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Любовные романы - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 13551—13575 из 14144.

  • Riley
  • Hoffmann Kate
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Research librarian Nan Galvin's days were fairly ordinary…until she came across a box of letters. They were glimpses into the life of the mother she hardly knew – which made her question everything she knew about herself. Now, Nan desperately needs the truth. And so she travels to Ireland, with its rolling green hills…and drop-dead gorgeous Irishmen!Songwriter Riley Quinn isn't looking for The One. After all, a musician isn't meant to settle down. Of course, that was before he met the American girl who makes his blood burn like fire. He can't get enough of her. She's his muse, his lover, his woman.And in a few days, she'll be going home.

  • Rockовое соседство
  • Ильина Анна
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Жизнь идёт своим чередом и не всегда мы замечаем тех, кого уготовила нам судьба. Но тяжело не заметить свою «судьбу», когда она живёт по соседству и очень любит донимать своих соседей громкой музыкой. Соня — большая поклонница рока, которая приобщает к нему и всех своих соседей. Ярослав — одна из её жертв. Новый сосед. Она — упряма, ехидна, он — горделив и вспыльчив. Сможет ли судьбоносный Rock свести их вместе? Время покажет.

  • Rogue
  • Steel Danielle
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Meet Maxine Williams, a dedicated doctor with three great kids, a challenging career, and the perfect new man in her life. Her only problem? Her irresistibly charming, utterly infuriating ex-husband, aka the…Being married to Blake had been an amazing adventure for Maxine. Brilliant, charismatic, and wholly unpredictable, Blake Williams made millions and grabbed headlines as a dot-com entrepreneur. His only shortcoming was as a husband-first his work and then his never-ending quest for fun kept him constantly on the move, far away from Maxine and his family. For five years Blake and Maxine have worked out an ...

  • Rosas Rojas
  • D’Alessandro Jacquie
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • Hu?rfana y abandonada por su prometido, Hayley Albright estaba decidida a cuidar de sus hermanos peque?os aunque por ello debiera renunciar a sus sue?os. No esperaba encontrar el amor ni casarse. Pero una noche de luna llena salva la vida de un desconocido. Se trata de lord Stephen Barrett, quien consigue librarse del asesino que le acechaba. Est? muy agradecido a Hayley, pero no quiere influir sobre sus sentimientos y decide actuar con prudencia. El lord posee sin embargo un aire de inocencia que supone un arma de pura seducci?n para cualquier mujer. Tocar a Stephen es pues una dulce tentaci?n para Harley. Y de repente, el hombre que siempre actuaba con prudencia est? dispuesto a arriesgarlo todo por una mujer que no tiene nada m?s que ofrecer que su coraz?n.

  • Roughing It With Ryan
  • Shalvis Jill
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Suzanne Carter has sworn off men…really! Her inability to take life seriously drives them crazy, so it's best she leaves them alone. Then one night, strong, handsome Ryan Alondo rescues her and she simply melts. Who could resist all that rough-and-tumble sexiness? But as tempting as he is, she's not going to fall for his charms. Because there's no way she wants to ruin a man this gorgeous.From the moment Ryan sets eyes on Suzanne, he knows she's the one for him. She's fun and sexy and exactly what he needs in his overcrowded, responsible life. And the passion between them can't be ignored. He just has to convince her he's serious enough for both of them. Good thing he can be very, very persuasive…

  • Rumors
  • Godbersen Anna
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • After bidding good-bye to New York's brightest star, Elizabeth Holland, rumors continue to fly about her untimely demise. All eyes are on those closest to the dearly departed: her mischievous sister, Diana, now the family's only hope for redemption; New York's most notorious cad, Henry Schoon-maker, the flame Elizabeth never extinguished; the seductive Penelope Hayes, poised to claim all that her best friend left behind - including Henry; even Elizabeth's scheming former maid, Lina Broud, who discovers that while money matters and breeding counts, gossip is the new currency. As old friends become rivals, Manhattan's most dazzling socialites find their futures threatened by whispers from the past. In this delicious sequel to The Luxe, nothing is more dangerous than a scandal . . . or more precious than a secret.

  • S?lo para m?
  • Mallery Susan
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Cuando la mejor amiga de Pia O’Brian muri?, ?sta esperaba heredar a su querido gato, pero, en lugar de eso, Crystal le dej? tres embriones congelados. Pia no cre?a que estuviera preparada para la maternidad. Sin embargo, dispuesta a cumplir el sue?o de su amiga, decidi? convertirse en madre soltera… y ese mismo d?a conoci? a un hombre guap?simo y sexy.Ra?l Moreno, un famoso ex jugador de f?tbol americano que se hab?a criado en una casa de acogida, era ahora m?s rico de lo que podr?a haber imaginado nunca y dirig?a un campamento para los ni?os necesitados de Fool’s Gold. Aunque despu?s de su ?ltima relaci?n hab?a decidido olvidarse de las mujeres, no pod?a sacarse de la cabeza a la dulce y sexy Pia… y le propuso un descabellado plan.

  • S?oneczko
  • Deveraux Jude
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Walka o w?adz?, przygody, nami?tno?ci i… mo?e mi?o???Na imi? jej Aria. Jest pi?kn? lecz aroganck? sukcesork? tronu ma?ego kr?lestwa w Europie. Po burzy, jak? rozp?tali spiskowcy w jej kraju, Aria prze?ywa prawdziw? burz? u wybrze?y Florydy, z kt?rej ratuje j? dzielny porucznik marynarki Stan?w Zjednoczonych, J.T.Montgomery.Porucznik Montgomery nie mo?e nie zauwa?y? urody Arii, ale czy pod mask? godno?ci, ch?odu i dobrych manier dostrze?e kobiet? zdoln? do wielkich nami?tno?ci? A ona? Na co si? zdecyduje, gdy przyjdzie jej wybiera? pomi?dzy koron? a m??czyzn?, kt?rego zes?a? jej los?