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Книги 48751—48775 из 51942.
  • Sleep Disorder
  • Ketchum Jack
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • For years Ketchum (Peaceable Kingdom) and Lee (City Infernal) have written taboo-breaking horror fiction that's invariably provocative and sometimes good taste-challenged. This collection of their five collaborative stories is the literary equivalent of a frat-house Halloween party, full of cheesy shocks, raunchy sex and gross-out humor. "I'd Give Anything for You" and "Love Letters from the Rain Forest" have carbon copy plots involving nymphomaniacal young women who spurn wimpy suitors for studly hunks and pay for their choice with grisly fates. "Eyes Left" delivers more of the same, offering its account of an alluring female zombie who turns tables ...

  • Sleeping Beauty
  • Lackey Mercedes
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Godmother Lily is having a hard time protecting the small but rich kingdom of Eltaria. The Tradition is trying to force Princess Rosamund down a path -- but is it that of Sleeping Beauty or Snow White? Everything seems to be being subverted, from the seven evil dwarfs who capture Rosamund, to the Wicked Stepmother who rescues her. And to top it all, Prince Siegfried needs to rescue a maiden who isn't his aunt from a ring of fire in order to avoid his own Doom. The only solution to all this: issue a set of challenges to all the local Princes, the prize being the kingdom and fair Rosamund's hand.

  • Slimer
  • Knight Harry
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • Three young couples carrying Ј200,000 of drugs to Morocco are marooned on the North Sea when their boat explodes. They end up on a Brinkstone oil rig, but there is no drilling equipment and no crew. They soon discover the place is a secret genetic laboratory set up because Lloyd J Brinkstone, the billionaire owner of the oil rig wanted to give something back to the world. He firmly believes that the world will end in nuclear fire, and thus hired a team of microbiologists to develop a gene that would enable man to adapt instantly to his new environment. Needless to say, it all doesn't work as expected and it all ends up with a genetically altered shark who wanders about eating people, absorbing their personalities and imitating their physical appearances. Gradually the six get whittled down and the beast designed to be invulnerable seems to be just that.

  • Sloppy Seconds
  • White Wrath
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • Who Wants Some of Wrath’s Sloppy Seconds? …Who wouldn’t? Each year at the World Horror Convention, the most anticipated event is the Gross-Out Contest, where authors stand up in front of everyone and deliver some of the most disturbing, gut-wrenching tales anyone has ever heard.Wrath James White’s stories are among the best of them. Now, we present his stories for the first time in print — uncut.Here are his four stories from previous years, as well as his entry for the 2008 WHC.But there’s more! We have a bonus story that is “one of the most grotesque and horrific murder/rape/revenge stories I have ever written.”

  • Slow Birds
  • Watson Ian
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • "Slow Birds," by Ian Watson tells the story of a strangely idyllic world which is plagues by mysterious invaders. Dubbed "slow birds," because the cylindrical objects fly at the rate of only a few feet per minute, the artefacts are a complete mystery. Jason Babbidge's life is inexorably changed and linked to the slow birds when his brother, Daniel, climbs aboard a slowbird shortly before it disappears into the unknown. Watson's story deals with Jason's quest for his brother and later the revelation which comes to him as he climbs aboard a slow bird of his own."Slow Birds" was nominated for the 1983 Nebula for best novelette.

  • Smok Jego Kr?lewskiej Mo?ci
  • Новик Наоми
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Pierwszy tom cyklu „Temeraire” — niezwyk?ego po??czenia fantasy i powie?ci historycznych z czas?w napoleo?skich.Za?oga przechwytuje francusk? fregat? i odkrywa na jej pok?adzie drogocenny ?adunek — jajo rzadkiego smoka, gotowego niemal do wyklucia. Wskutek zrz?dzenia losu kapitan Will Laurence zostaje opiekunem stworzenia i nadaje mu imi? Temeraire. Musi zapomnie? o dawnym ?yciu, porzuci? s?u?b? we flocie, wst?pi? do Korpusu Powietrznego, brytyjskiej jednostki smok?w, i przej?? wyj?tkowo intensywne szkolenie bojowe. Napoleon bowiem szykuje ju? ?mia?? inwazj? na Angli? przy u?yciu w?asnych si? powietrznych…Powie?? zdoby?a Compton Crook Award w 2007.Nominowana do nagrody Hugo w 2007.

  • ?smy kr?g piekie?
  • Boru? Krzysztof
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • ?redniowieczny inkwizytor, Modest M?nch, podczas brawurowego egzorcyzmu zostaje z ?rodka lasu przeniesiony w XXI wiek. Znajduje go poszukiwacz tajemniczego meteorytu. Pocz?tkowo Modest jest uznawany za zbieg?ego z planu filmowego aktora, wariata, wyj?tkowo bieg?ego w historii pasjonata. Jednak szczeg??owe badanie m?zgu, siatki poj?ciowej, dowodzi, ?e nasz bohater rzeczywi?cie m?wi i my?li wy??cznie w ?redniowiecznej ?acinie i niemieckim, a ?wiat jest dwuj?zyczny: obok regionalnych j?zyk?w (tutaj j. polski) wszyscy pos?uguj? si? j?zykiem uniwersalnym. Gdy eksperymentalnie potwierdzona zostaje jego znajomo?? topografii ?redniowiecznego klasztoru, nikt nie ...

  • Snake Eyes
  • D'Lacey Joseph
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • : Robert Johnson dreams of spiders, thousands of them. When he wakes, the true nightmare begins: a tube has been attached to his head – to everyone’s – but he’s the only one aware of it. His cozy suburban life unravels into paranoid hallucination as Johnson fights to free himself from the control of unseen forces.An isolated, drought-choked village. A starving community. When something big, red and inhuman crash-lands in a cabbage field, the villagers are divided: is this a scrumptious dragon for the barbecue or a toxic demon to be destroyed? And what if it’s something else entirely?

  • Snow Queen
  • Lackey Mercedes
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Godmother and Snow Queen, Aleksia's main job is to support the Tradition by abducting young men about to turn bad, and putting them through a trial to show them the error of their ways. She sometimes worries that she is becoming as cold as her own Ice Palace. But then come the rumours of a wicked Snow Witch, freezing whole villages to death, and claiming to be the Snow Queen. Aleksia has to set off on her own adventure to sort things out.