Komendant Sam Vimes ze Stra?y Miejskiej Ankh-Morpork mia? wszystko. Ale teraz wr?ci? do swojej w?asnej, twardej i ostrej przesz?o?ci, pozbawiony nawet ubrania, kt?re mia? na sobie, gdy uderzy?a b?yskawica.?ycie w przesz?o?ci jest trudne. ?mier? w przesz?o?ci jest niezwykle ?atwa. Musi jednak prze?y?, by wykona? swoj? robot?. Ma wy?ledzi? morderc?, nauczy? swoje m?odsze ja, jak by? dobrym glin?, i zmieni? rezultat krwawej rewolucji. Jest te? pewien problem: je?li wygra, straci ?on?, straci dziecko, straci przysz?o??.Dyskowa „Opowie?? o jednym mie?cie”, z pe?nym zespo?em ulicznych urwis?w, dam negocjowalnego afektu, rebeliant?w, tajnej policji i innych dzieci rewolucji.Prawda! Sprawiedliwo??! Wolno??!I Jajko Na Twardo!
S?u?ba na Stra?y Nocnej bynajmniej nie nale?y do zaj?? zapewniaj?cych splendor i powszechny szacunek, a c?? dopiero m?wi? o dowodzeniu t? formacj?.Niestety, kapitan Vimes nie ma wyboru, szuka wi?c pociechy na dnie butelki, jego dw?m podw?adnym nie pozostaje za? nic innego jak starannie unika? miejsc, gdzie mo?e zosta? pope?nione jakiekolwiek przest?pstwo. Wszyscy zd??yli przywykn?? do tej sytuacji, lecz pewnego dnia wybucha potworne zamieszanie: oto do Ankh-Morpork przybywa gigantyczny krasnolud Marchewa i postanawia zosta? najlepszym stra?nikiem w historii miasta — akurat wtedy, gdy do miasta przybywa smok.Powie?? t?umaczy, dlaczego z pewnych wzgl?d?w mo?na to uzna? za zdarzenie pozytywne, z innych za negatywne. Marchewa nie ma co do tego w?tpliwo?ci.
Sol z Ludzi Lodu ma wreszcie szans? prze?y? prawdziw? mi?o??. Podczas wielkiej ekspedycji do Ciemno?ci spotyka swego ksi?cia z bajki: rycerza w zbroi z mieczem u pasa. Ale poza granicami Kr?lestwa ?wiat?a nic nie jest takie, na jakie wygl?da, a w dodatku Sol zaczyna si? interesowa? kto? inny, o wiele pot??niejszy…
The High Druid of Shannara trilogy draws to a thrilling close as a young hero nears completion of his trial by fire, a banished ruler fights for her life in a wilderness of dread, and forces of darkness and light square off in a battle unto death for the right to absolute rule. Prepare to be spellbound by the masterly hand of bestselling legend weaver Terry Brooks, conjuring at the peak of his skills. For reasons known only to himself, the King of the Silver River has charged young Penderrin Ohmsford, barely more than a boy, with the ...
El m?dulo de descenso de la primera misi?n tripulada a Marte se estrella contra la superficie del planeta. Cinco de los seis astronautas logran sobrevivir, pero su situaci?n es desesperada; s?lo disponen de aire, energ?a y alimentos para unos meses y no hay posibilidad de rescate.Sin esperanza, sin recursos, comprenden que tres deben sacrificarse para que los dos restantes sobrevivan. ?Pero qui?n vive y qui?n muere?Como se afirma en el pr?logo, Stranded es una magn?fica novela de ficci?n cient?fica que nada tiene que envidiar a las que se publican por autores extranjeros.
Dru Anderson has what her grandmother called 'the touch. (Comes in handy when you're traveling from town to town with your dad, hunting ghosts, suckers, wulfen, and the occasional zombie.)Then her dad turns up dead — but still walking — and Dru knows she's next. Even worse, she's got two guys hungry for her affections, and they're not about to let the fiercely independent Dru go it alone. Will Dru discover just how special she really is before coming face-to-fang with whatever — or — is hunting her?
Today's hottest urban fantasy authors come together in this delicious brew that crackles and boils over with tales of powerful witches and dark magic!In 'Bacon, a beautiful vampire joins forces with a witch from an ancient line to find out who killed her beloved husband. In 'Seeing Eye' by a blind witch helps sexy werewolf Tom Franklin find his missing brother — and helps him in more ways than either of them ever suspected. And in 'Last Call, wizard Harry Dresden takes on the darkest of dark powers — the ones who dare to mess with this favorite beer.For anyone who's ever wondered what lies beyond the limits of reality, who's imagined the secret spaces where witches wield fearsome magic, come and drink deep. Let yourself fall under the spell of this being collection!
Stranger in a Strange Land, winner of the 1962 Hugo Award, is the story of Valentine Michael Smith, born during, and the only survivor of, the first manned mission to Mars. Michael is raised by Martians, and he arrives on Earth as a true innocent: he has never seen a woman and has no knowledge of Earth's cultures or religions. But he brings turmoil with him, as he is the legal heir to an enormous financial empire, not to mention de facto owner of the planet Mars. With the irascible popular author Jubal Harshaw to protect him, Michael explores human ...
From Robert Silverberg’s “Earthmen and Strangers” anthology, 1966:Damon Knight is a slender, soft-spoken man with a deceptively mild smile. He seems gentle and relaxed, but behind the tranquil exterior there seethes a fiercely active mind. Knight has served science fiction as an editor of magazines and anthologies, as a feared and respected critic, as a translator from the French, and as a leader of writers’ conferences and organizations. When not engaged in any of these activities, he writes a little of the stuff himself. His short stories are marked by graceful style, stunning execution, and a profound understanding of character.All these virtues are on display in the present work—plus a chilling portrayal of a weird relationship between man and nonman. Few stories have captured the sense of in an alien being as awesomely well as this one.
Se avete una bella faccia, o un bel paio di gambe, o un seno rifatto, potete entrare nel grande show del 2000. Se avete umilt? e pazienza potete prestare la vostra bocca — o qualunque altra parte del corpo — agli attori famosi del passato, e partecipare al remke elettronico di un capolavoro del cinema. Ma attenti! A Hollywood non interessano gli attori vivi. La loro specialit? sono i fantasmi elettronici e i corpi caldi sono in pericolo…Nominato per il premio Hugo per il miglior romanzo in 1996.
Груз двухсот десяти лет жизни как пыль веков лежал на плечах Кин Арад, но она с легкостью несла эту ношу. Она была старше двадцати девяти миров, в строительстве четырнадцати из которых лично принимала участие, и многое повидала. В общем, удивить Кин Арад чем либо было весьма сложно. Но однажды в ее кабинете появился человек, который заявил, что ему больше тысячи лет, и продемонстрировал несколько артефактов, нарушающих все мыслимые физические законы…
“Yer eyes’ll shine when ye see the rivers runnin’ silver in Mithril Hall!”Bruenor the dwarf, Wulfgar the barbarian, Regis the halfling, and Drizzt the dark elf fight monsters and magic on their way to Mithril Hall, centuries-old birthplace of Bruenor and his dwarven ancestors.Faced with racism, Drizzt contemplates returning to the lightless underworld city andmurderous lifestyle he abandoned. Wulfgar begins to overcome his tribe’s aversion for magic. And Regis runs from a deadly assassin, who, allied with evil wizards, is bent on the companions’ destruction. All of Bruenor’s dreams, and the survival of his party, hinge upon the actions of one brave young woman.
Her name is Pete Caldecott. She was just sixteen when she met Jack Winter, a gorgeous, larger-than-life mage who thrilled her with his witchcraft. Then a spirit Jack summoned killed him before Pete's eyes — or so she thought. Now a detective, Pete is investigating the case of a young girl kidnapped from the streets of London. A tipster's chilling prediction has led police directly to the child.but when Pete meets the informant, she's shocked to learn he is none other than Jack. Strung out on heroin, Jack a shadow of his former self. But he's able to tell Pete exactly where Bridget's kidnappers are hiding: in the supernatural shadow-world of the fey.Even though she's spent years disavowing the supernatural, Pete follows Jack into the invisible fey underworld, where she hopes to discover the truth about what happened to Bridget — and what happened to Jack on that dark day so long ago.
While Briar and his teacher Rosethorn are helping the locals in Chammur, Briar realizes that all is not as it should be in Chammur's streets. As a former 'street rat' himself, he tends to have an interest in the affairs of local gangs. He discovers a gang known as the Vipers roaming through territory not their own. After further investigation, Briar discovers that the Vipers are the pet gang of a local Noblewoman.While Briar investigates the Vipers, he discovers Evvy, a local girl with stone magic. At first, she runs away from him, but she gradually learns to trust him. When Evvy singularly refuses to study with local stone mage Jebilu Stoneslicer, Briar takes her training in hand himself. The Vipers attempt to kidnap her many times, so Lady Zenadia doa Atteneh can use Evvy's powers as a stone mage to further increase her riches. When they finally kidnap her, Briar comes to her rescue.
Bohdan Petecki pisa? powie?ci kryminalne i science fiction skierowane g??wnie do m?odzie?y. Mimo up?ywu lat i zmiany ustroju (kt?ry jest widoczny w jego ksi??kach) s? to pozycje przyci?gaj?ce czytelnik?w. Ciekawa fabu?a, interesuj?cy bohaterowie i wartka akcja czyni? z ksi??ki Strefy zerowe trzymaj?c? w napi?ciu lektur?.
Morgan has been so involved in the world of magick that her parents are furious with her for neglecting school. And now the members of her coven are being persecuted. Morgan is falling to pieces. How can she find the strength she so desperately needs?
At the bloody height of World War II, the deadliest enemies in all of human history were forced to put aside their hatreds and unite against an even fiercer foe: a seemingly invincible power bent on world domination. With awesome technology, the aggressors swept across the planet, sowing destruction as Tokyo, Berlin, and Washington, D.C., were A-bombed into submission. Russia, Nazi Germany, Japan, and the United States were not easily cowed, however. With cunning and incredible daring, they pressed every advantage against the invader's superior strength, and, led by Stalin, began to detonate their own atom bombs in ...