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Книги 47451—47475 из 51942.

  • Nocny Patrol
  • ?ukjanienko Siergiej
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Wsp??czesna Moskwa. Trwa tysi?cletni rozejm mi?dzy si?ami Ciemno?ci i ?wiat?a. Ka?da ze stron w ramach Wielkiego Traktatu powo?a?a do ?ycia organa stoj?ce na stra?y porz?dku. Tytu?owy „Nocny Patrol” obserwuje poczynania si? Ciemno?ci, by dzia?a?y one zgodnie z traktatem. W ten sam spos?b pracuje „Dzienny Patrol”, pilnuj?cy, aby dobro nie rozprzestrzenia?o si? na ?wiat. Status quo zostanie utrzymany, p?ki kt?ra? ze stron nie obejmie znacz?cej przewagi lub nie z?amie warunk?w porozumienia. W sam ?rodek „wojny” wrzucony zostaje ?wie?o upieczony stra?nik „Nocnego Patrolu” – Antoni. Nie zdaje sobie sprawy, ?e jego udzia? b?dzie znacz?cy w ko?cowym rozrachunku mi?dzy si?ami Ciemno?ci i ?wiat?a.

  • Noise
  • Clement Hal
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Hal Clement, the dean of hard science fiction, has written a new planetary adventure in the tradition of his classic . It is the kind of story that made his reputation as a meticulous designer of otherworldly settings that are utterly convincing because they are constructed from the ground up using established principles of orbital mechanics, geology, chemistry, biology, and other sciences.Kainui is one of a pair of double planets circling a pair of binary stars. Mike Hoani has come there to study the language of the colonists, to analyze its evolution in the years since settlement. But ...

  • Non mordere il sole
  • Lee Tanith
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Esiste una citt? dove l’utopia si ? realizzata. Pu? essere un paradiso, per una vita lunghissima, un paradiso nel quale ognuno ? curato e accudito da robot perfetti, dove ogni giovane ? jang, e pu? fare tutto quello che vuole… suicidarsi per un numero infinito di volte, cambiare il proprio corpo, cambiare sesso, giocare con la vita e avere tutto a disposizione. Ma c’? una persona, in questa citt?, che non riesce a trovare la felicit? in questo genere di vita. Prevalentemente donna, giovane e irresistibile, vive la propria esistenza tra mille inquietudini, insieme ai suoi compagni e alle sue compagne. ...

  • Non-Stop
  • Aldiss Brian
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Curiosity was discouraged in the Greene tribe. Its members lived out their lives in cramped Quarters, hacking away at the encroaching ponics. As to where they were—that was forgotten. Roy Complain decides to find out. With the renegade priest Marapper, he moves into unmapped territory, where they make a series of discoveries which turn their universe upside-down… Non-Stop is the classic SF novel of discovery and exploration; a brilliant evocation of a familiar setting seen through the eyes of a primitive.

  • Northern Storm
  • McKenna Juliet
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • The Aldabreshin Archipelago has been ravaged by war, its fragile alliances sundered by new enemies, enemies wielding forbidden elemental magic and spreading terror throughout the scattered southern realm. Warlord Daish Kheda has vowed to reclaim his people's land but in the process loses his own kingdom, is exiled from his family and is forced to journey north to seek answers. The wizard Dev has pledged to assist Daish, hungry to discover the secrets of this powerful dark magic. This causes turmoil among Dev's northern countrymen, leading to a political battle where strength in magic is key to the highest rank of all.

  • Northstar Rising
  • Axler James
  • Жанр: Боевая фантастика
  • A generation after a global nuclear catastrophe, Minnesota is a steamy tropical environment of lush plants and horrifically mutated insects.Emerging torn and battered after a triple jump through the gateways, Ryan Cawdor and his band of post-holocaust survivors discover an abandoned cyronics complex — a doomed fantasy begun a century before in a world far away from Deathlands. Dr. Mildred Wyeth is successfully revived from subzero suspended animation and joins the team of warrior survivalists.In the jungles of Minnesota, the group discovers yet another freakish legacy of a world gone hideously wrong: Vikings.In the Deathlands, the past and the future are clashing with frightening force.

  • Nosotros
  • Zamiatin Yevgueni
  • Жанр: Социальная фантастика
  • En una ciudad de cristal y acero del Estado ?nico, separada por un muro del mundo salvaje, la vida transcurre sometida a la inflexible autoridad del Bienhechor: los hombres-n?mero trabajan con horarios fijos, siempre a la vista de todos, sin vida privada: el “yo” ha dejado lugar al “nosotros”. El narrador de este diario ?ntimo, D-503, es el constructor de una nave interestelar que deber? llevar al universo “el bienaventurado yugo de la raz?n”. Pero se enamora: el amor equivale a la rebeli?n, y el instinto sexual al deseo de libertad. Aunque, tras extirparle a ...

  • Nostra Signora delle Tenebre
  • Leiber Fritz
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • ? una agghiacciante fantasy urbana, ambientata nella metropolis di San Francisco. Ma anche la modernissima San Francisco, con le sue colline, la sua baia assolata e i suoi grattacieli altissimi e rilucenti, pu? diventare il regno del terrore quando strane ombre cominciano ad aggirarsi furtive tra i caseggiati.Per Franz Westen, vedovo, scrittore di racconti del soprannaturale per la televisione, l’incubo comincia all’improvviso, quando, una notte, si affaccia alla finestra del suo appartamento per scrutare con il binocolo le luci della citt? ed ? testimone di una scena inquietante: l?, sulla cima di Corona Heights, la solitaria ed ...