W wiosce Ansby, nale??cej do barona Rogera, trwa rekrutacja jego wasali maj?cych wesprze? kr?la Edwarda II w tocz?cej si? Wojnie Stuletniej przeciw Francuzom. Nieoczekiwanie, w chmurze dymu i ognia, w samym ?rodku tego? obozowiska l?duje statek kosmiczny obcych. Wersgorowie widz?c prymitywny gatunek ludzki, postanawiaj? podbi? planet?…
From eight hundred years in the future, a runcible gate is opened into the Polity and those coming through it have been sent specially to take the alien maker back to its home civilization in the Small Magellanic cloud. Once these refugees are safely through, the gate itself is rapidly shut downbecause something alien is pursuing them. The gate is then dumped into a nearby sun.From those refugees who get through, agent Cormac learns that the Maker civilization has been destroyed by pernicious virus known as the Jain technology. This, of course, raises questions: why was Dragon, a massive biocontruct of the Makers, really sent to the Polity; why did a Jain node suddenly end up in the hands of someone who could do the most damage with it?Meanwhile an entity called the Legate is distributing pernicious Jain nodes and a renegade attack ship, The King of Hearts, has encountered something very nasty outside the Polity itself.
Tocz?ca si? ponad osiem lat wojna mi?dzy Sojuszem Manticore a Ludow? Republika Haven wkracza w decyduj?c? faz?. Lady Honor Harrington „powraca z martwych”, z przyjaci??mi uznanymi za zaginionych lub tak?e martwych. I robi to w naprawd? wielkim stylu, podnosz?c tym nadw?tlone morale zar?wno za??g Kr?lewskiej Marynarki jak i obywateli Gwiezdnego Kr?lestwa. S? w?r?d nich tacy, kt?rzy wiedz? jak naprawd? wygl?da? zamach na legalny rz?d Republiki i kto go zorganizowa? i przeprowadzi?.
Powie?? b?d?ca prequelem do ca?ego cyklu „Droga przez Uk?ad S?oneczny”. Ambicj? m?odego in?yniera, Dana Randolpha, jest zapewnienie uzale?nionej odbliskowschodniej ropy Ameryce alternatywnego ?r?d?a energii. Eksploatacjazbudowanego przez Dana satelity energetycznego b?dzie jednak op?acalnatylko pod warunkiem wykorzystywania taniego ?rodka transportu na orbit?, aprototyp wahad?owca ulega katastrofie podczas lotu pr?bnego. Wiele poszlakwskazuje, ?e kto? dokona? sabota?u. Kto stoi za t? zbrodni?? Mi?dzynarodowekoncerny naftowe czy arabscy fundamentali?ci? Firma Dana, AstroCorporation, stoi na skraju przepa?ci. Sk?d mo?e nadej?? ratunek? Czy od Saito Yamagaty, kt?rego koncern r?wnie? inwestuje w energi? ze S?o?ca? Ameryka?skich koncern?w naftowych, kt?re zastawiaj? si? nad inwestowaniem winne ?r?d?a energii?
Tout le monde connait le nom d’Hari Seldon. Depuis des milliers d’ann?es. On n’imagine m?me plus que ce personnage l?gendaire a ?t? un homme ; qu’il y eut un temps recul? o? il venait ? peine d’inventer la psychohistoire et o? il n’y voyait qu’une pure sp?culation, sans applications pratiques…Mais d?s qu’il fit sa communication, tout le monde comprit. La psychohistoire ne pouvait pas pr?dire l’avenir ? Les politiques s’en moquaient ! Ce qui comptait pour eux, c’est que les gens allaient y croire. ...
The Polity Collective is the pinnacle of space-faring civilization. Academic and insightful, its dominion stretches from Earth Central into the unfathomable reaches of the galactic void. But when the Polity finally encounters alien life in the form of massive, hostile, crablike carnivores known as the Prador, there can be only one outcome… total warfare.Chaos reigns as the Polity, caught unawares, struggles to regain its foothold and transition itself into a military society. Starships clash, planets fall, and space stations are overrun, but for Jebel Krong and Moria Salem, two unlikely heroes trapped at the center of the ...
Phssthpok the Pak had been traveling for most of his thirty-two thousand years. His mission: save, develop, and protect the group of Pak breeders sent out into space some two and a half million years before…Brennan was a Belter, the product of a fiercely independent, somewhat anarchic society living in, on, and around an outer asteroid belt. The Belters were rebels, one and all, and Brennan was a smuggler. The Belt worlds had been tracking the Pak ship for days — Brennan figured to meet that ship first…He was never seen again — at least not by those alive at the time.The work fleshes out a species called the , originally introduced in a story called . The first half of the novel is titled and the second half is titled The first half was previously published as The novel will serve as a semi-sequel to .Nominated for Hugo and Locus awards in 1974.
HARRY HARRISON (1925) — jeden z p?edn?ch sv?tov?ch autor? ??nru science fiction se narodil v Connecticutu (USA) a vystudoval um?leckou ?kolu v New Yorku. B?hem sv? kari?ry nez?visl?ho spisovatele vyst??dal ?adu zem?, v sou?asn? dob? ?ije v irsk?m Dublinu. Dosud vydal 38 sci-fi rom?n?, z nich? k nejzaj?mav?j??m pat?? trilogie o planet?ch smrti, p??b?hy Jasona dinAlta, dobrodruha a profesion?ln?ho hr??e, kter? sv?m naturelem p?ipom?n? sv?ho tv?rce. Trilogie byla p?elo?ena do 14 sv?tov?ch jazyk?, a ?esky vych?z? poprv?.
Ils sont tous sur la Lune, les ind?sirables. Les fous, les truands, les contestataires, les d?viationnistes, les affreux, les anars, les petits et les gros pirates. Au milieu du XXIe si?cle. La Terre est communiste et n?o-stalinienne et les enfants de la Lune refusent de de s’aligner. Ils sont encore plus ? gauche. Et pr?ts ? r?pondre, avec l’aide de Mike, le super-ordinateur. Pr?ts ? riposter, ? coups de cailloux, Marx, plus Archim?de, plus David, plus quelques milliards de blocs-m?moires… C’est un autre octobre, demain…Traduction de Jacques de Tersac (1 ed. 1971) r?vis?e par Nadia Fisher en 2005.
The protagonist of this Explorer Corps adventure is Ugly Screaming Stink-Girl. The name is supposed to bring her luck, but since she is quickly contaminated by a red fungus known as the Balrog, one has to wonder. Then she, Admiral Festina Ramos, and a slightly mad fellow named Tut are assigned to a rescue mission on the planet Muta. There, an entire expedition from the unit has been turned into gas clouds that give out electromagnetic pulses, and it looks as if this is the result of a deadly defense mechanism left behind by an alien race. It takes ingenuity and suffering to discover the mystery behind the pulses. The sheer complexity of Gardner’s characters and inventions will make the book daunting to a good many, but his ingenuity and wit will keep a good many others reading voraciously.
Five hundred years after a handful of human starship travelers got lost in a hostile universe, their descendants are still struggling for survival. As hard as life is on The Raft — a platform remnant of the ship's hull — it's even harder in The Belt — a string of shacks circling the iron-rich core of a dead star. Every Belter has heard the story of the legendary starship but most of them don't believe it. But Rees, a lowly mine-rat, does. He wonders why the sky is angry red instead of the blue his parents remembered. Why food from The Raft gets less and less nutritious. Why fewer and fewer stars form every day. In his quest to find answers, Rees travels from boyhood to manhood, from the outermost edges of his world into its mysterious heart. And along the way he discovers there's more at stake than his simple curiosity: life in his enigmatic universe is about to become impossible…
A nightmare with no end .... In AD2600 the human race is finally beginning to realise its full potential. Hundreds of colonised planets scattered across the galaxy host a multitude of prosperous and wildly diverse cultures. Genetic engineering has pushed evolution far beyond nature's boundaries, defeating disease and producing extraordinary spaceborn creatures. Huge fleets of sentient trader starships thrive on the wealth created by the industrialisation of entire star systems. And thoughout inhabited space the Confederation Navy keeps the peace. A true golden age is within our grasp. But now something has gone catastrophically wrong. On a primitive ...
A nightmare with no end .... In AD2600 the human race is finally beginning to realise its full potential. Hundreds of colonised planets scattered across the galaxy host a multitude of prosperous and wildly diverse cultures. Genetic engineering has pushed evolution far beyond nature's boundaries, defeating disease and producing extraordinary spaceborn creatures. Huge fleets of sentient trader starships thrive on the wealth created by the industrialisation of entire star systems. And thoughout inhabited space the Confederation Navy keeps the peace. A true golden age is within our grasp. But now something has gone catastrophically wrong. On a primitive ...
At first, only a few things are known about the celestial object that astronomers dub Rama. It is huge, weighing more than ten trillion tons. And it is hurtling through the solar system at inconceivable speed. Then a space probe confirms the unthinkable: Rama is no natural object. It is an interstellar spacecraft. Space explorers and planet-bound scientists alike prepare for mankind’s first encounter with alien intelligence. It will kindle their wildest dreams… and fan their darkest fears. For no one knows who the Ramans are or why they have come. And now the moment of rendezvous awaits—just behind a Raman airlock door.
A few years after the disappearance of the mysterious Builder Artifacts salted throughout the inhabited regions of the universe, a new phenomenon appears in the unexplored Sagittarian Arm of the galaxy, a force with the power to destroy planets. Capt. Hans Rebka and his team of galactic troubleshooters travel to the threatened Marglot system only to find themselves directly in the path of destruction.
Michael Poole’s constructed in the orbit of Jupiter had opened the galaxy to humankind. Then Poole tried looping a wormhole back on itself, tying a knot in space and ripping a hole in time. Poole was never seen again. Then from far in the future, from a time so distant that the stars themselves were dying embers, came an urgent SOS — and a promise. The universe was doomed, but humankind was not. Poole had stumbled upon an immense artifact, light-years across, fabricated from the very of the cosmos.
In 2855 wordt een onderzoeksexpeditie naar de gestuurd, een gigantische door onbekenden gebouwde wereld-ring om een ster. Nessus de poppenspeler, een buitenaards ras, vraagt Louis Wu, Teela Brown en de Kzin-strijder Spreker-tot-Dieren om met hem mee te gaan. Hun ruimteschip stort neer op de Ringwereld en in die uitgestrekte wereld blijken andere, weinig vriendelijke wezens te wonen.
A new place is being built, a world of huge dimensions, encompassing millions of miles, stronger than any planet before it. There is gravity, and with high walls and its proximity to the sun, a livable new planet that is three million times the area of the Earth can be formed. We can start again!
returns series protagonist Louis Wu to the titular world. Louis and his friend The Hindmost, an alien of the Pierson’s puppeteer race, are prisoners of the Ghoul protector Tunesmith, a Ringworld native, who is deliberately provoking the warships that surround his world. All the star-faring races of Known Space have sent warships to the Ringworld, and they are already at the brink of war. If fighting breaks out, the near-indestructible Ringworld will be destroyed: dissolved by antimatter weapons.The Ringworld series is so complex and ambitious that opens with a glossary and a cast of characters, inclusions that even many Known Space fans will need. Newcomers to Niven’s artificial planet should start with .