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Книги 51476—51500 из 51942.

  • Visszat?r?s
  • Lem Stanislaw
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • A reg?ny h?se Hal Bregg, a kozmoszban tett hossz? ?tj?r?l t?r vissza a f?ldre, ahol id?k?zben teljesen megv?ltozott viszonyokat tal?l. Nemcsak a technika alakul ?t — m?s az ?letm?d, ?s m?s az emberek term?szete. S m?s a f?rfiak ?s n?k egym?shoz val? viszonya is. Hal ?ssze?tk?z?sbe ker?l ezzel a megv?ltozott, n?ha megh?kkent?en idegen vil?ggal ?s lakosaival, akik nem honfit?rsai az id?ben, s m?gis vel?k kell le?lnie h?tral?v? ?let?t. V?g?l a szerelem seg?ti hozz?, hogy megtal?lja a hely?t, s l?zong?s ?s keser?s?g n?lk?l gondolhasson azokra, akik elrep?lnek a csillagok aranygyapj???rt…

  • Vita in famiglia
  • Bishop Michael
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Michael Bishop ? senz’altro uno degli autori pi? completi e maturi della fantascienza degli anni settanta-ottanta, come testimoniano opere ricche di forza narrativa e di brillanti ritratti di culture aliene quali e . Qui lo vediamo all’opera nella descrizione di un’altra societ? di un futuro non molto lontano, costituita da «anziani» che si riuniscono in matrimoni di gruppo sponsorizzati dal governo. Il loro mondo e le loro strutture sociali sono affascinanti, ma sono proprio i personaggi, ognuno un essere umano magnificamente dipinto, che cattureranno la vostra attenzione e la vostra simpatia.

  • Vivono su livelli
  • Carr Terry
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Pi? che come autore il compianto Terry Carr era famoso soprattutto come curatore di antologie e di collane fantascientifiche. In particolare ? stato responsabile della celebre serie degli «Ace Specials» e delle ottime raccolte dei migliori racconti apparsi nell’anno, fatte prima per la «.Ace Books» e poi per la «Ballantine/Del Rey».Questo originalissimo racconto ci dimostra la sua bravura anche come scrittore: si tratta di una storia piena di sensibilit? e di gusto, una storia di una strana societ? futura popolata di fantasmi e di apparizioni. E al contempo ? anche una storia d’amore: una storia curiosa e commovente che rimarr? nella mente dei lettori per molto tempo.

  • Vlny zti?uj? v?tr
  • Strugackij Arkadij
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Vlny zti?uj? v?tr… V textu v?ta byla pronesena vlastn? n?hodn?, ale ve fin?le ji komentuje Gorbovskij, a to sta?? k tomu, aby pozorn? ?ten?? z?skal k t?to v?t? uctiv? vztah. Nav?c n?kdo z hrdin? je?t? prohodil slovo „bozi“ („?d?lem boh? je vyvol?vat v?tr“).Znovu jsou lid? postaveni proti boh?m? Ov?em pokud je v?tr ?d?lem boh?, co znamenaj? „vlny“, kter? jsou s to postavit se v?tru a zabr?nit „bo??mu z?m?ru“? Nejsou to v ?lov?ku, kter? ponech?vaj? ?lov?ka tv??? v tv?? s jeho lidsk?mi probl?my? B?t ?lov?kem nen? b??m?, je to povinnost, ?estn? nezbytnost, je to ?ivot s?m. Novela brat?? Strugack?ch tedy znovu p?ipomn?la v?dom? b?t ?lov?kem.

  • Voci dal nulla
  • McKillip Patricia
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Rinchiusa nell’Avemo, il pi? impenetrabile carcere orbitale di massima sicurezza dell’intera galassia, Terra Viridian sconta la sua condanna senza poter sfuggire alla visione che le ha fatto massacrare senza motivo apparente pi? di millecinquecento persone. Una visione apocalittica, che lei stessa non comprende e all’esistenza della quale nessuno crede, ma la cui voce pu? significare un contatto totalmente nuovo per il genere umano. La scena cambia quando intorno a Terra iniziano ad agire strani personaggi: il Mago, capace di suonare Bach per ore e ore immerso in una profonda trance, Aaron, il poliziotto alla ricerca della gemella di Terra -Viridian misteriosamente scomparsa, e la Regina di Cuori, la musicista mascherata in grado di plasmare sonorit? sempre nuove. Solo quando tutti questi destini si incroceranno nell’Averno, guidati da una voce a loro sconosciuta, arriver? il momento di giocare l’ultima partita.

  • Voices
  • Ле Гуин Урсула
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Ansul was once a peaceful town filled with libraries, schools, and temples. But that was long ago, and the conquerors of this coastal city consider reading and writing to be acts punishable by death. And they believe the Oracle House, where the last few undestroyed books are hidden, is seething with demons. But to seventeen-year-old Memer, the house is the only place where she feels truly safe.Then an Uplands poet named Orrec and his wife, Gry, arrive, and everything in Memer’s life begins to change. Will she and the people of Ansul at last be brave enough to rebel against their oppressors?

  • Voices
  • Vornholt John
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Mind games of the deadly kind: Telepaths to the left of them, telepaths to the right of them. And danger is all around Commander Susan Ivanova and Security Chief Michael Garibaldi when a Psi Corps Convention is held on Babylon 5. Someone will turn this meeting of mind readers into a real blast… as a bomb makes Babylon 5 a death trap. Voices: the prime suspect is resident telepath Talia Winters. With Talia’s old foes, thought-cops Bester and Gray, calling for her head, Ivanova and Garibaldi can’t openly help her. Now she’s running for her life through a perilous universe, and her psychic talent is her only weapon when her path is blocked by staggering intergalactic horrors: psi-cops closing in… and a killer waiting.

  • Voices of Dragons
  • Vaughn Carrie
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • On one side of the border lies the modern world: the internet, homecoming dances, cell phones. On the other side dwell the ancient monsters who spark humanity's deepest fears: dragons. Seventeen-year-old Kay Wyatt knows she's breaking the law by rock climbing near the border, but she'd rather have an adventure than follow the rules. When the dragon Artegal unexpectedly saves her life, the rules are abruptly shattered, and a secret friendship grows between them. But suspicion and terror are the legacy of human and dragon interactions, and the fragile truce that has maintained peace between the species is unraveling. As tensions mount and battles begin, Kay and Artegal are caught in the middle. Can their friendship change the course of a war? In her young-adult debut, bestselling author Carrie Vaughn presents a distinctly twenty-first-century tale of myths and machines, and an alliance that crosses a seemingly unbridgeable divide.

  • Volo di drago
  • McCaffrey Anne
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • La trilogia dei «Dragonieri di Pern», di cui «Volo di Drago» ? la prima parte, ? uno dei pi? interessanti cicli narrativi che la fantascienza ha prodotto in questi ultimi anni nel suo sforzo di rinnovamento interno, tematico e stilistico; ? il tentativo ad ampio respiro di creare «ex novo» una mitologia complessa e coordinata, che non sia un semplice adattamento di mitologie «terrestri».Esso ? dovuto ad un nome nuovo, lanciato da John Campbell sulle pagine di «Analog», Anne McCaffrey, che si rivela scrittrice sensibile, originale e dalle notevoli doti letterarie. Sia i lettori che i critici statunitensi hanno testimoniato illoro ...

  • Von Neumann’s War
  • Ringo John
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • New series. Mars is changing. Seemingly overnight the once “Red” planet is turning to gray. Something is happening, something unnatural. A team of, literally, rocket scientists figure out a way to send a probe, very fast, to Mars to determine how and why it is changing. However, when the probe is destroyed well short of the formerly red planet, it’s apparent that Mars is being used as a staging ground. The only viable target for that staging ground is Earth. Ranging from rocket design to brilliant paranoids to “in your face” fighting in Iraq, is a fast paced look at what would happen if the earth was attacked by a robot race that, quite accidentally, was bent on destroying civilization.

  • Voodoo Die
  • Murphy Warren
  • Жанр: Детективная фантастика
  • Under the Communist President-for-Life, a voodoo priest named Generalissimo Sacrist Corazon, the natives of the Caribbean Isle Baqia aren't complaining, thanks to a delicious drug they call "mung." When shot through with radiation, however, mung becomes a powerful weapon: it literally liquefies the opposition, and Generalissimo Corazon has no qualms about using it. After an innocent missionary becomes the latest victim of Corazon's mung machine, the world is alarmed, and deadly forces are inspired. The Chinese, the Russians, and the CIA all vie to control the mung machine, while CURE's own powerful weapons, Remo and Chiun, make their way to Baqia and further discover nuclear warheads aimed at the United States. Sacrist Corazon must be stopped, but has the Destroyer met his deadly voodoo match?

  • Voodoo Planet
  • North Andrew
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • CHALLENGE ME WITH MONSTERS!"From between the two shuffling dancers padded something on four feet. The canine-feline creature was more than just a head; it was a loose-limbed, graceful body fully eight feet in length, and the red eyes in the prick-eared head were those of a killer.... Words issued from between those curved fangs, words which Dane might not understand...."Dane slid his blade out surreptitiously, setting its point against the palm of his hand and jabbing painfully; but the terrible creature continued to advance.... There was no blurring of its lines...."Dane Thorson of the space-ship knew there was only one way to win out over this hideous thing — a battle to the end between his rational mind and the hypnotic witchcraft of Lumbrilo, the mental wizard of the planet Khatka.

  • Voodoo Planet
  • Нортон Андрэ
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • "From between the two shuffling dancers padded something on four feet. The canine-feline creature was more than just a head; it was a loose-limbed, graceful body fully eight feet in length, and the red eyes in the prick-eared head were those of a killer.... Words issued from between those curved fangs, words which Dane might not understand...."Dane slid his blade out surreptitiously, setting its point against the palm of his hand and jabbing painfully; but the terrible creature continued to advance.... There was no blurring of its lines...."Dane Thorson of the space-ship knew there was only one way to win out over this hideous thing — a battle to the end between his rational mind and the hypnotic witchcraft of Lumbrilo, the mental wizard of the planet Khatka.

  • Vorpal Blade
  • Ringo John
  • Жанр: Боевая фантастика
  • The sequel to . William Weaver, PhD. and SEAL Chief Adams are back and Bill got himself a ship! The former SSBN has been converted, using mostly garage mechanics and baling wire, into a warp ship ready to go “out there.” But as everyone knows, the people who really are going to bear the brunt are the poor Security guys, Force Recon Marines who are kept in the dark and fed manure all day. That is until they land on an alien planet, get partially wiped out and then load back up again. Ranging in topics from the best gun to kill armored space monsters to particle physics to cosmology to health and beauty tips, is a return to the “good old days” of SF when the science problems were intractable and the beasts were ugly. The monkeys are out in the space lanes and ready to rock. As soon as they get another roll of duct tape.