Karine Volden jako ma?a dziewczynka zosta?a dwukrotnie zgwa?cona. Cho? zdo?a?a wymaza? z pami?ci koszmarne prze?ycia, coraz bardziej zamyka?a si? w sobie i ba?a si? kontaktu z innymi lud?mi. W czasie wojny napadni?to Karin? po raz kolejny, a jej reakcja okaza?a si? bardzo gwa?towna. Na domiar z?ego dziewczynka obarcza?a siebie wina za to, ?e jej brat Jonathan zosta? zes?any do obozu koncentracyjnego w Niemczech…
„Urzeala Tronurilor”, prima carte din mult aclamata serie „Un c?ntec de ghea?? ?i foc”, va ?ine cititorul cu sufletul la gur? p?n? la ultima pagin? ?i ?l va face ner?bd?tor s? citeasc? urm?torul volum. Criticii au considerat seria „cel mai bun fantasy de la St?p?nul Inelelor ?ncoace”.George R.R. Martin nu doar scrie un roman, ci creeaz? o lume. O lume ?n care iernile pot dura ani ?ntregi, ?n care luptele cu s?biile sunt la ordinea zilei, iar magia exist?. Narat? din mai multe puncte de vedere, povestea are ...
Cheradenine is an ex-"special circumstance" agent who had been raised to eminence by a woman named Diziet. Skaffen-Amtskaw, the drone, had saved her life and it believes Cheradenine to be a burnt-out case. But not even its machine intelligence can see the horrors in his past.
K?nny? feladatnak t?nt... Elv?gre nem lehet oly neh?z elint?zni, hogy egy szolg?l?l?ny ne menjen hozz? a herceghez. Azonban a h?rom boszork?nynak, M?lotvix N?n?nek, Ogg ?ngyinak ?s Magrat Nebl?ndeknek, akik elutaznak a messzi G?nu?ba, a dolgok sosem ennyire egyszer?ek…A szolg?l?l?nyok sorsa az, hogy hozz? kell menni?k a herceghez. Err?l sz?l az ?let. Nem lehet k?zdeni a happy end ellen.Legal?bbis… eddig nem lehetett…
Skandijsk? oberjarl Erak podnikne n?jezd na pob?e?? pou?tn? zem? Aridy, p?itom je v?ak prozrazen, zajat a uv?zn?n. Jeho z?stupce Svengal se proto vyprav? do Araluenu a po??d? o pomoc. Halt a Will se nab?dnou, ?e se vyprav? se Svengalem do Aridy a p?ivezou v?kupn?, jen?e m?-li b?t jejich cesta ?sp??n? a Erak osvobozen, pot?ebuj? m?t s sebou osobu z kr?lovsk?ho rodu. Princezna Kassandra — nebo Evanlyn, jak ji zn? Will — tedy p?emluv? sv?ho otce, aby j? dovolil odplout na jih. K v?prav? se je?t? p?ipoj? Hor?c a Gilan, aby byla dostate?n? zaji?t?na princeznina ochrana.Ale dostane se na?e ?estice state?n?ch p?es pou??, kterou ob?vaj? znesv??en? kmeny a kde na ka?d?m kroku hroz? nezn?m? nebezpe??, k Erakovi v?as?
De nem l?tez? vezet?ik k?z?l a legnagyobb tiszteletnek Wiharv?sz Any? ?rvend k?z?tt?k.Azonban m?g ? is k?nytelen bel?tni, hogy a kir?lyi udvar cselsz?v?nyeibe beleavatkozni j?val bonyolultabb, mint azt bizonyos sz?nm?vek el szeretn?k hitetni az emberrel…
Una superstrada. Una macchina. E dollari per le vacanze. Quattro studenti universitari attraversano diagonalmente l’America, fino al deserto dell’Arizona. La scarrozzata ? anche una fuga dal rock, dalla droga, dall’astrologia... Qualcosa di molto pi? eccitante aspetta i quattro boys: un miraggio di immortalit? che il Libro dei Teschi, un antico manoscritto casualmente ritrovato, offre a chi accetta i Diciotto Misteri dell’Iniziazione. Purtroppo, la vita eterna non sar? elargita a tutti: due ragazzi dovranno morire affinche gli altri vivano. I primi dubbi: esiste davvero, laggi? nel deserto, la casa dell’eterna giovinezza?... All’avventura esoterica, oggi molto attuale nei "colleges", si ispira «Vacanze nel deserto», un eccezionale romanzo "fantastico" che appaga il nostro bisogno di mistero: con questo libro Silverberg d? una risposta nuova, abbagliante e terribile.
Ironically, you’ll probably appreciate most after you’ve put it down. The prolific and acclaimed Stephen Baxter has always been praised for his imaginative and conscientious use of science, and is no exception. This collection of short stories will leave you ruminating for days over the sprawl of ideas, worlds, and life forms Baxter has woven together.Filling in the gaps on Baxter’s ambitious, almost audacious, 10-million-year timeline called the “Xeelee Sequence,” is a collection of revised, previously published short stories that bridges together his popular novels set in this same “future history” — , , , and . Baxter’s ...
As treachery and betrayal become the prime weapons in the war between Ar and Cos, Tarl Cabot is trapped inthe siege of Ar's Station. And when Ar's Station falls to the warriors of Cos, it is only with the aid of the loyal Vosk League, that Tarl and other survivors make thier escape fromt he defeated port. But with the forces of Cos now readying to continue ontheir devastating march of conquest, Tarl must go undercover as a spy within the energy camp, hoping to discover their plans and send word to Ar's army before it is too late.. In Vagabonds of Gor, Tarl Cabot faces perhaps his greatest challenge of all, as he is caught up inthe myriad dangers and intrigue of two mighty powers at war.
Sur Majipoor, la plan?te g?ante, r?gne Lord Valentin le Coronal, qui, nagu?re jongleur, a retrouv? son tr?ne, mais conserv? un corps d’emprunt. Ces faits de haute chronique ont ?t? relat?s dans Le ch?teau de Lord Valentin.Mais il n’est pas dit que le r?gne de Valentin restera serein. Tandis que le Coronal entreprend son P?riple ? travers les immensit?s de Majipoor, afin de se faire voir de ses peuples, accompagn? de Carabella, son ?pouse bien aim?e, de ses amis des jours d’infortune devenus grands seigneurs ...
Lord Valentine, antes de asumir el cargo de Pont?fice, debe afrontar las tareas de gobierno en una ?poca de rebeli?n y enfrentarse al duro y pragm?tico Hissune, a fin de regir un planeta bruscamente turbulento.El conflicto de los dos hombres y su resoluci?n constituye la esencia de este mosaico poblado de personajes, como los esquivos metamorfos de forma humanoide, que ponen a prueba al futuro Pont?fice.“Valentine Pont?fice” es el remate incitante y conmovedor de una fantas?a brillantemente ejecutada.
Gigantyczn? planet? Majipoor o ?rednicy dziesi?ciokrotnie wi?kszej ni? Ziemia zasiedlili w odleg?ej przesz?o?ci koloni?ci z naszej planety, znajduj?c na niej miejsce w?r?d rasy tubylczej, kt?r? nazwali Metamorfami, jako ?e potrafi? oni zmienia? wygl?d. W wyniku przegranej wojny z lud?mi, Zmiennokszta?tni zostaj? zmuszeni do zamieszkania w rezerwatach. Na Majipoor przybywaj? tymczasem inne rasy: male?cy Vroonowie, czteror?cy Skandarzy i dwug?owi Su-Suherisi. Niekt?re z tych istot posiadaj? umiej?tno?ci parazmys?owe umo?liwiaj?ce uprawianie magii.Spok?j sn?w Lorda Valentine'a, w?...
Valiant picks up right where the third book, Courageous, left off, with the Alliance fleet leaving through the Ixion Star System's worm hole to return back to the Lakota Star System.
When seventeen-year-old Valerie Russell runs away to New York City, she's trying to escape a life that has utterly betrayed her. Sporting a new identity, she takes up with a gang of squatters who live in the city's labyrinthine subway system. But there's something eerily beguiling about Val's new friends. Impulsive Lolli talks of monsters in the subway tunnels they call home and shoots up a shimmery amber-colored powder that makes the shadows around her dance. Severe Luis claims he can make deals with creatures that no one else can see. And then there's Luis's brother, timid and ...
По мнению исследователей творчества Филипа Дика, трилогия «Валис» стала главным произведением его жизни, хотя писатель успел закончить только два романа из задуманных трех. Первый роман трилогии – вероятно, наиболее личная книга Дика из всех им написанных. В этом романе нашли отражение собственные мистические переживания автора, и остается только догадываться, считал ли он сам «Валис» художественным вымыслом – или же автобиографией с совсем небольшими преувеличениями…
St. Vladimir’s Academy isn’t just any boarding school—it’s a hidden place where vampires are educated in the ways of magic and half-human teens train to protect them. Rose Hathaway is a Dhampir, a bodyguard for her best friend Lissa, a Moroi Vampire Princess. They’ve been on the run, but now they’re being dragged back to St. Vladimir’s—the very place where they’re most in danger...Rose and Lissa become enmeshed in forbidden romance, the Academy’s ruthless social scene, and unspeakable nighttime rituals. But they must be careful lest the Strigoi—the world’s fiercest and most dangerous vampires—make Lissa one of them forever.