En Borthan, un planeta colonizado cientos de a?os atr?s, la humanidad vive en paz, sin embargo el precio pagado parece demasiado elevado: nada es considerado m?s obsceno que el compartir los propios sentimientos con otro humano, y se ha prohibido el uso de la palabra “yo”. Kinnall Darival es un hombre que lo tiene todo en la vida para ser feliz. Solo una cosa le perturba: las convenciones sociales le impiden expresar sus sentimientos a la persona amada. Cuando conoce a Scxhweiz, un comerciante de la Tierra, este le ofrece una sustancia m?gica capaz de derribar los muros entre las almas de los hombres. El sistema de valores de Darival se trastoca y experimenta cada vez m?s dudas que le conducir?n a ser un proscrito entre los suyos y a provocar el dolor entre aquellos a los que ama.
Anu, la gigante roja, tambi?n llamada la Estrella Cruel, El Merodeador, el Sol Demonio, El Vagabundo...se estaba aproximando a Isthar. Como cada mil a?os, abrasar?a la tierra, secar?a los r?os, agostar?a los cultivos, y matar?a.La parte norte del planeta siempre era la m?s afectada. Sus habitantes, los b?rbaros tassui, hab?an decidido no volver a ser las v?ctimas del Tiempo de Fuego y en consecuencia se lanzaron a la conquista de mejores territorios, amenazando acabar con la civilizaci?n.Los miembros de la Asociaci?n y sus legiones pidieron ayuda a los habitantes terrestres de la ciudad de Primavera. Pero la Federaci?n Terrestre ten?a su propia guerra en otro lugar y les prohibi? que actuar?n.
Cuando llega el invierno, los mutantes se re?nen… Siempre han vivido en la sombra, pero cerca de la sociedad normal. Ignorados, marginados, han sobrevivido recluidos en clanes invisibles, usando sus extraordinarias facultades ps?quicas para escudarse contra la intolerancia, en fanatismo y el aborrecimiento que inspira a los normales, hasta ahora…El primer l?der mutante, que ha emergido a la luz para reclamar iguales derechos que el resto de los mortales, es asesinado.Encontrar al asesino es la dif?cil misi?n de un grupo de mutantes. Entre ellos est?n Michael, confuso entre la lealtad al clan y su amor por una persona normal; Melanie, sola entre los mutantes y rechazada por los normales; y Jean, que usa su poder ps?quico y su sexualidad de mutante para obtener todo aquello que m?s desea.Como sociedad deben luchar contra su entorno, ocultando sus miedos hasta encontrar un medio que proteja sus intimidades, sus amores y sus vidas.
La joven Maia, una descastada nacida en verano, debe abandonar el clan de sus privilegiadas medio hermanas clones nacidas en invierno. Su dif?cil y peligroso viaje inici?tico arranca en los muelles de Puerto Sanger y prosigue a bordo de uno de los barcos tripulados por los escasos hombres (menos de un veinte por ciento) que forman la poblaci?n de Stratos, un mundo creado por y para las mujeres. S?lo el dif?cil y lejano ?xito le permitir? ser la fundadora de un nuevo clan. Las manipulaciones gen?ticas de la Madre Fundadora Lysos han creado en Stratos un mundo nuevo y distinto, dominado por mujeres que se reproducen por clonaci?n. Una nueva opci?n sociopol?tica, tecnol?gica, ecol?gica y, sobre todo, en el ?mbito de la relaci?n entre ambos sexos. En la senda de la literatura que denuncia las relaciones entre los sexos o propone establecer nuevos v?nculos, se une a obras ya clasicas como de Ursula K. Le Guin.
"Tigana" is a land under the spell of the evil wizard Brandin, who has cast the spell to avenge the death of his son. Dianora has been sent to get close to the King of Tigana so that she may kill him and avenge the death of the wizard's son. However the King and Dianora fall in love.
World War II screeched to a halt as the great military powers scrambled to meet an even deadlier foe. The enemy's formidable technology made their victory seem inevitable. Already Berlin and Washington, D.C., had been vaporized by atom bombs, and large parts of the Soviet Union, the United States, and Germany and its conquests lay under the invaders' thumb. Yet humanity would not give up so easily, even if the enemy's tanks, armored personnel carriers, and jet aircraft seemed unstoppable. The humans were fiendishly clever, ruthless at finding their foe's weaknesses and exploiting them. While Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, ...
Tulsa Torrent, America's biggest lumber company, is stumped when a couple of its key scientists are axed. Seems the deceased were part of a team developing an oil-producing tree, and a lot of interested parties have been looking to grease their palms. Before anyone else is pulped, Remo and Chiun are planted to see the project out of the woods. But danger sprouts at every turn, and when the environmentalist High Sierra Society enters the picture, determined to make Tulsa Torrent take a hike, the project rests on pines and needles. Somebody's barking up the wrong tree, and Remo and Chiun must get to the root of the matter before the unknown hatchet man mulches America's energy future into one big compost heap . . .
is set on Earth, the inner part of the Solar System and various other universes onwards from the 21 century. The novel covers a wide range of topics, including the Doomsday argument, Fermi paradox, genetic engineering, and humanity’s extinction.The book begins at the end of space and time, when the last descendants of humanity face an infinite but pointless existence. Due to proton decay the physical universe has collapsed, but some form of intelligence has survived by embedding itself into a lossless computing substrate where it can theoretically survive indefinitely. However, since there will never be new ...
"Sleep. And when you awake everything you know about the 20th-century will be gone from your mind. Tonight is January 21, 1882. There are no such things as automobiles, no planes, computers, television. 'Nuclear' appears in no dictionary. You have never heard the name Richard Nixon."Did illustrator Si Morley really step out of his 20th-century apartment one night — right into the winter of 1882? The U.S. Government believed it, especially when Si returned with a portfolio of brand-new sketches and tintype photos of a world that no longer existed — or did it?Jack Finney is the author of more than a dozen novels. He lives in Mill Valley, California.
Without setting foot on another planet, people like Shep Blaine were reaching out to the stars with their minds, telepathically contacting strange beings on other worlds. But even Blaine was unprepared for what happened when he communed with the soul of an utterly alien being light years from Earth. After recovering from his experience, he becomes a dangerous man: not only has he gained startling new powers — but he now understands that humankind must share the stars. Hunted through time and space by those who he used to trust, Blaine undergoes a unique odyssey that takes him through a nightmarish version of small-town America as he seeks to find others who share his vision of a humane future. Blaine has mastered death and time. Now he must master the fear and ignorance that threatened to destroy him!Serialized in as in 1961. Later published by Doubleday as .Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1962.
A scientist invents a time machine and uses it to travel hundreds of thousands of years into the future, where he discovers the childlike Eloi and the hideous underground Morlocks.