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Фантастика - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 48101—48125 из 51942.
  • Quest for Sex, Truth & Reality
  • Lee Edward
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • "The three stories in this chapbook are among my favorites of my stuff," Lee says. The stories are the intellectualized b-movie-like "The Seeker" and the Lieberesque "The Goddess of the New Dark Age," plus the potent existential porn piece, "Sex, Truth, & Reality" aka "Pay Me." The latter has never been reprinted, and was originally accepted in the early '80s by HUSTLER magazine, even to the point that Lee's manuscript was copy-edited and sent to the typesetter. "Jut my luck," Lee recalls. "Right before they were going to pay me something like 800 bucks," the fiction editor left the company and the story was rejected by his successor, said HUSTLER was no place for philosophical fiction. It's the only time I'm ever gotten a manuscript returned with copy-edit marks."

  • ?Qui?n?
  • Budrys Algis
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Los agentes del servicio secreto aliado quedaron muy sorprendidos cuando vieron al hombre acercarse a ellos desde la zona sovi?tica.Uno de sus brazos era de metal. Y donde la cabeza debiera haber estado, hab?a una c?pula de metal, sin facciones y amenazadora.Aquella grotesca figura era Martina, el cient?fico que hab?an estado reclamando y que los sovi?ticos les devolv?an ahora. Era el hombre que conoc?a el secreto de la m?s terrible arma jam?s ideada.? Pero era Martino?Si Martino hab?a muerto, entonces un esp?a sobrehumanamente inteligente y oculto tr?s un perfecto disfraz, iba a estar libre detr?s de las lineas aliadas.Y si era Martino, pero se hab?a pasado al bando sivi?tico, entonces era una aterradora amenaza. Porque de un solo golpe podr?a sabotear el proyecto de guerra de los aliados y destruir el equilibrio de poder?o mundial.

  • Quintana of Charyn
  • Marchetta Melina
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Separated from the girl he loves and has sworn to protect, Froi and his companions travel through Charyn searching for Quintana and building an army that will secure her unborn child’s right to rule. While in the valley between two kingdoms, Quintana of Charyn and Isaboe of Lumatere come face-to-face in a showdown that will result in heartbreak for one and power for the other. The complex tangle of bloodlines, politics, and love introduced in and coalesce into an engrossing climax in this final volume.

  • R?ckkehr zum Mars
  • Бова Бен
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • In ›Mars‹ schilderte Ben Bova die abenteuerliche Geschichte der ersten bemannten Mars-Mission.Nun, einige Jahre sp?ter, kehrt ein Team aus Astronauten, Ingenieuren und Wissenschaftlern zum sagenumwobenen Roten Planeten zur?ck. Geleitet wird diese Expedition von Jamie Waterman, der bereits auf der ersten Reise dabei war und auf dem Mars Spuren intelligenten Lebens entdeckt hatte. Er hat es sich zu seiner Aufgabe gemacht, das Geheimnis unseres Nachbarplaneten zu l?ften, und er w?rde alles daf?r hergeben — selbst sein eigenes Leben.

  • Komacu Sakje
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Sakje KomacuR?TDIENAS NOLAUP?T?JI FANTASTISKU DARBU KR?JUMSIZDEVNIEC?BA «ZIN?TNE» R?GA 1977'Fantastisku st?stu kr?jum? ietilpst:PamestieProjekts likumam par kuku??em?anu . . Dienu pirms bankrotaRok un rokD?mu ziediNezv?ru iznicin??anaIzaicin?jums augstumam«V?r?a galva»M?ness sv?tkiPasakaKad skumjas j?s m?c«Ziedu sv?tkiR?tdienas nolaup?t?ji . . .Сакё КомацуПОХИТИТЕЛИ ЗАВТРАШНЕГО ДНЯСерия «В мире фантастики» Издательство «Зннатне» Рига 1977 На латышском языке Перепел с русского Александр Плесум Художник Эвалдс Вилке Предисловие Д. Дубровского«R?tdienas nolaup?t?ji» ir pirmais Padomju ...

  • R?volte sur la Lune
  • Heinlein Robert
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Ils sont tous sur la Lune, les ind?sirables. Les fous, les truands, les contestataires, les d?viationnistes, les affreux, les anars, les petits et les gros pirates. Au milieu du XXIe si?cle. La Terre est communiste et n?o-stalinienne et les enfants de la Lune refusent de de s’aligner. Ils sont encore plus ? gauche. Et pr?ts ? r?pondre, avec l’aide de Mike, le super-ordinateur. Pr?ts ? riposter, ? coups de cailloux, Marx, plus Archim?de, plus David, plus quelques milliards de blocs-m?moires… C’est un autre octobre, demain…Traduction de Jacques de Tersac (1 ed. 1971) r?vis?e par Nadia Fisher en 2005.