Annabelle is tired of being the lone failure in a family of overachievers. She's endured dead-end jobs and a broken engagement. Even her hair's a mess! But that's going to change now that she's taken over her late grandmother's matchmaking business. All Annabelle has to do is land the Windy City's hottest bachelor as her client, and she'll be the most sought-after matchmaker in town. Nothing is going to stand in her way – not the drunk lying comatose under her car, not her family's disapproval, and certainly not the lingering effects of a broken heart.With his money ...
Kelly Sinclair acept? casarse para proteger la seguridad del beb? que estaba esperando. Mac Fortune se cas? con ella mientras su hermano, que era un playboy, se marchaba de la ciudad. Pero enamorarse no formaba parte del trato. Por lo menos hasta que Mac, al final de la ceremonia, la beso apasionadamente en el altar. ?Podr?a ella convertir ese pacto entre los dos en un compromiso para toda la vida?
?Podr?an alguna vez ser algo m?s que amigos?Cuando el sexy Jarod Kendall conoci? a la bella Sydney Taylor tuvo que enfrentarse a la decisi?n m?s dif?cil de su vida… porque, como sacerdote, ten?a prohibido cualquier tipo de relaci?n. Entre ellos hab?a una amistad inocente, pero su amor por ella crec?a en secreto.Despu?s de un a?o, durante el que Jarod ocult? sus sentimientos, Sydney se march? de la ciudad, creyendo que su amor no era correspondido.Jarod estaba destrozado y pronto se dio cuenta de que deb?a abandonar la vida religiosa y encontrar a Sydney para convencerla de que, por incre?ble que pareciera, estaban destinados a estar juntos.
Top photographer Hope Dunne has known joy and heartbreak, and finds serenity through the lens of her camera. Content in her Soho loft, she isn't looking for a man or excitement. But these things find her when she flies to London to photograph one of the world's most celebrated writers.Finn O'Neill exudes warmth and a boyish charm. Enormously successful, he is a perfect counterpoint to Hope's quiet, steady grace – and he's taken instantly by her. He courts her as no one ever has before, whisking her away to his palatial, isolated Irish estate.Hope finds it ...
Andie Miller is ready to move on in life. She wants to marry her fiance and leave behind everything in her past, especially her ex-husband, North Archer. But when Andie tries to gain closure with him, he asks one final favor of her before they go their separate ways forever. A very distant cousin of his has died and left North as the guardian of two orphans who have driven out three nannies already, and things are getting worse. He needs a very special person to take care of the situation and he knows Andie can handle anything....
After eight years of unrequited love, Meredith Guidry decides it's time to move on and try to find someone who'll love her in return. So she makes a prayerful New Year's resolution to meet someone new and end her single status by year's end. And when the handsome contractor she hires to finish remodeling her house asks her out, it looks like her prayer may have been answered. But dating Ward doesn't seem to do anything to lessen Meredith's feelings toward a certain chef she works with every day.Executive Chef Major O'Hara has sworn off relationships, knowing he could never saddle the woman he loves with a family situation like his. When he's offered the opportunity of a lifetime—to open his own restaurant—will he leave his comfortable job and Meredith—to chase his lifelong dream? And when it looks like he's about to lose Meredith Guidry to another man, can he concoct a menu for romance to win her back?Will God serve up a solution before it's too late?
Harm Connolly wants to leave his bad history with women on terra firma. Two weeks of business on a cruise would help accomplish that. First complication: the sexiest woman he's ever met is on board the vessel. Second complication: a dead body – one of his associates.Adventure chef Cate Campbell knows his type – arrogant corporate hotshot, taking his guys out for some R R. No problem. She'll have Harm eating out of her hand in seconds flat. No problem.until a killer on the loose forces her to find safety and comfort in his arms.Will mayhem at sea throw any chance of romance overboard?
Taylor Wellington doesn't do relationships. She learned a long time ago that they were a recipe for heartache. However, she does do flings-steamy affairs that burn hot…and brief. And her sexy new contractor, Thomas "Mac" Mackenzie, has her thinking about burning up some sheets. Problem is, now that she's got him right where she wants him, she can't seem to stop playing with fire.At the start, Mac is in perfect agreement with Taylor-they'll keep things hot and light, then walk away when they're done. But for reasons he can't explain he doesn't want to end this affair. In fact, he wants more. So now he'll just have to use some seductive persuasion to convince her that this is too good to let go…
Maggie Fletcher pod?a recordarlo todo excepto lo ocurrido en las ?ltimas veinticuatro horas. Menos mal que, por suerte para ella, el sheriff local Andy Gautier estaba en el caso. En la ciudad se dec?a que era capaz de llegar al fondo de cualquier asunto… o de cualquier persona.Andy se hab?a jurado a s? mismo que ayudar?a a su bella durmiente a recuperar el d?a que hab?a perdido. Pero le estaba costando mucho concentrarse en el trabajo…
Dana estaba en la c?rcel por un delito que no hab?a cometido, y su amiga Heidi hab?a decidido descubrir qui?n era el culpable y as? poder liberarla. El problema era que no sab?a ni por d?nde empezar.Entonces, como respuesta a sus plegarias, apareci? Gideon Poletti, un detective de homicidios de San Diego que estaba all? para dar unas clases de criminolog?a.Adem?s de buen detective, Gideon result? ser el hombre m?s atractivo que Heidi hab?a tenido el placer de conocer, pero sab?a perfectamente que ahora no ten?a tiempo para romances; s?lo ten?a tiempo para sacar a su amiga de la c?rcel.La investigaci?n que emprendieron juntos los llev? a descubrir algo que Heidi jam?s habr?a sospechado. Como tampoco habr?a sospechado que Gideon se enamorar?a de ella tanto como ella de ?l.
Desde peque?a, Lettice Knollys tuvo que o?r historias fabulosas sobre su prima, la futura reina Isabel I. Cuando esta subi? al trono, Lettice pudo descubrir de primera mano los encantos, y las intrigas, de la corte inglesa de la segunda mitad del siglo xvI, un lugar en que la batalla por el poder se libraba tambi?n en alcobas, gabinetes y mazmorras.Pese a haber conseguido unas buenas nupcias con el conde de Essex, a Lettice la entristece que el impecable Robert Dudley, el conde de Leicester, solo tenga ojos para la reina. Tras ...
Oszuka? j?, zdradzi? i pozostawi? bez grosza. Kate, jako jedyna lekarka w dolinie Corrook, musi ci??ko pracowa? i oszcz?dza?, aby sp?aci? d?ugi by?ego m??a. Nie ufa ?adnemu m??czy?nie, nawet zakochanemu w niej Richardowi
Titanic", luksusowy transatlantyk – gigant, wyrusza w dziewiczy rejs. W?r?d jego pasa?er?w znajduj? si? Kate i Bertram Winfieldowie, kt?rzy po og?oszeniu w Anglii zar?czyn najstarszej c?rki, Edwiny, z Charlesem Fitzgeraldem wracaj? razem z nim do San Francisco, gdzie niebawem m?odzi maj? wzi?? ?lub. Jednak?e radosny sen o szcz??ciu przemienia si? w koszmar, gdy pierwszy rejs statku okazuje si? ostatnim. Poniewa? dla m??czyzn nie ma miejsc w ?odziach ratunkowych, Kate, wierna przysi?dze ma??e?skiej, pozostaje z m??em. Razem z bliskimi Edwiny umieraj? w morskiej toni jej marzenia, ona za?, obarczona brzemieniem tragicznych wspomnie?, musi ?y?, by wype?ni? obietnic? z?o?on? matce.
Od jedenastu lat Londyn zaczytuje si? dowcipnymi "Kronikami Towarzyskimi Lady Whistledown". Ch?oszcz?c ostrymi s?owami, anonimowa autorka nie pomija nikogo z "towrzystwa". nawet takiej szarej myszki, jak Penelope Featherington. Ci?te pi?ro skrupulatnie odnotowa?o jej fatalny debiut i kolejne nieudane sezony. Tymczasem Penelope od lat skrywa w sercu niespe?nion? mi?o?? do Colina Bridgertona. Czy uda jej si? zwr?ci? uwag? m??czyzny, kt?ry zawsze traktowa? j? r?wnie uprzejmie, co oboj?tnie? Jak si? zachowa Colin, gdy brzydkie kacz?tko przemieni si? w zapieraj?cego dech w piersi ?ab?dzia?
Po burzliwym spotkaniu biznesowym Parker James wchodzi do baru Hotelu Marchand, by och?on??. Tam spotyka pi?kn? piosenkark? jazzow? Holly Carlyle, kt?ra kiedy? ?piewa?a na jego weselu. Teraz Parker czeka na rozw?d i chce od nowa u?o?y? sobie ?ycie. Holly za? nigdy nie zapomnia?a swojego wyst?pu sprzed dziesi?ciu lat. W?a?ciwie nie tyle wyst?pu, co incydentu, kt?rego by?a ?wiadkiem: w przeddzie? ?lubu zobaczy?a narzeczon? Parkera kochaj?c? si?… na pewno nie ze swym przysz?ym m??em…
Mientras la guerra se cierne sobre Inglaterra y Escocia, la dama de Friarsgate conoce, por fin, a su verdadero amor.Rosamund Bolton ha tomado el control de su vida. Reclam? la herencia que le pertenec?a, rechaz? a su ?ltimo pretendiente y decidi? viajar a la corte de su querida amiga, la reina Margarita de Escocia. En ese ?mbito suntuoso e impredecible conocer? al hombre que cambiar? su destino para siempre.Patrick Leslie, primer conde de Glenkirk, provoca en la dama de Friarsgate una pasi?n abrasadora, a pesar de su tr?gico pasado. Mientras la guerra se cierne sobre Escocia e Inglaterra y Enrique VIII intenta convertirse en el monarca m?s poderoso de Europa, Patrick y Rosamund emprenden una peligrosa misi?n en nombre del rey Jacobo IV, en la que pondr?n a prueba su lealtad y la intensidad de su amor.
After a broken love affair, Kate Kennedy retreats to a cottage on the Essex coast to work on her latest project. To her alarm, her peace and solitude is replaced by a sense of fear as strange incidents begin to occur – incidents that connect, Kate is sure, with the Roman grave being excavated.
Testament zmar?ej tragicznie nad amazo?sk? puszcz? Kate Fortune wywo?a? wiele kontrowersji. Nikt inny nie podarowa?by by mieszczuchowi Kylowi rancza gdzie? na ko?cu ?wiata. A jednak tak si? sta?o i Kyle Fortune stan?? oko w oko ze swoj? wakacyjn? mi?o?ci?… i jej dzieckiem.
Legendary Texas surgeon Justin Webb faced his biggest challenge – winning the heart of brash, bold and beautiful detective Winona Raye. When Winona discovered a baby abandoned at her door, the bachelor doc saw his chance and offered a hand – in marriage. Independent Winona was in no hurry to walk down the aisle, but Justin was going to be there for her…whether she wanted him to or not.
Callum Ironstone didn't do guilt. Even so, the millionaire did feel responsible enough for struggling chef Miranda Owen to offer her a job. She could cater his holiday dinner party – an important affair where he planned to propose to the appropriate woman. Except somehow he'd ended up with Miranda in his bed.He tried to blame it on the mistletoe. But Callum knew Miranda's transformation from dowdy wallflower to sensual beauty had hit him right where it counted. Perhaps she could be made into the hostess his position demanded – provided Miranda forgave him for destroying her family.
Reporter Julia Nash has waited years to join the top ranks of investigative journalists. When a trip to Dubai reveals the key to a mystery in the world of Thoroughbred racing, Julia finds her chance. But then she's caught snooping.and held in the sole custody of Lord Harrison Rochester!As long as it takes. That's what Harrison vows when he keeps Julia at his desert estate. He'll discover what the beauty has been up to – even if the search leads to an attraction neither expected. But when Julia's safety is compromised, they must say goodbye.or "I do."
Linnet, m?oda Angielka, kt?ra po stracie rodzinnego maj?tku, pod koniec osiemnastego wieku, wraz z matk? trafia do Kentucky, nie spodziewa si?, ?e w tej dziczy spotka mi?o?? swego ?ycia. A jednak kiedy podczas nocnego napadu Indian na ob?z bia?ych Linnet dostaje si? do niewoli, pomocy udziela jej tajemniczy i przystojny Devon Macalister – p??krwi Indianin, w?adaj?cy angielskim r?wnie dobrze jak ona.Czy Linnet i Devonowi uda si? ochroni? ich burzliwy i nami?tny zwi?zek, zw?aszcza ?e opr?cz zagro?enia ze strony ??dnych zemsty Indian pojawia si? nowe niebezpiecze?stwo, w postaci kuzyna Devona?