When he was nine, he watched his mother and brother killed before him. By the time he was thirteen, he was the leader of a band of bloodthirsty thugs. By fifteen, he intends to be king... It's time for Prince Honorous Jorg Ancrath to return to the castle he turned his back on, to take what's rightfully his. Since the day he was hung on the thorns of a briar patch and forced to watch Count Renar's men slaughter his mother and young brother, Jorg has been driven to vent his rage. Life and death are no more than a game to him-and he has nothing left to lose. But treachery awaits him in his father's castle. Treachery and dark magic. No matter how fierce, can the will of one young man conquer enemies with power beyond his imagining?
Tavi of Calderon, now recognized as Princeps Gaius Octavian and heir to the crown, has achieved a fragile alliance with Alera's oldest foes, the savage Canim. But when Tavi and his legions guide the Canim safely to their lands, his worst fears are realized. The dreaded Vord-the enemy of Aleran and Cane alike-have spent the last three years laying waste to the Canim homeland. And when the Alerans are cut off from their ships, they find themselves with no choice but to fight shoulder to shoulder if they are to survive. For a thousand years, Alera and her furies have withstood every enemy, and survived every foe. The thousand years are over…
Начинается все весьма обыденно. Любовный треугольник: Марина и братья Андрей и Алексей Шальных. Только братья Шальных совсем и не родственники, а Марине предстоит выбирать отнюдь не между "братьев". К тому же под ногами путаются странники с других планет, свои интриги строят разные Советы, Консилиумы, Службы и Конторы. Вещь получилась лирическая (про любовь), несерьезная, немножко ироничная и фэнтазюшная. Любителям боевых сцен не читать, а то схужает от нежности и любви!!!
The long awaited sequel to .The second title in a new series dealing with two popular characters from the Forgotten Realms world. All three of the books in the last trilogy by Salvatore were best sellers in hardcover. The last book in the trilogy, , hit #4 on best seller list and remained in the top twenty for five weeks.
Niedaleka przysz?o??. Na przedmie?ciach ogromnej metropolii, w?r?d bezdomnych, egzystuje Lynn Fargo. Cz?owiek, kt?ry straci? wszystko – rodzin?, dom, nawet pami??. Fargo wydaje si? jednak pogodzony z losem. Schorowany i bliski ?mierci przypadkowo odkrywa niezwyk?y dar, kt?ry mo?e uratowa? mu ?ycie, ale najprawdopodobniej stanowi przyczyn? wszystkich jego nieszcz???. Lynn zapragnie przed ?mierci? wyja?ni? zagadk? swego pochodzenia. Korzystaj?c z mo?liwo?ci?wstrzeliwania si?? w umys?y innych ludzi, rozpoczyna nowe ?ycie i prywatne ?ledztwo, kt?re doprowadzi go do przera?aj?cego ?wiata tajnych organizacji rz?dowych, zab?jc?w ...
Benedikte Lind z Ludzi Lodu zosta?a wezwana, by pom?c w rozwi?zaniu zagadki domu duch?w i tajemniczych zw?ok. Wyruszy?a z garstk? towarzyszy do opuszczonej wioski, by stawi? czo?o nieznanemu z?u. W wyprawie uczestniczy? te? przystojny student, Sander Brink, kt?ry podbi? serce Benedikte. Ona wiedzia?a jednak, ?e jej mi?o?? nie ma szans, by?a wszak dotkni?t? z Ludzi Lodu…
Car Teppicymon XXVII est mort et son fils va lui succ?der. Pas facile d’h?riter du tr?ne quand on est encore un ado et qu’on vient d’achever ses ?tudes ? la Guilde des Assassins…Vous voil? responsable du lever du soleil comme de l’abondance des r?coltes. Et les ennuis vous guettent : vaches grasses, vaches maigres (par 7, bien entendu), sphinx, pr?tres fanatiques, crocodiles sacr?s et momies vagabondes.Sans compter que la Grande Pyramide a pr?cipit? le royaume dans une faille spatiotemporelle.
Nen? snadn? b?t faraonem v pubert?. Nesm?te s sebou nosit pen?ze, ovoce v?m loupaj? mlad? ?en?tiny nev?zan?ch mrav?, kdekdo si mysl?, ?e m??ete za to, ?e vych?z? slunce a kuku?ice roste. Neust?le se v?m zd? o sedmi huben?ch a sedmi tu?n?ch krav?ch, a k tomu v?emu je?t? d?ky parakosmick? nestabilit? vybuchne Velk? pyramida. Pak si je?t? mus?te poradit se v?emi t?mi vrahy, sfingami, d?ev?n?mi ko?mi, filozofy, svat?mi krokod?li, chod?c?mi mumiemi, drav?m stavitelem pyramid a s Hitem se sup? hlavou, kter? je bohem v?ech neo?ek?van? p??choz?ch. P?itom v?ecno, co byste opravdu cht?li, je ud?lat n?co pro mlad? lidi a starobyl? st?ed m?sta.
When his mother dies in a flitter crash, eighteen-year-old Ishmael Horatio Wang must find a job with the planet company or leave the system-and NerisCo isn't hiring. With credits running low, and prospects limited, he has just one hope…to enlist for two years with a deep space commercial freighter. Ishmael, who only rarely visited the Neris Orbital, and has never been off-planet alone before, finds himself part of an eclectic crew sailing a deep space leviathan between the stars.Join the crew of the SC Lois McKendrick, a Manchester built clipper as she sets solar sails in search of profit for her company and a crew each entitled to a share equal to their rating.