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Книги 51326—51350 из 51942.

  • Unendlichkeit
  • Reynolds Alastair
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Vor Urzeiten lebte auf dem Planeten Resurgam das Volk der Amarantin. An der Schwelle zum Raumfahrtzeitalter jedoch wurde ihre bl?hende Kultur durch eine kosmische Katastrophe v?llig vernichtet und so daran gehindert, in den Weltraum vorzudringen. Ein ungl?ckliches Zusammenspiel physikalischer Gesetze? Oder alles andere als ein Zufall? Eine Millionen Jahre sp?ter will sich die Menschheit auf Resurgam ansiedeln. Die Kolonisten sto?en dort auf das Verm?chtnis des au?erirdischen Volkes: eine versch?ttete Stadt und die riesige Statue eines gefl?gelten Amarantin. Es ist eine arch?ologische Sensation, und ihrem Entdecker, dem genialen Wissenschaftler Dan ...

  • Unforsaken
  • Littlefield Sophie
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Hailey Tarbell is no typical girl. As one of the Banished who arrived from Ireland generations ago, Hailey has the power to heal – and, as she recently learned, to create zombies if she heals someone too late. But now, Hailey is finally getting a chance at a normal life. After realizing the good and bad sides of her power, Hailey has survived the unimaginable to settle with her aunt, Prairie, and her little brother, Chub, in the suburbs of Milwaukee. Finally Hailey has a loving family, nice clothes, and real friends. But her safe little world is blown apart when she tries to contact her secret boyfriend, Kaz – and alerts the incredibly dangerous man who's looking for her to her true whereabouts.

  • Unholy Ghosts
  • Kane Stacia
  • Жанр: Постапокалипсис
  • THE DEPARTED HAVE ARRIVED.The world is not the way it was. The dead have risen, and the living are under attack. The powerful Church of Real Truth, in charge since the government fell, has sworn to reimburse citizens being harassed by the deceased.Consequently, there are many false claims of hauntings from those hoping to profit. Enter Chess Putnam, a fully-tattooed witch, freewheeling Debunker, and ghost hunter. She's got a real talent for nailing human liars and banishing the wicked dead. But she's keeping a dark secret from the Church: a little drug problem that's landed ...

  • Unite and Conquer
  • Murphy Warren
  • Жанр: Детективная фантастика
  • Start the Revolution Without ThemNot that things were so hot before, but when a huge earthquake guts Mexico, nobody wants to hang around, especially with all sorts of demonic doings by the barbaric gods of old Mexico, released from hell when the earth ruptured.Not satisfied with great takeout, the ancient Aztecs are hungry for the lifeblood of the entire continent. It's up to Remo and Chiun to go south of the border and root out the inhuman mind who is uniting downtrodden Indian tribes into a ferocious guerrilla army and leading them into a new dark age of bloodlust and superstition.Is an army of deathless demons too powerful for even the implacable avatar of Shiva the Destroyer? It's good versus god, with the human race helpless trophies for the victor.

  • Universo senza luce
  • Galouye Daniel
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Anche pubblicato come “Percezione infinita”, tradutto da Antonietta Mazarino.Dopo una guerra nucleare che ha devastato e reso inabitabile la superficie del pianeta, l’umanit? ? costretta a vivere in caverne sotterranee dove non arriva nessuna luce: sono generazioni ormai che nessuno l’ha pi? vista, tanto che su di essa si ? formata una vera religione, una leggenda. Solo l’eccezionale sviluppo del senso dell’udito e del tatto permette ai pochi superstiti di sopravvivere ai gravi pericoli che minacciano la loro precaria esistenza e i pochi beni loro rimasti: pipistrelli giganti e altri mostri delle tenebre, i Veggenti, ...

  • Unnatural Selection
  • Murphy Warren
  • Жанр: Детективная фантастика
  • A hungry enemy comes back for seconds . . .Sexy scientist Dr. Judith White, who first attempted to repopulate the earth with mutant, man-eating tiger people, has bounced back from extinction with a new and improved plan for world domination. She's putting her formula into a popular brand of bottled spring water that's making its way straight into the boardrooms and cocktail parties of Manhattan, where savagery is getting into full swing.Remo and Chiun hit the Big Apple to check out the maulings. But even the cops have gone carnivorous and it literally a jungle out there. Only one wild, wicked woman is capable of turning ordinary humans into slavering, slobbering jaws of death -- an old nemesis, the delectable but totally insane Dr. White. And when CURE's own wonder boy Mark Howard falls prey to her diabolical scheme, his top secrets may give the indestructible White the extra bite she needs to eat the Destroyer for lunch.

  • Uno
  • Bach Richard
  • Жанр: Социальная фантастика
  • «— La verdad no se quema. La verdad espera a todos cuantos quieran hallarla — dijo —. S?lo se quemar?n estas p?ginas. La elecci?n es tuya. ?Quieres que el paginismo se convierta en la pr?xima religi?n de este mundo? — Sonri?. — Ser?is santos de la iglesia…Mir? a Leslie y vi en sus ojos el mismo horror que yo sent?a en los m?os.Ella tom? la rama de sus manos y la acerc? a los bordes del pergamino. La llamarada creci? hasta convertirse en un amplio capullo de blanco sol bajo nuestros dedos. Un momento despu?s dej?bamos caer aquellas astillas luminosas al suelo. All? ardieron por un instante m?s y quedaron oscuras.El anciano suspir? su alivio.— ?Qu? bendito atardecer! — exclam? —. ?Cu?n rara vez se nos da la oportunidad de salvar al mundo de una nueva religi?n!..»

  • Unraveled
  • Showalter Gena
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • Since coming to Crossroads, Oklahoma, former outcast Aden Stone has been living the good life. Never mind that one of his best friends is a werewolf, his girlfriend is a vampire princess who hungers for his blood, and he's supposed to be crowned Vampire King — while still a human! Well, kind of. With four — oops, three now — human souls living inside his head, Aden has always been "different" himself. These souls can time-travel, raise the dead, possess another's mind and, his least favorite these days, tell the future. The forecast for Aden? A knife through the heart. Because a war is brewing between the creatures of the dark, and Aden is somehow at the center of it all. But he isn't about to lie down and accept his destiny without a fight. Not when his new friends have his back, not when Victoria has risked her own future to be with him, and not when he has a reason to live for the first time in his life..

  • Unseen
  • Caine Rachel
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • After Cassiel and Warden Luis Rocha rescue an adept child from a maniacal Djinn, they realize two things: the girl is already manifesting an incredible amount of power, and her kidnapping was not an isolated incident. This Djinn—aided by her devoted followers—is capturing children all over the world, and indoctrinating them so she can use their strength for herself. With no other options, Cassiel infiltrates the Djinn's organization—because if Cassiel cannot stop the Djinn's apocalyptic designs, all of humanity may be destroyed.

  • Unseen Academicals
  • Pratchett Terry
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Football has come to the ancient city of Ankh-Morpork — not the old fashioned, grubby pushing and shoving, but the new, fast football with pointy hats for goalposts and balls that go gloing when you drop them. And now, the wizards of Unseen University must win a football match, without using magic, so they’re in the mood for trying everything else. The prospect of the Big Match draws in a street urchin with a wonderful talent for kicking a tin can, a maker of jolly good pies, a dim but beautiful young woman, who might just turn out to be the greatest fashion model there has ever been, and the mysterious Mr Nutt (and no one knows anything much about Mr Nutt, not even Mr Nutt, which worries him, too). As the match approaches, four lives are entangled and changed for ever. Because the thing about football — the important thing about football — is that it is not just about football. Here we go! Here we go! Here we go!

  • Unshapely Things
  • Del Franco Mark
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • In the alleys of the decrepit Boston neighborhood known as the Weird, fairy prostitutes are turning up dead. The crime scenes show signs of residual magic, but the Guild, which polices the fey, has more "important" crimes to investigate and dumps the case on human law enforcement.Boston police call in Connor Grey, a druid and former hotshot Guild investigator-whose magical abilities were crippled after a run-in with a radical environmentalist elf. As Connor battles red tape and his own shortcomings, he realizes that the murders are not random, but part of an ancient magical ritual. And if Connor can't figure out the killer's M.O., the culmination of the spell might just bring about a worldwide cataclysm.