L'agente Flinx e il fedele minidrago Pip, chiss? come, hanno la strana abitudine di trovarsi in mezzo a pericoli di ogni tipo, situazioni disperate o colossali intrighi da un angolo all'altro del Commonwealth Galattico; cos?, quando s'imbattono in una giovane donna che giace priva di sensi sulla riva di un fiume nella fitta giungla di Alaspin, Flinx non ? molto sorpreso. E non si stupisce neppure di apprendere che la donna, Clarity Held, ? in realt? una brillante scienziata, rapita chiss? per quali motivi da un remoto avamposto sull'inospitale pianeta Longtunnel. Non c'? nulla di male nel prestare qualche attenzione a ...
In this noir thriller set on the interstellar Quadrail, former government agent Frank Compton can't catch a break. After a successful mission against the Modhri, the coral polyp-based group mind that is attempting to take over the galaxy, Frank arrives at his New York apartment. A young woman is waiting for him, pointing a gun at his face. She tells him that someone on New Tigris is holding her ten-year-old sister. Compton takes her gun and orders her out, only to be rousted out of bed and accused of her brutal murder. After Frank's ally Bruce McMicking posts ...
Priscilla "Hutch" Hutchinson's fifth adventure opens with the former starship pilot deskbound at the Academy (the twenty-third-century equivalent of NASA), which is facing catastrophic cuts to the space program. In a media campaign led by Hutch's old friend, acerbic newspaper editor Gregory MacAllister, pundits and politicians alike argue that the program's money would be better spent on the earthbound threats of global warming and disease. Perhaps not coincidentally, humans everywhere from Earth to Ophiuchi begin witnessing repeated visitations from "moonriders" (apparently alien spherical spacecraft), and they prompt an Academy investigative mission. To humor Hutch and grab a good story, ...
Grupa archeolog?w zaczyna bada? tajemnicze archiwum. Mimo woli uaktywniaj? oni Plag? — si?? zdoln? zniszczy? tysi?ce system?w gwiezdnych. Statek archeolog?w trafia na planet? zamieszkan? przez dziwn? ras? wilkopodobnych stworze?, prymitywnych, spiskuj?cych i tocz?cych nieustaj?ce wojny. Broni przeciw Pladze poszukuj? przedstawiciele wielu obdarzonych inteligencj? gatunk?w. Przypadkowo zostaje odnaleziony mechanizm obronny przeciw Pladze. Czy antidotum wynalezione przez archeolog?w oka?e si? skuteczne w ka?dej sytuacji?
Pilot Pirx is an astronaut, a fresh-faced physical powerhouse, but no genius. His superiors send him on the most dangerous missions, either because he is expendable, or because they trust his bumbling ability to survive in almost any habitat or dilemma. Follow Pirx now through a world of hyper-technology and super-psychology from his early days as a hopelessly inept cadet soloing with a pair of sex-crazed horseflies… to a farside moon station built by bickering madmen… to a chase through space after a deadly sphere of light… to an encounter with a mossy old robot whose programming has slipped.
When the young son of Elizabeth Lindstrom, the autocratic president of Starflight, falls to his death, Vance Garamond, a flickerwing commander, is the obvious target for Elizabeth’s grief and anger. She is not a forgiving employer and Garamond has no choice but to flee.But fleeing Elizabeth’s wrath means leaving the Solar System behind for ever and hiding somewhere in deep space.Pursued remorselessly by Earth’s space fleet, the ‘somewhere’ that Garamond discovers in an unimaginably vast, alien-built, spherical structure which could just change the destiny of the human race. ranks alongside Larry Niven’s and Arthur C. Clarke’s as one of the great imaginative constructs of SF. Deftly written, it powerfully conveys the immensity of space and the infinite possibilities it offers.
A sequel to .Alien beings, Ultrans, built an enormous sphere, millions of times the size of Earth, which contains its own sun as a trap for sentient beings of the universe. The artificial world attracts the world’s population to such an extent that soon Earth is a half-deserted historical curiosity. Scientist Garry Dallen learns of the Ultrans’ plans second before Orbitsville and its population are whisked millions of light years into outer space.
This is the third installment in Stephen Baxter’s trilogy. It sees regular Reid Malenfant and others once again dealing with possibilities of primate evolution in all forms and grappling with the Fermi Paradox. This time an artifact in the sky transports a select few individuals including Malenfant’s wife to a new red moon which has appeared in place of the moon we know. Blaming himself, Malenfant launches a one man mission to find his wife and solve the Fermi Paradox once and for all.
More than human and less that a god, John O’Ryan is Orion, made by the Creators who rule outside of time. His purpose is to do their bidding. Now, Orion has becomee a key piece in a cosmic game between two of the Creators—Anya, the goddess he loves, and Aten, the god who toys with his destiny.
`ORION — il semidio la cui sorte ? crudelmente manipolatadai Signori del cosmo — viene scagliato in un futuro lontanissimo denso di insidie: in quel particolare segmento dello spazio-tempo ? infatti in corso una ferocissima guerra spaziale fra le razze di discendenza terrestre e le pi? feroci creature dei mondi alieni. Al comando di una guarnigione di terrestri pronti a tutto, John O’Ryan alias ORION comincia la sua ltta disperata. Resta un solo interrogativo: a chi giover? questa ennesima guerra?
W spotykamy tych samych bohater?w, jak i w dw?ch poprzednich ksi??kach, ale przesz?o dwadzie?cia lat p??niej. Kwesti? Galakt?w i Z?ywrog?w definitywnie rozwi?zano, lecz na horyzoncie pojawi? si? nowy problem. Ekspedycja wys?ana do j?dra galaktyki zosta?a zniszczona w niejasnych okoliczno?ciach. W ?lad za ni? wyrusza druga, du?o lepiej przygotowana, by ustali? to?samo?? pot??nych istot zamieszkuj?cych centrum Drogi Mlecznej
VENGEANCE IS A DISH BEST SERVED HOT.Imperial Intelligence couldn't find them, the Imperial Fleet couldn't catch them, and local defenses couldn't stop them. It seemed the planet-wrecking pirates were invincible. But the pirates made a big mistake when they raided ex-commando leader Alicia DeVries' quiet home world, tortured and murdered her family, and then left her for dead.Since the Imperial forces seem hog-tied, Alicia decides to turn "pirate" herself, and steals a cutting-edge AI ship from the Empire to start her vendetta. Her fellow veterans think she's crazy, the Imperial Fleet has shoot-on-sight orders. And of course the pirates want her dead, too. But Alicia DeVries has two allies nobody knows about, allies as implacable as she is: a self-aware computer, and a creature from the mists of Old Earth's most ancient legends. And this trio of furies won't rest until vengeance is served.
When a young tug pilot’s career is ruined by a collision in Earth orbit he has no choice but to accept a commission to fly an eccentric ship builder to planet far from the trade routes. When they discover alien ruins on the planet and the hulk of a missing generation ship they are thrown into the center of a conspiracy that reaches back centuries. Meanwhile on earth a young Indian police officer is trying to track down a serial killer little suspecting that the killer is linked to what is happening on a planet light years away and that her own past holds the key to everything that is happening. Eric Brown has written a novel that brings together an extraordinary imagination, rare sensitivity to character and a love of Eastern philosophy. This is a key addition to the career of one of the UK’s favorite SF writers.
Young Rue Cassels of the Cycler Compact- a civilisation based around remote brown dwarf stars — is running for her life from her bullying brother, Jentry. Fleeing in a single person spacecraft, she spots a distant, approaching object, and stakes a legal claim to it. It is not the valuable comet she has hoped for, but something even more wonderful, a billion year-old alien starship. Permanence is the story of Rue's quest to visit and claim this ship and its treasures, set against a backdrop of interstellar intrigue and warring empires.
Lao ?ePIEZ?MES PAR KA?IE?U PILS?TUROM?NS UN ST?STIFantastikaPaz?stam? ??nie?u rakstnieka Lao Se (1898—1966) sat?risk? romana varonis non?k Marsa pils?t?, kuras iedz?vot?ji dom? tikai par savu labkl?j?bu, l?dz aiziet boj?. St?stos re?listiski atspogu?ots sievietes liktenis sava laika sabiedr?b?.RIGA «LIESMA» 1986Sast?d?jis un no krievu valodas tulkojis ?valds StrodsM?kslinieks In?rs Helm?tsTulkojums latvie?u valod?.M801(ll)—86 izdevniec?ba «Liesma». 1986
Honor Harrington obejmuje dow?dztwo wiekowego kr??ownika HMS Fearless, uzbrojonego w eksperymentaln?, niezbyt skuteczn? bro?. Mimo to w czasie dorocznych manewr?w floty udaje si? jej zniszczy? flagow? jednostk? „Agresor?w”, za co zostaje oddelegowana do uk?adu planetarnego Basilisk, miejsca zsy?ki dla najgorszych oficer?w. To jednak dopiero pocz?tek k?opot?w. W uk?adzie tym kwitnie przemyt, tubylcy z jedynej z zamieszkanych planet za?ywaj? narkotyk wywo?uj?cy atak furii, a pobliska Ludowa Republika Haven knuje co? paskudnego. Harrington ma do dyspozycji tylko niesprawny kr??ownik i buntuj?c? si?, zdemoralizowan? za?og?, a prze?o?eni wymagaj? od niej zaprowadzenia porz?dku w ca?ym uk?adzie. Wszyscy przeciwnicy Harrington pope?nili jednak powa?ny b??d. Rozw?cieczyli j?…
to ci?g dalszy powie?ci Harry’ego Harrisona zatytu?owanej .Brion ma tym razem rozwik?a? zagadk? planety, na kt?rej scieraj? si? w nieustannej wojnie tajemnicze armie — armie automat?w. Nie wiadomo jednak, kto wysy?a je do walki ani sk?d si? bior?. Nie wiadomo te? po co?
Brion Brandd, zwyci?zca Twenties, zawod?w wymagaj?cych wykazania si? wszechstronnymi umiej?tno?ciami, zostaje zwerbowany do pracy przez Fundacj? Stosunk?w Kulturowych. Staje przed niezwykle trudnym zadaniem. Od tego, czy powiedzie si? jego misja, zale?y los dw?ch planet.