The most unexpected of all allies to Poseidon's warriors has proven to be the fiercest—Daniel, a vampire and Night Guild mage. But even the strongest alliance can be destroyed when a vampire's oath crosses paths with a maiden's quest, and an eleven-thousand-year-old desire is reborn.
The mansion on top of Benson Hill has stood empty for years. But one dayit seems to be occupied, and its mysterious, handsome inhabitantAlexander Sterling becomes the source of much talk around town. Raven, a vampire-obsessed Goth-girl who has always considered herself anoutsider in "Dullsville," is determined to uncover the truth surroundingthe secretive Alexander. As she gets to know him, and their sparkintensifies, Raven finds herself in some unanticipated situations. CanAlexander make her lifelong dream come true? But love always has itscomplications-especially when it can only be awakened at nightfall.
Nothing on earth can make this vampire fall in love . . .After 499 years of existence, Connor Buchanan has arrived at an inescapable conclusion: he is a cold-hearted SOB. He's been watching his friends—those poor romantic fools—plummet off the cliff into love like a dazed herd of sheep. But not Connor. He knows that love leads to nothing but heartache.Until Marielle . . .She is an angel cast down from heaven for disobedience. Trapped in mortal form, she finds a protector in Connor, a Scottish vampire haunted by a dark past. Marielle hopes to heal his broken heart and earn her way back home, but suddenly she has these . . . feelings. This strange yet pleasant physical yearning—for a vampire! Is this the work of a demon luring her into hell, or has this angel found heavenly bliss?
Vampire Mountain is the fourth title in the gut-wrenching saga of Darren Shan. Darren Shan and Mr. Crepsley make a long and dangerous trek to the vampire's stronghold in the mountains. The trek is a test of skill and endurance one which sees Darren's vampire nature develop, and a new understanding of the mysterious blue-robed servants of the sinister Mr. Tiny. Gavner Purl makes a welcome return when he joins Darren and Mr. Crepsley, but they face more than the cold on their way to the vampire princes — the vampaneze have been there before them… Will Darren's meeting with the Vampire Princes restore is human nature, or turn him further towards the darkness…
The Vampire Generals have been betrayed. Forces gathering in the darkness threaten to overwhelm Vampire Mountain and destroy the entire vampire clan. Only one person can stop them, a half-vampire called Darren Shan. But he has been sentenced to death and was last seen disappearing down a stream into the stomach of the mountain…The third, concluding part of the Vampire Mountain trilogy is a fast-paced, savage, blood-soaked novel. From the brutal opening chapters to the battle between the forces of the night, this is a book designed to grip from the start and squeeze to the finish. If you wish to ride the currents of fierce underground waters, hunt with wolves, and fight alongside an army of spiders — then this is the book for you!The Saga of Darren Shan. Not just a story, but a way of life — and death…
Raven is back with her vampire beau Alexander in VAMPIREVILLE. Not much background is given here, so readers should definitely go back and read the first two books in this funny series by Ellen Schreiber to prepare for this adventure. In this volume, Raven and Alexander try to meet for the few hours each day when both are awake. Raven is literally dying to have Alexander turn her into a vampire on sacred ground (like a cemetery), making her his eternal mate. But he likes her for who she is and is unwilling to take that final step.
Who says a vamp can't have it all?Darcy Newhart thought it was a stroke of genius — the first-ever reality TV show where mortals vie with vampires for the title of The Sexiest Man on Earth. As the show's director, Darcy's career would be on track again. And she can finally have a life apart from the vampire harem. Okay, so she's still technically dead, but two out of three's not bad. Now she just has to make sure that a mortal doesn't win. If only she wasn't so distracted by a super-sexy and contestant named Austin…But Darcy doesn't know the worst of it. Austin Erickson is actually a slayer! And he's got his eye on the show's leggy blond director. Only problem is, he's never wanted any woman — living dead — as badly. But if he wins her heart, will he lose his soul? And if it means an eternity of hot, passionate loving with Darcy, does that really matter anyway?
To save the life of the boy she loves, Jacinda did the unthinkable: She betrayed the most closely-guarded secret of her kind. Now she must return to the protection of her pride knowing she might never see Will again — and worse, that because his mind has been shaded, Will’s memories of that fateful night and why she had to flee are gone. Back home, Jacinda is greeted with hostility and must work to prove her loyalty for both her sake and her family’s. Among the few who will even talk to her are Cassian, the pride’s ...
The toughest case yet for Greywalker and P.I. Harper Blaine, 'a great heroine' (New York Times bestselling author Charlaine Harris), has arrived.Harper Blaine was your average small-time P.I. until she died—for two minutes. Now Harper is a Greywalker—walking the line between the living world and the paranormal realm. And she's discovering that her new abilities are landing her in all sorts of 'strange cases.But for Harper, her own case may prove the most difficult to solve. Why did she—as opposed to others with near-death experiences—become a Greywalker? When Harper digs into her own past, she unearths some unpleasant truths about her father's early death as well as a mysterious puzzle. Forced by some very demanding vampires to take on an investigation in London, she soon discovers her present troubles in England are entangled with her dark past back in Seattle—and her ultimate destiny as a Greywalker.
Было время, когда я не знала, как, черт побери, знакомиться в сети. Вот в этих целях и умудрилась написать в 2004-м году целую повесть в 47-ми главах, да еще по мотивам игры Gothic II, да еще и для форума, на котором очень хотела найти друзей! Пусть я несколько краснею за этот опус, но из песТни слов не выкинешь. Было, значит, БЫЛО. Написано отчасти "великим могучим и свободным русским языка", так что не судите строго.
Jest rok 1964. Nazistowskie Niemcy triumfuj? w Europie oraz Azji i przygotowuj? si? do obchod?w 75 urodzin Hitlera. Prezydent USA J.F.Kennedy ma przyby? z oficjaln? wizyt? do Rzeszy, aby przywr?ci? stosunki dyplomatyczne miedzy krajami. Wtedy uwag? w?adz przykuwa seria tajemniczych morderstw. Wszystkie ofiary ??czy udzia? w planie eksterminacji ?yd?w i S?owian. ?ledztwo rozpoczynaj? agencji niemieckiego wywiadu, szpiedzy i ameryka?ska dziennikarka. Rozwi?zanie oka?e si? bardziej zaskakuj?ce, ni? ktokolwiek przypuszcza.
je druh?m vypr?v?n?m o nomech, vesm?rn?ch trose?n?c?ch ne v?t??ch ne? ?ty?i couly, kte?? st?le je?t? hledaj? Cestu Dom?. Ve sv?m d?vtipem a ?ikovnost? rozjeli n?kla??k a odjeli z Obcho??ku.Toto je vypr?v?n? o Velk?m Boji… O tom, jak nomov? bojuj? s ?lov?kem o „sv?j“ kamenolom. Jak znovu hledaj? Cestu Dom? a ut?kaj? na Jekubovi s dlouh?m krkem, obrovskou zubatou tlamou a velik?mi boubelat?mi pneumatikami…
Pod podlahou Obchodu se rozprost?r? sv?t deset centimetr? vysok?ch n?m?, sv?t skryt? o??m velk?ch lid?. Jak v?ichni n?mov? dob?e v?, Obchod byl stvo?en v?emocn?m b?? Arnoldov?, aby v n?m mohli spokojen? ??t a na?li v n?m „V?e pod jednou st?echou“. A tud?? nem??e existovat nic takov?ho jako Zven??. D?v? to dokonal? smysl. Tedy alespo? a? do chv?le, kdy se objev? skupinka n?m?, kte?? p?ijeli na n?kla??ku, tvrd?, ?e jsou Zven??, mluv? o Dnech, Noc?ch, Sn?hu a podobn?ch bl?zniv?ch pov?r?ch. A nakonec objev? ohromuj?c? zpr?vu — Obchod bude zbour?n. Muskul?n, jeden ze Zvenkovan?, mus? vymyslet odv??n? pl?n ?t?ku, kter?, pokud se povede, nav?dy zm?n? n?m? pohled na sv?t.
Un cerveau d'ordinateur, un corps surentra?n? ? tous les risques, et la beaut? en plus : telle est Vendredi. L'agent id?al en ce monde futur, en ce monde de demain.Et, en effet la voici qui rentre de la plan?te Ell-Cinq, mission accomplie une fois de plus, et quelle mission ! F?licitations du Grand Patron et droit aux vacances.Heureuse, Vendredi ? Non, tourment?e comme jamais encore, hant?e d'images : le viol atroce qu'elle a subi, les meurtres qu'elle a commis. Vendredi la non-humaine aurait-elle une conscience ?
Un mondo completamente diverso dal nostro; la civilt? dei ledom, enigmatiche creature ermafrodite, che hanno osato rivoluzionare sesso e religione per ottenere quello che l’homo sapiens non ha mai avuto. Charlie Johns, un uomo come tanti altri, uno di, noi, scaraventato d’improvviso in una situazione estranea, costretto ad osservare e giudicare questa civilt? alternativa. Da questi elementi Theodore Sturgeon, uno dei massimi autori americani di science-fiction, ha tratto una storia sublime e impegnativa; ha costruito un’opera che scava ’nelle nostre coscienze, indagando senza piet? sino al fondo della storia umana. Un romanzo che non ? semplicemente un ...
Orion finds himself thrust back to the ancient world of Greece and must prevent the Greek army from destroying the citadel of Troy. If he fails, he will lose the only woman he has ever loved. But if he succeeds, the history of the world will be changed forever. The stunning sequel to .
It’s hard to be a badass assassin when a giant is beating the crap out of you. Luckily, I never let pride get in the way of my work. My current mission is personal: annihilate Mab Monroe, the Fire elemental who murdered my family. Which means protecting my identity, even if I have to conceal my powerful Stone and Ice magic when I need it most. To the public, I’m Gin Blanco, owner of Ashland’s best barbecue joint. To my friends, I’m the Spider, retired assassin. I still do favors on the side. ...