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Любовные романы - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 13501—13525 из 14144.
  • Prisioneros del Amor
  • Denison Janelle
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • La cazadora de recompensas Joelle Summers era muy buena en su trabajo, hasta que detuvo por error a Dean Colter, un atractivo hombre de negocios. A diferencia de sus prisioneros habituales, Dean parec?a dispuesto a cumplir todas las fantas?as de Joelle. Y aunque ?l clamaba su inocencia, ella no tard? en descubrir que no era tan inocente…Despu?s de a?os trabajando como un esclavo, Dean Colter quer?a una aventura, pero que lo secuestrara una hermosa cazadora de recompensas, aficionada a esclavizar a sus prisioneros, no era exactamente lo que hab?a planeado. Sin embargo, pronto se dio cuenta de que ser su cautivo tambi?n ten?a sus ventajas. Quiz? fuese ella la que pusiera las esposas, pero Dean ten?a la llave que abr?a las pasiones m?s desatadas de aquella ardiente mujer.

  • Private Pleasures
  • Small Bertrice
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Nora Buckley's worst nightmare has just come true. After years of being a devoted, dutiful housewife, she's found out her husband is leaving her for a younger woman. Her only comfort comes from her friends-the women of Ansley Court, who meet every Monday morning for coffee and gossip.Seeing Nora's desperation, her friends decide it's time to let her in on their delicious and dirty little secret. It's called The Channel… and it lets every woman unleash passions beyond her wildest dreams. Suddenly Nora is living out her most intimate and sensuous fantasies- and before long, she realizes she can have everything she ever wanted…

  • Profesor Wilczur
  • Do??ga-Mostowicz Tadeusz
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • "Profesor Wilczur" to kontynuacja Znachora, w kt?rej odnajdziemy motywy melodramatyczne, uj?te w sensacyjno-obyczajow? fabu??. Po tragicznych przej?ciach wywo?anych utrat? pami?ci profesor Wilczur wraca do swej dawnej pracy w klinice. Jednak intrygi jego dotychczasowego zast?pcy Dobranieckiego doprowadzaj? Wilczura do takiego rozgroczynienia, i? decyduje si? on, tym razem ju? ?wiadomie, opu?ci? stolic?i zamieszka? z powrotem na wsi. Tam przeprowadza skomplikowan? operacj?, ale kosztem w?asnego zdrowia. Nad ci??ko chorym ojcem czuwa zrozpaczona c?rka Marysia, gdy niespodziewanie przybywa ?ona doktora Dobranieckiego, b?agaj?c o ratowanie jej m??a chorego na raka.W powie?ci dobro triumfuje nad z?em, nieskazitelna cnota nad ludzk? ma?o?ci?, etos wsi nad zepsuciem miasta. Do??ga-Mostowicz pokazuje zatem ?wiat, jakiego pragniemy, przywraca wiar? w godno?? cz?owieka..

  • Prom and Prejudice
  • Eulberg Elizabeth
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • From the much-buzzed-about author of THE LONELY HEARTS CLUB, a prom-season delight of Jane Austen proportions.It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single guy in his spring semester at Pemberly Academy must be in want of a prom date.After winter break, the girls at very prestigious, very wealthy, girls-only Longbourn Academy are suddenly obsessed with the prom, which they share with the nearby, equally elitist, all-boys Pemberly school. Lizzie Bennett, who attends Longbourn on scholarship, isn't exactly interested in designer dresses and expensive shoes, but her best friend, Jane, might be — especially now that ...

  • Prudence
  • Cooper Jilly
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • The trouble with the Mulholland family, Prudence decided, was that they were all in love with the wrong people. She'd been overjoyed when Pendle, her super-cool barrister boyfriend, invited her home for the weekend to meet his family. At least she might get some reaction out of him - so far he hadn't so much as made a pass at her, after the first night when he'd nearly raped her. But home turned out to be a decaying mansion in the Lake District, and family were his glamorous, scatty mother who forgot the mounting bills by throwing wild parties, and brothers, Ace, dark and forbidding, and Jack, handsome, married and only too ready to take over with Pru if Pendle didn't get a move on. It was only when she noticed the way Pendle looked at Jack's wife Maggie that it began to dawn on Pru that there was more to this weekend than met the eye. It looked like a non-stop game of changing partners...

  • ?pun
  • Burgess Melvin
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Kontrowersyjna i szokuj?ca powie?? dla doros?ych i m?odzie?y. Jej tematyka wi??e si? ze sprawami seksu i u?ywania narkotyk?w. "?pun" zdoby? w 1997 roku dwie najbardziej presti?owe brytyjskie nagrody literackie przyznawane w kategorii literatury m?odzie?owej. W rankingu popularno?ci literatury obcej w Polsce w 1999 roku osi?gn?? pi?te miejsce.Akcja ksi??ki toczy si? w latach osiemdziesi?tych. Bohaterowie, para czternastolatk?w, Gemma i jej ch?opak Sm??ka, borykaj? si? z samotno?ci? i niezrozumieniem. W poszukiwaniu szansy na urzeczywistnienie swojej mi?o?ci, zniech?ceni nud? ma?...

  • Pure Indulgence
  • Denison Janelle
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Kayla Thomas is counting on her latest idea to clinch the success of her bakery – aphrodisiac chocolates! But first she needs an unsuspecting test subject to ensure the candy is as stimulating as she hopes. So when yummy restaurant owner Jack Tremaine steps into her shop, she decides he's just the man she needs. And if Kayla just happens to be around when Jack needs to let loose some lust…well, it's all in the name of science, right? Jack is more than happy to sample anything Kayla's offering. The chocolates are good, but he has the feeling sex with Kayla will be absolutely delicious! Although he wants to convince her to add her delectable desserts to his dinner menu, it's suddenly more important for Jack to satisfy his hunger for the shapely chef. He simply has to kiss the cook – and he has no intention of stopping there…

  • Quicksilver
  • Quick Amanda
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • Virginia Dean wakes at midnight beside a dead body, with a bloody knife in her hand and no memory of the evening's events. Dark energy, emanating from the mirrors lining the room, overpowers her senses. With no apparent way in or out, she is rescued by a man she has met only once before, but won't soon forget. Owen Sweetwater inherited his family's talent for hunting the psychical monsters who prey on London's women and children, and his investigation into the deaths of two glass-readers has led him here. The high-society types of the exclusive Arcane Society would consider Virginia an illusionist, a charlatan, even a criminal, but Owen knows better. Virginia's powers are real—and they just might be the key to solving this challenging case.