They're here.They ride.The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.ROGUE RIDERJillian Cardiff came to this remote mountain town to forget the demon attack that almost killed her. Instead, she rescues--and falls for--a gorgeous stranger who has no memory of anything other than his name. Handsome, charming, and protective, Reseph seems like the kind of man whom Jillian can trust. But with hints of a troubling history of his own, he's also the kind of man who can be very dangerous . . . Reseph may not know why he mysteriously appeared in Jillian's life, but he knows he wants to stay. Yet when Jillian's neighbors are killed, and demon hunters arrive on the scene, Reseph fears that he's putting Jillian in danger. And once it's revealed that Reseph is also Pestilence, the Horseman responsible for ravaging the world, he and Jillian must face the greatest challenge of all: Can they forget the horrors of a chilling past to save the future they both desire?
Todo gira en torno a Thomas Hunter, un escritor de poco ?xito que sobrevive trabajando en el caf? Java Hut, en Denver. Pero su aparentemente mon?tona vida sufrir? un vuelvo radical cuando fuerzas desconocidas liberen un arma bacteriol?gica en la atm?sfera. Al final de la jornada, tres millones de personas ser?n portadoras del virus m?s letal que haya conocido la humanidad, y en s?lo un par de d?as habr? noventa millones de infectados.El punto es que no existe ninguna vacuna… pero extra?amente, la ?nica esperanza es Thomas Hunter. ?C?mo? ?Por qu?? ?l no lo sabe, pero su existencia amenaza importantes planes y por eso debe morir.
Wielki Brat Patrzy — to w?a?nie napisy tej tre?ci, w antyutopii Orwella krzycz?ce z plakat?w rozlepionych po ca?ym Londynie, natchn??y tw?rc?w telewizyjnego show „Big Brother”. Czy?by wraz z upadkiem komunizmu wielka, oskar?ycielska powie?? straci?a swoj? racj? bytu, staj?c si? zaledwie inspiracj? programu rozrywkowego? Nie. Bo ukazuje ?wiat, kt?ry zawsze mo?e powr?ci?. ?wiat pustych sklep?w, permanentnej wojny, jednej wiary. Klaustrofobiczny ?wiat Wielkiego Brata, w kt?rym ka?da sekunda ludzkiego ?ycia znajduje si? pod kontrol?, a dominuj?cym uczuciem jest strach. ?wiat, w kt?...
Roki? to zabawna opowie?? o znanym z ludowych poda? diable Rokicie, kt?ry straciwszy swoj? dziupl? w starej wierzbie, zamieszka? w mie?cie, w domu wsp??czesnej dziewczynki. Sympatyczny diabe?ek pope?nia wiele b??d?w, powoduje r??ne nieporozumienia, kt?re zawsze maj? efekt komiczny.
Canadian author Robert Sawyer once again presents likable characters facing big ethical dilemmas in this smoothly readable near-future SF novel. Astronomer Sarah Halifax, who translated the first message from aliens and helped prepare humanity’s response, is 87 when the second, encrypted message arrives 38 years later. To aid the decoding, a tycoon buys rejuvenation treatment for Sarah and Don, her husband of 60 years; however, only Don becomes young again. While coping with the physical indignities of old age, Sarah tries to figure out the puzzle of the second message. The bond between Don and Sarah continues, even while Don is ...
La fecha tradicional que los historiadores asignan a la fundaci?n de la ciudad de Roma es 753 a. C. Los historiadores romanos calculaban el tiempo a partir de ese hecho, designando tal o cual a?o o a. u. c. («desde la fundaci?n de la ciudad»). As? pues, el a?o 1 d. C. ser?a 754 a. u. c, 1000 d. C. ser?a 1753 a. u. c, 1492 d. C. ser?a 2245 a. u. c. y as? sucesivamente. Todas las fechas empleadas en este libro son a. u. c. y no deben confundirse con las fechas del sistema seguido en el ...
«Реальные шоу» наподобие «За стеклом», с плохой «картинкой» и «неотстроенным» звуком уже приедаются. Однажды придет день, когда в прямом эфире очередного «шоу» крупным планом покажут смерть – этакий новый виток в истории гладиаторских игрищ и рыцарских турниров... И до того, чтобы одеть насельников «заэкранья» в исторически (не)достоверные костюмы, останется один шаг. Техника недалекого будущего обеспечит в прямом эфире ракурсы и звуковые эффекты, достойные многомиллионного блокбастера. Кабельные сети перенесут сигнал на миллиарды жидкокристаллических экранов. Шоу может продолжаться годами, как телесериал, или завершиться в считанные дни: имеет значение только его рейтинг, «отбивающий» вложенные деньги. А для того, чтобы деньги были вложены, требуется подробный бизнес-план проекта, включающий, в частности, сценарную разработку, каковая и представлена ниже. Форма сценарной разработки традиционно может быть свободной.
Kiedy jeden z uczni?w Rooka zostaje zamordowany, a inny oskar?ony o zab?jstwo, tylko Jim jest w stanie rozpozna? prawdziwego morderc?. Jest nim wyznawca voodoo Umbr Jones. Pod gro?b? dalszych zab?jstw Jones zmusza Jima, by sta? si? jego emisariuszem. Z pomoc? swoich uczni?w Jim podejmuje walk? z szale?cem…
In the zombie-infested, post-apocalyptic America where Benny Imura lives, every teenager must find a job by the time they turn fifteen or get their rations cut in half. Benny doesn't want to apprentice as a zombie hunter with his boring older brother Tom, but he has no choice. He expects a tedious job whacking zoms for cash, but what he gets is a vocation that will teach him what it means to be human.
Jason Marshall learned the meaning of manhood and the power of women, both dominant and submissive, when he was kidnapped from Earth to the Counter-Earth called Gor. Winning his freedom, jason set out single-handed to win his own place onthat gloriously barbaric world won the other side of the sun. His intent was to find the girl whohad been enslaved with him. But that quest thrust him smack in the middle of the war that raged between Imperial Air and the Salerian Confederation — and the secret schemes of hte pirate armada that sought control of the mighty trading artery of the fighting cities.
Introducing Elder Seth, a modest and holy man. Not only is he the head of the Josephite Church but the President of the United States has just gifted him the entire state of Utah. Oh, and secretly he wants to open up a rift in space and time allowing daemons to pour through and consume the souls of every living thing on Earth.
Je n'?tais pas tr?s chaud pour partir en colonie de vacances dans le Sud-Est asiatique, mais on ne m'avait pas donn? le choix. Enfin, ? mon retour, j'avais une belle cicatrice toute neuve sur la figure et un billet de Sweepstake gagnant dans la poche gr?ce auquel j'ai rencontr? la plus belle sorci?re des Vingt Univers. C'est l? que mes ennuis ont commenc? : je me suis retrouv? dans un monde parall?le, ? pourchasser des rats gros comme des loups, des dragons cracheurs de feu (?videmment), et m?me un Ogre, tout en essayant d'?chapper aux Fant?mes ? Longues Cornes et autres Ecumeurs des Eaux Glac?es. Sans compter Celui-Qui-N'a-Jamais-Vu-Le-Jour et Celui-Qui-D?vore-Les-?mes. Et tout ?a pour r?cup?rer un oeuf de Ph?nix…Vous allez dire que je ne suis jamais content, mais vous ne croyez pas qu'il y a de quoi vous faire regretter notre bonne vieille Terre, Sud-Est asiatique ou pas ? Et encore, je ne vous raconte pas tout !
Джон ТОЛКИН Роверандом Перевод с английского Н. Шантырь В этой книге впервые на русском языке печатается произведение "Роверандом" Дж. Толкина, автора знаменитых книг "Хоббит", "Властелин Колец", "Сильмариллион" и других известных произведений. ...
Continuing in the tradition of her first book (Assassin's Apprentice) Hobb propels the Farseer saga into its second installment with irresistible plotting and memorable characters. Fitz is a trained assassin in the service of King Shrewd and also the king's illegitimate grandson. He is sworn to protect heir to the throne Prince Verity and Verity's new bride, but his task is complicated by an invasion of vicious barbarians who turn helpless captives into zombie-like Forged Ones. The home front is no safer, with an ailing King and usurpers to the throne waiting in the wings. Romance, sibling rivalry, battlefield ...
Summer break is over, and Raven is hardly eager to be returning to Dullsville High. Not only does school mean daily interaction with preppy pest Trevor Mitchell, but her sleep-filled days and romantic nights with her immortal boyfriend, Alexander, must come to an end. Plus the shock of morning classes isn't the only change in store. An unexpected letter turns up at Alexander's mansion-announcing his parents will be coming to town. And once they arrive, it seems just about everyone has had a sighting of the macabre couple except Raven. What could be delaying Alexander from introducing Raven to them? His strange distance leads Raven to think he must be hiding something about his parents' homecoming. When Raven is finally invited to the most thrilling and fear- provoking dinner party of her life, the next turn of events could transform her entire future with Alexander.
Ksi??ka opowiada o rozpadzie uk?adu totalitarnego, zbudowanego na strachu i sile militarnej imperium Shaa. Po ?mierci ostatniego dyktatora imperium przestalo istnie?. Ale dla wielorasowej zniewolonej rzeszy istot rozumnych wolno?? nie nadchodzi, pojawia si? natomiast nowy przera?aj?cy czynnik. Naksydzi — r?wnie? uciskani a? do ?mierci ostatniego Shaa — planuj? wype?ni? powsta?? pr??ni? w?asn? krwaw? dominacj?. S? bardzo pot??ni i ju? — dzi?ki niewyobra?alnemu okrucie?stwu i przewa?aj?cej sile — odnie?li mia?d??ce zwyci?stwo. Ale rze? przy Magarii prze?y?o dwoje bohater?w: Lord Gareth Martinez i ognista, ...
Prvn? kniha fantasy s?rie p??b?h? o Willovi a jeho p??tel?ch z hradu Redmontu.Will je na sv?j v?k mal?, ale zato je hbit? a neoby?ejn? bystr?. Cel? ?ivot snil o tom, ?e se stane slavn?m ryt??em jako otec, kter?ho nikdy nepoznal, ale do bojov? ?koly na hrad? Redmontu ho pro mal? vzr?st nep?ijmou. M?sto toho se dostane do u?en? k Haltovi, tajemn?mu hrani???i, jeho? z?hadnou schopnost neviditeln? se pohybovat lid? p?i??taj? ?ern? magii. Will se postupn? u?? pou??vat zbran? hrani???e: luk a ??py, ?edozelenou pl??t?nku a hou?evnat?ho mal?ho ponyho. A?koli Will nem? me? ani velk?ho kon?, po kter?ch tolik tou?il, zjist?, ?e dobr? hrani??? je pro kr?lovstv? stejn? d?le?it? jako slavn? ryt??. A kdy? se s Haltem vyd? na nebezpe?nou v?pravu do pustiny, aby vystopoval d?siv? tvory, kte?? se chystaj? zab?t kr?le, zjist? nakonec, ?e hrani???sk? zbran? nejsou tak ?patn?…