Jest samotny, nie s?yszy i nie m?wi, ale jest za to obdarzony zdolno?ciami po stokro? pot??niejszymi: potrafi tworzy? materialne iluzje. Si?? woli mo?e wyczarowa? jab?ko, ptaki, gro?ne potwory i… samego siebie. Jego jedyny przyjaciel to smok, razem zg??biaj? tajemnice ?wiata wykreowanego przez Pierwsz? Dam? polskiej fantastyki, Ew? Bia?o??ck?.Za opowiadanie "Tkacz iluzji", na kanwie kt?rego powsta?a niniejsza opowie??, autorka dosta?a presti?ow? nagrod? im. Janusza A. Zajdla i przebojem wdar?a si? do polskiej literatury.
Achan, Vrell, and the Kingsguard Knights have fled into Darkness to escape the wrath of the former prince. They head for Ice Island to rescue two of Sir Gavin's colleagues who were falsely imprisoned years ago.Darkness is growing and only one man can push it back. Achan wanted freedom, not a crown. His true identity has bound him more than ever. He must learn decorum, wear fancy clothes, and marry a stranger.Achan knows one thing for certain. He will not be a puppet prince. Either he will accept his role and take charge or he will flee. But which will he choose?
Dante Valentine has been through Hell. Literally. Her body shattered and her mind not far behind, she's dumped back into her own world to survive-or not-as a pawn in one of Lucifer's endless games.Unfortunately, he's just messed with the wrong Necromance. And this time she's mad enough to do something about it.This time, the Devil will pay.
Imagine a future world where death is not exactly the end. You can record everything about you that ever made you a distinct human being and then be implanted in the mind of someone living.Paul Kaufmann had been the richest and most powerful man on Earth. Imagine having his knowledge and insights integrated with your own persona. The tycoon's mind becomes the prize in a deadly game for those still living who want more out of life than they could ever achieve on their own. The great man's "soul" is stored in the Scheffing Institute, waiting for the time when someone hungry enough gives him back his appetite.
Oberon takes on the reins of leadership, and he carves an empire from the new universe created by his father. Enemies new and old lie in wait, and creating a kingdom for himself and his heirs requires delicate political maneuvering, a will of iron, and the might of a born warrior. Power-mad siblings, a madman for a father, assassins, and the King of Chaos are just the beginning of his troubles. Oberon must learn to master them all, if he is “To Rule in Amber”.
What a stitch! Willis’ delectable romp through time from 2057 back to Victorian England, with a few side excursions into World War II and medieval Britain, will have readers happily glued to the pages. Rich dowager Lady Schrapnell has invaded Oxford University’s time travel research project in 2057, promising to endow it if they help her rebuild Coventry Cathedral, destroyed by a Nazi air raid in 1940. In effect, she dragoons almost everyone in the program to make trips back in time to locate items — in particular, the bishop’s bird stump, an especially ghastly example of Victorian decorative excess. Time ...
The novel begins with adventurer Sir Richard Francis Burton waking up after his death on a strange new world made up of one ongoing river. He discovers that he is but one of billions of previously dead personalities from throughout Earth’s history stretching from the Neolithic age through 2008 AD also “resurrected”. At first the resurrectees are primarily focused on survival, though their basic needs for food are mysteriously taken care of; but eventually Burton decides to make it his mission to find the headwaters of the River and discover the purpose and intention of humanity’s resurrection. Along the way he is enslaved and then partnered with Nazi war criminal Hermann G?ring, discovers the existence of a mysterious organization responsible for the resurrection of humanity, and is recruited by a rogue member of this group to take down their carefully laid plans.Won Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1972
Новый постъядерный роман по Вселенной Метро 2033 с необычным названием "TOD MIT UNS" События романа разворачиваются в постъядрном Калининграде и области.
Owen Todtsteltzer wurde nach seiner Rebellion gegen die Tyrannei der Kaiserin L?wenstein XIV zum Helden, zu einer Legende. Doch er und seine Freunde haben nicht lange Zeit, sich ?ber ihren Sieg zu freuen. Erneut werden sie in einen erbitterten Konflikt verwickelt - diesmal um die Nachfolge der entthronten Herrscherin. Owen und Hazel versuchen sich aus dem politischen Intrigenspiel herauszuhalten, doch bald entdecken sie, da? der Menschheit sehr viel ernstere Probleme drohen, ja, da? der Krieg noch lange nicht vorbei ist, sondern im Gegenteil gerade erst begonnen hat …
Owen Todtsteltzer wurde aufgrund falscher Anschuldigungen von der Kaiserin L?wenstein XIV ge?chtet. Doch die r?cksichtslose Regentin hat einen Fehler begangen, als sie sich Todtsteltzer zum Feind machte. Owen setzt sich an die Spitze der Rebellion gegen den Eisernen Thron. Scharm?tzel auf der , und machen deutlich, mit welch brutaler Gewalt die Kaiserin gegen die Rebellen vorgeht.Doch Owen und seine Kameraden st?rkt dies nur in ihrem Ent-schlu?, f?r die Gerechtigkeit zu k?mpfen. Und diesmal lautet die Parole Krieg: keine R?ckzieher, keine Gefangenen, keine Kompromisse…
Apr?s la grande guerre atomique de la fin du XX si?cle, le monde ne fut plus que chaos et d?sordre. Pour ?liminer les hordes barbares qui s’?taient form?es, les survivants durent remettre leur sort entre les mains de l’arm?e. Un si?cle plus tard la civilisation, arriv?e ? l’?ge des ?toiles, restait dirig?e par les militaires. Ainsi, c’?tait en portant les armes, en payant l’imp?t de la sueur et du sang, que l’homme du xxi si?cle devait acqu?rir le droit d’?tre citoyen. Dans cet univers militariste, Juan Rico s’engage le jour de ses dix-huit ans dans l’Infanterie Spatiale. Il ne sait pas quel sort terrible attend le fantassin qui, sur les mondes lointains, affronte les arm?es arachnides. En s’engageant, il a voulu devenir un homme, mais un soldat des ?toiles est-il encore humain ?
Tik kelios salos bekra??iame vandenyne — Talasos planeta buvo tikras rojus, kuriame prie? daugyb? ?imtme?i? ?sik?r? Motininiu laivu atvykusi ?moni? kolonija, kai mokslininkai nustat?, kad gan greitai Saul? pavirs nova.?tai tuomet Talasos danguje apsirei?kia mil?ini?kas ?vaig?d?laivis „Magelanas”, gabenantis savo triumuose milijon? ?altuoju miegu miegan?i? paskutini?j? ?em?s gyventoj?…
En el a?o 2103, Tom O’Bedlam, una especie de anormal que constantemente tiene visiones de otros mundos de belleza y exotismo sin l?mite, sobrevive junto a una banda de merodeadores en un mundo post industrial y tecnol?gico. Nadie sabe que la «locura» de Tom es el m?todo para hacer frente a los extraordinarios poderes que posee, poderes que le permiten enviar su mente a trav?s de los inimaginables caminos del espacio, visitar otros mundos y retenerlos en su subconsciente. Cuando una sonda estelar lanzada a Pr?xima Centauri, a cuatro a?oz-luz de la Tierra, transmite im?genes de vida, se descubre el mismo mundo verde de la imaginaci?n de Tom, las mismas im?genes que ha estado transmitiendo telep?ticamente a los otros. A veces amenazantes, a veces incre?bles, los mundos distantes que se comunican con Tom son revelados finalmente, y Tom O’Bedlam se convierte en su instrumento y su representante en la Tierra.