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Книги 9376—9400 из 10588.

  • Rhapsody: Child of Blood
  • Haydon Elizabeth
  • Rhapsody is high fantasy, descended from Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings through Eddings’s Belgariad and Malloreon series, complete with an elf-like people, cannibalistic giants, fire-born demons, and dragons. Inquiring fantasy readers will wonder whether it can live up to such distinguished predecessors. The answer is yes. Haydon’s first fantasy is a palpable hit. The three protagonists are well-realized characters whose adventures are by turns hilarious, horrific, and breathtaking. Best of all, though elements are drawn from familiar sources ranging from Norse myth to Mozart’s The Magic Flute, Haydon’s magic worldbuilding is convincing, consistent, and ...

  • Rivers of London
  • Aaronovitch Ben
  • My name is Peter Grant and until January I was just probationary constable in that mighty army for justice known to all right-thinking people as the Metropolitan Police Service (as the Filth to everybody else). My only concerns in life were how to avoid a transfer to the Case Progression Unit — we do paperwork so real coppers don't have to—and finding a way to climb into the panties of the outrageously perky WPC Leslie May. Then one night, in pursuance of a murder inquiry, I tried to take a witness statement from someone who was dead but disturbingly ...

  • Road of the Patriarch
  • Сальваторе Роберт
  • THE ASSASSINA cold and emotionless killer for whom every soul has a price, even his own, embarks on a path to find out just how high that price can be.THE MERCENARYA dark elf of limitless guile dares to challenge a king, and carve for himself a place in the inhospitable World Above.ILNEZHARA and TAZMIKELLA are ancient dragons of great power, accustomed to easily manipulating the humans around them. But not all humans are so easily led. When they pushed Entreri and Jarlaxle into the heart of the Bloodstone Lands, not even they could have imagined the strength of the human assassin's resolve, or the limitless expanse of the drow mercenary's ambition.

  • Roadkill
  • Thurman Rob
  • New from the national bestselling author of DeathwishIt's time to lock, load, and hit the road…Once, while half-human Cal Leandros and his brother Niko were working on a case, an ancient gypsy queen gave them a good old-fashioned backstabbing. Now, just as their P.I. business hits a slow patch, the old crone shows up with a job.She wants them to find a stolen coffin that contains a blight that makes the Black Death seem like a fond memory. But the thief has already left town, so the Leandros brothers are going on the road. And if they're very, very lucky, there might even be a return trip…

  • Roma IV
  • Копылова Полина
  • «Реальные шоу» наподобие «За стеклом», с плохой «картинкой» и «неотстроенным» звуком уже приедаются. Однажды придет день, когда в прямом эфире очередного «шоу» крупным планом покажут смерть – этакий новый виток в истории гладиаторских игрищ и рыцарских турниров... И до того, чтобы одеть насельников «заэкранья» в исторически (не)достоверные костюмы, останется один шаг. Техника недалекого будущего обеспечит в прямом эфире ракурсы и звуковые эффекты, достойные многомиллионного блокбастера. Кабельные сети перенесут сигнал на миллиарды жидкокристаллических экранов. Шоу может продолжаться годами, как телесериал, или завершиться в считанные дни: имеет значение только его рейтинг, «отбивающий» вложенные деньги. А для того, чтобы деньги были вложены, требуется подробный бизнес-план проекта, включающий, в частности, сценарную разработку, каковая и представлена ниже. Форма сценарной разработки традиционно может быть свободной.

  • Rouge of Gor
  • Norman John
  • Jason Marshall learned the meaning of manhood and the power of women, both dominant and submissive, when he was kidnapped from Earth to the Counter-Earth called Gor. Winning his freedom, jason set out single-handed to win his own place onthat gloriously barbaric world won the other side of the sun. His intent was to find the girl whohad been enslaved with him. But that quest thrust him smack in the middle of the war that raged between Imperial Air and the Salerian Confederation — and the secret schemes of hte pirate armada that sought control of the mighty trading artery of the fighting cities.

  • Royal Assassin
  • Хобб Робин
  • Continuing in the tradition of her first book (Assassin's Apprentice) Hobb propels the Farseer saga into its second installment with irresistible plotting and memorable characters. Fitz is a trained assassin in the service of King Shrewd and also the king's illegitimate grandson. He is sworn to protect heir to the throne Prince Verity and Verity's new bride, but his task is complicated by an invasion of vicious barbarians who turn helpless captives into zombie-like Forged Ones. The home front is no safer, with an ailing King and usurpers to the throne waiting in the wings. Romance, sibling rivalry, battlefield ...

  • Rozvaliny Gorlanu
  • Flanagan John
  • Prvn? kniha fantasy s?rie p??b?h? o Willovi a jeho p??tel?ch z hradu Redmontu.Will je na sv?j v?k mal?, ale zato je hbit? a neoby?ejn? bystr?. Cel? ?ivot snil o tom, ?e se stane slavn?m ryt??em jako otec, kter?ho nikdy nepoznal, ale do bojov? ?koly na hrad? Redmontu ho pro mal? vzr?st nep?ijmou. M?sto toho se dostane do u?en? k Haltovi, tajemn?mu hrani???i, jeho? z?hadnou schopnost neviditeln? se pohybovat lid? p?i??taj? ?ern? magii. Will se postupn? u?? pou??vat zbran? hrani???e: luk a ??py, ?edozelenou pl??t?nku a hou?evnat?ho mal?ho ponyho. A?koli Will nem? me? ani velk?ho kon?, po kter?ch tolik tou?il, zjist?, ?e dobr? hrani??? je pro kr?lovstv? stejn? d?le?it? jako slavn? ryt??. A kdy? se s Haltem vyd? na nebezpe?nou v?pravu do pustiny, aby vystopoval d?siv? tvory, kte?? se chystaj? zab?t kr?le, zjist? nakonec, ?e hrani???sk? zbran? nejsou tak ?patn?…

  • Ruchome obrazki
  • Pratchett Terry
  • Ukryte we wn?trzu kamer chochliki b?yskawicznie maluj? kolejne klatki na celuloidowej ta?mie. ?wiat Dysku odkrywa magi? Srebrnego Ekranu! Nie wystarczy jednak usi??? w kinowym fotelu i z przej?ciem ?ledzi? losy bohater?w Porwanego wiatrem, najdziwniejszego filmu o Wojnie Domowej, jaki kiedykolwiek powsta?. Przede wszystkim trzeba wyja?ni?, jak? tajemnic? skrywa wzg?rze ?wi?tego Gaju (czyli Holy Woodu), nie przejmuj?c si? tym, ?e Gaspode, Cudowny Pies, ma wielk? ochot? na to, by uratowa? ?wiat…

  • Ruiny Gorlanu
  • Flanagan John
  • Osadzona w fikcyjnym, stylizowanym na ?redniowiecze, ?wiecie powie?? przygodowa dla nastolatk?w, pierwszy tom bestsellerowej serii Johna Flanagana. Przysz?o?? pi?tnastoletniego Willa, wychowanka sieroci?ca, zale?y od decyzji mo?nego barona. Szko?a Wojownik?w b?d? proza ch?opskiego ?ycia, miecz i zbroja, albo oporz?dzanie trzody… Will bardzo chcia?by zosta? rycerzem jak jego ojciec — bohater, kt?ry zgin?? w ostatniej potyczce ze z?ym baronem Morgarathem. Problem w tym, ?e do w?adania ci??k? broni? potrzebna jest krzepa i si?a fizyczna, a ich ch?opakowi brak. Niewysoki i drobny, regularnie zbiera ...