A novel by Cory Doctorow:Jules is a young man barely a century old. He's lived long enough to see the cure for death and the end of scarcity, to learn ten languages and compose three symphonies...and to realize his boyhood dream of taking up residence in Disney World.Disney World! The greatest artistic achievement of the long-ago twentieth century. Now in the care of a network of volunteer "ad-hocs" who keep the classic attractions running as they always have, enhanced with only the smallest high-tech touches.Now, though, it seems the "ad hocs" are ...
NSA agent Ron Moosic is assigned to a nuclear power plant - a cover for a secret project sending observers back in time. When terrorists take it over and send two of their own back to change the past, Moosic is sent in pursuit. But they are all pawns in a time game to conquer the Earth.
“Dr. Bloodmoney” is a post-nuclear-holocaust masterpiece filled with a host of Dick’s most memorable characters: Hoppy Harrington, a deformed mutant with telekinetic powers; Walt Dangerfield, a selfless disc jockey stranded in a satellite circling the globe; Dr. Bluthgeld, the megalomaniac physicist largely responsible for the decimated state of the world; and Stuart McConchie and Bonnie Keller, two unremarkable people bent the survival of goodness in a world devastated by evil. Epic and alluring, this brilliant novel is a mesmerizing depiction of Dick’s undying hope in humanity.
Less complex than such recent novels as Manta's Gift and Angelmass, this start to a new SF adventure series from Hugo Award-winner Zahn will appeal largely to younger readers. Fourteen-year-old orphan Jack Morgan, former small-time thief, is on the run, framed for theft from megacorporation Braxton Universis. Hiding out on an unoccupied planet, his only companion an artificial intelligence programmed with the personality of his con man uncle Virge, Jack witnesses a battle between incoming spaceships. While looking over the wreckage, he meets Draycos, a dragon-like K'da, sole survivor of an advance team of K'da and their Shontine allies-murdered ...
Jake Mendoza lives at the Makepeace Institute of Integrated Dragon Studies in Smokehill National Park. Smokehill is home to about two hundred of the few remaining draco australiensis, which is extinct in the wild. Keeping a preserve for dragons is controversial: detractors say dragons are extremely dangerous and unjustifiably expensive to keep and should be destroyed. Environmentalists and friends say there are no records of them eating humans and they are a unique example of specialist evolution and must be protected. But they are up to eighty feet long and breathe fire.On his first overnight solo trek, ...
Griffen McCandles is adjusting well to running his gambling operation in the French Quarter of New Orleans and to his newfound status as head dragon. Other dragons are getting a whiff of his reputation, though, and they're not happy about it. Which is why there's suddenly a hit out on him. And, just in time for Halloween, the ghost of a voodoo queen wants Griffen to moderate a supernatural conclave. And though the strange goings-on will barely be noticed in a city used to drunken conventioneers and wild revelers, it's Griffen's chance to spread his wings - or crash and burn.
Arkadij i Borys Strugaccy napisali Drapie?no?? naszego wieku w 1963 roku. Ich pisarstwo wywar?o wp?yw na ca?y nurt science-fiction oraz wielu p??niejszych tw?rc?w. Ksi??ki wpisane do kanonu charakteryzuj? si? b?yskotliwo?ci? pomys?u oraz ponadczasowym znaczeniem, wyr??niaj?cym si? przes?aniem, oryginalno?ci? tez i przemy?le? oraz trafn? futurologi?.
An award-winning novel set in the post-apocalyptic future follows a young woman who travels the earth healing the sick with the help of her alien companion, the dreamsnake, pursued by two implacable followers. Nuclear war, biotechnology, alternate sex patterns, and other-worldly tribalism put in appearances.Won Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1978.Won Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1979.Won Locus Award for Best Novel in 1979.
TV Series Placement: Summer 2001 – Post-Season 2You can run, but you can't hide.Night after night Kyle is haunted by nightmares of Alex's death. He begs Isabel to help by dreamwalking him and removing the images from his mind. Isabel knows that's not how her powers work, but Kyle is relentless and she finally agrees. The disturbing images she encounters in Kyle's subconscious are almost too much to bear, but when she tries to exit his mind, she finds herself trapped in a maze of guilt -- while back in the conscious world, Kyle is unable to wake her. Meanwhile Liz invites Max to babysit with her. She wants to give him a chance to train for the day when he finds his own son. But watching this troubled child turns out to be not just another day in the park, and before they know it, Liz and Max are in way over their heads….
Po latach umacniania w?adzy Mu? postanawia odkry? wreszcie po?o?enie Drugiej Fundacji i rozprawi? si? ze swoim najwi?kszym wrogiem. Genera? Pritcher wpada jednak w pu?apk? i wci?ga w ni? r?wnie? mutanta. Druga Fundacja triumfuje, lecz nie na d?ugo. O jej istnieniu dowiaduj? si? konspiratorzy z Pierwszej Fundacji i decyduj? si? walczy? o suwerenno??. Na przeszkodzie staj? im jednak nie tylko mentali?ci, lecz tak?e nast?pca Mu?a — Stettin. Rozpoczyna si? krwawa wojna…
Dan Davis, m?ody zdolny in?ynier automatyk, projektuje rewelacyjne modele robot?w. Wraz z narzeczon? Bell? i wsp?lnikiem Milesem snuje wielkie plany na przysz?o??.Niestety, Dan zna si? na maszynach, ale nie na ludziach. Belle i Miles w podst?pny spos?b oszukuj? go i pozbawiaj? prawa do patent?w. Rozczarowany ?yciem Dan Davis decyduje si? na zamro?enie w komorze hibernacyjnej na trzydzie?ci lat.Po obudzeniu doznaje szoku, powoli jednak zaczyna przystosowywa? si? do nowego ?wiata. Nie pojmuje tylko jednego. Wi?kszo?? nowoczesnych automat?w jest autorstwa... Dana Davisa.T? zagadk? mo?na by wyja?ni? cofni?ciem si? Dana w przesz?o??. Ale przecie? podr??e w czasie nawet w dwudziestym pierwszym wieku wydaj? si? niemo?liwe…
Rok 2100. Lorenzo Smythe, bezrobotny aktor, ma zagra? najwi?ksz? rol? w ?yciu — wcieli? si? w posta? zaginionego na Marsie przyw?dcy Ziemian. Stawk? jest pok?j lub mi?dzyplanetarna wojna. Lecz galaktyczna maskarada nieoczekiwanie si? przed?u?a, a Lorenzo mo?e zosta? uwi?ziony w swojej roli na zawsze...Otrzyma?a nagrod? Hugo w 1956.
Aus der Reihe »Utopia-Classics«Band 4Frederik Pohl und Jack WilliamsonDuell in der TiefeAbenteuer in Thetis, der Tiefsee-Metropole.Amerikanischer Originaltitel: UNDERSEA QUESTAus dem Amerikanischen ?bertragen von Leni Sobez