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Книги 21026—21050 из 24208.

  • Blue Gold
  • Cussler Clive
  • A POD OF WHALES, DEAD WITHOUT REASON IN SAN DIEGO BAY . . . A PRIMITIVE BRAZILIAN TRIBE WHOSE SECRETS COULD SAVE LIVES . . .A BILLIONAIRE TYCOON SET ON WORLD DOMINATION . . .An investigation into the sudden deaths of a pod of gray whales leads National Underwater & Marine Agency leader Kurt Austin to the Mexican coast, where someone tries to put him and his mini-sub permanently out of commission. Meanwhile, in South America’s lush hills, a specially assigned NUMA® team discovers a murdered body-a member of a mysterious local tribe, who live like ghosts beyond a five-part waterfall the locals call the Hand of God, and are rumored to be led by a mythical white goddess. Now they are in danger from a vicious cadre of bio-pirates intent on stealing medicinal discoveries worth millions.

  • Blueprints of the Afterlife
  • Boudinot Ryan
  • From the “wickedly talented” () and “darkly funny” () Ryan Boudinot, is a tour de force.It is the Afterlife. The end of the world is a distant, distorted memory called “the Age of F***ed Up Shit.” A sentient glacier has wiped out most of North America. Medical care is supplied by open-source nanotechnology, and human nervous systems can be hacked.Abby Fogg is a film archivist with a niggling feeling that her life is not really her own. She may be right. Al Skinner is a former mercenary for the Boeing Army, who’s been dragging his ...

  • Blutmusik
  • Bear Greg
  • Der Biochemiker Vergil Ulam ist ein Genie seines Fachs, aber er ist ebenso risikofreudig wie sorglos. Erarbeitet in einem gentechnischen Forschungsunternehmen auf dem Gebiet der Biologik. Sein Ziel: die Herstellung »intelligenter« Zellen durch DNS-Rekombination von menschlichem Genmaterial mit dem von Einzellern. Er tut dies auf eigene Faust und ohne Genehmigung der Firmenleitung.Der Durchbruch gelingt ihm: es ergeben sich intelligente Lymphozyten. Als das Management von seinen gef?hrlichen Experimenten erf?hrt, die Unterlagen beschlagnahmt und ihn zwingt, die gez?chteten Kulturen zu vernichten, und ihn feuert, injiziert er sich eine von ihnen in die Blutbahn. Ein paar Tage sp?ter ist er kein Mensch mehr, sondern eine ?beraus produktiv und fehlerfrei arbeitende biologische Struktur, die sich alles einverleibt, mit dem sie in Ber?hrung kommt.Die Evolution nimmt eine neue Wendung: optimal f?r das Leben — aber f?r die Menschheit das nackte Grauen.

  • Bo?a maszyneria
  • McDevitt Jack
  • Loty mi?dzygwiezdne i odkrycia innych zamieszkanych ?wiat?w rozpocz??y drugi z?oty wiek dla archeolog?w. W?r?d licznych odkry? najbardziej frapuj?c? zagadk? stanowi? Wielkie Monumenty, rozsiane po kilkunastu planetach naszego ramienia galaktyki. O rasie zwanej Tw?rcami monument?w nic jednak naukowcom nie wiadomo, poza tym, ?e ich cywilizacja sta?a na bardzo wysokim poziomie. Do rozwi?zania tej tajemnicy d??y uparcie grupa archeolog?w.

  • Bolo!
  • Weber David
  • “Bolos. For a millennium and a half, they have been humanity’s warriors. They have fought Man’s battles, died in Man’s wars, battled to save Man’s children, even from his own kind. They have guarded Man’s worlds … and avenged Man’s defeats.” “Tireless, infinitely patient, infinitely deadly, Bolos are the most fearsome fighting machines ever developed. The most lethal artificial intelligences in history. Yet they are more than that. They are not merely the weapons of their Human commanders, but their comrades. Brothers and sisters in arms, who all too often die together.” But Bolos and their commanders do not die easily. Mankind’s enemies have learned the price of a Bolo’s death. And if Bolos and their commanders do not always die in victory, this much has always been true. They do not surrender. And they never-ever-quit.

  • Bones of the Earth
  • Swanwick Michael
  • Paleontologist Richard Leyster has achieved professional nirvana: a position with the Smithsonian Museum plus a groundbreaking dinosaur fossil site he can research, publish on, and learn from for years to come. There is nothing that could lure him away—until a disturbingly secretive stranger named Griffin enters Leysters office with an ice cooler and a job offer. In the cooler is the head of a freshly killed Stegosaurus.Griffin has been entrusted with an extraordinary gift, an impossible technology on loan to humanity from unknown beings for an undisclosed purpose. Time travel has become a reality millions of ...

  • Boneshaker
  • Priest Cherie
  • Early in the American Civil War, rumors of gold in the Klondike have brought would-be prospectors to North America’s Pacific Northwest. Anxious Russian investors commission American inventor Leviticus Blue to create a machine which can mine through the ice of Russian-owned Alaska. Blue’s “Incredible Bone-Shaking Drill Engine” (or “Boneshaker” for short, named after boneshaker bicycles of the era), instead destroys several blocks of downtown Seattle and releases a subterranean vein of “blight gas” that turns anyone who breathes it into a species of zombie. (Wikipedia)Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2010.

  • Border, Breed Nor Birth
  • Reynolds Mack
  • El Hassan, would-be tyrant of all North Africa, was on the run. His followers at this point numbered six, one of whom was a wisp of a twenty-four year old girl. Arrayed against him and his dream, he knew, was the combined power of the world in the form of the Reunited Nations, and, in addition, such individual powers as the United States of the Americas, the Soviet Complex, Common Europe, the French Community, the British Commonwealth and the Arab Union, working both together and unilaterally...A novel of colonialism set in North Africa, continuation of “Blackman’s Burden”. First serialized in Analog magazine in Jul–Aug 1962; published in book form in 1972.

  • Botschafter im Kosmos
  • Laumer Keith
  • Im D?mmerlicht des plumpen Empfangsgeb?udes, dessen schmutziggraue Farbe den d?steren Eindruck noch verst?rkte, scharten sich der Botschaftsrat, zwei Botschaftssekret?re und die Attach?s um den Gesandten Spradley. Die bunten Orden der Diplomaten brachten ein wenig Farbe in die tr?be Halle. Ungeduldig sah der Gesandte auf seine Fingeruhr. „Sind Sie sicher, Ben, da? die Zeit unserer Ankunft genau mitgeteilt wurde?“

  • Botschafter von den Sternen
  • Clement Hal
  • Tenebra, die Welt der Extreme, hatte sie eingefangen und lie? sie nicht mehr los. Nur der irdische Robotlehrer — eine Maschine konnte den Versuch zur Rettung der beiden Sternenkinder aus der H?lle von Tenebra unternehmen. Eine Temperatur von ?ber 180 Grad, und ein Luftdruck von 800 Atmosph?ren und eine planetare Oberfl?che, die t?glich tiefgreifenden Ver?nderungen unterworfen war, machten der Maschine nichts aus.Der Autor hat seit Jahren in den Kreisen der SFAnh?nger einen ausgezeichneten Ruf, weil er es wie kaum ein anderer versteht, die Reaktionen von Lebewesen in einer fremden Umgebung lebensecht zu schildern.

  • Brain Twister
  • Phillips Mark
  • Malone lives in a world where psionic powers such as telepathy and teleportation exist. He must cope with them as well as an FBI Director who leaves Malone continually confused about what situation he is being asked to handle and what he is expected to do about it. Malone is charged with investigating leaks in a secret government program. For assistance, he recruits a powerful psi from a mental institution who believes she is Queen Elizabeth I of England. The problem is, she may be right. marries SF adventure with slapstick comedy for hilarious results.A shorter version of this work appeared in in 1959 under the title . First published in the present form in August 1962 (Pyramid Books).Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1960.

  • Brain World
  • Reynolds Mack
  • Milk run. That’s what they told Ronny Bronston this job would be. “Just like a vacation,” his boss had said. All he and the giant Dorn Horsten would have to do is visit the planet Einstein and see if there was any reason not to admit them to United Planets. The planet was a paradise, where the people had bred themselves for intelligence and beauty, where everyone was completely free. Free, sometimes, to get into more trouble than they could handle. Only Ronny could get them out of that trouble; and that’s how he wound up on the Dawnworld, in a gladiator’s arena!

  • Brama mroku I kr?g ?wiat?a
  • Huff Tanya
  • Dzika magia szaleje w Toronto, Adept Ciemno?ci wdar? sie do ?wiata ?miertelnik?w. W czasach, gdy tylko g?upcy i niewinni wierz? w czary, kto ma walczy? z atakiem z?a?Szcz??liwym trafem w Toronto znalaz?o si? kilku niespodziewanych obro?c?w ?wiat?o?ci: Rebecca obdarzona darem Widzenia; ROland, uliczny grajek, kt?ry pewnego dnia mo?e zosta? bardem; pani Ruth, bezdomna kobieta z kilkoma niezwyk?ymi sztuczkami; Daru, przepracowana opiekunka spo?eczna, kt?rej liczba podopiecznych ro?nie tak samo szybko jak moc Mroku; Tom, kot o rzadko spotykanej przenikliwo?ci i odwadze. Jest te? Evan, Adept ?wiat?o?ci, kt?ry wesprze ?miertelnik?w w walce o to, by Ziemia nie pogr??y?a si? w ostatecznej, ca?kowitej Ciemno?ci…