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Книги 976—1000 из 1412.

  • Bo?a klepsydra
  • McDevitt Jack
  • Jack McDevitt to autor wielu bestsellere?w science fiction. Jego styl wyr??nia si? lekko?ci? narracji, przygodow? akcj? i powa?nym podej?ciem do zagadnie? naukowych. Niniejsza ksi??ka stanowi lu?n? kontynuacj? wydanej przed kilku laty powie?ci „Bo?a maszyneria”. Ca?y cykl sk?ada si? jeszcze z tom?w: „Chindi”, „Omega” i „Odyssey”. Fabu?a ksi??ki skupia si? wok?? nadrz?dnego celu jaki przy?wieca ka?demu naukowcowi, czyli dotarciu do prawdy, poszerzeniu limit?w ludzkiej wiedzy. Jak du?o jeste?my w stanie po?wieci? dla odkrycia, z kt?rym nie zetkn?? si? ...

  • Bowl of Heaven
  • Benford Gregory
  • In this first collaboration by science fiction masters Larry Niven () and Gregory Benford (), the limits of wonder are redrawn once again as a human expedition to another star system is jeopardized by an encounter with an astonishingly immense artifact in interstellar space: a bowl-shaped structure half-englobing a star, with a habitable area equivalent to many millions of Earths…and it’s on a direct path heading for the same system as the human ship.A landing party is sent to investigate the Bowl, but when the explorers are separated — one group captured by the gigantic structure’s alien inhabitants, the other pursued across its strange and dangerous landscape — the mystery of the Bowl’s origins and purpose propel the human voyagers toward discoveries that will transform their understanding of their place in the universe.

  • Brass Man
  • Asher Neal
  • Next novel in the 'Gridlinked' sequence, with the resurrection of the terrifying Mr Crane, a massive android kiling machine… and one with a grudge.The knight errant Anderson is hunting a dragon on the primitive Out-Polity world of Cull, little knowing that far away a man — more technology than human flesh — has resurrected a brass killing machine to assist in a similar hunt that encompasses star systems.When agent Cormac learns that his old enemy still lives, he sets out in pursuit aboard the attack ship Jack Ketch… whilst scientist Mika begins discovering the horrifying truth about ...

  • Brightness Reef
  • Brin David
  • Millennia ago the Five Galaxies decreed the planet Jijo off limits. But in the last thousand years six races have begun resettling Jijo, embracing a pre-industrial life to hide their existence from the Galactics. Overcoming their differences, the Six have built a society based on mutual tolerance for one another and respect for the planet they live on. But that has all changed with an event the Six have feared for hundreds of years: the arrival of an outside ship. David Brin has returned to his popular Uplift universe in this, the first book of a new trilogy.

  • Chaining the Lady
  • Anthony Piers
  • CHAINING THE LADY is the second CLUSTER book. Melody, a product of Flint and the Andromedan’s mating in CLUSTER, must save the Milky Way Galaxy and create a place where creatures can transfer without limitations. Melody must survive in worlds unknown and alien to her and she does that where others fail when her aura augments her skills and abilities. The book opens with the discovery that Andromeda, the enemy galaxy of the first novel, has discovered the secret of involuntary hosting: a Kirlian aura that is sufficiently stronger than that of an individual can take possession of ...

  • Chindi
  • Макдевитт Джек
  • In this sequel to last year's well-received Deepsix, McDevitt tells a curiously old-fashioned tale of interstellar adventure. Reminiscent of Arthur C. Clarke's Rendezvous with Rama, the story sends veteran space pilot Priscilla «Hutch» Hutchins and a crew of rich, amateur SETI enthusiasts off on a star-hopping jaunt in search of the mysterious aliens who have placed a series of «stealthed» satellites around an unknown number of planets. After visiting several worlds, and losing two of her dilettantes to a murderous group of alien angels, Hutch follows the interstellar trail to a bizarre, obviously artificial planetary system. There, two spectacular ...

  • Cluster
  • Anthony Piers
  • The CLUSTER series of SF adventures is set in a future focused on colonization of distant planets. Sphere Sol is about 100 light years in diameter, centered on the Earth’s sun. Surrounding this sphere are other, similar spheres each centered on another star such as Polaris or Canopus. Colonization is accomplished by: instantaneous teleportation, called matter transmission or mattermission (very expensive); “freezer” ships in which colonists are sent in cryonic preservation at very high speeds (much decay and average 50% loss of colonists occurs during the voyages) and lifeships, slower, safer multigenerational vessels with voyages that run to centuries (during ...

  • Colisi?n de los mundos
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • La fatal colisi?n de dos imperios estelares, el terrestre y el de Norgla, cuando su mutua expansi?n los pone en inevitable contacto. Mediante una nave m?s r?pida que la luz, los terrestres llegan a una regi?n de la galaxia situada a 10.000 a?os-luz de la Tierra, donde descubren otra raza humanoide dedicada a la colonizaci?n de aquellos mundos. El choque hubiera sido inevitable, a causa del orgullo de los Norglanos, de no ser por una especie extragal?ctica, los avanzad?simos Rosgollanos, que obligan a terrestres y norglanos a dividirse la Galaxia en los partes o esferas de influencia iguales.

  • Consider Phlebas
  • Banks Iain
  • The war raged across the galaxy. Billions had died, billions more were doomed. Moons, planets, the very stars themselves, faced destruction; coldblooded, brutal, and worse, random. The Idirans fought for their Faith; the Culture for its moral right to exist.Principals were at stake. There could be no surrender.Within the cosmic conflict, an individual crusade. Deep within a fabled labyrinth on a barren world, a Planet of the Dead proscribed to mortals, lay a fugitive Mind. Both the Culture and the Idirans sought it. It was the fate of Horza, the Changer, and his motley crew of unpredictable mercenaries, human and machine, actually to find it, and with it their own destruction. — a space opera of stunning power and awesome imagination from one of the most talented writers of his generation.

  • Crashlander
  • Нивен Ларри
  • Crashlander Beowulf Shaeffer has long been one of the most popular characters in Known Space. Now, for the first time ever, Larry Niven brings together all the Beowulf Shaeffer stories-including a brand-new one-in one long tale of exploration and adventure! PLUS-an all-new framing story that pulls together all of Beowulf Shaeffer's adventures and allows Shaeffer and his family to make a clean start at life once and for all!

  • Crociata spaziale
  • Anderson Poul
  • La favolosa et? del Medio Evo si interseca ai viaggi intergalattici in un complesso misterioso e avvincente. Dalle profondit? del cosmo, durante l’era delle Crociate, discende, presso una cittadino della Gran Bretagna, una potente astronave, i cui occupanti, esseri mostruosi, sono vinti da un gruppo di Crociati in attesa di partire per liberare il Santo Sepolcro. Essi si impadroniscono del vascello spaziale, e congetturano di usarlo per recarsi in Terra Santa. Per il tradimento di uno dei mostri superstiti che avrebbe dovuto pilotare l’astronave, i Terrestri si trovano proiettati nello spazio e devono conquistare il pianeta di origine dei Galattici. Avventura del tutto nuova che interesser? per lo spirito di abnegazione e per il coraggio di coloro che intensamente la vivono.Nominato per premio Hugo in 1961.

  • Crown of Slaves
  • Weber David
  • The Star Kingdom's ally Erewhon is growing increasingly restive in the alliance because the new High Ridge regime ignores its needs. Added to the longstanding problem of a slave labor planet controlled by hostile Mesans in Erewhon's stellar backyard, which High Ridge refuses to deal with, the recent assassination of the Solarian League's most prominent voice of public conscience indicates the growing danger of political instability in the Solarian League-which is also close to Erewhon.In desperation, Queen Elizabeth tries to defuse the situation by sending a private mission to Erewhon led by Captain Zilwicki, accompanied by one of ...

  • Crusade
  • Weber David
  • Spacers call the warp point Charon's Ferry.No star ship has ever entered it and returned since a vengeful Orion task force pursued a doomed Terran colonization fleet into it in 2206.Almost a century has passed. The fiery hatreds of a quarter-century of warfare between the Terran Federation and the Zheeerlikou'valkhannaieeee, the cat-like species humans called the "Orions," have eased at least a little. The "Grand Alliance" forged by the need to fight side-by-side against the genocidal Rigelians remains, but there are those on either side who continue to hate, continue to distrust.Now the strength of that war-forged ...

  • Dalekie szlaki
  • Sniegow Siergiej
  • Trafiamy oto na Ziemi? dalekiej przysz?o?ci. Nie wiemy dok?adnie, kt?ry to rok, lecz „czytaj?c mi?dzy wierszami” przypuszczam, ?e akcja rozgrywa si? w okolicach prze?omu trzeciego i czwartego tysi?clecia. Ludzie osi?gn?li technologiczne szczyty. Na Ziemi kontroluj? pogod?, w kosmosie, dzi?ki silnikom wykorzystuj?cym tzw. efekt Taniewa, poruszaj? si? z pr?dko?ci? wielokrotnie przewy?szaj?c? szybko?? ?wiat?a. Kr?tkodystansowa komunikacja odbywa si? za po?rednictwem fal m?zgowych, a na obiekty fizyczne wp?ywa? mo?na dzi?ki swobodnie generowanym polom si?owym. Uporano si? ze wszystkimi ...