The Kur came to Port Karl! Two of the terrible space beasts came to make Tarl Cabot an offer. They were a death-squad seeking the renegade Kur commander, the great Half-Ear whom Tarl had once fought against in the Far North. But Tarl refused their offer, for Half-Ear was more valuable to the Priest-Kings alive than to the Kur dead. And now he knew it was imperative for him to save that monster from the doom that would fast overtake him.
Student glass magician Opal Cowan's newfound ability to steal a magician's powers makes her too powerful. Ordered to house arrest by the Council, Opal dares defy them, traveling to the Moon Clan's lands in search of Ulrick, the man she thinks she loves. Thinks because she is sure another man now her prisoner has switched souls with Ulrick.In hostile territory, without proof or allies, Opal isn't sure whom to trust. She can't forget Kade, the handsome Stormdancer who doesn't want to let her get close. And now everyone is after Opal's special powers for their own deadly gain....
Mendanbar, the King of the Enchanted Forest, plays hooky one day and goes for a stroll to the Green Glass pool. He finds a section of the forest destroyed – apparently by dragons. Perturbed, Mendanbar visits Morwen for advice. Morwen counsels him to pay a visit to Kazul, the King of the Dragons. So Mendanbar retrieves his magical sword from the castle armory, and sets out for the Mountains of Morning – but not before he is paid a suspicious visit by Zemenar, the Head Wizard of the Society of Wizards.Mendanbar journeys to the cave of the King of ...
The novel is set in 1963, eighteen years following the end of the alternate World War II shown in the Worldwar series. Earl Warren is President of the United States, Vyacheslav Molotov is the Premier of the Soviet Union, and Heinrich Himmler leads Nazi Germany.At the start of the novel, the colonization fleet of the Race enters the Solar System, bringing with them, forty million colonists for settling on Earth. As the fleet enters Earth orbit, a human satellite unleashes a nuclear attack that kills millions. As Germany, the USSR, and the United States each have large-scale space ...
Smr? je nezv?stn?. P?edpokl?d? se, ?e jaksi… ode?el. Pravdou v?ak je, ?e dostal v?pov??. To samoz?ejm? p?sob? ur?it? zmatek, jak? ostatn? vznikne poka?d?, kdy? zru??te n?jakou hodn? vyu??vanou slu?bu ve?ejnosti. Zem?plochu pomalu napl?uj? nejr?zn?j?? duchov?, a skupina bojovn?k? za pr?va mrtv?ch m? najednou v?c pr?ce ne? kdykoliv p?edt?m.Zat?m se kdesi daleko na venkov? objev? podivn?, velmi skromn? cizinec, kter?, jak se uk??e, um? skv?le zach?zet s kosou. Jeho obrovsk? b?l? k?? se skvostn?m postrojem sice vypad? jako kraden?, ale za??naj? ?n? a ka?d? ruky je zapot?eb?. Cizinec nastoup? jako v?tan? pomocn?k na farm? sle?ny Zaho?al? a pust? se do pr?ce, i kdy? chv?lemi tak n?jak po sv?m…
Pan Tomasz otrzymuje z Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie list informuj?cy o propozycji wymiany traktatu „O rt?ci siedemnastowiecznego alchemika Micha?a S?dziwoja na przechowywany w muzeum atanator, specjalny piec alchemiczny. Pan Samochodzik i Pawe? Daniec jad? do Krakowa, gdzie okazuje si?, ?e autorkami tej propozycji wymiany s? dwie m?ode dziewczyny, Sanis?awa i Katarzyna Kruszewskie. Po pocz?tkowej rywalizacji panowie i panie ??cz? wysilki, aby rozwi?za? szyfr z „Niemej ksi?gi”, rzedstawiaj?cej etapy produkcji z?ota. Do?wiadczenie przeprowadzone przez kuzynki w obecno?ci pana Tomasza i Paw?a zdumiewa bu muzealnik?w.
Pierwszy tom trylogii o losach m?odej wojowniczki Dubhe, kt?ra ma ocali? „Wynurzony” ?wiat od Gildii — sekty zab?jc?w, oddaj?cych ho?d tyranowi o imieniu Aster. Jej zadanie nie jest ?atwe, gdy? ci??y nad ni? kl?twa i dr?cz? wspomnienia z przesz?o?ci. Jako o?miolatka, w trakcie zabawy, przypadkowo zabi?a swojego koleg?, przez co zosta?a usuni?ta z rodzinnej wsi. Przetrwa? pom?g? jej wtedy tajemniczy Sarnek, dawny najemnik sekty, od kt?rego nauczy?a si? fachu. Po jego ?mierci Dubhe, jako dojrza?a wojowniczka i zwinna z?odziejka przyci?...
Jedna z najbardziej znanych powie?ci polskiej fantastyki przed rokiem 1989, zaliczana do nurtu fantastyki socjologicznej. „Powie?? napisana jest potoczy?cie. Oramus ze swobod?, u?ywaj?c technicznych monta?owych sztuczek, pokazuje nam splataj?ce si? ze sob? losy kilkudziesi?ciu postaci, ani razu nie trac?c kontroli nad skomplikowan? powie?ciow? maszyneri?. A ogl?damy tu nie tylko przygody i zmagania ludzi lecz r?wnie? ich swobodnie lewituj?cych i zwalczaj?cych si? ja?ni. ?wiat opisany przez Oramusa jest z?y, pos?pny, ludzie w nim cz?stokro? czyni? sobie wyrozumowane ?ajdactwa, rz?dzi tym ?wiatem intryga i manipulacja, lecz mimo to, nawet w tej klatce na szczury spotykamy co jaki? czas arystokrat?w ducha zdolnych do mi?o?ci, wielkoduszno?ci, wreszcie — do wstydu.”
In this novel, every characterisic is changed - directions are reversed, the issue of slavery is reversed to serfdom, the color of the oppressed class is changed from negro to blond - only the victors, as changed, stay the same. As a history buff, it makes a very interesting story. Sentry Peak is really Lookout Mountain. The generals are given similar names in the book, but they keep their true natures. The book covers the Tennessee fron in 1863, when U S Grant (General Bart in the book), took over from Roscrans (Guildenstern in the book) and got things moving ...