After a beautiful stranger discovers his long-lost heirloom under a floorboard, Sheikh Fayad al Khalifa swoops in to protect innocent Violet Hamilton. Now, with greedy enemies gathering, the only way he can keep her safe is to put her on his private jet, take her to his desert kingdom and…marry her!
Liz Fielding Lady Roseanne Napier needs a break from being the -nation's angel – for just one week, so she's Trading Places with a lookalike. Who is the real Lady Rose? Only brooding billionaire George Saxon can find out…
Darcy has invited the Bennets and the Bingleys to spend the Christmastide’s festive days at Pemberley. But as he and Elizabeth journey to their estate to join the gathered families, a blizzard blankets the English countryside. The Darcys find themselves stranded at a small inn while Pemberley is inundated with refugees seeking shelter from the storm.Without her brother’s strong presence, Georgiana Darcy tries desperately to manage the chaos surrounding the arrival of six invited guests and eleven unscheduled visitors. But bitter feuds, old jealousies and intimate secrets quickly rise to the surface. Has Lady Catherine ...
His Vengeance Was SweetJudith Easton knew that even the spirit of Christmas wouldn't stop the Marquess of Denbigh from settling the score with her. For the beautiful young widow had injured Denbigh's rigid pride years ago by jilting him for another man.Now that Judith was free from her nightmare marriage to that other man, the bold and handsome Marquess made no secret that he had her in his sights and wanted her in his arms.But how could she trust the tender words on his lips when she could sense the hardness of his ...
Austin McBride's business was fulfilling women's fantasies, but he'd never indulged in one of his own. Then he met Teddy Spencer. She was smart, sexy…and terrified of commitment. But she also needed him-to play the role of her lover at the company Christmas party. Austin was willing to take the job…as long as he could convince her to make it a full-time position!
Three wishes this Christmas.1. A new life in the country:It has taken all of Louise Thornton's courage to start again. This will be a different life, one away from the paparazzi – and her cheating celebrity husband!2. Someone to help decorate the Christmas tree:Louise is determined to make this Christmas perfect for her son. But it's not until she meets meltingly attractive Ben Oliver that she starts to sparkle again.3. A proposal under the mistletoe?Single dad Ben puts his daughter first. But when he catches Louise under the mistletoe, Ben realizes only he can make Louise's wishes come true…
Meg Jardine, personal assistant extraordinaire, is convinced she's about to lose her job. Her gorgeous, dark and deeply unimpressed boss, William McMaster, is stranded in Melbourne over Christmas – and it's all her fault! With her heart in her mouth, she invites the intimidating billionaire home for the holiday…At Meg's chaotic, cozy family farm, William's cold reserve begins to melt away. Suddenly they're seeing each other in a whole new light, and country girl Meg has shot straight to the top of William's Christmas list!
Christy nagle opu?ci?a Angli? i zjawi?a si? u brata w Australii, aby raz na zawsze uciec przed wspomnieniem nieszcz??liwej mi?o?ci do Adama, kt?ry okaza? si? ?onatym m??czyzn?. I tu, niemal na ko?cu ?wiata, ponownie go spotyka! Czy znowu b?dzie musia?a ucieka??
Intimidada por las peculiares pr?cticas er?ticas y los oscuros secretos del atractivo y atormentado empresario Christian Grey, Anastasia Steele decide romper con ?l y embarcarse en una nueva carrera profesional en una editorial de SeattlePero el deseo por Christian todav?a domina cada uno de sus pensamientos, y cuando finalmente ?l le propone retomar su aventura, Ana no puede resistirse. Reanudan entonces su t?rrida y sensual relaci?n, pero mientras Christian lucha contra sus propios demonios del pasado, Ana debe enfrentarse a la ira y la envidia de las mujeres que la precedieron, y tomar la decisi?n m?s importante de su vida"Cincuenta sombras: la exitosa combinaci?n de historia rom?ntica y juego er?tico de alto voltaje que ha tocado la fibra de muchas mujeres."Daily NewsCincuenta sombras m?s oscuras es la segunda parte de la trilog?a Cincuenta sombras, que se inici? con Cincuenta sombras de Grey, y cuya tercera parte es Cincuenta sombras liberadas
La tercera entrega de la exitosa trilog?a Cincuenta sombrasCuando la joven Anastasia conoce al poderoso y enigm?tico Grey, comienzan un excitante, sensual y atormentado romance. Er?tica, entretenida y profundamente conmovedora, la serie Cincuenta sombras es una historia que te cautivar?, te poseer? y se quedar? contigo por siempre.Para p?blico adulto.
Cuando la estudiante de literatura Anastasia Steele acude para hacerle una entrevista al joven y exitoso empresario Christian Grey para el peri?dico universitario en el que colabora, se encuentra con un hombre que le resulta atractivo, enigm?tico y tremendamente intimidante. Completamente convencida de que su encuentro ha sido todo un fracaso, intenta olvidarse de Grey… hasta que a ?l se le ocurre aparecer por la tienda de inform?tica en la que Ana trabaja a tiempo parcial.La idealista e inocente Ana se queda asombrada cuando se da cuenta de que desea con todas sus fuerzas ...
A masquerade ball is plunged into darkness… A woman is poisoned… A millionaire bachelor becomes a father…As a blackout gripped Grand Springs, Colorado, CEO Jonathan Steele was having quite a night. First, Cynthia Morgan-aka "Cinderella"-drank poison meant for him. Then his blackmailing half brother and sister-in-law were murdered, leavign Jonathan with his newborn baby nephew. In thirty-six hours, Jonathan's life had changed forever. Then grateful-to-be-alive Cynthia offered to move into his home as a temporary nanny, a series challenge to Jonathan's bachelorhood…
Struggling cook Jenny works hard hiding her painful past behind fresh-baked muffins. Until a handsome stranger offers her a way out of her drudgery: a job on his yacht.Jenny is drawn in by Ram?n, and together they sail into the sunset. It could almost be perfect… Until Ram?n reveals he's not a humble yachtsman but a secret prince – next in line for the throne.What future could a simple small-town Cinderella have with a crown prince?
Miranda Fairchild has always blended into the background. But she still dreams of finding her fairy-tale prince… At first glance, her new boss – dangerously charismatic Rafe Knighton – does not fit the bill.Rafe is beginning to see that there's more to Miranda than meets the eye. Will he give this stubborn Cinderella the happy ending she deserves?
Augusta Ballinger estaba segura de que se trataba de un terrible error. No era posible que el temible, pomposo y peligrosamente perturbador conde de Graystone quisiera casarse con ella… porque se rumoreaba que la elegida ten?a que ser un dechado de virtudes. Y todos sab?an que ella, la ?ltima descendiente de los desenfrenados Ballinger de Northumberland, no respetaba las normas sociales. Con el fin de convencer al conde de que no es la esposa apropiada, planea un encuentro a medianoche. Pero al entrar en la casa por una ventana s?lo consigue fortalecer la resoluci?n de ?l: arrancar a besos la risa de esos labios de miel y ense?ar buen comportamiento a la indomable jovencita. Pero un viejo enemigo irrumpe para amenazar el amor de los dos, su honor e incluso su vida.
Kate Savage tenia un jefe que parecia sacado del mismisimo infierno; quizas fuera guapo, pero se pasaba el dia entero pegado a su mesa. Sus amigas decidieron intentar mejorar el dificil momento que estaba pasando concertandole una cita a ciegas con un atractivo viudo, pero cuando llego al lugar de la cita decubrio horrorizada que el hombre misterioso no era otro que Finn McBride… ?su jefe! Finn tenia una curiosa proposici?n que hacerle a kate: no solo queria que fuera la ni?era de su hija, tambien queria que se hiciese pasar por su prometida!!!!!!!!!
CITY SURGEON, SMALL-TOWN MIRACLE Marion Lennox Dr Maggie Croft-s decision to have her late husband-s baby has left her combining pregnancy with caring for a small town community! Dr Max Ashton had been heading back to his glamorous city life – but Maggie makes him remember another time, before he locked his heart away- BACHELOR DAD, GIRL NEXT DOOR Sharon Archer Single dad Dr Luke Daniels has come home to heal his heart. Dr Terri Mitchell remembers Luke from growing up in Port Cavill – maybe too well! The twinkle in the new doctor-s eyes makes her shiver, just the way it always did! Terri can-t stop herself falling for Luke and his young daughter. But Luke only sees her as the girl next door-doesn-t he?
Every woman dreams of saying 'I do.' Jilly Jones — and years of a deeply imperfect marriage followed. Now living in London and working in a charming bookshop, the free-spirited Jilly is perfectly content with her newfound independence.until she meets a dashing naval officer who sparks her longing for a happily ever after.Captain Stephen Arrow is just home after years of service, and he's in no hurry to give up his hard-won freedom. The meddlesome bluestocking Jilly Jones is exactly the kind of woman he need.But there's something about her that keeps drawing Stephen back to the bookshop. With her sparkling wit and understated beauty, she seems like a surprisingly match for Stephen. But will a scandalous chapter in Jilly's past stand in the way of their heated attraction? For this bachelor, nothing is impossible.
Su coche se descompone durante una tormenta tropical y Jessica Randall descubre que la aislada casa donde encuentra un albergue es un club privado de bondage. Al principio se qued? pasmada, pero pronto se excit? observando las interacciones entre los Doms[1] y sus Subs[2]. Pero ella es una mujer profesional, una contadora, y seguramente no una sumisa… ?no?El Maestro Z no se ha sentido tan atra?do por una mujer en a?os. Sin embargo, la peque?a sub que ha llegado a su club lo intriga. Ella es inteligente. Reservada. Conservadora. Despu?s de que ?l descubre su inter?s en el BDSM[3], no puede resistirse a romper sus muros y desatar la pasi?n que mantiene oculta en su interior.
Blush: This is a suggestive romance (love scenes are not graphic) First in Events Unlimited series. When Annike McKinley returns to her Aunt Gerda's home for Thanksgiving she finds the body of Clifford Brody, C.P.A., bleeding all over her aunt's tax receipts. While Sheriff Owen Sarkisian and the crime team track mud through the house, the Service Club of Upper River Gulch Environs (the SCOURGEs) sticks Annike with organizing the town's Thanksgiving weekend activities, which gives her the opportunity to investigate the murder on her own to clear the chief suspect-her beloved aunt. She's soon up to ...
Cuando Elizabeth Hotchkiss se hizo con una copia del libro?Como casarse con un marqu?s?, lo hizo en el momento apropiado. Ella deb?a casarse por dinero para mantener a sus hermanos y una gu?a sobre seducci?n puede ser justo lo que necesita?. Pero cuando James Sidwell, marqu?s de Riverdalle, se ofrece a ayudarla a encontrar un marido, nunca so?? que el ?nico candidato que pod?a proponer era ?l mismo?
Carolyn Turner, vizcondesa Wingate, est? completamente escandalizada por la ?ltima selecci?n llevada a cabo por la sociedad literaria de Londres. Memorias de una amante es escandalosamente expl?cito y absolutamente perverso… y despierta en ella sentimientos que nunca supo que tuviera. Est? convencida de que esta er?tica lectura es el ?nico motivo por el que est? sucumbiendo a los encantos del c?lebre libertino Daniel Sutton, lord Surbrooke. Es del todo imposible que est? enamor?ndose del granuja y sus il?citas caricias… ?o no?Lo ?ltimo que Daniel deseaba era pronunciar los votos matrimoniales. Desea con ansia a Carolyn, cierto, pero nunca imagin? que una vez que la arrastrara a su cama jam?s quisiera dejarla marchar. Pero s?lo cuando un asesino convierte a su amada en su objetivo, Daniel se ve incitado a confesar su amor… y a reclamar a Carolyn como su mujer.
Carolyn Turner, Viscountess Wingate, is absolutely shocked by the Ladies Literary Society of London's latest selection. Memoirs of a Mistress is scandalously explicit and downright wicked… and it's stirring feelings within Carolyn that she hasn't felt… well, ever! She's sure that this steamy read is the only reason she's succumbing to the charms of notorious rogue Daniel Sutton, Lord Surbrooke. She couldn't possibly be falling for the rascal and his illicit caresses… or could she?The last thing Daniel wanted was to be shackled by marriage vows. He lusted after Carolyn, sure, but he never imagined that once he lured her to his bed he'd never want to let her go. Yet only when a murderer targets his beloved will he be spurred to confess his true love… and claim Carolyn as his bride.
Meet Rebecca Bloomwood. She's a journalist. She spends her working life telling others how to manage their money. She spends her leisure time… shopping. Retail therapy is the answer to all her problems. She knows she should stop, but she can’t. She tries Cutting Back, she tries Making More Money. But neither seems to work. The stories she concocts become more and more fantastic as she tries to untangle her increasingly dire financial difficulties. Her only comfort is to buy herself something — just a little something…. Can Becky ever escape from this dream world, find true love, and regain the use of her Switch card? The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic…. (aka Confessions of a Shopaholic) The perfect pick me up for when it’s all hanging in the (bank) balance.