Whom the gods would recruit, they first tick off...Our Hero: The unlikely Paladin, Bahzell Bahnakson of the Horse Stealer Hradani. He's no knight in shining armor. He's a hradani, a race known for their uncontrollable rages, bloodthirsty tendencies, and inability to maintain civilized conduct. None of the other Five Races of man like the hradani. Besides his ethnic burden, Bahzell has problems of his own to deal with: a violated hostage bond, a vengeful prince, a price on his head. He doesn't want to mess with anybody else's problems, let alone a god's. Let alone the War God's! So how does he end up a thousand leagues from home, neck-deep in political intrigue, assassins, demons, psionicists, evil sorcery, white sorcery, dark gods, good gods, bad poets, greedy landlords, and most of Bortalik Bay? Well, it's all the War God's fault....
This book is not exactly a part of the other two. Only the last story "OathBlood" follows up where the last two lead off. This is a collection of stories written by different authors. It is very good. One of my favorites is the first one entitled, "Sword-sworn." This tells the story of how Tarma became Sworn to the Goddess and how she met up with Kethry the Adept-trained sorceress. I recommend reading this book, it is very good. It is interesting to see how other authors try and write about Mercedes Lackey's world
~This wold be too long if I were to put my descriptions up. I would also give away parts of the book which I don't want to because this book is very good. So I will put the actual descriptions up- The one's on the back cover of the book~The SwordsWoman- She was Tarma. Born to the Clan of the Hawk of the nomadic Shin'a'in people, she saw her entire clan slain by brigands. Vowing blood revenge upon the murderers, she became one of the Sword-Sworn, the most elite of all warriors. And trained in all forms ...
Tarma and Kethry's long-term goals are to settle back at Tale'sedrin and build mage schools. Tarma, being Goddess-Sworn, cannot have children. But Kethry, who is Tarma's Sworn Oath-Sister is now part of the Tale'sedrin clan; through her, the clan with live on. Anyways--- They are now with a mercenary company known as the SunHawks. The leader of this company captain Idra. Idra, who was a princess of Rethwellan, went home in search of a magical sword. Her two brothers were trying to decide who should become the new King; This legendary magical sword would reveal who it should be. But something's wrong and Idra doesn't return. Being Sisters of Sword and Spell, Tarma and Kethry had long-ago made a Goddess-Sworn oath to fight against evil. They cannot forget this bond and so they set forth towards Rethwellan to fight the evil that is possessing that land.
L'agente Flinx e il fedele minidrago Pip, chiss? come, hanno la strana abitudine di trovarsi in mezzo a pericoli di ogni tipo, situazioni disperate o colossali intrighi da un angolo all'altro del Commonwealth Galattico; cos?, quando s'imbattono in una giovane donna che giace priva di sensi sulla riva di un fiume nella fitta giungla di Alaspin, Flinx non ? molto sorpreso. E non si stupisce neppure di apprendere che la donna, Clarity Held, ? in realt? una brillante scienziata, rapita chiss? per quali motivi da un remoto avamposto sull'inospitale pianeta Longtunnel. Non c'? nulla di male nel prestare qualche attenzione a ...
Popularita seri?lu Nadace, galaktick? kroniky obrovsk?ho Imp?ria, p?im?la jeho tv?rce k naps?n? dal??ch t?ech p??b?h?, kter? jsou jeho sou??st?. Prvn?m z nich je OBL?ZEKNA OBLOZE Po letech v?boj? zavr?il Trantor svoje ?sil?, kdy? vybudoval Galaktick? imp?rium. Ovl?dl v?ech 200 milion? obydlen?ch planet galaxie — a? na jedinou.Malou, zapadlou planetu jm?nem Zem?, na n?? lid? snili mytick?, trpk? sny o sv? velk? minulosti…
Planeta Hydros jest w ca?o?ci pokryta wod?. Mo?na na niej zamieszka?, ale nie da si? jej ju? potem opu?ci?, bowiem nie ma l?du, na kt?rym m?g?by l?dowa? statek kosmiczny. Na sztucznej wyspie schronienie znalaz?a niewielka kolonia Ziemian, oraz osiedle rodzimych mieszka?c?w Hydros. Niesprzyj?j?cy zbieg okoliczno?ci zmusza ludzi do wyprawy na fllotylli statk?w w poszukiwaniu p??legendarnnego l?du...
Nareszcie Tiril ma szans? na spotkanie ze sw? nieznan? matk?. Ale czy ksi??na zaakceptuje islandzkiego czarnoksi??nika? M?ri pragnie poj?? Tiril za ?on?, czuje jednak, ?e nie ma do tego prawa. Tylko jego niewidzialni towarzysze z krainy zimnych cieni mog? mu pom?c w podj?ciu decyzji.Jednocze?nie obojgu zagra?a nieznana moc. Oblicze z?a powoli wy?ania si? z mroku…
En un futuro no demasiado lejano, un peque?o grupo de cient?ficos e historiadores dedican sus horas a estudiar el pasado con una nueva m?quina de observaci?n a trav?s del tiempo, la TruSite II.Por desgracia su mundo es un lugar tr?gico: la especie humana ha quedado reducida a una poblaci?n de menos de mil millones de personas tras un siglo de guerras y plagas, de sequ?a, de inundaciones y de hambrunas. Ha habido demasiadas extinciones, demasiada tierra ha quedado envenenada y bald?a. La gente que sobrevive lucha por renovar ...
A causa de la Contracci?n de Fitzgerald, el viajero del espacio no pod?a volver a vivir normalmente en la Tierra. Sus viajes duraban a?os terrestre pero, para los tripulantes de las naves s?lo significaban semanas. Cuando regresaban a la Tierra, todo era diferente. Tuvieron que fundar una comunidad de hombres del espacio y convertir sus naves en su ?nico hogar.Sin embargo, no todos los astronautas estaban satisfechos de su existencia. A Allan Donell le gustaba el espacio y era feliz en su nave, pero su hermano gemelo, Steve, hab?a desertado. El hecho ...
Starting over sucks. When we moved to West Virginia right before my senior year, I'd pretty much resigned myself to thick accents, dodgy internet access, and a whole lot of boring…. until I spotted my hot neighbor, with his looming height and eerie green eyes. Things were looking up. And then he opened his mouth. Daemon is infuriating. Arrogant. Stab-worthy. We do not get along. At all. But when a stranger attacks me and Daemon literally freezes time with a wave of his hand, well, something…unexpected happens. The hot alien living next door marks me. You heard me. Alien. Turns out Daemon and his sister have a galaxy of enemies wanting to steal their abilities, and Daemon's touch has me lit up like the Vegas Strip. The only way I'm getting out of this alive is by sticking close to Daemon until my alien mojo fades. If I don't kill him first, that is.
Anita Blake, vampire hunter, has dealt with — and destroyed — a lot of monsters, but her old mentor, Edward, may be worse than any of them. Edward's got problems: a malevolent force is mutilating the citizens of Albuquerque. If he is to stop it he'll need all of Anita's firepower and cunning.
Two hundred years after the closing of the energy Curtain that allowed interplanetary travel—cutting off all contact to Earth—the planet Harmony is thriving. Thanks to an abundant supply of amber, which powers not only electrical machines for everyday use but also psychic abilities in the colonists, Harmony has created a stable, progressive community. But when that stability is threatened, resolving an ancient family feud and a fresh lover's quarrel might be the planet's only hope.Three months ago, Lyra Dore suffered a heartbreak and a hostile takeover—both at the hands of the same man. A ...
Na planet? Sarak? p?istane pr?zkumn? kosmick? plavidlo ze Zem?. Jeho pos?dku tvo?? jedin? mu?, mlad?k jm?nem Maxim Kammerer. Povol?n?m je progresor, tedy ?lov?k, kter? zkoum? v?voj jednotliv?ch objeven?ch civilizac? a pokud je to mo?n?, sna?? se do tohoto v?voje citliv? zas?hnout tak, aby se ona civilizace vyhnula katastrof?m, jak?mi museli ve sv?ch d?jin?ch proj?t Pozem??an?. Jeho lo? je v?ak okam?it? po p?ist?n? zni?ena a on se ocit? s?m na sv?t?, kter? je ovl?d?n celoplanet?rn?m ??lenstv?m. Brat?i Struga?t? se zkr?tka tak? v Obydlen?m ostrov? zab?vaj? svou obl?benou my?lenkou opr?vn?nosti v?vozu revoluce ?i t?eba jen intelektu?ln? zku?enosti. A tak je Maxim na konci rom?nu p?ekvapen, ?e jeho po??n?n? na Sarak?i ani zdaleka nebylo tak spr?vn? a v po??dku, jak si po celou dobu s?m p?edstavoval.
Un magnifico, suggestivo ritratto di una civilt? aliena su un mondo alieno (inabitabile per i terrestri), e delle straordinarie possibilit? e risultati dei tentativi di comunicazione tra due mentalit? mutualmente esclusive.Vincitore del premio Hugo per il miglior racconto in 1978.
Before Larten Crepsley was a vampire general…Before he was Darren Shan's master…Before the War of Scars… Larten Crepsley was a teenager. And he was sick of the pomp and circumstance of fusty old vampires telling him what to do. Taking off on his own with his blood brother, Wester, Larten takes off into the world to see what his newly blooded vampire status can get him in the human world. Sucking all he can out of humanity, Larten stumbles into a violent, hedonistic lifestyle, where cheats beckon, power corrupts, and enemies are waiting. This is his story.
P?epracovan? vyd?n? trilogie, jej?? d?j se odehr?v? v nep??li? vzd?len? budoucnosti, kdy cesty do vesm?ru jsou u? sice ka?dodenn? z?le?itost?, ale p?ece jen je je?t? dost planet ?lov?kem dosud neprob?dan?ch, tak?e cesta na n? sk?t? mnoho ne?ekan?ch p?ekvapen? a mo?nost? pro uplatn?n? zv?davosti a state?nosti lidsk?ho ducha…Leif Severson, hlavn? hrdina prvn?ho d?lu, je ??astn?k Amundsenovy v?pravy, kter? roku 1928 zmrzl p?i dob?v?n? severn?ho p?lu. ...