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Любовные романы - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 13376—13400 из 14144.
  • Natural Blond Instincts
  • Shalvis Jill
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • A blonde's ambitionKenna Mallory is giving up "making it on her own" – aka puddle groomer and accounts payable clerk, jobs that haven't used all her natural abilities – to join the family biz and prove she's got what it takes to be VP of the newest Mallory Hotel. Okay, so maybe she has way more hair and cleavage than it takes, but that should be an asset around co-VP Weston Roth.Wrong. Wes is hot, as Ivy League as the hotel's elite guests, and isn't buying the blond routine. Time to change tactics and start working the numbers. Good thing math is Kenna's other natural asset. And when it comes to getting the guy, if it isn't hair that grabs him… it's, uh, figures.

  • Navidad M?gica
  • Daly Barbara
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Quiz? perder el control no fuera muy sensato, pero… ?cu?ndo ha sido divertido ser sensata?La abogada de Chicago Mallory Trent siempre hab?a seguido las normas de su madre para ser pr?ctica. Pero as? no iba a conseguir atraer a Carter Compton, el guap?simo fiscal que desear?a tener como regalo de Navidad.Entonces los enviaron a Manhattan para trabajar en un caso. Mientras ?l hablaba de trabajo ella fantaseaba con ?l. As? que decidi? llamar a una agencia en la que le prometieron darle un nuevo yo.Con aquel traje rojo y su nueva actitud, Mallory acorral? al sorprendido abogado bajo el mu?rdago…

  • Nazajutrz
  • Small Bertrice
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • Po ?mierci ojca i wyje?dzie matki do Francji obdarzony stanowczym charakterem syn Jasmine, Patrick Leslie, ksi??? Glenkirk, odkrywa, ?e odpowiedzialno?? za w?o?ci i ludzi z nimi zwi?zanych spoczywa teraz wy??cznie na nim.Przypadkowe spotkanie podczas polowania sprawia jednak, ?e samotno?? ksi?cia dobiega kresu, gdy? aby pozyska? opuszczony zamek i otaczaj?ce go ziemie, musi przyj?? co? jeszcze – narzeczon?.Flanna Brodie, dziedziczka Brae, jest dziewczyn? pe?n? ?ycia, do tego pi?kn? jak szkocki krajobraz – i r?wnie dzik?. Nie pragnie m??czyzny, ale wolno?ci. Jednak nami?tno??, jak? rozbudzi w niej Patrick, si?gnie g??biej, ni? tylko w sfer? cia?a.

  • Nervous
  • Zane
  • Жанр: Эротика
  • Zane’s legion of fans can’t get enough of her way of telling a juicy, sexy story. In , the bestselling queen of erotica brings us a tale of a woman with a split personality.Jonquinette has always been nervous around men, but on the weekends her alter ego, Jude, goes on intense sexual escapades. When Jonquinette seeks the help of Dr. Marcella Spencer, the psychiatrist Zane originated in her bestselling novel Addicted, Jude’s response is to go on a sexual rampage. In the meantime, Jonquinette becomes interested in her new neighbor, Mason, but Jude has no intention of letting Jonquinette fall in love—not when Jude’s having so much fun.Based on a short story of the same title from her bestselling collection , is classic Zane with an edge. So, relax, sit back. You’re in for a nerve-tingling read.

  • New and…Improved? & Andrew in Excess
  • Shalvis Jill
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • NEW AND…IMPROVED? by Jill Shalvis (Makeover Madness) – - GOING FROM GEEK TO GODDESS AIN'T EASY! – As far as Kent Wright was concerned, Becca Lewis was just fine the way she was. A little mousy, maybe, but a sweet friend and a darn good chemist. So why did she have to go and wreck it all by having a makeover? Now she looked like some sexy siren out of a lingerie catalog, and when it came to chemistry… there was only one kind on Kent's mind!ANDREW IN EXCESS by Jennifer LaBrecqueSHE'S GOT THE BABY BLUES…Teacher Kat Devereaux was free spirited, unorthodox… and had a little problem with excess. And right now, her biological clock was ticking excessively loudly. What she needed was a temporary husband – one she couldn't possibly fall for. Andrew Winthrop III was stuffy, conservative and needed a wife. A marriage of convenience would solve both their problems. Only, neither one anticipated enjoying their mock marriage so excessively…

  • Nigdy w ?yciu
  • Grochola Katarzyna
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Judyta ma 37 lat, jest matk? nastoletniej Tosi i pracuje w pi?mie kobiecym, gdzie prowadzi dzia? porad dla czytelniczek.Poznajemy j? w chwili kiedy nie z w?asnej woli rozsta?a si? z m??em i musi wyprowadzi? si? z mieszkania.Na przek?r wszystkiemu nie za?amuje si?.Rozpoczyna nowe ?ycie: buduje dom, przenosi si? na wie? i niespodziewanie odnosi sukces jako reporterka.Zyskuje te? nowych znajomych i przyjaci??.A przede wszystkim, ku swojemu ogromnemu zaskoczeniu, zakochuje si?…Wed?ug autorki, Nigdy w ?yciu! to ksi??ka "dla tych, kt?rym si? wydaje, ?e ?wiat si? ko?czy, kiedy on si? dopiero zaczyna."O swoich bardzo prawdziwych problemach bohaterka – kreowana przez Katarzyn? Grochol? opowiada z humorem i lekko?ci? sprawiaj?c?, ?e krytycy okrzykn?li j? polsk? Bridget Jones. Ksi??ka jest pierwsz? cz??ci? cyklu powie?ciowego ?aby i anio?y.

  • Noble Intentions
  • MacAlister Katie
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • Noble Britton had suffered greatly at the hands of his first wife, and he refused to fall into the same trap again. This time he intended to marry a quiet, biddable woman who would not draw attention to herself or cause scandal. Gillian Leigh's honest manner and spontaneous laughter attracted him immediately. It mattered little that she was accident-prone; he could provide the structure necessary to guide her. But unconventional to the tips of her half-American toes-toes that one of them was constantly tripping over-his new bride turned the tables on him, wreaking havoc on his orderly life. And worse, demanding he surrender his heart. Perpetually one step behind his beguiling spouse, Noble suffered a banged up head, a black eye, and a broken nose before he realized Gillian had healed his soul and proved that their union was no heedless tumble, but the swoon of true love.

  • Noches Reales
  • Morgan Raye
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • ?Seria una corona suficiente pago por todo lo que ella hab?a hecho por ?l?El pr?ncipe Dami?n de Nabotavia era un Play boy que, aburrido de todo, claudic? ante las presiones de su familia y accedi? a buscarse una mujer “adecuada” con la que contraer matrimonio… Y entonces un accidente lo cambi? todo, dej?ndolo indefenso. Pero ?realmente hab?a sido un accidente o quiz? alguien hab?a querido poner en peligro su vida?La ?nica persona en la que pod?a confiar era su nueva terapeuta, la sensible Sara Joplin, que con su amabilidad y la dulzura de su voz hab?a conseguido que volviera a sentirse vivo. Dami?n no tard? en confiar tanto en Sara como para contarle sus temores y, en su b?squeda de la verdad encontraron el peligro… y se descubrieron el uno al otro.