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Любовные романы - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 13601—13625 из 14142.
  • Seduce Me
  • Shalvis Jill
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • A man this hot is worth breaking all of her rules for…Rule # 1-No blind dates.Having suffered through one too many, there's no way Samantha O'Ryan will agree to a blind date. Until her best friend needs a favor, that is. Enter Jack Knight. If she'd known how hot he is, she never would have protested.Rule # 2-No kissing on the first date.Sam can't resist Jack. And before the night is over, she wants to do a lot more than just kiss him. For someone like Sam, who runs from all commitment, that fact should be enough to make her refuse the second date. It's not.Rule # 3-No falling in love.Sam is determined to keep this fling on sizzle with no strings attached. But Jack starts hinting about something more, and suddenly she's being seduced in the most tempting way.

  • Seduced
  • Denison Janelle
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • NO RETREAT…Lawyer Ryan Matthews wanted sexy Jessica Newman the moment he saw her. And she seemed to want him, too, but something was holding her back. So now Ryan decides it's time to launch a sensual assault. He is going to have Jessica in his bed, and he isn't above tempting her with her own forbidden fantasies to do it!ABSOLUTE SURRENDER…Jessica isn't really playing hard to get. In fact, she's pretty sure a relationship with Ryan wouldn't work… although faced with Ryan's plan to seduce her senseless, she can't exactly remember why. She's constantly on edge, wondering what sensual scheme, what erotic pleasure Ryan has in store for her. She's definitely enjoying the chase, but does she dare let Ryan catch her?

  • Seducido por una Desconocida
  • Phillips Carly
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • La abogada Mallory Sinclair llevaba tanto tiempo luchando por hacerse un hueco en un mundo de hombres, que nadie se acordaba siquiera de que en realidad era una mujer, y una mujer tremendamente sensual. Pero Jack Latham estaba a punto de descubrirlo, ya que Mallory le hab?a hecho una invitaci?n que no pod?a rechazar…?Aquello era incre?ble! Debajo de aquella estupenda profesional se escond?a una aut?ntica diosa empe?ada en seducirlo. Desde luego ?l no ten?a la menor queja al respecto… El problema era que la nueva Mallory era tan diferente y desinhibida que Jack no pod?a evitar preguntarse si de verdad era la compa?era a la que conoc?a desde hac?a tanto tiempo. Lo que s? sab?a era que no quer?a que aquello acabara… solo deseaba saber qui?n era la mujer con la que acabar?a compartiendo la cama…

  • Seduciendo A Mister Bridgerton
  • Quinn Julia
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • A sus veintiocho a?os, Pen?lope se ha resignado ya a convertirse en una solterona destinada a envejecer cuidando a su madre. Durante una d?cada, ha asistido a todas las fiestas de la aristocracia londinense, y siempre ha sido la muchacha mediocre, callada, la que nadie saca a bailar m?s que por compromiso, la que pasa inadvertida para todos. Tambi?n para Colin Bridgerton, hermano de la mejor amiga de Pen?lope, guapo, audaz, soltero de oro… y su amor plat?nico desde siempre. Para Colin, Pen?lope siempre ha estado ah?, simp?tica, agradable, pero casi invisible. ?C?mo es posible que todo cambie de repente? Sin saber bien c?mo, el menor de los Bridgerton descubre a una mujer inteligente, sensible, audaz… y muy atractiva. Durante a?os se han conocido casi como hermanos, y de repente se dan cuenta de que no saben nada el uno del otro. Pero no todo lo que descubrir?n va a resultar tan placentero…

  • Seducing an Angel
  • Balogh Mary
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • A multiple New York Times hardcover bestselling author with nearly seven million copies of her books sold, Mary Balogh confirms her position as 'a veritable treasure, a matchless storyteller who makes our hearts melt with delight' (Romantic Times). In Seducing An Angel, she continues the adventures begun with First Comes Marriage, Then Comes Seduction, and At Last Comes Love. Banished, destitute, and labeled a murderess, Cassandra, Lady Paget, arrives in Regency London determined to overcome the reputation that has preceded her and to find a wealthy gentleman who can restore her to the extravagant life to which she's grown accustomed. She sets her sights on Stephen, Earl of Merton - an angelic-looking man of means who surely cannot resist her. Intrigued by Cassandra's charm, Stephen agrees to make her his mistress. But despite his looks and easy charm, Stephen is no angel, and Cassandra soon realizes that there is a price to be paid for trying to tempt one.

  • Seducir a un ?ngel
  • Balogh Mary
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Desterrada, en la indigencia, y tildada de asesina, Cassandra Belmont, lady Paget, llega a Londres en plena regencia, decidida a superar la reptaci?n que la hab?a precedido a fin de encontrar un rico caballero que pueda devolverla a la extravagante vida a la que estaba acostumbrada. Pone los ojos en Stephen Huxtable, conde de Merton, un hombre con posibilidades y de aspecto angelical, que no podr?a resistirse a ella.Intrigado por el encanto de Cassandra, Stephen acepta convertirla en su amante. Pero a pesar de su aspecto y su encanto, Stephen no es ning?n ?ngel, y Cassandra no tarda en darse cuenta de que hay que pagar un precio por intentar tentar a uno.

  • Seductive One
  • Mallery Susan
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • "Smart, sexy entertainment." – Christina DoddFor the Marcelli sisters of California wine country, the season is ripe for romance!Of all the Marcelli sisters, the one who dreams of running the family's winery is Brenna – and she's about to get her chance. But taking the helm at Marcelli Winery is tougher than she bargained for – especially when she butts heads with her grandfather, whose Old World ways dictate that a male should inherit the business. In need of some fast capital in order to prove her grandfather wrong, Brenna turns to Nic Giovanni, her family's nemesis…Years ...

  • Seks w wielkim mie?cie
  • Bushnell Candace
  • Жанр: Эротика
  • Dobieranie si? w pary nie jest ?atwe. W tej b?yskotliwej i z?o?liwie dowcipnej ksi??ce Candace Bushnell znakomicie opisa?a ?wiat singli rozpaczliwie poszukuj?cych swojej wymarzonej drugiej po?owy. Carrie Bradshaw, jej g??wna bohaterka, to bliska krewna Bridget Jones i Ally McBeal. Mimo ?e jest bardziej perwersyjna, podobnie jak one w g??bi duszy pozostaje nieoprawn? romantyczk? szukaj?c? swego ksi?cia z bajki.Na podstawie tej bestsellerowej powie?ci zrealizowano serial „Jak upolowa? m??czyzn?, czyli seks w wielkim mie?cie”, kt?ry przez lata cieszy? si? ogromn? popularno?ci? i zdobywa? ...

  • Sensitiva Amorosa
  • Hansson Ola
  • Жанр: Эротика
  • Novela motivo de esc?ndalo en Suecia durante a?os, el malsano n?ctar de la planta Sensitiva amorosa impregna todas las p?ginas de este libro que toma su t?tulo de dicha especie vegetal imaginaria, y que con su desbordado lirismo, sus entonces audaces referencias sexuales, su elaborado e innovador lenguaje y su est?tica decadente provoc? confusi?n e indignaci?n entre sus contempor?neos.?Conduce la posesi?n f?sica irremediablemente al desamor y al hast?o? ?Qu? fuerzas inconscientes gobiernan nuestros impulsos er?ticos y provocan su muerte? ?Es que s?lo en ...

  • Serving Up Trouble
  • Shalvis Jill
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • A PRECIOUS SECOND CHANCEHardened cop Sam O'Neill knew a meddlesome woman when he saw one. He'd saved cocktail waitress Angie Rivers during a bank holdup, but he couldn't get her pretty face or the feel of her silky skin out of his head. She made him lose his focus-she softened his heart-and that put both of them knee-deep in danger, because someone wanted Angie dead.Angie was the only one who could identify the leader of a brutal identity-theft ring. But she was done feeling helpless and vulnerable and was ready to take things into her own hands, despite the tall, dark detective's passionate demands to stay out of trouble-and out of his heart!