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Книги 13251—13275 из 14144.

  • Los cien golpes
  • П. Мелисса
  • Жанр: Эротика
  • A los diecis?is a?os se tienen pocas cosas: un cuerpo que provoca perplejidades, un espejo, un diario. Y muchas ganas de experimentar con la nostalgia de lo nunca probado: el amor.Los cien golpes es el relato estremecedor de una iniciaci?n er?tica en las profundidades de la sexof?bica Sicilia. Con precisi?n de entom?logo, Melissa P. describe sus encuentros sexuales, que empiezan con la acostumbrada decepci?n frente al gatillo mediterr?neo y terminan en org?as con desconocidos experiencias l?sbicas y relaciones peligrosas. На испанском языке.

  • Los Diarios Secretos De Miranda
  • Quinn Julia
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • A los diez a?os Miranda Cheever no muestra signo alguno de convertirse en una gran belleza. Y ni siquiera a esa temprana edad Miranda ha aprendido a aceptar las expectativas que la sociedad tiene depositadas en ella… hasta la tarde en que Nigel Bevelstoke, el guapo y elegante vizconde Turner, besa solemnemente su mano y le promete que un d?a madurar? y se convertir? en una mujer tan hermosa como inteligente.Y ni siquiera a los diez a?os Miranda sab?a que le amar?a para siempre.Pero los a?os siguientes se han mostrado tan crueles para Turner como amables ha sido para Miranda. Ella es tan fascinante como osadamente predijo el vizconde aquel memorable d?a… y aquel hombre se ha convertido en un hombre solitario y amargado, destrozado por una devastadora p?rdida.Pero Miranda jam?s ha olvidado la verdad que dej? por escrito en aquel papel tantos a?os atr?s… y no permitir? que el amor que es su destino se le escape de entre los dedos…

  • Los Dulces A?os
  • Spencer Lavyrle
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • Cuando Linnea llega a Alamo, no imagina que el hombre irritado que la recibe en la estaci?n de tren se convertir? en su gran amor. Con s?lo dieciocho a?os, la vehemente y alegre Linnea es la nueva profesora y est? decidida a conquistar un lugar en la familia que la acose, as? como dentro de la comunidad. Theodore es un granjero de treinta y cuatro a?os que vive con su madre y su hijo de diecis?is a?os. Al igual que los dem?s granjeros, Teddy se ocupa fundamentalmente de la cosecha, y cuando Linnea llega a vivir a su casa, se siente invadido e irritado porque la joven no respeta las reglas t?citas de la comunidad. Lentamente, en medio de las tareas cotidianas, surge entre ellos un amor profundo. Atemorizado por la diferencia de edad entre ambos, Teddy intenta alejarse de Linnea. Pero ella est? dispuesta a aceptar el desaf?o porque sabe que ?l es su destino.

  • Los Mejores Amigos
  • Hart Jessica
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Lo que hab?a empezado como un compromiso de conveniencia se hab?a convertido en dicha matrimonial.Josh y Bella llevaban a?os siendo amigos, pero de pronto Bella hab?a empezado a ver a "su Josh" de un modo muy diferente. ?Se estaba enamorando de ?l! Ya estaba bastante confundida cuando Josh complic? a?n m?s la situaci?n pidi?ndole que fingiera ser su prometida…Josh necesitaba una novia para cerrar un importante negocio y Bella accedi? a ayudarlo. Sin embargo, despu?s de s?lo una semana en aquella id?lica isla fingiendo estar locamente enamorados, la tensi?n se hab?a hecho casi inaguantable. Sobre todo desde que Josh hab?a empezado a preguntarse si su amiga estaba fingiendo realmente.

  • Love Forever?
  • Лубенец Светлана
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Светлана Лубенец Love Forever? – Вот все и кончилось… – жалобно проговорила Аня Кашуба, положив голову на плечо своему однокласснику Володе Соленко. Вообще-то Володя являлся уже бывшим одноклассником, поскольку вчера прогремел выпускной вечер, а сегодня, в четыре часа утра, они только что вернулись с традиционной ночной прогулки по Петербургу и сидели на подоконнике подъезда, где жила Аня. ...

  • Love & Honor
  • Radclyffe
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Third book in the Honor Series.US Secret Service Agent Cameron Roberts has more than one secret that could destroy her career, not the least of which is that she’s in love with the president’s daughter. Blair Powell, the first daughter, returns the feeling despite her ambivalence about Cam’s role as her security chief, particularly in the aftermath of an assassination attempt that nearly cost Cam her life. In this third book of the Honor series, Blair and Cam struggle to protect their relationship from intensified media exposure even as they are unwillingly drawn into a shadowy conspiracy that puts Cam’s career and the president’s political future at risk. When Cam's previous lover resurfaces to offer support and solace, the president's daughter and her security chief are faced with difficult choices as they battle a tangled web of Washington intrigue for...love and honor.

  • Love of My Life. На всю жизнь
  • Дуглас Луиза
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Тридцатилетняя Оливия Феликоне обожала своего мужа, купалась в его любви, но внезапно овдовела. Пытаясь справиться с отчаянием, героиня углубляется в воспоминания своей юности, где у нее есть свои «скелеты в шкафу», анализирует долгие и непростые отношения с родственниками мужа и короткую любовную связь с его братом-близнецом. Все это в конечном итоге приводит ее к пониманию нехитрых житейских истин и приносит успокоение измученной душе.

  • Love the one youre with
  • Giffin Emily
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Ellen's relationship to Andy doesn't just seem perfect on the surface, it really is perfect. She loves his family, and everything about him, including that he brings out the best in her. That is, until Ellen unexpectedly runs into Leo. The one who got away. The one who brought out the worst in her. The one she can't forget. This is the story about why we chose to love the ones we love, and why we just can't forget the ones who aren't right for us. Emily Giffin brings both humor and heart to her novels and has an uncanny ability to tap into the things women are really thinking and feeling. With LOVE THE ONE YOU'RE WITH, she proves, once again, why she is the fastest rising star of women's fiction writing today.

  • Love Wild and Fair
  • Small Bertrice
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • A Love For All TimeShe is Catriona, Countessof Glenkirk, the dazzling green-eyed beautywhose silken sensuality fires the passion of men'svery souls – making her a pawn in a dangerous gameof royal intrigue. wife to a count, unwilling mistress to theking, she has the undying live of the most courageous lordin all of scotland…He is Francis, Earl of Bothwell, who defies his king to possess the woman he loves. Theirs is a romance in the grand tradition of bestselling author Beatrice Small – and epic tale of love and betrayal that sweeps from the snowy Scottish highlands through the glittering palaces of Europe and exotic pleasures domes of Constantinople to find its magnificent conclusion inthe exquisite fulfillment of love's most passionate desires.

  • Lovestory
  • Маккатчен Мартина
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Мэнди Сандерсон всего в жизни добилась сама: у нее была прекрасная работа, очаровательная внешность и верные друзья. Не хватало только настоящей любви. Но в день своего тридцатилетия Мэнди встречает Джейка. С этого момента ее жизнь меняется навсегда. Чтобы быть с любимым человеком, Мэнди придется сделать непростой выбор и поступиться своими главными принципами. Решится ли она разрушить чужое счастье ради собственного?..

  • Loving Mr. Darcy: Journeys Beyond Pemberley
  • Lathan Sharon
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • The second in Sharon Lathan's Darcy Saga () fails on two levels. Readers new to Darcy and Elizabeth will be bored reading page after page about two paragons—he is a gracious and expert billiards player, she is an excellent manager of the household—while they go about their life, with the occasional dustup with Lady Catherine, all while awaiting the birth of their first child. Meanwhile, Austen lovers may well be insulted to read un-Austenesque conversations, scenes and goings-on. Either way, the brilliance of Austen is notably absent. Too often the day-in-the-life focus seems small, as do the couple's PG-13–level lusty thoughts and behaviors. Yes, it's romantic that in a break of Regency tradition they sleep in the same bed and make love often, but it's a lot of nothing after their 15th bout, as is suffering through Darcy hiding his erections from a jovial, knowing father-in-law-to-be. Austen's characters deserve far better than this.

  • Lucky Break
  • Phillips Carly
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Long ago, a witch proclaimed an eternal curse that every Corwin male who married for love would be destined to lose his woman and his fortune… Jason Corwin knows he should resist his attraction to Lauren Perkins. But after one night of mind-blowing sex with his supposed and very seductive enemy, he can't bring himself to stay away.All Lauren wants is to sell her late grandmother's old house and leave the past behind forever. But that's not an easy thing to do when gorgeous contractor Jason Corwin whispers sweet, sexy somethings into her ear…about staying. Then a saboteur and the promise of hidden treasure change everything, and one lucky break just might put an end to the Corwin curse…

  • Lucky Charm
  • Phillips Carly
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Long ago, as revenge on a Corwin who stole her son's fianc?e, a witch proclaimed an eternal curse that every Corwin male who married for love would be destined to lose his woman and his fortune.Derek thought he could outsmart the long-standing Corwin curse by breaking up with Gabrielle, his first love – and marrying someone else. Now, divorced and broke, all he has left is his teenage daughter and a healthy respect for ancient sorcery. But then Gabrielle returns, determined to defeat the curse and rekindle their passion. But will her stubborn streak and her unwavering love be the lucky charm Derek so desperately needs?

  • Luke
  • Shalvis Jill
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • E.R. head Dr. Luke Walker saves all of his bedside manner for his patients. With the hospital staff he's outspoken, tough, no-nonsense…until now. Disciplinary action from the hospital board has landed him a three-month stint at the Healing Waters Clinic. And working around aromatherapy, acupuncture and yoga seems to be having a remarkable effect on him. But not nearly the effect Faith McDowell-the fiery redheaded director of the clinic-is having on his libido!The truth is Luke and Faith clash over everything-except their passion for healing people…and their passion for each other. Making love to Faith has a remarkable healing effect on Luke, putting a sexy smile on his face. Problem is, Luke Walker, who has done his best not to need anyone, finds himself needing her. So now he has to use his most persuasive bedside manner to convince Faith that this passion is for keeps.