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Книги 1026—1050 из 1412.
  • Eine Tiefe am Himmel
  • Vinge Vernor
  • Seit l?ngerer Zeit wird vom besiedelten Teil der Galaxis aus ein r?tselhafter Stern beobachtet: Nicht nur, dass er auf einer engen Bahn um den Mittelpunkt der Milchstra?e l?uft und hoch in den galaktischen Halo aufsteigt, nach jeweils 215 Jahren Dunkelperiode strahlt er auch pl?tzlich f?r 35 Jahre hell auf, um sich dann wieder zu verdunkeln. Als man feststellt, dass der einzige Planet, der ihn umkreist, von intelligenten Wesen bewohnt ist, r?sten die Dsch?ng Ho, eine friedliche H?ndlerzivilisation, ein Raumschiff aus, um Kontakt zu der fremden Spezies aufzunehmen. Zugleich jedoch startet das Schiff ...

  • El aprendiz de guerrero
  • Bujold Lois
  • La primera aventura de Miles Vorkosigan, un genio de la estrategia dotado de gran inteligencia pero encerrado en un cuerpo defectuoso. Un personaje entra?able e inolvidable, protagonista de la serie de mayor ?xito de la moderna . Sus aza?as son un agradable retorno a los temas y al tono ameno de la ciencia ficci?n campbelliana, y componen la m?s famosa creaci?n de una de las mejores escritoras de la ciencia ficci?n de aventuras que ha aparecido en los ?ltimos a?os.

  • El arca de la redenci?n
  • Reynolds Alastair
  • Estamos a comienzos del siglo XXVII. Hace cincuenta a?os, el hombre puso en marcha un antiguo sistema alien?gena que detectaba el nacimiento de formas de vida inteligentes. Los inhibidores llevan mucho tiempo esperando, pero ahora se preparan para volver…Mientras tanto, una fuerza desconocida ha sembrado el terror en el Sanctasanct?rum de los combinados. A medida que la naturaleza de la nueva amenaza se vuelve m?s clara, Clavain, uno de sus guerreros, empieza a plantearse que es hora de volver al combate. En Resurgam se ha descubierto un cargamento de armas devastadoras que podr?an ser utilizadas para el bien de la Humanidad, pero alguien ya ha logrado hacerse con su control…

  • El uso de las armas
  • Banks Iain
  • Cheradenine Zakalwe es un agente de Circunstancias Especiales, la secci?n de ?lite para la que ning?n medio resulta reprobable: la guerra, el espionaje y el asesinato son l?citos cuando lo que est? en juego son los intereses de la Cultura.Zakalwe ha sido empujado a tomar parte en innumerables conflictos, habi?ndole tocado pertenecer al bando perdedor en demasiadas ocasiones. Por ello, ha decidido retirarse. Pero Ciscunstancias Especiales necesita sus servicios en un planeta donde Zakalwe hab?a servido anteriormente y donde est? a punto de desencadenarse una guerra a gran escala, y la agencia sabe a qu? puede recurrir para presionarle…Una nueva novela ambientada en el deslumbrante universo de “Pensad en Flebas” y “El jugador”.

  • Empty Space
  • Harrison M.
  • EMPTY SPACE is a space adventure. We begin with the following dream:An alien research tool the size of a brown dwarf star hangs in the middle of nowhere, as a result of an attempt to place it equidistant from everything else in every possible universe. Somewhere in the fractal labyrinth beneath its surface, a woman lies on an allotropic carbon deck, a white paste of nanomachines oozing from the corner of her mouth. She is neither conscious nor unconscious, dead nor alive. There is something wrong with her cheekbones. At first you think she is changing from ...

  • En ca?da libre
  • Bujold Lois
  • Leo Graf era tan s?lo un competente ingeniero de soldadura: se ocupaba de sus asuntos, hacia bien el trabajo y se ajustaba a las especificaciones. Pero todo cambi? cuando fue asonado al H?bitat Cay y conoci? a los cuadr?manos, seres sin piernas y con cuatro brazos adaptados por la ingenier?a gen?tica para el trabajo en ausencia de la gravedad. ?Qui?n podr?a permanecer indiferente antela explotaci?n y la esclavitud de un millar de j?venes tratados como objetos por Galac-Tech. la gran corporaci?n espacial?Fue relativamente f?cil adoptar, un tanto ilegalmente, a un millar de cuadr?manos. Lo dif?cil fue ense?arles a ser libres.Un retorno de lujo a los temas de la ciencia ficci?n campbelliana basada en la aventura y la especulaci?n cient?fica inteligente, con personajes de una entra?able «normalidad». Un hito en la moderna literatura de ciencia ficci?n.

  • Endymion
  • Simmons Dan
  • Anno Domini 3126. Quasi tre secoli dopo la Caduta. Pianeta Hyperion. Raul Endymion, una giovane guida, viene condannato a morte dopo un omicidio commesso per legittima difesa. E la sua morte, al contrario di quella dell'uomo da lui ucciso, sarebbe definitiva, perch? il ragazzo ? fra i pochi a non essersi convertito alla religione della Chiesa ufficiale, non ? un cristiano rinato e non ha accettato su di s? il simbionte crucimorfo che rende possibile la Risurrezione. La sentenza, tuttavia, non viene eseguita. Martin Sileno lo ha infatti scelto per una missione destinata a cambiare il volto dell'universo: accompagnare nel futuro e ...

  • Engines Of God
  • Макдевитт Джек
  • By the end of the twenty-second century, Earth's ravaged environment has become a time bomb ticking down to global self-destruction. Despite the fortuitous arrival of faster-than-light space travel, the search for a new home has so far located only one candidate-Quraqua, a desolate planet scheduled for terraformation within a few months. For interstellar archaeologist Richard Wald and starship pilot Priscilla Hutchins, the looming renovation threatens critical research on the enigmatic alien ruins on Quraqua and its moon, which include a bizarre false city dubbed Oz. Rousing little interest on Earth and facing an unyielding terraformation committee, Wald and his ...

  • Excession
  • Banks Iain
  • Two and a half millennia ago, the artifact appeared in a remote corner of space, beside a trillion-year old dying sun from a different univese. It was a perfect black-body sphere, and it did nothing. Then it disappeared. Now it is back.Silent, motionless, and resisting all efforts to make contact, the artifact waits. The Culture ships, however, cannot. For the artifact is something they need to understand first, before it falls into less understanding hands — and triggers a political and military crisis which will threaten everything the Culture has achieved.One person who saw the artifact when it first appeared may have information concerning its purpose, but she is living out her death in the immense Eccentric ship, the . The Culture ships formulate a plan to retrieve her. The has other things on its mind.A novel of extraordinary imagination, richness and energy, is Iain M. Banks at his magnificent best.

  • Exultant
  • Baxter Stephen
  • In humankind’s Third Expansion, the species has spread throughout the galaxy and assimilated all challengers but the mysterious Xeelee; in a 20,000-year stalemate, humans have kept them at bay in the galaxy’s center. Time travel (used by both sides to gather intelligence) creates numerous “drafts” of time lines, but apart from this uncertainty the endless war has brought about a strangely static human society. Soldiers and pilots are bred in vats near the Front and taught only war; few survive past their teens. When Prius, a young pilot, captures a Xeelee ship and takes it to the ...

  • Fate of Worlds: Return From the Ringworld
  • Niven Larry
  • For decades, the spacefaring species of Known Space have battled over the largest artifact — and grandest prize — in the galaxy: the all-but-limitless resources and technology of the Ringworld. But without warning, the Ringworld has vanished, leaving behind three rival war fleets.Something must justify the blood and treasure that have been spent. If the fallen civilization of the Ringworld can no longer be despoiled of its secrets, the Puppeteers will be forced to surrender theirs. Everyone knows that the Puppeteers are cowards.But the crises converging upon the trillion Puppeteers of the Fleet of Worlds go far ...

  • Fire Time
  • Anderson Poul
  • The planet Ishtar has three suns: Bel, the “real” sun, the Life Giver. Ea, the Companion who warms the Ishtaran summers. Anu, the Demon Star. Mostly Anu is so far away that it is just a light in the Ishtaran sky. But once every thousand years it comes close. It is then that the barbarians must flee their scorched lands, and civilizations fall.The natives call this Fire Time. Always before, its coming had meant the death of a civilization. But this time, the humans are here, and they have brought with them their magical technology. This time things could have been different. Too bad that the humans are suddenly faced with a war of their own, their own .Nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1975.