Maddy es una chica solitaria y no por elecci?n propia: ha nacido con una marca en la mano, un estigma en forma de runa que hace que el resto de los aldeanos se aparte de ella y le tenga miedo, pues creen que les traer? desgracias y mala suerte. A?n as? puede sentirse afortunada: si fuese un animal, sus vecinos ya la habr?an asesinado; tal es el miedo que despierta en sus corazones lo excepcional. En el mundo de Maddy ya nadie cree en los dioses y los esp?ritus, no se piensa en ellos ni ...
Kozacy, Chi?czycy, Arabowie, archeolodzy, degeneraci, nekromanci, terrory?ci, opozycjoni?ci, a nawet Obcy – tak przedziwny kalejdoskop bohater?w pojawia si? w dwunastu opowiadaniach z najnowszego zbioru Andrzeja Pilipiuka „Rze?nik drzew”. Jest ?miesznie, strasznie, powa?nie, a bywa te? refleksyjnie. Czyli – jak zwykle u Pilipiuka – rozrywka przez du?e „R”, na bardzo dobrym, literackim poziomie.Andrzej Pilipiuk to jeden z najbardziej poczytnych polskich pisarzy m?odego pokolenia. Archeolog z wykszta?cenia, debiutowa? jeszcze w studenckich czasach na ?amach „Fenixa” opowiadaniem „Hiena” (1996r.), otwieraj?cym cykl opowie?ci o Jakubie W?drowyczu – degeneracie, bimbrowniku i egzorcy?cie. Ten ...
Najbardziej wstrz?saj?ca i blu?niercza wizja w historii polskiej fantastyki! Oto ?wiat, w kt?rym Chrystus zszed? z Krzy?a i obj?? w?adz? nad ludzko?ci?. ?wiat tortur, stos?w i prze?ladowa?. Czuwa nad tym, by Twoja wiara by?a czysta. Strze?e Twych my?li przed zgorszeniem. ?ledzi Twe uczynki, aby? nie zgrzeszy?. A je?li przyjdzie taka potrzeba, ofiaruje Ci bolesn? rozkosz stosu. To on – Inkwizytor Jego Ekscelencji Biskupa. Miecz w r?ku Pana i s?uga Anio??w. "S?uga Bo?y" to przeredagowane i uzupe?nione wznowienie tomu opowiada? o inkwizytorze Mordimerze Madderdinie, zawieraj?ce mi?dzy innymi nigdy nie publikowany tekst "Czarne p?aszcze ta?cz?". W "S?udze Bo?ym" czarnoksi??nicy odprawiaj? blu?niercze rytua?y, demony zst?puj? na ?wiat, czarownice knuj? mroczne intrygi. A temu wszystkiemu musi przeciwstawi? si? cz?owiek, kt?rego serce jest tak gor?ce jak ogie? stos?w, na kt?re posy?a swe ofiary.
Jennifer Talldeer, is a private investigator. She is also Kestral-Hunts-Alone, an apprentice shaman learning modified tribal magic from her grandfather. She is called in to investigate possible sabotage at a local construction site where Indian artifacts have been found. Initially a run-of-the-mill investigation, it quickly spirals into a mess involving an old flame, Medicine and Native spirits running amok and an ancient evil once defeated by Jennifer's ancestor that has come back seeking revenge.
"Sacred" - культовая компьютерная игра, завоевавшая сердца миллионов поклонников по всему свету! Впервые на русском языке серия захватывающих романов об уникальном таинственном мире "Sacred"! С недавних пор в королевстве Анкария воцарился хрупкий мир, однако повелители преисподней не оставляют попыток захватить власть, прибегая к самым изощренным способам. В окрестностях небольшого поселка бесчинствует жуткое чудовище, с невероятной жестокостью убивающее юных невинных девушек. Последней надеждой запуганных жителей становится Зара - получеловек, полувампир, стремящаяся делать добро, но обуреваемая жаждой крови. Вместе с мошенником Фальком Зара пытается разгадать тайну бестии и нападает на след заговора, грозящего погубить Анкарию.
Valerius the Trakesian has great ambition. Rumored to be responsible for the ascension of the previous Emperor, his uncle, amid fire and blood, Valerius himself has now risen to the Golden Throne of the vast empire ruled by the fabled city, Sarantium.Valerius has a vision to match his ambition: a glittering dome that will proclaim his magnificence down through the ages. And so, in a ruined western city on the far distant edge of civilization, a not-so-humble artisan receives a call that will change his life forever.Crispin is a mosaicist, a layer of bright tiles. ...
Samotny i nieszcz??liwy Mikael Lind z Ludzi Lodu przez ca?e ?ycie poddawa? si? woli innych. Kiedy zmuszono go do po?lubienia bogobojnej katoliczki Anette, a nast?pnie wys?ano na wojn?, znalaz? si? na skraju przepa?ci. Ostatecznym ciosem by?o spotkanie w obcym kraju tajemniczej, odzianej w czer? kobiety…
In a world so dark and seductive, expect nothing less than a triple-cross in the explosive all-new Ghostwalker novel by #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan…In an underground club, a high-ranking public official spends his secret nights indulging in fantasies as exciting as they are depraved. For a seductive employee of the Dungeon, it's her job to fulfill them. But she's playing a far more dangerous game – one of blackmail, politics, and murder that reaches into the shadow world of the Ghostwalkers, and the creation of a spectacular, one-of-a-kind new weapon of defense.But when a dictator makes his own catastrophic moves, the Ghostwalkers have no choice but to bring in two major players – a man and woman both driven by passion and revenge. Both expendable. Both with nothing left to lose.
The Altan serf Vetch has escaped the enemy kingdom of Tia, only to find his homeland, Alta, enslaved by the evil Priest-Kings. With a small band of followers, Vetch must gather a secret army of dragon riders to rid their world of war and magical domination once and for all.
When he was 19, James Stark was considered to be one of the greatest natural magicians, a reputation that got him demon-snatched and sent downtown - to Hell - where he survived as a gladiator, a sideshow freak entertaining Satan's fallen angels. That was 11 years ago. Now, the hitman who goes only by Stark has escaped and is back in L.A. Armed with a fortune-telling coin, a black bone knife, and an infernal key, Stark is determined to destroy the magic circle - led by the conniving and powerful Mason Faim - that stole his life.Though nearly ...
The Sequel to the bestseller INCARCERONFinn has escaped from the terrible living Prison of Incarceron, but its memory torments him, because his brother Keiro is still inside. Outside, Claudia insists he must be king, but Finn doubts even his own identity. Is he the lost prince Giles? Or are his memories no more than another construct of his imprisonment? And can you be free if your friends are still captive? Can you be free if your world is frozen in time? Can you be free if you don't even know who you are? Inside Incarceron, has the crazy sorcerer Rix really found the Glove of Sapphique, the only man the Prison ever loved. Sapphique, whose image fires Incarceron with the desire to escape its own nature. If Keiro steals the glove, will he bring destruction to the world? Inside. Outside. All seeking freedom. Like Sapphique.