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Книги 48076—48100 из 51942.
  • Punkt Einsteina
  • Delany Samuel
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Opuszczon? przez ludzi Ziemi? zasiedli?a humanoidalna rasa, usi?uj?ca upodobni? si? do swych poprzednik?w i prze?y? ich histori? na nowo. Przybysze ze czci? traktuj? pozostawione przez ludzi ?lady kultury i cywilizacji. W ich ?wiecie postaciami mitycznymi s? nie tylko Orfeusz i Chrystus, ale tak?e bohater Dzikiego Zachodu — Billy Kid oraz Beatlesi. Nag?a ?mier? ukochanej sprawia, ?e bohater powie?ci, Lobey, porzuca sw? idylliczn?, zagubion? w lasach wiosk? i wyrusza na w?dr?wk?, aby odnale?? i odzyska? utracon? mi?o??.

  • Pursuit
  • Mangels Andy
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • TV Series Placement: Post-Season 3VISIONS OF DANGERLiz, Max, Maria, Michael, and Kyle didn’t expect that when they left Roswell, their lives would suddenly become perfect. They were, after all, on the run from the FBI. But they certainly didn’t think things could get much worse. They’re learning how wrong they were. The FBI has tracked them via their email accounts and is hot on the group’s trail. It can only be a matter of time before they are apprehended.Meanwhile, in New York City, three alien Dupes are captured by the police. When the Feds ...

  • Pyramides
  • Pratchett Terry
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Car Teppicymon XXVII est mort et son fils va lui succ?der. Pas facile d’h?riter du tr?ne quand on est encore un ado et qu’on vient d’achever ses ?tudes ? la Guilde des Assassins…Vous voil? responsable du lever du soleil comme de l’abondance des r?coltes. Et les ennuis vous guettent : vaches grasses, vaches maigres (par 7, bien entendu), sphinx, pr?tres fanatiques, crocodiles sacr?s et momies vagabondes.Sans compter que la Grande Pyramide a pr?cipit? le royaume dans une faille spatiotemporelle.

  • Pyramidy
  • Pratchett Terry
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Nen? snadn? b?t faraonem v pubert?. Nesm?te s sebou nosit pen?ze, ovoce v?m loupaj? mlad? ?en?tiny nev?zan?ch mrav?, kdekdo si mysl?, ?e m??ete za to, ?e vych?z? slunce a kuku?ice roste. Neust?le se v?m zd? o sedmi huben?ch a sedmi tu?n?ch krav?ch, a k tomu v?emu je?t? d?ky parakosmick? nestabilit? vybuchne Velk? pyramida. Pak si je?t? mus?te poradit se v?emi t?mi vrahy, sfingami, d?ev?n?mi ko?mi, filozofy, svat?mi krokod?li, chod?c?mi mumiemi, drav?m stavitelem pyramid a s Hitem se sup? hlavou, kter? je bohem v?ech neo?ek?van? p??choz?ch. P?itom v?ecno, co byste opravdu cht?li, je ud?lat n?co pro mlad? lidi a starobyl? st?ed m?sta.

  • Quarantine
  • Burns Laura
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • TV Series Placement: Summer 2001 – Pre-Season 3There's a new corporation in town -- Meta-chem -- and Liz is psyched to land a scholarship program working in the lab. But when the giant pharmaceutical company creates a disease that accidentally infects the town, Liz is among the first to fall ill -- and, despite his powers, Max is unable to heal her. There's also a new girl in town, Sadie, who's come to Roswell searching for her half sister, who she believes is Maria. Maria doesn't know how to feel: what if she and Sadie do share a father? Maria hasn't seen him since she was seven years old, and she's not sure she wants to see him now. but when news of the quarantine breaks, Maria has no choice but to keep Sadie with her in town, all while trying to find out who is sick and whether anyone can be saved in time….

  • Quarantine
  • Egan Greg
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • It causes riots and religions. It has people dancing in the streets and leaping off skyscrapers. And it's all because of the impenetrable gray shield that slid into place around the solar system on the night of November 15, 2034.Some see the bubble as the revenge of an insane God. Some see it as justice. Some even see it as protection. But one thing is for certain — now there is the universe, and the earth. And never the twain shall meet.Or so it seems. Until a bio-enhanced PI named Nick Stavrianos takes on a job for an anonymous client: find a girl named Laura who disappeared from a mental institution by the most direct possible method — walking through the walls.

  • Quarter Share
  • Lowell Nathan
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • When his mother dies in a flitter crash, eighteen-year-old Ishmael Horatio Wang must find a job with the planet company or leave the system-and NerisCo isn't hiring. With credits running low, and prospects limited, he has just one hope…to enlist for two years with a deep space commercial freighter. Ishmael, who only rarely visited the Neris Orbital, and has never been off-planet alone before, finds himself part of an eclectic crew sailing a deep space leviathan between the stars.Join the crew of the SC Lois McKendrick, a Manchester built clipper as she sets solar sails in search of profit for her company and a crew each entitled to a share equal to their rating.

  • Queen of Candesce
  • Schroeder Karl
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Venera Fanning was last seen falling into nothingness at the end of . Now, in , Venera finds herself plunging through the air among the artificial worlds of Virga, far from home and her husband, who may or may not be alive. Landing in the ancient nation of Spyre, Venera encounters new enemies and new friends (or at least convenient allies). She must quickly learn who she can trust, and who she can manipulate in order to survive. Survival isn't her only goal; with the powerful Key of Candesce in her hands, she can control the fate of the entire world of Virga, yet something even more pressing is driving her—the all consuming need for revenge.

  • Queen of Dragons
  • Abe Shana
  • Жанр: Любовная фантастика
  • Hidden among the remote hills of eighteenth-century England lives a powerful clan of shape-shifters who've become the stuff of myths and legends. They are the dr?kon—supersensual creatures with the ability to Turn from human to smoke to dragon. Now a treacherous new enemy threatens to destroy their world of magic and glittering power.For centuries, they thought themselves alone at Darkfrith, but the arrival of a stunning letter from the Princess Maricara sent from the Carpathian Mountains of Transylvania suggests the existence of a lost tribe of dr?kon. It is a possibility that the Alpha ...

  • Queen of the Dead
  • Kade Stacey
  • Жанр: Юмористическая фантастика
  • After being sent back from the light, Alona Dare — former homecoming queen, current Queen of the Dead — finds herself doing something she never expected: working. Instead of spending days perfecting her tan by the pool (her typical summer routine when she was, you know,), Alona must now cater to the needs of other lost spirits. By her side for all of this — ugh — “helping of others” is Will Killian: social outcast, seer of the dead, and someone Alona cares about more than she’d like.Packed with romance, lovable characters, and a killer cliffhanger, is the out-of-this-world sequel to .