachowa?. Samotnik i outsider. Po latach tu?aczki znalaz? wreszcie swoje miejsce w domu Toma i Lori Stanley. Teraz stara si? ?y? tak samo jak inni ludzie.Ale nie jest cz?owiekiem.W wigili? osiemnastych urodzin zaczyna ?ni?. Widzi pole bitwy, chaos, powalane kurzem zbroje, wzniesione miecze. Krew. S?yszy szcz?k broni, nienawistne okrzyki, j?ki konaj?cych.I ?opot ogromnych skrzyde? przys?aniaj?cych burzowe niebo.Zrodzony z anio?a i ?...
Drugi tom cyklu „Temeraire” — niezwyk?ego po??czenia fantasy i powie?ci historycznych z czas?w napoleo?skich.Kapitan Laurence i Temeraire, nowicjusze w brytyjskim Korpusie Powietrznym, odegrali decyduj?c? rol? w bitwie pod Dover, przyczyniaj?c si? do odparcia francuskiej inwazji. Niestety, wkr?tce wpadaj? w k?opoty. Kiedy Chi?czycy dowiaduj? si?, ?e Temeraire — niezwykle rzadki smok, kt?rego podarowali Napoleonowi — dosta? si? w r?ce Anglik?w, wysy?aj? do Londynu gotow? na wszystko delegacj?, aby go odzyska?. Laurence jednak odmawia wsp??pracy. Za niepos?usze?stwo grozi mu szubienica, wi?c wbrew w?asnej woli musi wyruszy? z Temeraire’em w d?ug? i niebezpieczn? podr?? na Daleki Wsch?d. Na dworze chi?skiego cesarza czekaj? go jeszcze bardziej szokuj?ce niespodzianki…
Nada es como parece cuando se estrellan los sue?os y la realidad.Huyendo de sus agresores por callejones abandonados, Thomas Hunter apenas se escapa y?ndose al techo de un edificio. Luego una bala silenciosa de la noche roza su cabeza… y su mundo se vuelve negro. De la negrura surge la asombrosa realidad de otro mundo, un mundo donde domina el mal. Un mundo en el que Thomas Hunter se enamora de una mujer hermosa. Pero luego se acuerda del sue?o en el que lo persegu?an por un callej?n mientras extiende su mano para tocar la sangre en su cabeza.? ?D?nde termina el sue?o y comienza la realidad? Cada vez que se queda dormido en un mundo, se despierta en otro. Pero en ambos, le aguarda un desastre catastr?fico… quiz?s incluso sea causado por ?l.