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Книги 21001—21025 из 24208.

  • Bia?y smok
  • McCaffrey Anne
  • Perne?czycy maj? problem — ich smoki si? starzej?. Trwaj? wi?c dyskusje nad ochron? gatunku i w ko?cu zapada decyzja. Je?dzcy wykradaj? jajo smoczycy Ramoth i umieszczaj? je w przeszlo?ci, chc?c w ten spos?b zapewni? sobie przetrwanie smoczego rodu. Nie wiedz? jednak, ?e podejmuj?c si? tego ryzykownego czynu, sprowadzaj? na siebie niebezpiecze?stwo, kt?re trudno by?o przewidzie?. W starciu z nowym problemem potrzebna b?dzie im i odwaga i spryt.

  • Blackman Burden
  • Reynolds Mack
  • In his “North Africa” trilogy Mack Reynolds argues that a future African continent abandoned by the rest of the world might achieve prosperity if it were unified and brought under the control of a benevolent dictator—here, African-American sociologist Homer Crawford, who under the name of El Hassan strives for “the uniting and modernization of the continent of my racial heritage.”Serialized in magazine Dec 1961–Jan 1962, but was not published in book form until 1972.

  • Blanco
  • Dekker Ted
  • Nunca rompa el c?rculo.En esta tercera parte de la innovadora Serie del c?rculo, Thomas Hunter s?lo tiene d?as para sobrevivir en dos mundos diferentes, llenos de peligro, enga?o y destrucci?n. El destino de ambos mundos depende de su singular habilidad de cambiar realidades por medio de sus sue?os. Ahora, guiando un peque?o grupo multiforme conocido como El C?rculo, Thomas se encuentra enfrentando nuevos enemigos, desaf?os interminables y el amor prohibido de una mujer de lo m?s ins?lita.Entre a la Gran B?squeda, donde Thomas y una peque?a banda de seguidores deben decidir r?pidamente en qui?n pueden confiar, tanto con sus propias vidas como con el destino de millones de personas.

  • Blind Lake
  • Wilson Robert
  • The novel deals with a government installation at Blind Lake, Minnesota, where scientists observe sentient life on a planet fifty-one light-years away, using telescopes powered by quantum computers that have advanced beyond human understanding. A sudden and unexplained facility lockdown extends into a long-term quarantine. Observation department head Marguerite Hauser tries to carry on with her work studying the alien life while taking care of her socially-challenged daughter Tess, warding off her ex-husband Ray, and deciding how she feels about houseguest and disgraced journalist Chris.Won Aurora Award for Best Long Form in 2004.Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2004.

  • Blind Lightning
  • Эллисон Харлан
  • From Robert Silverberg’s “Earthmen and Strangers” anthology, 1966:The Budrys story depicts meek, peaceful alien beings, intelligent but simple. Now we meet a very different sort of creature: a ravenous beast out of nightmare, rippling with strength, coursing with barely repressed violence. Yet Harlan Ellison’s Lad-nar and Algis Budrys’ Tylus both regard the Earthmen who visit them as supernatural beings. They recognize in them the skills and powers of superior civilizations. In this story, intelligence meets brute force in a conflict that is not quite a conflict, and a strange, curiously touching relationship develops between man and monster on this rugged lightning-blasted world.Harlan Ellison has been a professional writer since 1955, and this was one of his first published stories. It reveals the power and intensity of imagination that has since carried him to a successful career as an author of screenplays for television and motion pictures.

  • Blindsight
  • Watts Peter
  • Two months since sixty-five thousand alien objects clenched around the Earth like a luminous fist, screaming to the heavens as the atmosphere burned them to ash. Two months since that moment of brief, bright surveillance by agents unknown. Two months of silence, while a world holds its breath.Now some half-derelict space probe, sparking fitfully past Neptune's orbit, hears a whisper from the edge of the solar system: a faint signal sweeping the cosmos like a lighthouse beam. Whatever's out there isn't talking to us. It's talking to some distant star, perhaps. Or perhaps to something ...

  • Blizna
  • Mieville China
  • Blizna, rozgrywaj?ca si? w tym samym ?wiecie co Dworzec Perdido, to kreacjape?na rozmachu i m?odzie?czej energii, wida? w niej przy tym, ?e Mieville pr?buje szuka? oryginalno?ci tak?e w fabule. Kogo znu?y?y powtarzane w niesko?czono?? schematy fantasy tolkienowskiej i t?skni do ?wiat?w naprawd? innych, niepodobnych do niczego, co zna, powinien odwiedzi? uniwersum Chiny Mieville`a – t?dy prowadzi droga do fantastyki XXI wieku.Grupa skaza?c?w i niewolnik?w o groteskowo przetworzonych cia?ach jest transportowana drog? morsk? do m?odej kolonii Nowego Crobuzon. W podr??y ...