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Фантастика » Космическая фантастика - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 1251—1275 из 1412.
  • Spock Must Die
  • Блиш Джеймс
  • Captain Kirk and the crew of the starship Enterprise find themselves in the middle of an undeclared war waged by the Klingon Empire... The Organians should be consulted about the war but their entire planet has disappeared – or been destroyed... Mr. Spock entered the transporter chamber. His image would be flashed to Organia by the huge machine's faster-than-light tachyons. But the experiment failed. Suddenly there were two Mr. Spocks. One of them had to be destroyed... BUT WHICH ONE?

  • Spotkanie z Ram?
  • Clarke Arthur
  • Ludzko?? 2130 roku opanowa?a ju? ca?y Uk?ad S?oneczny i szykuje si? do lot?w ku bardziej odleg?ym gwiazdom nie maj?c nadziei na odnalezienie “braci w rozumie”. Nieoczekiwanie w obszar obserwacji ziemskich astronom?w trafia zadziwiaj?cy obiekt o idealnie r?wnym kszta?cie walca. “Rama”, bo tak nazwano planetoid, okazuje si? dzie?em istot rozumnych. Stra? Kosmiczna wysy?a natychmiast ekspedycj? z misj? zbadania gwiezdnego przybysza. Dow?dc?, komandora Nortona i innych uczestnik?w wyprawy czekaj? niezwyk?e prze?ycia i do?wiadczenia…Powie?? otrzyma?a nagrod? Nebula w 1973, nagrody Hugo, Campbell, Locus i Jupiter w 1974.

  • Star Light
  • Clement Hal
  • Clement’s was the engaging tale of the adventures of Barlennan, a sea captain among his caterpillar-like people, on the high-gravity world of Mesklin. In Barlennan and his sailors go with humans to the even stranger world of Dhrawn, a “crusted star” of the type mentioned by Harlow Shapley. Dhrawn circles the feeble red star Lalande 21185, which actually exists (although the planet is fictionalized). Most of the book is the story of a huge landship crossing Dhrawn’s solid surface crewed by these nonhuman sailors, amidst bizarre dangers, and trying to keep Barlennan’s strange plan secret from humans. The characters, despite being mostly from Barlennan’s world, Mesklin, are well drawn and the setting is well realized. Readers bewildered by the melting and freezing of Dhrawn’s ammonia-water hydrosphere will do well to consult a phase diagram.Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1971.

  • Star Trek: The Original Series: The Rings of Time
  • Cox Greg
  • 2020 The , under the command of Colonel Shaun Christopher, sets off on humanity’s first manned mission to Saturn. But the unexpected presence of a stowaway complicates the mission — as does a startling encounter with an alien probe. But when Colonel Christopher attempts to capture the probe, he suddenly finds himself transported across time and space to a future era of space exploration…Stardate 7103.4 The responds to an urgent distress call from a mining colony orbiting Klondike VI, a ringed gas giant not unlike Saturn. For unknown reasons, the planet’s rings are coming apart, threatening the safety of ...

  • Star Wars: Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  • Traviss Karen
  • Following the eruption of the bloody Clone Wars at the battle of Geonosis, both sides remain deadlocked in a stalemate that can be broken only by elite warrior teams like Omega Squad, clone commandos with terrifying combat skills and a lethal arsenal...For Omega Squad, deployed deep behind enemy lines, it's the same old special ops grind: sabotage, espionage, ambush, and assassination. But when Omega Squad is rushed to Coruscant, the war's most dangerous new hotspot, the commandos discover they're not the only ones penetrating the heart of the enemy.A surge in Separatist attacks has been ...

  • Star Wars: Байки из кантины Мос Айсли
  • Сборник Фантастики
  • «Звезда Смерти» Гранд Моффа Таркина подбирается к последнему оплоту Альянса – планете Алдераан. «Исполнитель» Дарта Вейдера настиг курьерский корабль принцессы Лейи Органы. Явно и неизбежно должна грянуть решающая битва между Империей и нарождающейся Новой Республикой!..Но это где-то далеко-далеко в Галактике… А на маленькой, покрытой горячими песками захолустной планете в грязном космопорте стоит полутемная, провонявшая табаком кантина, где можно выпить кружку-другую-третью любимого пойла от бармена Вухера и послушать лучший джизз-оркестр во Вселенной. Но нельзя расслабляться и забывать, что в этой галактической забегаловке тебя окружают головорезы и карманники, фермеры и солдаты, люди и не-люди, охотники за головами и даже джедаи. И каждый готов рассказать тебе свою историю…Бен Кеноби, Хэн Соло, Чубакка, Гридо, сестры Тонника, бармен Вухер, Фигрин Д'ан и его оркестр, Момау Надон, шиставанен Лак Шиврак, йав Хетт Нкик и ранат Риджеск, доктор Корнелиус Эвазан и Понда Баба, Муфтак и Кабе, Данник Джерико, БоШек и вообще все, кто присутствовал при упомянутых обстоятельствах в кантоне на задворках !

  • Star Wars: Сумрачная планета
  • Хэмбли Барбара
  • Десять лет спустя после битвы на Эндоре. Год назад Ведж Антиллес разрушил боевую станцию «Меч Тьмы» – последнее творение гениального имперского конструктора Бевела Лемелиска... Но опять опасность нависает над Новой Республикой. Она сталкивается со странной формой жизни, неизвестной ранее в Галактике. Пробудившаяся смерть грозит уничтожить все – и Империю, и Республику... Принцесса Лейя попадает в плен к безжалостному правителю пустынной и безжизненной планеты Нам Хориос. Сюда же направляется и Люк Скайуокер, надеясь отыскать свою потерянную любовь, девушку-джедая Каллисту. Но выясняется, что в этих краях Великая Сила становится его врагом... Хэн Соло, Чубакка и Ландо Калриссиан покидают Корускант в отчаянной попытке спасти принцессу Лейю. Звездные Войны продолжаются!

  • Starborne
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • In , Silverberg takes the Utopia theme and turns it on its head. The scene is Earth many centuries in the future, where all of life's problems have been solved. But while humanity may be well fed, amply clothed, in perfect health, and rich beyond imagination, people are bored nearly to death. To bring a little spark back into the lives of humankind, the people of Earth band together to build a starship and begin the search for habitable planets in the rest of the universe.

  • Starplex
  • Sawyer Robert
  • Canadian author Sawyer offers an epic hard-science space adventure full of technical descriptions of starships and physics tempered by human concerns. In the twenty-first century, the human race has both developed faster-than-light travel and contacted nonhuman intelligent races. , under the command of Keith Lansing, is one of the contact makers. Lansing faces hostile crew members, the personal and cultural idiosyncracies of nonhumans, the problems of first contact, and a marriage that may be deteriorating. Scientists on the Starplex study the mysterious artificial wormholes that make space travel routine and convenient. Then the wormholes' creators appear, and the scientists must understand and communicate with them to save the galaxy.

  • Stations of the Tide
  • Swanwick Michael
  • As the planet Miranda slowly drowns under the weight of its own tides, a bureaucrat from the Division of Technology Transfer conducts an investigation into the life of a local celebrity, a “magician” who possesses proscribed technology and whose personal powers hold much of the dying planet in thrall.Won Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1992.Nominated for Hugo and Campbell awards in 1992.Nominated for Arthur C. Clarke Award in 1993.

  • Storm From the Shadows
  • Weber David
  • Perfidious Plots, Courageous Resolve—and, of course, Starships Blown to Smithereens!The Solarian League Navy has been the premier navy of the galaxy for centuries. Indeed, no one can remember a time when it hasn't been acknowledged as the most powerful fleet in existence. Until now, that is.A conference to end the terrible war between the Peeps of Haven and the Manticorean Star Kingdom is slated. Peace is finally within reach. Yeah, right. Not with the slaver conspiracy that calls itself Manpower, Inc. pulling intergalactic strings. The plan? To plunge ...

  • Summertide
  • Sheffield Charles
  • It was just before Summertide, the time when the twin planets, Opal and Quake, would orbit closest to their sun, subjecting both — but Quake in particular — to vast tidal forces. And it was to be the most violent Summertide ever, due to the Grand Conjunction of the system’s stars and planets, something that happened only every 350,000 years.Access to the unstable Quake was supposed to be prohibited, but some very insistent travelers were determined to make the trip. Professor Darya Lang, who had made a career studying artifacts left by the long-vanished aliens called the Builders, had ...

  • Sundiver
  • Brin David
  • No species has ever reached for the stars without the guidance of a patron — except perhaps mankind. Did some mysterious race begin the uplift of humanity aeons ago? Circling the sun, under the caverns of Mercury, Expedition Sundiver prepares for the most momentous voyage in history — a journey into the boiling inferno of the sun.The book was nominated for Locus Award for Best First Novel in 1981.

  • Sv?t St?nu
  • Luk'janenko Sergej
  • Hlavn? hrdina rom?nu „Hv?zdy, ty studen? hra?ky“ Andrej Chrumov se u? na konci sv?ho dobrodru?stv? na planet? Vlast rozhodne, ?e se mus? nutn? pod?vat do sv?ta St?nu, odkud p?edt?m uprchla cel? planet?rn? soustava geometr?. Po lukjan?nkovsky obvykl?ch dobrodru?n?ch a na p?ekvapen? bohat?ch peripeti?ch se mu jeho z?m?r da?? alespo? potud, ?e se do centra Galaxie, tedy do „sv?ta St?nu“, skute?n? dostane. Objev? tu dal?? humanoidn? civilizace, kter? mezi sebou vedou klasick? „hv?zdn?“ v?lky. Najde tu ale pomoc pro Pozem??any a dal?? Slab? civilizace Konkl?ve? Odpov?? na tuto ot?zku dostanete v druh? ??sti „hv?zdn?“ dilogie.

  • Tactical Error
  • Gunnarsson Thorarinn
  • With powerfull AI controlled ships, the Starwolves have been defending the Republic against the numerically superior but extremely technically inferior Union forces, a decidedly one-sided battle that has lasted for centuries. However, that may soon change. The commander of the Union forces is drafting a new plan to destroy the Starwolves for good. At the heart of this plan is a new secret weapon which is capable of destroying the Starwolves once and for all. Just wait till you find out what that weapon is!

  • Tau Zero
  • Anderson Poul
  • Maestro della fantascienza spaziale, autore di celebri saghe come quella del mercante van Rijn e della Lega Palesotecnica, Anderson ? festeggiato in questo volume con tre celebri avventure “indipendenti” che non appartengono a cicli ma ce lo mostrano in tre diverse sfaccettature della sua poliedrica carriera; Quoziente 1000 ? una straordinaria avventura del pensiero che parte da un’ipotesi affascinante: che accadrebbe se all’improvviso il quoziente intellettuale di tutta l’umanit? aumentasse di dieci o venti volte? Quali orizzonti si schiuderebbero alla nostra conoscenza e alla nostra immaginazione? Le amazzoni ? la storia di un pianeta dove le donne sono molto, ma molto bellicose; Tau zero, infine, racconta con grande verosimiglianza un viaggio nello spazio a bordo di un’astronave relativistica e dell’incidente che trasforma quest’avventura in un incubo dove spazio, tempo e dimensione cessano di avere ogni significato a noi noto.