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Книги 951—975 из 1412.

  • A Rising Thunder
  • Weber David
  • The war between the People’s Republic of Haven and the Star Kingdom is finally won and peace established, but grave danger looms — for there is a plan well on its way to completion designed to enslave the entire human species. Behind that plan lies the shadowy organization known as the Mesan Alignment.Task number one for Honor is to defend against another devastating Mesan strike — a strike that may well spell the doom of the Star Kingdom in one fell blow. It is time to shut down and secure the wormhole network that is the source ...

  • A Stone in Heaven
  • Anderson Poul
  • In Dominic Flandry finds friendship, maybe even love, after many years of being totally alone.After , Flandry’s life stood in ruins. His Emperor, unbeknownst to him at the time, was dead; his sons were incompetent. His love was dead; his son was dead; he didn’t believe in his job any longer, and he’d taken out his biggest adversary.So, what was left? This book shows the answer: plenty.The younger son of Hans Molitor now holds the throne in his incompetent grasp, and worse, does not like Flandry. So, although Flandry is now ...

  • Agent of the Terran Empire
  • Anderson Poul
  • Parts of this book were published before 1965 as separate titles.1. (1951)2. (1954)3. (1951)4. , also known as and (1960)Flandry, here a captain, undergoes a series of adventures: He is abducted by the Scothians, an alien race hoping to invade the Terran Empire; rescues the Emperor’s kidnapped granddaughter; meets Aycharaych, his nemesis in league with the Merseians; and investigates a previously unencountered alien race that has invaded the distant colonial world of Vixen.

  • Alap?tv?ny ?s F?ld
  • Asimov Isaac
  • A reg?nyfolyam befejez? k?tet?ben ism?t Golan Trevize, az Alap?tv?ny tan?csosa a f?szerepl?, ? az, akinek d?ntenie kell a Galaktikus Birodalom j?v?j?r?l. Az el?z? k?tet v?g?n d?nt?tt is, de a d?nt?s pillanat?ban k?telked?s fogta el, nem volt-e idegen befoly?s alatt. Hogy ?nmag?t megnyugtassa, elhat?rozza megkeresi az emberis?g b?lcs?j?t, a mitikus m?ltba s?llyedt F?ldet, amelyr?l senki sem tudja, hogy val?s?g-e vagy mese.

  • As correntes do espa?o
  • Asimov Isaac
  • Aquele homem poderia destruir um sistema solar, de modo que foi psico-sondado e condenado a morrer como uma crian?a. Amparado por uma camponesa solit?ria, foi gentilmente reconduzido ? sua condi??o de homem. Ca?ado por reis e espi?es, em uma rede de intrigas interplanet?rias, Rik luta contra sua pr?pria mente entorpecida e seu inimigo secreto em uma corrida solit?ria contra o tempo. Asimov nos traz, assim, mais um romance de um futuro inevit?vel, em que a humanidade leva o drama hist?rico de seu ber?o — a Terra —, rumo ?s estrelas, nossa heran?a...

  • Ascending
  • Gardner James
  • Oar is the last of her kind — a resident of the so-called "planet of no return," once the Admiralty’s dumping ground for undesirables and those who had become expendable. Oar’s transparent body is indestructible. Yet the mind it houses grows weary and will soon surrender to the catatonic torpor that has already claimed the others of her genetically altered human race. But Oar cannot sleep, not yet. There are powerful forces seeking her destruction for reasons unknown. There are old allies who need her assistance and a true history that must be revealed. There is much Oar must accomplish before the "apathetic hibernation" overcomes her, though time is decidedly her enemy. Together with her friend, Admiral Festina Ramos, she must find her final destiny… and in a vast and volatile universe, destiny is never a sure thing.

  • Babel-17
  • Delany Samuel
  • La guerra galattica fra l’Alleanza terrestre e gli Invasori dura ormai da molti anni, e nessuno sta vincendo. Quando per? l’Alleanza si trova a dover fronteggiare un’arma temibile e sconosciuta, una lingua capace di provocare attentati e sabotaggi, l’unica via di salvezza pu? consistere in una contromossa inaspettata: affidare a una poetessa, Rydra Wong, il compito di risolvere l’enigma di Babel-17 e di porre fine ai suoi effetti micidiali. Sar? solo l’inizio di una incredibile avventura fra le stelle, sotto la minaccia di una lingua che pu? uccidere e fra i pericoli di un universo forse troppo vasto per l’uomo, in un romanzo magistrale che ? valso al suo autore un prestigioso premio Nebula.Vincitore del premio Nebula per il miglior romanzo in 1966.Nominato per il premio Hugo per il miglior romanzo in 1967.

  • Barrayar
  • Bujold Lois
  • Quando l’imperatore muore, lasciando come unico erede al trono il nipote di cinque anni, il pianeta Barrayar rischia di piombare nel caos. L’unica speranza di pace ? affidata ad Aral Vokosigan, che ha i titoli per diventare Lord Reggente, ma le fazioni in lotta sono disposte a tutto pur di assicurarsi il potere. E proprio a causa di un attentato ordito per assassinare Aral, sua moglie Cordelia e il bambino che lei porta in grembo subiscono accidentalmente gli effetti di un gas teratogeno. ? un duro colpo per i Vorkosigan, ma Cordelia non si arrende e, grazie a un utero artificiale, d? infine alla luce un piccolo, che sar? chiamato Miles…

  • Between the Strokes of Night
  • Sheffield Charles
  • After the Nuclear Spasm in the 21st century, was extinct, save for a tiny remnant scattered in small, primitive space colonies. At first Solar Humanity had only one goal: survival. But when the battle for existence was won, humankind began moving outward in slow, multi-generation space ships, and as then millennia passed, planet-based civilizations emerged in many star systems. In the year 27,698 A.D, to these new worlds come the Immortals, beings with strange ties to ancient Earth, who seem to live forever, who can travel light years in days — and who use their strange powers to control the existence of ordinary mortals. On the planet Pentecost, a small group sets out to find and challenge the Immortals. But in the search they themselves are changed: as Immortals, they discover a new threat, not just to themselves, but to the galaxy itself.

  • Bill, a galaktika h?se
  • Harrison Harry
  • „Ne akarj ember lenni, Bill! Te is tudod, hogy ?gysem fog menni. Te h?s vagy, Bill, egy igazi galaktikus h?s. ?s ha nem ?rted a tr?f?t, mi?rt ?llt?l katon?nak?”Bill bel?p a Galaktikus Birodalom hatalmas haderej?be, s Heliorba utazik, ebbe az ac?llabirintusba, a S?t?t ?rkor k?zpontj?ba.S ahogy ? mondogatja: „A h?bor? maga a pokol” — ?m egy embernek a lelki ?dv?t is fel kell ?ldoznia, hogy a Birodalmat szolg?lja.A galaxisban h?bor? d?h?ng a chingerek ?s az emberek k?z?tt. Bill v?letlen?l leleplez egy chinger k?met, s az azt k?vet? csat?ban vit?z?l harcol. Kit?ntet?sre terjesztik fel, melyet Heliorban kell ?tvennie, a Birodalom f?v?ros?ban. ?m v?rosn?z?s k?zben ellopj?k a t?rk?p?t, ?s menthetetlen?l elt?ved a labirintusban. Amikor h?napok m?lt?n siker?l eljutnia egy katonai b?zisra, bilincsbe verik dezert?l?s?rt, ?s egy pokoli bolyg?ra viszik k?nyszermunk?ra…

  • Birth Of Fire
  • Pournelle Jerry
  • Editorial Reviews Ingram Birth Of Fire is the story of Garrett Pittston, wrongly convicted of murder. Pittston faces a choice: life in prison, or near-slavery on Mars. Under the appalling conditions imposed by those who run the mines from Earth, Pittston and his fellow workers start a revolution to wrest their freedom from the penal colony. Display advertising in science fiction publications. Previously published by Pocket Books. Customer Reviews Avg. Customer Review: One of the Best Mars Colonization Novels Ever, November 7, 2001 Reviewer: I had not read any of Jerry Pournelle's other books, when I ...