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Книги 49001—49025 из 51942.
  • Stars Rain Down
  • Randolph Chris
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Sometimes, it takes a crisis to figure out who you really are.In the near future, an irreverent astronomer named Marcus Donovan discovers a strange relic hidden beyond Mars, and he commandeers an exploratory vessel under false pretenses to investigate.While Marcus and his crew venture off into the unknown, a mysterious alien legion appears in Earth orbit and invades. Human civilization is dashed apart in the blink of an eye, and Jack Hernandez, a search and rescue specialist, is one of the lucky few survivors. Along with a handful of friends, Jack joins the scattered resistance ...

  • Statek przeznaczenia. Cz??? 1
  • Хобб Робин
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • W pe?nym emocji zako?czeniu trylogii o kupcach i ich ?ywostatkach Robin Hobb snuje urzekaj?c? opowie?? o kwitn?cym niegdy? mie?cie, kt?re znalaz?o si? na kraw?dzi zniszczenia, o wspania?ym, mitycznym gatunku stworze?, kt?ry znalaz? si? na granicy wymarcia oraz o klanie Vestrit?w, kt?rego przeznaczenie splot?o si? i z miastem, i z owymi stworzeniami… Podczas gdy Miasto wolnego Handlu zmierza ku katastrofie, matka rodu Vestrit?w, Ronika Vestrit, napi?tnowana jako zdrajczyni, szuka sposobu na zjednoczenie jego mieszka?c?w wobec zagro?enia z Krainy Miedzi. Tymczasem Althea Vestrit, nie?wiadoma los?w swojej rodziny oraz Miasta Wolnego Handlu, kontynuuje niebezpieczn? misj? odnalezienia i odzyskania swego ?ywostatku, "Vivacii", od bezlitosnego pirata, Bystrego. Mimo zuchwa?o?ci planu mo?e si? on okaza? niewykonalny. Jej ukochana "Vivacia" b?dzie bowiem musia?a si? zmierzy? ze straszliw? tajemnic? swego istnienia.

  • Statek szpitalny
  • White James
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Szpital Kosmiczny Sektora Dwunastego nieustannie si? rozwija. Aby sprawniej nie?? pomoc ofiarom rozmaitych katastrof, zostaje wyposa?ony w specjalnie zam?wiony statek maj?cy pe?ni? s?u?b? na kosmicznych szlakach i odnajdywa? rozbitk?w. Jego personel medyczny. tworz?: starszy lekarz Conway, pi?kna patolog Murchison, empatyczny doktor Prilicla i pyskata piel?gniarka Naydrad. W pierwszej misji maj? sprawdzi?, co si? sta?o z za?og? jednostki zwiadowczej, kt?ra zamilk?a zaraz po tym, jak z?o?y?a meldunek, ?e natrafi?a na licz?cy tysi?ce lat wrak statku nieznanej rasy. Ostatnia, zniekszta?cona transmisja z pok?adu zaginionej jednostki sugerowa?a, ?e sta?o si? tam co?, z czym nie potrafili sobie poradzi? nawykli do niecodziennych sytuacji zwiadowcy…

  • Steampunk Poe
  • Poe Edgar
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • If you combined clockwork gears, parasols, and air balloons with Edgar Allan Poe, what would you get? Steampunk: Poe! This is the first collection ever of Poe stories illustrated with the influence of steampunk. Running Press Teens has selected some of the most popular, thrilling, and memorable stories and poems by the classic 19th century American writer whose literary talent continues to open the mind to countless interpretations.Every Poe story and poems is fully illustrated with steampunk-inspired art—from 1920s aviation gear to elaborate musical instruments—creating a fresh perspective on his work containing bizarre characters of madmen and mystery. Just in time for Halloween, Steampunk: Poe is the perfect classic horror choice with a haunting steampunk twist!

  • Steamy Screams: Anthology of Erotic Horror
  • Burton Jack
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • Lust and horror, two of the strongest feelings humans can experience, are combined in this anthology from Blood Bound Books. 21 short stories of pleasure and pain, divided by nothing more than a thin gray line. And the only thing more terrifying than the taboo kinks themselves, is the fact that maybe you can actually relate. Perhaps you’ll see a bit of yourself within these pages. What’s your pleasure, and how far would you go to achieve your steamy scream?“Many of the stories here are well-written and explore just about any major kink you could think of. I consider myself a fairly progressive fellow but at times I found myself raising a brow at what I had encountered. Make no mistake: that’s very much a compliment. If you’re into erotic horror or enjoy literature that pushes boundaries, you should add Steamy Screams to your personal library.”—Matthew Politi of HorrorNews

  • Steel Beach
  • Varley John
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • John Varley's Steel Beach is a daring, well-conceived work of science fiction. Humanity has been ejected from Earth by enigmatic aliens trying to save cetaceans. Homo sapiens finds itself exiled to strongholds throughout the solar system, foremost of which is Luna. There, human beings live in great comfort with almost all of their needs met and very little to worry about. As a result, they are losing their minds.Through the unremarkable antagonist Hildy, Varley asks what happens to human beings who lack challenges and who lack any real direction. Comforts there are aplenty in Luna. Technology makes ...

  • Steels Edge
  • Andrews Ilona
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • Charlotte de Ney is as noble as they come, a blueblood straight out of the Weird. But even though she possesses rare magical healing abilities, her life has brought her nothing but pain. After her marriage crumbles, she flees to the Edge to build a new home for herself. Until Richard Mar is brought to her for treatment, and Charlotte's life is turned upside down once again. Richard is a swordsman without peer, future head of his large and rambunctious Edger clan — and he's on a clandestine quest to wipe out slavers trafficking humans in the Weird. So when his presence leads his very dangerous enemies to Charlotte, she vows to help Richard destroy them. The slavers' operation, however, goes deeper than Richard knows, and even working together, Charlotte and Richard may not survive...

  • Stella doppia 61 Cygni
  • Clement Hal
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Nel 1942, l’astronomo americano K. A. Strand annunciava che la stella doppia 61, nella costellazione del Cigno, aveva un satellite di massa planetaria, gravitante intorno al suo sole (una delle componenti il sistema binario 61 Cygni) in poco meno di cinque anni. La massa di questo pianeta extrasolare era stata calcolata dallo Strand circa 16 volte superiore alla massa di Giove. Sebbene nei mesi successivi fossero fatte altre segnalazioni di corpi planetari gravitanti intorno ad altri Soli (per esempio il satellite della stella 70 Ophiuchi, con una massa 10 volte superiore alla massa di Giove, e il satellite di Proxima Centauri, la stella a ...

  • Stella Gemina
  • Измайлова Кира
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Профессиональный переговорщик — работа опасная и увлекательная. Иногда даже слишком увлекательная. Главный герой пока не знает, на что подписывается, принимая предложение заняться разрешением конфликта одной независимой планеты с Федерацией…А события тем временем развиваются, и вместо роли обычного двойника герою предстоит сыграть совсем другую, а вот какую — он пока не может даже предположить.

  • Sternenfall
  • McCollum Michael
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • 17. JULI 2087, 20:12 UHR – ZEITPUNKT DER KOLLISION DES KOMETEN »DONNERSCHLAG« MIT DER ERDE.Eine h?chst alarmierende Botschaft, die der ?ffentlichkeit zun?chst vorenthalten wird, um Panik zu vermeiden. Die Entdeckung des Kometen machten Forscher der Republik Luna, und dort sucht man au?erdem nach einem Weg, das drohende Unheil abzuwenden: W?rde man zwei Asteroiden opfern, w?re die Gefahr einer Kollision gebannt. Aber der Preis ist hoch, denn bliebe die Erde verschont, w?rde – durch die ver?nderte Bahn des Kometen – Luna zerst?rt. Es stellt sich die grundlegende Frage: Ist es gerechtfertigt, dass eine Welt sterben ...

  • Still River
  • Clement Hal
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma ...Enigma 88, a tiny planet in the orbit of Arc, is a world with so little mass that it should have no atmosphere. But it does—and to find out why is the final study assignment that will earn five students, each the best of their species, their prestigious Respected Opinion degrees.But from the moment they arrive on Enigma, none of their careful calculations seem to fit; on the surface, the riddle seems insoluble. And when one of their wind robots disappears surface, closely followed by the Human, Molly, they find the mystery is indeed inside Enigma. For the vast subterranean network of caves and tunnels Molly tumbles into supports a rich profusion of life-life that can’t possibly exist ...