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Книги 20951—20975 из 24208.
  • Autocombustione umana
  • Shaw Bob
  • Nella cittadina americana di Whiteford una ragazza va in cucina a preparare il caff? lasciando il padre seduto nella sua poltrona. Quando ritorna dopo pochi minuti, la stanza ? piena di fumo ma non c’? pi? incendio: ci? che ? bruciato (dall’interno) e ridotto in finissima cenere, ? soltanto suo padre. Si scopre allora che testimonianze pi? o meno credibili sul fenomeno del CUS (Combustione Umana Spontanea) si erano avute fin dall’antichit?. E pochi giorni dopo, nella stessa cittadina — un secondo caso si verifica sotto gli occhi dello stesso scettico giornalista che sta indagando sul primo. L’“autocombustione umana” ? ormai un fatto accertato. Resta solo da spiegare chi o che cosa “si nasconda” dietro il mostruoso fenomeno.

  • Avanti nel tempo
  • Sawyer Robert
  • Un esperimento scientifico induce un temporaneo spostamento della percezione collettiva. Improvvisamente tutti gli abitanti della Terra vanno avanti nel tempo di ventun anni, e possono cos? vedere alcuni minuti del loro futuro mentre i loro corpi rimangono in stato d’incoscienza.Quando il mondo si risveglia c’? chi ha osservato eventi devastanti o deprimenti, chi ha visto realizzare i suoi sogni e desideri, chi non ha trovato assolutamente nulla…Un romanzo che affronta con sicurezza e profondit? molte questioni di interesse scientifico e filosofico sulla responsabilit? morale, sulla causalit? degli eventi e sulla natura umana, rinnovando la tradizione della fantascienza classica di Isaac Asimov e Robert Heinlein.

  • Avogadro Corp.
  • Hertling William
  • David Ryan is the designer of ELOPe, an email language optimization program, that if successful, will make his career. But when the project is suddenly in danger of being canceled, David embeds a hidden directive in the software accidentally creating a runaway artificial intelligence.David and his team are initially thrilled when the project is allocated extra servers and programmers. But excitement turns to fear as the team realizes that they are being manipulated by an A.I. who is redirecting corporate funds, reassigning personnel and arming itself in pursuit of its own agenda.WINNER SCIENCE FICTION DIY BOOK FESTIVAL 2011–2012

  • AVP: Alien vs. Predator
  • Cerasini Marc
  • The movie, scheduled to be released in October, 2004, is being directed by Paul W.S. Anderson, a veteran of this genre (, , , , and . It also stars Lance Henriksen of X-Files, Millenium and previous Alien films fame.A team of drillers, scientists and archaeologists led by a billionaire industrialist travel to Antarctica to investigate ancient pyramid ruins where they not only discover terrorized human skeletons among the fossilized remains of these alien creatures, but they also find further evidence that these aliens are still alive! As if that’s not frightening enough, vicious Predators lay in wait above for the release of these aliens from the centuries-old ice in which they’ve been preserved! Thus begins the show-down between two of the greatest film horrors of all time.

  • Axis
  • Wilson Robert
  • Wildly praised by readers and critics alike, Robert Charles Wilson's Spin won science fiction's highest honor, the Hugo Award for Best Novel.Now, in Spin's direct sequel, Wilson takes us to the "world next door"—the planet engineered by the mysterious Hypotheticals to support human life, and connected to Earth by way of the Arch that towers hundreds of miles over the Indian Ocean. Humans are colonizing this new world—and, predictably, fiercely exploiting its resources, chiefly large deposits of oil in the western deserts of the continent of Equatoria.Lise Adams is a young woman attempting to uncover the mystery of her father's disappearance ten years earlier. Turk Findley is an ex-sailor and sometimes-drifter. They come together when an infall of cometary dust seeds the planet with tiny remnant Hypothetical machines. Soon, this seemingly hospitable world will become very alien indeed—as the nature of time is once again twisted, by entities unknown.

  • Az Alap?tv?ny pereme
  • Asimov Isaac
  • A k?nyv az Alap?tv?ny-tril?gia ut?n k?vetkez? k?tet. 498 ?v telt el az Els? Alap?tv?ny megalap?t?sa ?ta. Az ?szv?r fenyeget?se elm?lt: a Trantor bolyg?ja b?k?s, vir?gz? korszak?t ?li. A pszichohistorikus Hari Seldon v?ratlan megjelen?se azonban olyan ?rdekes k?rd?seket vet fel, melynek nyom?n egy fiatal tan?csost az ?rben sz?m?znek, hogy megkeresse a v?laszt: l?tezik-e m?g a M?sodik Alap?tv?ny. A t?t: az emberis?g sorsa. Az Alap?tv?ny pereme c?m? Asimov-reg?ny ennek a nagy t?tnek a k?rd?s?vel foglalkozik. megnyerte 1982-ben a Nebula-d?jat ?s 1983-ban a Hugo-d?jat.

  • Az istenek is…
  • Asimov Isaac
  • A fantasztikus t?rt?net a 21. sz?zadban j?tsz?dik. Egy f?ldi laborat?riumban plut?nium 186-ot tal?lnak. Csakhogy ilyen izot?p egyszer?en nem l?tezhet a F?ld?n, csakis egy m?sik univerzumb?l sz?rmazhat… ?sszer?s?g ?s sz?k l?t?k?r? ostobas?g, felel?ss?g?rzet ?s f?ktelen ?nz?s, szerelem ?s hi?s?g harcol egym?ssal a reg?ny h?rom helysz?n?n: a F?ld?n, a paral?nyek vil?g?ban ?s az emberis?g ?ltal imm?r ben?pes?tett Holdon. A t?t a Naprendszer ?s az emberi civiliz?ci? f?nnmarad?sa…

  • Aztechs
  • Шепард Люциус
  • Недалекое будущее. Америка отгородилась от Мексики и Латинской Америки сплошной непроходимой стеной из лазерных лучей, проходящей вдоль границы. Вдоль всей границы вырос город. Город трущоб, бедноты, уличныx банд и безумия. Главный герой, некто Эдди По, молодой человек, живет в этом городе. У него своя частная фирма — служба безопасности, состоящая из «Сэмми», генетически и наркотически измененных солдат. И ему предлагают опасное дельце — сопровождать и охранять одного из агентов Ацтеков (Искусственных Интеллектов) на встрече с одним из самых опасных и влиятельных картелей по эту сторону границы — семьей Карбонеллов…

  • Ballada o gwiazdach
  • Altow Genrich
  • By? to czas, kiedy ludzie zaczynali torowa? drog? ku gwiazdom wszech?wiata. Zawita? nagle, dziwny, osza?amiaj?cy, w?adczo podporz?dkowuj?cy czyny i my?li ludzkie. Zew ?wiata Gwiazd okaza? si? silniejszy ani?eli odwieczny p?d ku morzu. Z Ziemi startowa?y jonoloty. Zawrotny, upajaj?cy czar odkrywczy gna? je ku gwiazdom. Jeszcze ekspedycje przedziera?y si? przez bagniste lasy Wenus, jeszcze opancerzone rakiety pokonywa?y przysz?? atmosfer? Jowisza, jeszcze nie opracowano mapy Saturna, a ju? statki mkn??y ku gwiazdom — wci?? dalej i dalej…M?odego, utalentowanego rze?biarza ?a?skiego zaprasza do siebie umieraj?cy Mistrz. I zleca zrobi? zamiast niego prac? o wyprawie Szewcowa do Syriusza.Jeszcze jeden wariant kontaktu z pozaziemsk? cywilizacj?.