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Любовные романы - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 12801—12825 из 14144.

  • Daddy Long Stroke
  • Cairo
  • Жанр: Эротика
  • Dramatic, bold and racy, uncovers the shocking and painful reality of some men’s belief systems about women and sex. Cairo offers readers a voyeuristic look into the mind of a womanizer who manipulates and seduces women by using what he’s got—good looks, chiseled physique, charisma, and sexual prowess—to get what he wants without remorse, or regret. Sexy and thuggish, Alexander Maples, aka Daddy Long Stroke, is a womanizer. Arrogant and self-indulged, he is what every woman secretly craves in the bedroom—rough, rugged, and ravenous. And he is always happy to deliver. Alexander ...

  • Dancing At Midnight
  • Quinn Julia
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • "Our contemporary Jane Austen." – Jill BarnettDefying the RulesLady Arabella Blydon can sense the secrets smoldering behind the dark, penetrating gaze of Lord John Blackwood. Still she desires his handsome, mysterious stranger who stirs her passions like no other mann – even as he warns her to stay away.War scarred Lord John's body and soul. But this brazen, intoxicating, infuriating bluestocking poses an even greater threat: she is forcing him to care again. For Belle is a woman of bold, independent spirit, equally unconcerned about society's petty restrictions and love's hidden perils. And the beautiful, determined schemer will not rest until she returns joy and light to the damaged lord's life…and wins a place in his shuttered heart forever.

  • Dangerous
  • Quick Amanda
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • From a magnificent ballroom ablaze with lights to an imposing country house steeped in shadows comes a breathtaking tale of an impetuous miss — and a passion that leads to peril...At five and twenty, Prudence Merryweather knew very well the risks a woman took by visiting a gentleman in the dead of night. But bearding the notorious Earl of Angelstone in his den was the only way to stop him from engaging her hot-headed brother in a duel. And that was why she found herself ushered into Sebastian's forbidding presence at three in the morning — and thoroughly kissed before dawn.She was a country-bred innocent and an intriguing experience for a man who dwelt more in the shadows than in sunshine. Yet as her boldness drew Prue into one dangerous episode after another, Sebastain found himself torn between a raging hunger to possess her and a driving need to protect her. And the reckless beauty would soon need all the protection she could get....

  • Danny
  • Hoffmann Kate
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Interior designer Jordan Kennally is furious when she's shut out of the family business and assigned to convert an old mansion.in Ireland. So long, Big Apple; hello, Emerald Isle! But then Jordan catches a glimpse of blacksmith Danny Quinn. Maybe there is such a thing as the luck o' the Irish.and she's hoping she's about to get really lucky.The attraction between them is instantaneous. and electric. And Danny isn't shy about introducing Jordan to another kind of Irish hospitality – one that uses beds in a far more interesting way. But she's his boss. He's an artist. Is it just a matter of time before her luck – and getting lucky with Danny – runs out?

  • Darcy and Anne
  • Brocklehurst Judith
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • When a fortuitous accident draws Anne away from Rosings and her overbearing mother's direct influence, she is able to think and act for herself for the first time ever. In the society of her cousins Darcy and Georgiana, and, of course, the lively Mrs. Darcy, Anne reveals a talent for writing and a zest for life.Meanwhile, Lady Catherine is determined to choose a husband for Anne. But now that Anne has found her courage, she may not be so easy to rule.Anne de Bourgh is a sympathetic character whose obedience and meekness were expected of women in her day. As she frees herself from these expectations, Anne discovers strength, independence, and even true love in a wonderfully satisfying coming-of-age story.

  • Darcy and Fitzwilliam: A Tale of a Gentleman and an Officer
  • Wasylowski Karen
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • A gentleman in love cannot survive without his best friend...Fitzwilliam Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam couldn't be more different, and that goes for the way each one woos and pursues the woman of his dreams. Darcy is quiet and reserved, careful and dutiful, and his qualms and hesitations are going to torpedo his courtship of Elizabeth. His affable and vivacious cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam is a military hero whose devil-may-care personality hides the torments within, until he finds himself in a passionate, whirlwind affair with a beautiful widow who won't hear of his honorable intentions.Cousins, best friends, and sparring partners, Darcy and Fitzwilliam have always been there for each other. So it's no surprise when the only one who can help Darcy fix his botched marriage proposals is Fitzwilliam, and the only one who can pull Fitzwilliam out of an increasingly dangerous entanglement is Darcy...

  • Darcy’s Story
  • Aylmer Janet
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • What is it about Fitzwilliam Darcy? Two hundred years after he captivated Elizabeth Bennett, readers still can't seem to get their fill of him. This title is just the latest in Darcy-inspired Jane Austen "fanfiction." Aylmer adheres more closely to the original in Darcy's Story, which retells Pride and Prejudice from Darcy's point of view. Big chunks of dialogue are lifted straight from Austen, accompanied by Darcy's own thoughts and perceptions. It's an interesting idea, but Aylmer's reverence for the text stands in the way of creating a lively story. There is no attempt to match Austen's sparkle or ...

  • Das Meer der L?gen
  • Гэблдон Диана
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • Ein Sommernachmittag des Jahres 1757 im Londoner Herrenclub »Gesellschaft zur Wertsch?tzung des englischen Beefsteaks«: Als der englische Offizier Lord John Grey, soeben aus dem schottischen Zwangsexil zur?ckgekehrt, auf der Toilette einen verstohlenen Blick auf seinen Nebenmann wirft, stellt er entsetzt fest, dass dieser Symptome der Franz?sischen Krankheit zeigt. Pikanterweise handelt es sich bei dem Gentleman um den Ehrenwerten Joseph Trevelyan, prominentes Mitglied der Londoner Gesellschaft - und der Verlobte von Lord Johns junger Cousine. Lord John sieht nur einen Ausweg: Er muss diese Verbindung l?sen, ohne dass es zu einem Skandal in der klatschs?chtigen Londoner ...

  • De Nuevo Junto a Ti
  • Child Maureen
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • El rey reclama a su heredero.Estaba previsto que la firma del divorcio fuera la ?ltima vez que se vieran, pero la pasi?n los atrap? en sus redes y Maggie King sali? de all? con algo m?s que la solter?a: con el hijo que Justice King siempre se hab?a negado a darle, algo que estaba dispuesta a mantener en secreto.Sin embargo, cuando las circunstancias la obligaron a volver al rancho King, no pudo ocultar a su hijo m?s tiempo. Justice era padre, pero lo negaba sistem?ticamente porque, si admitiera que el ni?o era carne de su carne, tendr?a que admitir tambi?n que hab?a cometido el peor error de su vida.