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Любовные романы - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 12776—12800 из 14144.
  • Confessions of a Shopaholic
  • Kinsella Sophie
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Meet Rebecca Bloomwood. She's a journalist. She spends her working life telling others how to manage their money. She spends her leisure time… shopping. Retail therapy is the answer to all her problems. She knows she should stop, but she can’t. She tries Cutting Back, she tries Making More Money. But neither seems to work. The stories she concocts become more and more fantastic as she tries to untangle her increasingly dire financial difficulties. Her only comfort is to buy herself something — just a little something…. Can Becky ever escape from this dream world, find true love, and regain the use of her Switch card? The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic…. (aka Confessions of a Shopaholic) The perfect pick me up for when it’s all hanging in the (bank) balance.

  • Conor
  • Hoffmann Kate
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • The only thing that can bring down a Quinn is a woman…The first Mighty Quinn…Maverick cop Conor Quinn is used to looking after everybody but himself. Only, when he finds himself guarding gorgeous Olivia Farrell, he's the one needing protection…His downfall…Olivia Farrell is in protective custody…and she's fighting it every step of the way. That is, until she meets her guard-sexy-as-sin Conor Quinn. Conor's smile leaves Olivia breathless, his dark gaze brings to mind images of steamy nights and twisted sheets. And suddenly Olivia realizes that her life isn't the only thing at risk…

  • Copper Beach
  • Krentz Jayne
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Within the pages of very rare books some centuries old lie the secrets of the paranormal. Abby Radwell's unusual psychic talent has made her an expert in such volumes-and sometimes taken her into dangerous territory. After a deadly incident in the private library of an obsessive collector, Abby receives a blackmail threat, and rumors swirl that an old alchemical text known as has reappeared on the black market. Convinced that she needs an investigator who can also play bodyguard, she hires Sam Coppersmith, a specialist in paranormal crystals and amber-"hot rocks." Passion flares immediately between them, but neither entirely trusts the other. When it comes to dealing with a killer who has paranormal abilities, and a blackmailer who will stop at nothing to obtain an ancient alchemical code, no one is safe.

  • Coraz?n de Fiesta
  • Fielding Liz
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Max Fleming necesitaba una nueva secretaria y la se?orita Jilly Prescott parec?a adecuada para el puesto porque, adem?s de que ten?a los conocimientos y experiencia necesarios, no era probable que se fijara en ?l, ya que segu?a enamorada de Richie Blake. De hecho, Max incluso se ofreci? a ayudarla a recuperarlo.El plan parec?a sencillo: un corte de pelo, un nuevo vestuario y el atractivo Max acompa??ndola a una fiesta sensacional. Con eso, estaban seguros de que Jilly atraer?a la atenci?n de su antiguo amor. Pero, cuando Max la llev? a aquella fiesta, empezaron a ocurr?rsele ideas extra?as respecto a Jilly, y ninguna de ellas ten?a nada que ver con arrojarla a los brazos de otro hombre.

  • Cotillion
  • Хейер Джорджетт
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • Young Kitty Charing stands to inherit a vast fortune from her irascible great-uncle Matthew--provided she marries one of her cousins. Kitty is not wholly adverse to the plan, the right nephew proposes. Unfortunately, Kitty has set her heart on Jack Westruther, a confirmed rake, who seems to have no inclination to marry her anytime soon. In an effort to make Jack jealous, to see a little more of the world than her isolated life on her great-uncle's estate has afforded her, Kitty devises a plan. She convinces yet another of her cousins, the honorable Freddy Standen, to pretend to be engaged to her. Her plan would bring her to London on a visit to Freddy's family and (hopefully) render the elusive Mr. Westruther madly jealous.

  • Craving Beauty
  • Сингх Налини
  • Жанр: Короткие любовные романы
  • Marc was dangerous to her in the way that only a strong, sexy male could be to a woman. Even knowing that, she'd agreed to marry him.Hope blossomed in Hira's heart. Perhaps she'd married a man with whom it might be worth building a life. Her mother had worried that he was scarred, but the lines on his face did nothing to lessen his raw masculine appeal. If anything, they gave him an even more dangerous male air, enticing the feminine core of her to thoughts that shocked her.What did a man's face matter anyway? She had no use for handsome men.But for a man with a heart? For such a man...she might risk everything.

  • Crazy On You
  • Gibson Rachel
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Return to Lovett, Texas, the setting of Daisy's Back in Town, in this smart and sexy new story from Rachel Gibson, the New York Times bestselling author of Rescue Me and the Seattle Chinooks books.Lily Darlington's been called crazy in her day-and, yeah, driving her car into her ex-husband's living room probably wasn't the smartest move ever made-but the louse deserved it. Now Lily is happily single, and she's turned it all around. She knows she's a good mom, a homeowner, and a businesswoman, all wrapped up in one good-looking package.A package that police officer Tucker Matthews is dying to unwrap. This ex-military man sure doesn't need another woman in his life. His last girlfriend left him with nothing but memories and a cat named Pinky! But living next door to Lily has been driving him nuts. He dreams about her long blonde hair and even longer legs. And maybe it's time to go a little crazy… and fall in love

  • Cross My Heart
  • Phillips Carly
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • "Fast-paced and fabulously funny." – Rachel GibsonLacey Kincaid is a classic New York success story. As the owner of Odd Jobs, she's gone from rags to riches…sort of. Because Lacey's harboring a secret – she was born Lillian Dumont, and spent her childhood with a silver spoon in her mouth, until the deaths of her wealthy parents and the evil schemes of an abusive uncle forced her to take drastic measures. She'd never planned to return to her former life or her abandoned identity – but when her childhood sweetheart, Ty, resurfaces and urges her to claim her rightful inheritance, she decides that maybe being the Dumont heiress wouldn't be so bad. Lacey's uncle doesn't see it that way, though – and he's willing to do anything to stop her.Now, it's up to Ty to protect Lacey before that silver spoon becomes a silver bullet. But if they live through this, the future's looking bright for this downtown guy and his brand-new uptown girl!

  • Cuando amar es un riesgo
  • Fielding Liz
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Cuando Bronte Lawrence recibi? la carta de una ni?a que dec?a ser su hija, supo que all? hab?a habido un error. Sin duda, la carta de la peque?a Lucy Fitzpatrick hab?a llegado a la hermana Lawrence equivocada. Para su hermana, tan centrada como obsesionada en su carrera, aquella peque?a deb?a suponer poco m?s que una molesta atadura, ?pero a Bronte le encant? la idea de conocer a una sobrina que ni siquiera sab?a que exist?a! Pero los errores no se detuvieron ah?: James Fitzpatrick dio por supuesto que ella era la madre de Lucy, y Bronte encontr? todo aquello demasiado tentador como para no seguir el juego. Y no s?lo por Lucy. Fitz era alto, moreno, atractivo y un gran padre… una combinaci?n perfecta que bien merec?a el riesgo. Pero ?qu? suceder?a cuando Lucy y Fitz descubrieran que Bronte no era quien parec?a?

  • Cuando Amas a Alguien
  • Johnson Susan
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Hay hombres que no est?n hechos para el matrimonio, aunque puedan ofrecer un para?so de sensualidad. A Julius d’Abernon, Marqu?s de Darley, no hay mujer que se le resista, pero seducir a Lady Grafton es un reto incluso para ?l: una mujer bella, aguda y vivaz, aunque prisionera de un marido anciano y tir?nico que no puede ni desea complacerla. Una mujer como ella deber?a, mejor dicho, necesitar?a experimentar la alegr?a de la pasi?n que Julius puede brindarle. Y un beso la conducir? hasta sus aposentos. Para Julius, ser? m?s de lo que hab?a esperado en un comienzo, y, sin embargo, distar? mucho de ser suficiente…

  • Cuando brilla el sol
  • Hoffmann Kate
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • LO ?NICO QUE PUEDE HACER DOBLEGARSE A UN QUINN ES UNA MUJER…El fot?grafo Liam Quinn no pod?a creer que le fueran a pagar por espiar a una sospechosa de desfalco. En realidad, ?l preferir?a meter a la bella Eleanor en su cama en lugar de entre rejas. Liam no tard? en darse cuenta de que alguien le hab?a tendido una trampa a aquella mujer y estaba seguro de que era completamente inocente…Las cosas no le pod?an ir peor a Eleanor Thorpe: no consegu?a encontrar empleo, acababan de abandonarla una vez m?s y ahora parec?a que alguien quer?a verla muerta. Sin embargo, el sol comenz? a brillar con la aparici?n de Liam Quinn. En los fuertes brazos de aquel hombre se sent?a segura, protegida, deseada…

  • Cuando llega el amor
  • Hoffmann Kate
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • LO ?NICO QUE PUEDE HACER DOBLEGARSE A UN QUINN ES UNA MUJER…El investigador Sean Quinn viv?a de acuerdo con una regla: no implicarse jam?s. Pero hab?a un caso en el que le estaba siendo muy dif?cil seguir obedeciendo esa norma. Hab?a localizado a un pol?gamo justo antes de que enga?ara a otra pobre mujer. ?Cu?l hab?a sido su error? Hab?a accedido a darle la mala noticia a la prometida. El problema era que Laurel Rand estaba ya en el altar esperando a casarse… fue entonces cuando le pidi? que ?l se convirtiera en el novio.Si no consegu?a demostrarle a su t?o que estaba casada, ?l dejar?a toda su fortuna a unos coleccionistas. Pero no pas? mucho tiempo antes de que su t?o se convirtiera en el menor de los problemas de Laurel. El mayor era tener que pasar tanto tiempo con Sean sin dejarse llevar por la incre?ble atracci?n que hab?a entre ellos…

  • Cuando suena la melod?a
  • Hoffmann Kate
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • LO ?NICO QUE PUEDE HACER DOBLEGARSE A UN QUINN ES UNA MUJER…El reportero de investigaci?n Brian Quinn era famoso por dos razones: por conseguir todas las historias y conquistar a todas las chicas. Sin embargo, esa vez ambas cosas le parec?an muy dif?ciles. Iba tras la pista de un importante esc?ndalo pol?tico, pero una persona se interpon?a en su camino: Lily Gallagher… la misma mujer con la que se hab?a acostado la noche anterior.A Lily Gallagher se le daba muy bien sacar algo positivo de cualquier situaci?n, pero incluso a ella le estaba resultando dif?cil comprender la incre?ble aventura de una noche que hab?a tenido con el sexy Brian Quinn. De pronto, no pod?a concentrarse en el trabajo porque no paraba de pensar en el guapo irland?s…

  • Cupid’s Confederates
  • Greene Jennifer
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Two’s company…Bett and Zach Monroe were newly married and just starting their careers when they suddenly found themselves owners of a neglected farm in Michigan. Unable to resist the lure of the land, the young couple set out to build their own private paradise. The days are long, the work is hard, but Bett and Zach love every minute of it. And through it all, their passion for one another burns as hot as ever.Three’s a crowd…But their peace is threatened when Bett’s widowed mother comes for a “visit”-bringing with her a U-Haul of belongings. Within an hour of her arrival, Elizabeth is causing friction between Bett and Zach. And as the days become weeks, their house no longer feels like home, they are barely speaking, and privacy is nonexistent.There’s only one way to reclaim their own happily-ever-after: marry Elizabeth off.

  • Cura de amor
  • Shalvis Jill
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • ?Cu?l ser?a la mejor cura para los s?ntomas del amor?El doctor Luke Walker viv?a entregado a su trabajo y, salvo a sus pacientes, trataba a todo el mundo con exagerada severidad y rigor, hasta que sus superiores lo trasladaron temporalmente a una cl?nica de remedios alternativos. All?, la aromaterapia, la acupuntura y el yoga parecieron causar un efecto extraordinario en ?l… ?pero no tanto como el efecto que Faith McDowell, la directora del centro, provocaba en su libido!Luke y Faith estaban enfrentados en todo, excepto en su pasi?n por curar a los pacientes… y en la pasi?n que sent?an mutuamente. El problema era que Luke Walker, que hab?a hecho todo lo posible por no necesitar a nadie, empezaba a depender de ella. De modo que se vio obligado a usar sus dotes m?s persuasivas para convencer a Faith de que la pasi?n ten?a que durar.