La possibilit? di creare in via sperimentale, ma in grande serie, razze di superuomini e sottouomini, ci porrebbe gi? oggi problemi gravissimi. Ma su una Terra sovrappopolata, dove l’equilibrio sociale, economico, psicologico ? appeso a un filo, gli scienziati responsabili di un cos? esplosivo progetto debbono essere fermati a qualsiasi costo. Come? Quando la persuasione non basta, e lo sterminio ? impraticabile, si ricorre al vecchio sistema dell’esilio. Solo che qui si tratta di un esilio extraterrestre, di una Siberia cosmica. E una colonia penale formata dai migliori cervelli del mondo deve combattere duramente non solo per sopravvivere nello spazio, ma anche per trovare un sistema di convivenza accettabile, uno scopo, una meta.
?adna z obdarzonych inteligencj? ras wszech?wiata nie przetrwa?a bez przewodnictwa opiekun?w - ?adna, z wyj?tkiem ludzkosci. Ale je?li w zamierzch?ej przesz?o?ci nasi opiekunowie rozpocz?li wspomaganie rasy ludzkiej, to dlaczego nas porzucili?Ekspedycja S?oneczny Nurek przygotowuje si? w grotach okr??aj?cego S?o?ce Merkurego na najdono?lejsz? wypraw? w historii ludzko?ci. Ta wyprawa do wrz?cego piek?a S?o?ca ma odkry? nasze ostateczne przeznaczenie w kosmicznym porz?dku ?ycia.
The first novel in "Solar Queen" series, followed by , and others.The novel follows Dane Thorson, a newbie apprentice cargo master on board of a Free Trader spaceship Solar Queen, and his adventures on a recently discovered planet.
Second in size only to Jupiter, bigger than a thousand Earths but light enough to float in water, home of cushing gravity and delicate, seemingly impossible rings, it dazzles and attracts us: Saturn.Earth groans under the rule of fundamentalist political regimes. Crisis after crisis has given authoritarians the upper hand. Freedom and opportunity exist in space, for those with the nerve and skill to run the risks.Now the governments of Earth are encouraging many of their most incorrigible dissidents to join a great ark on a one-way expedition, twice Jupiter’s distance from the Sun, to Saturn, the ringed planet that baffled Galileo and has fascinated astronomers ever since.But humans will be human, on Earth or in the heavens — so amid the idealism permeating Space Habitat are many individuals with long-term schemes, each awaiting the right moment. And hidden from them is the greatest secret of all, the real purpose of this expedition, known to only a few…
VLADIMIRS MIHAILOVSSAVAM BR?LIM SARGSFANTASTISKS ROM?NSRom?ns, kur? aptvertais laikposms sniedzas t?lu uz ab?m pus?m no m?sdien?m, velt?ts at??ir?gu civiliz?ciju sapra?anas un l?dz?spast?v??anas probl?mai, kas ir nopietns p?rbaud?jums gan atsevi??u cilv?ku, gan visas sabiedr?bas mor?les principiem.R?GA «ZIN?TNE» 1981Владимир Михайлов СТОРОЖ БРАТУ МОЕМУ Фантастический роман Издательство «Лиесма* • Рига 1976No krievu valodas tulkojis P. Zirn?tis P. Zirn??a p?cv?rds M?kslinieks A. ?ipinsIzdota saska?? ar Latvijas PSR Zin?t?u akad?mijas Redakciju un izdevumu padomes l?mumuTulkojums latvie?u valod?, p?cv?rds l/.dcvnicciba «Zin?tne», 1981
Raised to adulthood during the end of the war between the human Polity and a vicious alien race, the Prador, Ian Cormac is haunted by childhood memories of a sinister scorpion-shaped war drone and the burden of losses he doesn't remember. Cormac signs up with Earth Central Security and is sent out to help restore and maintain order on worlds devastated by the war. There he discovers that though the Prador remain as murderous as ever, they are not anywhere near as treacherous or dangerous as some of his fellow humans, some closer to him than he would like. Amidst the ruins left by wartime genocides, Cormac will discover in himself a cold capacity for violence and learn some horrible truths about his own past while trying to stay alive on his course of vengeance.
DEFEAT WAS NOT AN OPTION. The war wasn't going well. The mind-numbingly alien Arachnids were an enemy whose like no civilized race had ever confronted. Like some carnivorous cancer, the "Bugs" had overrun planet after planet . . . and they regarded any competing sentient species as only one more protein source. They couldn't be reasoned with, or even talked to, because no one had the least idea of how to communicate with a telepathic species with no recognizable language . . . and whose response to any communication attempt was a missile salvo. No one knew how large their civilization-if it could be called ...
Un’epoca lontana, Un Mondo profondamente diverso dal nostro tranne che per un particolare: le Donne devono lottare per la salvezza loro e del pianeta. ? una razza che sembra schiava di abitudini Sessuali molto particolari… Da Eleanor ARNASON, che ? stratadefinita la "Ursula Le Guin" degli anni novanta.
Seaton and DuQuesne are mortal enemies who must now fight on the same side for the good of humanity. Seaton is on constant alert for Duquesne’s double-cross. was the final novel in the epic series by E. E. Smith. Written as Smith’s last novel in 1965 and published shortly before his death, it expands on the characterizations of the earlier novels (written 1919 – about 1938) but with some discrepancies (some of which may relate to unwritten background developments). The most significant point is that Dr. Marc DuQuesne, the major villain of the three previous novels, is shown to have matured, reformed, and offered a chance at what amounted at pardon for his prior crimes against the heroes. was first serialized in beginning in June 1965 before being published in 1966 by Pyramid Books. Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1966.
Фантастика Мюррея Лейнстера — это увлекательные приключения, дерзко нарушающие законы времени и пространства, это межпланетные путешествия и великие открытия. На этой фантастике, знакомой российскому читателю еще с шестидесятых годов, поистине выросло несколько поколений поклонников классической научной фантастики, родоначальников которой и теперь помнят и любят все истинные ценители жанра.