In this Discworld installment, Death comes to Mort with an offer he can't refuse – especially since being, well, dead isn't compulsory. As Death's apprentice, he'll have free board and lodging, use of the company horse, and he won't need time off for family funerals. The position is everything Mort thought he'd ever wanted, until he discovers that this perfect job can be a killer on his love life.
A Hal?l kiskertj?ben ?ld?g?lt, ?s a kasz?j?t ?lezte. Az m?r olyan ?les volt, hogy m?g a k?sza szell?ket is egyetlen mozdulattal k?t meglepett fuvallatra v?gta sz?t, b?r a k?sza szell?k nem voltak k?l?n?sebben gyakoriak a Hal?l cs?ndes kertj?ben. A kert egy v?dett fenns?kon ter?lt el, amely a korongvil?g komplex dimenzi?ira n?zett, s m?g?tte az ?r?kk?val?s?g hideg, zord, n?ma ?s elk?peszt?en magas hegyei ...
The great Traction City lumbers after a small town, eager to strip its prey of all assets and move on. Resources on the Great Hunting Ground that once was Europe are so limited that mobile cities must consume one another to survive, a practice known as Municipal Darwinism. Tom, an apprentice in the Guild of Historians, saves his hero, Head Historian Thaddeus Valentine, from a murder attempt by the mysterious Hester Shaw — only to find himself thrown from the city and stranded with Hester in the Out Country. As they struggle to follow the tracks of the city, the sinister plans of London’s leaders begin to unfold…
These fourteen science fiction stories reveal Lem’s fascination with artificial intelligence and demonstrate just how surprisingly human sentient machines can be.“Astonishing is not too strong a word for these tales”(Wall Street Journal). Translated and with an Introduction by Michael Kandel.
Il romanzo tratta dell’imbarbarimento della societ? in seguito al diffondersi del virus Chung-Li, il quale colpisce e distrugge irrimediabilmente tutti i tipi di quella che sinteticamente e definita “erba”, in dettaglio tutte le piante erbacee appartenenti alla famiglia delle , tra cui il comune foraggio erbaceo da graminacee, il mais, il miglio, il sorgo, la segale, l’orzo, il riso ed il grano, causando cos? la lotta globale per l’accaparramento delle scorte alimentari. Il protagonista del romanzo combatte per raggiungere la valle del fratello che rappresenta la salvezza, dove contro l’ottimismo delle autorit? mondiali e la distruzione ...
Il pavimento del mondo ? increspato come il fondale di un oceano. Il sole al tramonto inchiostra d’ombra violetta ogni increspatura. Le dune riempiono il mondo fino agli orli. E su questo pianeta che non ? la Terra, un uomo insegue l’amsir, la grande bestia alata, per ucciderla. Perch? gli uomini hanno sempre fatto cosi, da che il tempo ? iniziato all’ombra della Spina. Ma per Honor White Jackson qualcosa cambia all’improvviso: l’amsir parla, e scaglia dardi. Forse, allora, la realt? non ? soltanto quella di cui ha sempre parlato l’Anziano... Cosi inizia Morte dell’utopia, uno dei romanzi pi? originali, magici e inquietanti della fantascienza moderna, scritto da un maestro del genere, Algis Budrys.
Morty traverse les champs en courant ; il mouline des bras et s’?gosille comme un beau diable. Non. M?me ?a, m?me effrayer les oiseaux pillards, il n’est pas fichu de s’en tirer proprement.Son p?re, au d?sespoir, l’observe depuis le muret de pierres.« Il manque pas de coeur, fait-il ? l’oncle Hamesh.— Ah, dame, c’est le reste qu’il a pas. »Et pourtant un destin hors du commun attend Mortimer. Car ? la foire ? l’embauche, LA MORT l’emporte sur son cheval Bigadin.Il faut dire que LA MORT a d?cid? de faire la vie ; et l’assistance d’un commis dans son labeur quotidien lui permettrait des loisirs. Mais... est-ce bien raisonnable ?Avec, comme toujours, un sc?nario qui d?coiffe, une distribution prestigieuse et, peut-?tre, peut-?tre, une exceptionnelle apparition de l’illustre Rincevent.
Mortimer, detto Morty, non ha le idee chiarissime su quel che vuol fare da grande. Almeno fin quando non diventa l’apprendista di un insolito maestro: la Morte, proprio quella con la falce, in persona. Una volta appurato, con notevole sollievo, di non dover essere necessariamente morto per poter svolgere il lavoro, Morty si appassiona alla nuova «materia», anche se ben presto scoprir? che essere apprendista della Morte non ? poi cos? romantico e affascinante come sembrava… Pericoli e sfide terribili lo attendono, forse troppo grandi anche per lui, il predestinato.Il primo romanzo del «sottociclo» del Morte.
Wys?annicy z Kr?lestwa ?wiat?a mieli przed sob? dwa wa?ne zadania: odnale?? Berengari? i M?riego, a tak?e unieszkodliwi? Lenore i Talornina, kt?rzy ich uprowadzili. Armas nie m?g? si? doczeka?, kiedy ju? wreszcie b?dzie si? p?awi? w mi?o?ci i podziwie Berengarii, lecz nie dostrzega? b?lu w oczach Lisy. Za? nie?miertelny Marco, bez kt?rego nie daliby sobie rady, chodzi? roztargniony, bo po raz pierwszy w swym nieprawdopodobnie d?ugim ?yciu si? zakocha?…
The first short story collection by award-winning author Ekaterina Sedia!One of the more resonant voices to emerge in recent years, this Russian-born author explores the edge between the mundane and fantastical in tales inspired by her homeland as well as worldwide folkloric traditions.With foreword by World Fantasy Award-winner Jeffrey Ford, showcases singular and lyrical writing that will appeal to fans of slipstream and magical realism, as well as those interested in the uncanny and Russian history.
The fifth and final volume in the humorous SF series that began with THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY is somewhat darker than its predecessors. The Earthman Arthur Dent spends years selling genetic material in exchange for travel to various parallel universes in search of somewhere vaguely resembling his home planet. When he finally settles (actually, crash lands) on a backwater planet, his pleasant new career as tribal sandwich-maker is interrupted by the arrival of his daughter, Random–the result of those many, many sales of his DNA. Meanwhile, Arthur's friend Ford Prefect discovers that the happy-go-lucky executives of his employer, the publishers of THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY, have been replaced by a frighteningly grim and worryingly familiar new management team. His plot to disturb their business plan puts him once again into Arthur's path...with devastating results.
A brilliant physicist and the daughter of one of Mars’ oldest colonizing families — both involved in the student uprising of 2171 — see the revolution take a dramatic, unexpected turn.Won Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1994.Nominated for Hugo, Locus, and John F. Campbell Memorial Awards in 1994.
Cameras roll - which means the imps inside have to paint really fast - in the fantastic Discworld when the alchemists discover the magic of the silver screen.But what is the dark secret of Holy Wood hill?As the alien clich's of Tinsel Town pour into the world, it's up to the Disc's first film stars to find out...THRILL as Victor Tugelbend ("Can't sing. Can't dance. Can handle a sword a little") and Theda Withel ("I come from a little town you've probably never even heard of") battle the forces of evil and cinema advertising...SCREAM as Gaspode the Wonder Dog nearly saves the day...EAT POPCORN as you watch the filming of "Blown Away", the oddest Civil War picture ever made...A Passionate Saga Set Against the Background of a World Gone Mad!This Will Amaze You!With a Thousand Elephants!("And afterwards, why not dine at Harga's House of Ribs, for the best in international cuisine; only two minutes from this book...")