In this star-studded cross-genre anthology, seventeen of the greatest modern authors of fantasy, science fiction, and romance explore the borderlands of their genres with brand-new tales of ill-fated love. From zombie-infested woods in a postapocalyptic America to faery-haunted rural fields in eighteenth- century England, from the kingdoms of high fantasy to the alien world of a galaxy-spanning empire, these are stories of lovers who must struggle against the forces of magic and fate.Award-winning, bestselling author demonstrates why he’s one of the hottest stars in literature today with “The Thing About Cassandra,” a subtle but chilling story ...
In this star-studded cross-genre anthology, seventeen of the greatest modern authors of fantasy, science fiction, and romance explore the borderlands of their genres with brand-new tales of ill-fated love. From zombie-infested woods in a postapocalyptic America to faery-haunted rural fields in eighteenth- century England, from the kingdoms of high fantasy to the alien world of a galaxy-spanning empire, these are stories of lovers who must struggle against the forces of magic and fate. Award-winning, bestselling author Neil Gaiman demonstrates why he’s one of the hottest stars in literature today with “The Thing About Cassandra,” a subtle but ...
The evil Dark Baron has escaped and joined forces in the far North with the Master of the Dead to theaten all of Husaquahr with enslavement. Only Joe can stop them—but Joe is no longer quite himself. In fact, he’s not sure who he is!
Today, in order to honor the magnificent career of Jack Vance, one unparalleled in achievement and impact, GEORGE R.R. MARTIN and GARDNER DOZOIS, with the full cooperation of Jack Vance, his family, and his agents, suggest a Jack Vance tribute anthology called Songs of the Dying Earth, to encourage the best of today's fantasy writers to return to the unique and evocative milieu of The Dying Earth, from which they and so many others have drawn so much inspiration, to create their own brand-new adventures in the world of Jack Vance s greatest novel.Half a century ...
Lord of the Shadows 'Stephen King for kids! Darren Shan has brought his own brand of vampire mythology into the heads and hearts of thousands of children with his vivid and compelling series The Saga of Darren Shan, about one boy's journey from ordinary lad to vampire prince. Once they're hooked, kids tend to rip into the flesh of these books, quickly draining them of their life blood. The covers, with images of ghouls, creeping hands and dripping fangs are terrifying alone. ' Metro Life, Evening Standard Cirque Du Freak "!fast-paced and compelling book which leaves the reader hungry for more." JK Rowling "I read Cirque Du Freak last week. I loved it. I love the way you manage to juggle the funny with the unpleasant, the affection with the hurt. It's great story-telling." Roddy Doyle The Vampire's Assistant "The Vampire's Assistant blazes a thrilling, gruesome trail through a fascinating plot." The Good Book Guide Vampire Mountain "Get your teeth into it!" Funday Times
The aged Pontifex Prankipin is near death and the Coronal Lord Confalume will now succeed as Pontifex. It is no secret that the next Coronal should be Prince Prestimion of Muldemar. But Korsibar has a new quarry—the Starburst Crown.
Vingt ans apr?s Titan : Ga?a, l’univers-roue intelligent est devenu pour les Terriens un lieu de p?lerinage. Mettant ? leur service ses immenses pouvoirs, elle op?re des miracles.Mais encore faut-il les m?riter en faisant la preuve de son h?ro?sme… rude ?preuve pour Chris, l’adolescent timide, et Robin, l’intraitable et fougueuse amazone, qui se voient embarqu?s, bien malgr? eux, dans un tour de roue fertile en p?rip?ties, en compagnie de Gaby et Cirocco, promue « Sorci?re » et charg?e par Ga?a de mater ses r?gions rebelles.Mais qui sont les vrais ennemis ? Et qui sont les vrais h?ros ? Les surprises seront nombreuses au long du second volet de cette Divine Com?die (musicale) alliant la verve hom?rique au d?lire d’un Tex Avery.
NIKOLAJS GOGOLIS IZLASESORO?lNAS GADA TIRGUSLATVIJAS VALSTS IZDEVNIEC?BA 1948Tulk. J. Plaudis Noskann?jis gr?matu un FB2 failu izveidojis Imants Lo?melis
В книгу вошли двенадцать рассказов Агаты Кристи, объединенных в авторский сборник «Гончая смерти». Самый знаменитый рассказ сборника – «Свидетель обвинения» – был переделан в пьесу. Одноименный фильм-экранизация этого рассказа/пьесы был снят в 1957 году и считается одним из лучших детективных фильмов в истории кино. Главную роль в фильме исполнила великая Марлен Дитрих.
?wiat przysz?o?ci po zag?adzie nuklearnej — cywilizacja cofne?a si? o ca?e wieki.Spory zn?w rozwiazywane s? przez starcie w Kr?gu Walki — gdzie ka?dy mo?e dowie?? swojej racji pokonuj?c przeciwnika w uczciwym boju. Nie wszystko jest jednak takie jakie si? wydaje…Poznaj ludzi wybijaj?cych si? ponad szar? przeci?tno?c postapokaliptycznego ?wiata: Sos’a, Var’a i Neq’a. Mi?o?nicy Mad Maxa i Fallouta si? nie zawiod?…
Фантастика Мюррея Лейнстера — это увлекательные приключения, дерзко нарушающие законы времени и пространства, это межпланетные путешествия и великие открытия. На этой фантастике, знакомой российскому читателю еще с шестидесятых годов, поистине выросло несколько поколений поклонников классической научной фантастики, родоначальников которой и теперь помнят и любят все истинные ценители жанра.
Na Zem?plo?e, kter? je placat? a putuje vesm?rem na z?dech obrovsk? ?elvy, se najednou d?j? nep?edstaviteln? v?ci, nebo? do kr?lovsk? politiky se zam?chaly t?i m?stop??se?n? ?arod?jky — B?bi Zlopo?asn? (ta z ?aropr?vnosti) a jej? dv? kolegyn? z magick?ho sdru?en?. Bojuj? toti? o to, aby na tr?n dosedl ten spr?vn? kr?l…
Richard Rahl has traveled far from his roots as a simple woods guide. Emperor of the D'Haran Empire, war wizard, the Seeker of Truth-none of these roles mean as much to him as his newest: husband to his beloved Kahlan Amnell, Mother Confessor of the Midlands.But their wedding day is the key that unlocks a spell sealed away long ago in a faraway country. Now a deadly power pours forth that threatens to turn the world into a lifeless waste.Separated from the Sword of Truth and stripped of their magic, Richard and Kahlan must journey across the Midlands to discover a dark secret from the past and a trap that could tear them apart forever. For their fate has become inextricably entwined with that of the Midlands-and there's no place so dangerous as a world without magic…
Alexia Tarabotti is laboring under a great many social tribulations. First, she has no soul. Second, she's a spinster whose father is both Italian and dead. Third, she was rudely attacked by a vampire, breaking all standards of social etiquette. Where to go from there? From bad to worse apparently, for Alexia accidentally kills the vampire — and then the appalling Lord Maccon (loud, messy, gorgeous, and werewolf) is sent by Queen Victoria to investigate. With unexpected vampires appearing and expected vampires disappearing, everyone seems to believe Alexia responsible. Can she figure out what is actually happening to London's high society? Will her soulless ability to negate supernatural powers prove useful or just plain embarrassing? Finally, who is the real enemy, and do they have treacle tart?SOULLESS is a comedy of manners set in Victorian London: full of werewolves, vampires, dirigibles, and tea-drinking.
Rockville, TN, seems like a normal small town. But in reality it-s become a nest of evil, the home of the Lamia, an ancient shape-shifting creature that survives by harvesting souls through seduction and manipulation. The Lamia has managed to enslave many of the young men in town, and many of the young women have become her priestesses.