A Korongvil?g alkimist?i felfedezt?k az ez?stv?szon var?zslat?t. Vajon mily s?t?t titkot rejteget a Holivud domb?Viktor Tugelbendre („Nem tudok ?nekelni. Nem tudok t?ncolni. Valamennyire tudom forgatni a kardot.”) ?s Theda Withelre („Egy olyan kicsinyke falub?l j?ttem, hogy val?sz?n?leg m?g soha nem hallott?l r?la”) v?r a feladat, hogy kider?tse…
Knowledge is expanding exponentially, as humanity fills the galaxy and then some. But advances in physics (which Draper describes in fictional mathematical terms) are able to keep up with the storage problem, until all of human knowledge, for all time to come, is packed into one drawer. Of course, there is one wee problem. Retrieval is ultimately macroscopic. And so the indexes grow. And when they get miniaturized, the indexes to the indexes grow. And so on, which then leads to a higher-order index of the iterated indexes, and then so on again. All this is spelled out in some detail. The neverending recursion, while threatening to grow to Ackermann-like proportions, is still manageable. But when a spontaneously generated G?delian self-reference is discovered in the indexing system, the whole lbry, and with it all of human civilization, collapses overnight. . . By
Corazon Ferreira is a jaded woman. Turns out she was a vampire's mate in a past life. And no matter how distractingly gorgeous he is, she just can't get the image of him killing someone out of her head. But when her life depends on him, Corazon's going to have to stop overthinking things-and start trusting her heart...
Muero por dentro es un cl?sico de referencia y una de las m?s inspiradas historias de su autor: en ella aborda un tema tan cl?sico como es la telepat?a de manera sutil, ahondando en el lado oscuro del ser humano, rebosa soledad, devastaci?n interior y sensibilidad. Nombrado para el premio Nebula a la mejor novela en 1972.Nombrado para el premio Hugo a la mejor novela en 1973.Nombrado para el premio Locus en 1973.
Word on the streets is don't mess with the Lords. The Saxon Lords kill for cigarette money and rule the New York ghettos with fear. Even the cops stay off their turf. But one man can't stay away when he reads about the brutal beating of an old woman in broad daylight. Remo Williams, the Destroyer, goes hunting for punks. Stalking the slums with Chiun, master Sinanju assassin, Remo starts his own program of urban renewal. The Big Apple will never be the same.
el tipo (yasutaka tsutsui) q nos induce a un estado imaginario poco comun dentro de los cuentos q he leido la historia basicamente trata de un escritor frustado q a su esposa la enterraron convirtiendola en un arbol (au, si es bien ficcionero)por conspirar contra el gobierno.
Muminteta memu?ri Tuve JansoneTroll??a Mumina t?tis ir uzrakst?jis memu?rus. ?? ir gr?mata par vi?a v?traino jaun?bu, kad dronti bija daudz liel?ki, negaisi b?stam?ki un saule silt?ka nek? tagad. Sav? verand? Muminielej? t?tis atceras savus draugus Bezlikumu Kolonij?, vi?u da?da??dos ce?ojumos un varenus sv?tkus pasaul?, kur viss ir iesp?jams. Varb?t vi?? ir mazliet p?rsp?l?jis, bet tas j?dara, lai gr?mata b?tu saisto?a …MUMINTRO??U BIBLIOT?K? las?mas ??das gr?...
El descubrimiento de un mundo hueco que orbita alrededor de una lejana estrella desencadena una tremenda lucha entre la humanidad y otras dos razas en plena expansi?n imperialista: los titerotes, cobardes e intrigantes, y los kzinti, guerreros feroces. Hasta la misma Tierra se ve amenazada, y s?lo el desparpajo y la suerte incre?ble de la protagonista femenina, que es el centro de la acci?n, permiten conducir la lucha… a un inesperado desenlace. El lector siempre puede contar con Larry Niven para refrescarse con un relato de ciencia-ficci?n heroica al estilo cl?sico, franqueando distancias inconcebibles, desafiando leyes f?sicas y gozando con las especulaciones de una imaginaci?n desbordada.
Los personajes constitu?an la tribu m?s avanzada del planeta. Viv?an en inmundos palacios de madera, viajaban en barco y ten?an, aunque rudimentarios, algunos conocimientos cient?ficos. Jason se despoj? de sus pieles mugrientas y apestosas y propuso a Ijale, una esclava, que hiciera lo mismo con las suyas. Todo un mundo primitivo, con fuerza y principios salvajes; una civilizaci?n rudimentaria y unos personajes impetuosos y diab?licos, absorben la atenci?n del lector a trav?s de las p?ginas de MUNDO MUERTO una de las mejores obras del gran autor Harry Harrison.
«A Vuestros Cuerpos Dispersos», «El Fabuloso Barco Fluvial», «El Oscuro Designio» y «El Laberinto M?gico» constituyen los cuatro vol?menes de una de las series mas famosas de la literatura mundial de ciencia ficci?n: El Mundo del R?o.El mundo imaginado por Philip Jos? Farmer es un mundo cruzado por un ?nico y caudaloso r?o que lo atraviesa de parte a parte y cuya fuente es desconocida, y al que van a parar todos los seres muertos sobre la Tierra y, resucitados por una desconocida y extra?a entidad con prop?sitos ignorados, en ...
The Robler Clinic is getting a reputation for too many deaths during routine operations. A gorgeous female administrator, Ms. Kathy Hahl, is discovering a profitable little racket, and her tame anaesthetist, Dan Demmet, is playing along nicely. When timid mother-dominated Nathan David Wilberforce - a subject of special interest to CURE - comes to a premature death at the clinic, Remo and Chiun decide it is time to infiltrate... And it is Remo who books in as the 'patient' - exposing him to the rare and deadly ageing drug.
An army of renegade cops across the country have been assigned the task of squashing criminal cockroaches under their boots. It's a dirty job and the White House entrusts it to only one man - The Destroyer. Between Master Chiun's exquisite sense of justice and Remo Williams' knack for murder, they are ready to bring justice to town once and for all.
MUTANTS-59 PLASTMASU ?D?JSKITS PEDLERS DZERIJS DEIVISSIZDEVNIEC?BA «ZIN?TNE» R?GA 1976KIT PEDLER AND GERRY D?VISMUTANT 59:THE PLASTIC EATERNEW YORK, THE VIKING PRESS, 1972К. ПедлеР' Д ' Дейвис МУТАНТ-59, ПОЖИРАТЕЛЬ ПЛАСТМАСС Серия «В мире фантастики»' Издательство «Зинатне» Рига 1976На латышском языкеKits Pedlers, D?erijs Deivjj MUTANTS — 59, PLASTMASU ?D?JSПеревод с английского 3. И н е с и с а Художник М. Р и к м а и е Послесловие Е. ПарноваNo ang?u valodas tulkojis Z. Inesis M?ksliniece M.Rikmane P?cv?rda autors J. ParnovsRedaktors O. Jansons. M?K4IIBlM4 M. Ui .mclne. Maksll 'redaktors G. Krutojs. Tehn. redaktore M. Andersone. Korektore L. Btahmane.Nodota salik?anai 1975. g. 29. septembr?. Parakst?ta ...
Belzagor: un mondo misterioso, un pianeta preistorico immerso in un clima tropicale di vapori fumanti e di giungle intricate e abitato dai Nildoror, una razza indigena di esseri intelligenti simili ad elefanti, asserviti e schiavizzati dai terrestri durante i giorni dell’imperialismo interstellare, ma ora finalmente di nuovo liberi. Mentre i Nildoror attendono pazientemente la partenza delle ultime colonie umane, Edmund Gundersen, un tempo agente della Compagnia che aveva sottomesso gli abitanti del pianeta, e detentore del potere di vita e di morte, ritorna su questo strano mondo spinto da un intimo senso di colpa e dal desiderio di ...
After a life altering event, the Earth is transformed into an inhospitable host to every living thing on it. Some humans have survived in subterranean shelters, while others have been transformed by their unforgiving environment above ground. One group fosters the hope of optimism for a new and better future, the other looks no further than the daily harsh reality of survival. Can both groups co-exist? Or will fear of the unknown, distrust, and the necessity to work together foster the competitive spirit of men to once again adopt the attitude of dominating one another for the benefit of the few?
Inne dzieci dostawa?y w prezencie cymba?ki. Susan musia?a tylko prosi? dziadka, ?eby zdj?? kamizelk?…Tak. Ma ?mier? w rodzinie.Trudno jest normalnie dorasta?, kiedy dziadek je?dzi na bia?ym koniu i dzier?y kos? — zw?aszcza gdy trzeba przej?? rodzinny interes, a jedyny pomocnik m?wi tylko po szczurzemu.A ju? szczeg?lnie wtedy, kiedy ma si? do czynienia z now?, uzale?niaj?c? muzyk?, kt?ra pojawi?a si? w ?wiecie Dysku.Jest bezprawna. I zmienia ludzi.Nazywana jest „Muzyk? z wykrokiem”.Ma rytm i mo?na przy niej ta?czy?, ale…Jest… ?ywa.I nie chce ucichn??.
Jedna z najs?ynniejszych antyutopii, pierwowz?r Huxleya i Orwella — jest niew?tpliwie najwi?kszym dzie?em Eugeniusza Zamiatina. Ukazuje ona groteskow? i gro?n? wizj? pa?stwa i spo?ecze?stwa totalitarnego, w kt?rym ?ycie obywateli pozbawionych nazwisk jest uregulowane w spos?b wydumany, maj?cy rzekomo zapewni? ca?kowity porz?dek, harmonie i szcz??cie.
What newly married couple doesn't dream of a romantic retreat where they can escape the world for a while—but what happens when supernatural forces intrude on their wedded bliss?Nine of today's hottest paranormal authors answer that question in this all-star collection of supernatural stories. Can a vampire-hunter enjoy her honeymoon when she's just learned that her new hubby is a werewolf? How can newlyweds focus on their wedding night when their honeymoon suite is haunted by feuding ghosts? And what's a wizard to do when a gruesome monster kidnaps the bride on her way home from the wedding?With so much otherworldly mayhem awaiting our newlyweds, will they ever get around to the honeymoon itself? Find out in...