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Книги 47551—47575 из 51942.

  • Old Mans War
  • Scalzi John
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • John Perry did two things on his 75th birthday. First he visited his wife's grave. Then he joined the army. The good news is that humanity finally made it into interstellar space. The bad news is that planets fit to live on are scarce—and alien races willing to fight us for them are common. So: we fight. To defend Earth, and to stake our own claim to planetary real estate. Far from Earth, the war has been going on for decades: brutal, bloody, unyielding. Earth itself is a backwater. The bulk of humanity's resources are in the ...

  • Olvidado Rey Gud?
  • Matute Ana
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Olvidado rey Gud? narra el nacimiento y expansi?n del Reino de Olar, en una historia donde se habla de la p?rdida de la inocencia, la atracci?n y el miedo hacia lo desconocido, el placer de la conquista, el amor, el dolor, la memoria, y sobre todo, el olvido.El universo fant?stico de Matute nos introduce en una historia largu?sima sobre traiciones, hijos ileg?timos, desamores y pasiones desconocidas. Un rey incapaz de amar es el centro de esta saga dram?tica, con pocas concesiones a la ternura o la esperanza. He ah? la mayor baza de la novela, la forma en que retrata la educaci?n y la falta de afecto hacia los hijos. Un relato cruel con parricidios, asesinatos y huidas, todo entremezclado en una narraci?n densa a la vez que f?cil de seguir, hasta el obligado e inexorable final.

  • Olympos
  • Simmons Dan
  • Жанр: Эпическая фантастика
  • Helen of Troy is in mourning for her dead husband, Paris. Killed in single combat with the merciless Apollo. His body a scorched and blasted thing. Hockenberry, her lover, still sneaks from her bed after their nights of lovemaking. And the Gods still strike out from the besieged Olympos. Their single-molecule bomb casings quantum phase-shifting through the moravecs' force shield and laying waste to Ilium. Or so Hockenberry and the amusing little metal creature, Mahnmut, have tried to explain to her. Helen of Troy does not give a fig about machines. She must dress for the funeral. And man and the gods and the unknown players in this tragedy must prepare for the final act. And a battle that will decide the future of the universe itself.

  • Ombre del male
  • Leiber Fritz
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • Questo romanzo di uno dei «padri» della fantascienza, Fritz Leiber, assume oggi una modernit? sconcertante, perch? ha saputo esprimere nel modo pi? netto i dubbi e le perplessit? dell’uomo contemporaneo di fronte a delle realt? che paiono inspiegabili. La scienza «ufficiale» riesce a giustificare compiutamente tutti i fatti che vediamo accadere intorno a noi? Forse molte risposte dovrebbero essere cercate in una conoscenza pi? antica e dimenticata, che poneva come chiave di volta dell’universo i poteri indefiniti della mente umana. Met? della razza umana, si chiede Fritz Leiber, pratica ancora, attivamente, le arti arcane? Forse tutte le ...

  • Ombre sulla Luna
  • Clarke Arthur
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Questo affascinante racconto scritto da uno dei migliori e pi? noti autori di fantascienza si svolge tutto sulla Luna, in un’epoca — tra due secoli — nella quale i viaggi spaziali avranno superato il primo stadio, e gi? l’uomo avr? fondato le sue colonie sui pianeti del Sistema Solare. Come ora fra le nazioni della Terra, cos? domani fra la Terra e la Federazione dei pianeti si verranno inevitabilmente a creare situazioni passibili di sfociare in un conflitto armato. Ombre sulla Luna ci narra appunto come e perch? la guerra ebbe luogo, quali ne furono le cause, e quali conseguenze ebbe... o meglio, avr?. E la descrizione ? talmente vivida, accurata, poggiata su solide basi scientifiche, da dare l’?mpressione di leggere una cronaca vera, di eventi veri, di uomini veri. E la Luna ci appare accessibile e familiare nella sua realt?. Arthur Clarke, l’indimenticabile autore di Sabbie di Marte, ? tornato!

  • On a Pale Horse
  • Anthony Piers
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • When Zane shot Death, he learned, too late, that he would have to assume his place, speeding over the world riding his pale horse, and ending the lives of others. Sooner than he would have thought possible, Zane found himself being drawn to Satan's plot. Already the Prince of Evil was forging a trap in which Zane must act to destroy Luna, the woman he loved…unless he could discover the only way out….The first novel of the INCARNATIONS OF IMMORTALITY series.

  • On Patrol
  • Lem Stanislaw
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Pilot Pirx is an astronaut, a fresh-faced physical powerhouse, but no genius. His superiors send him on the most dangerous missions, either because he is expendable, or because they trust his bumbling ability to survive in almost any habitat or dilemma. Follow Pirx now through a world of hyper-technology and super-psychology from his early days as a hopelessly inept cadet soloing with a pair of sex-crazed horseflies… to a farside moon station built by bickering madmen… to a chase through space after a deadly sphere of light… to an encounter with a mossy old robot whose programming has slipped.

  • On The Beach
  • Shute Nevil
  • Жанр: Постапокалипсис
  • Nevil Shute's "On The Beach" is a classic for good reason. Shute takes the most horrific event one can imagine—a worldwide nuclear event—and then turns the microscope on it, focusing in on just a few ordinary people who must wait for death as it drifts over to their hemisphere. We see military personnel, housewives, businessmen, and more. They come alive because they are just like you and me and the people next door.Shute's very great accomplishment here is to examine how each of the characters deals with their certain death. Everyone knows they'll die eventually; ...

  • On the Oceans of Eternity
  • Stirling S.
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • In the bestselling Island in the Sea of Time, 20th-century Nantucket was inexplicably hurled back to the Bronze Age. In the sequel, Against the Tide of Years, the villainous renegade William Walker introduced muskets, cannon, and other deadly anachronisms to Odysseus's Greece, making himself king and positioning himself to overthrow the democratic Republic of Nantucket and destroy his archenemy, Commodore Marian Alston. Now, in the trilogy's rousing conclusion, On the Oceans of Eternity, Walker's powerful army conquers Troy and invades Babylon, Nantucket's last great ally, as Walker's blood brother, the king of Tartessos, blocks Commodore Alston's Nantucket navy at the straits of Gibraltar. If Nantucket's tiny forces cannot defeat Walker's army and allies, the world will be plunged into a Dark Age bleaker and more devastating than any known in our history.