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Фантастика » Научная фантастика - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 21376—21400 из 24208.
  • Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
  • Dick Philip
  • ‘Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?’ was published in 1968. Grim and foreboding, even today it is a masterpiece ahead of its time.By 2021, the World War had killed millions, driving entire species into extinction and sending mankind off-planet. Those who remained coveted any living creature, and for people who couldn’t afford one, companies built incredibly realistic simulacrae: horses, birds, cats, sheep…They even built humans.Emigrees to Mars received androids so sophisticated it was impossible to tell them from true men or women. Fearful of the havoc these artificial humans could wreak, the government banned them from Earth. But when androids didn’t want to be identified, they just blended in. Rick Deckard was an officially sanctioned bounty hunter whose job was to find rogue androids, and to retire them. But cornered, androids tended to fight back, with deadly results.

  • DokonalA PrAzdnota
  • Лем Станислав
  • Написание рецензий на несуществующие книги не является изобретением Лема; с такой попыткой сталкивается не только современный писатель Дж. Л. Борхес (например, «Анализ работы Герберта Куэйна» в «Книге сада», в которой разветвляются пути), поскольку идея намного старше, и даже Рабле не был первым, кто использовал ее. Но совершенная пустота тем более любопытна, потому что она хочет быть антологией именно такой критики. Это педантичная системность или шутка? Мы подозреваем автора в том, что он намеревался пошутить, и наше впечатление не ослабляется теоретическим и случайным введением, где мы читаем: «Написание романов - это форма потери творческой свободы. (…) Книжные обзоры - еще менее благородные галеры. По крайней мере, можно сказать, что писатель поработил себя выбранной темой. Критик находится в худшем положении: будучи осужденным на балу, рецензент привязан к рассматриваемой работе. Писатель теряет свободу сам по себе, критик в чужой книге ». На чешском языке

  • Dolce triste regina delle isole vaganti
  • Pohl Frederik
  • Dopo un lungo periodo d’inattivit? letteraria, in cui si era limitato alla direzione di collane come «If» e «Galaxy», una decina d’anni fa Fred Pohl riprendeva a scrivere, sbalordendo tutti con opere stupende come e , e dimostrando una capacit? di rinnovamento incredibile in un autore che aveva alle spalle una carriera tanto lunga e luminosa. Soltanto questo Pohl, il Pohl della seconda giovinezza, avrebbe potuto scrivere un romanzo breve come questo: scritto in uno stile vagamente ispirato al compianto Cordwainer Smith, in un futuro al tempo stesso assurdo e affascinante, dove navi grandi come isole traggono succo e minerali dai mari della Terra e dove si snoda bella e avvincente la vicenda romantica di un uomo che cerca di proteggere se stesso e una dolce fanciulla da un fato iniquo e dalle minacce di un morto.

  • Domani il mondo cambier?
  • Swanwick Michael
  • ? un romanzo affascinante e ricco d’azione, ma che si presta a molte letture. Siamo su un pianeta distante anni-luce dalla Terra, in un’epoca in cui l’umanit? si ? ormai stabilita fra le stelle: ma la grandiosa tecnologia che permette all’uomo di imbrigliare le forze dell’universo qui non ? mai arrivata. Non ? un caso: il pianeta ? tenuto in isolamento artificiale, una specie di “quarantena” tecnologica che potr? essere spezzata solo con un gesto disperato, un furto di sapore prometeico… L’avvincente storia raccontata da Swanwick ? quella di tale furto, della caccia all’uomo che ne segue e ...

  • Dominic Flandry - Spion im All
  • Anderson Poul
  • Dominic Flandry, ein F?hnrich im Dienst der terranischen Flotte, wird zur Schl?sselfigur im Ringen der beiden kosmischen Gro?m?chte Terra und Merseia.Der junge Flandry erh?lt eine Information aus dem Geheimarchiv Merseias zugespielt. Er entr?tselt die Botschaft und erf?hrt, da? ein Planet, auf dem zwei verschiedenartige V?lker beheimatet sind, von der Vernichtung bedroht ist — und da? die terranische Flotte in eine Falle gelockt werden soll. W?hrend Freund und Feind Flandry durch das All hetzen, handelt der F?hnrich auf eigene Faust, um das Unheil abzuwenden.Poul Anderson hat bereits mehrere Flandry-Romane geschrieben — sie erschienen in TERRA oder in der Reihe der TERRA-Sonderb?nde — hier legt der bekannte SF-Autor aus den USA sein neuestes Werk vor, das den Beginn der Karriere des „Spions im All“ zum Inhalt hat.

  • Donde sol?an cantar los dulces p?jaros
  • Wilhelm Kate
  • La posibilidad de producir un gran n?mero de individuos a partir de un mismo material gen?tico (clonaci?n) no es nueva ni en el campo de la investigaci?n cient?fica ni en el de la ciencia ficci?n.Pero faltaba una obra que hiciera con el tema de los clones lo que un Asimov y un Lem con la rob?tica o un Van Vogt y un Kuttner con la telepat?a: llevar a cabo su sociolog?a novelada, analizar con detalle la nueva cultura a la que podr?an dar lugar.Y eso es precisamente lo que hace Kate Wilhelm en , premio Hugo a la mejor novela de 1977, y llamada a convertirse en un cl?sico del g?nero, en la medida en que da cumplida expresi?n, consolidando, a uno de sus temas m?s inquietantes.

  • Dooms Day Book
  • Willis Connie
  • For Kivrin, preparing an on-site study of one of the deadliest eras in humanity’s history was as simple as receiving inoculations against the diseases of the fourteenth century and inventing an alibi for a woman traveling alone. For her instructors in the twenty-first century, it meant painstaking calculations and careful monitoring of the rendezvous location where Kivrin would be received.But a crisis strangely linking past and future strands Kivrin in a bygone age as her fellows try desperately to rescue her. In a time of superstition and fear, Kivrin—barely of age herself—finds ...

  • Double Contact
  • White James
  • Double Contact is a 1999 science fiction book by author James White and is the last in the Sector General series.Clinton Lawrence described as “in a very positive way, a throwback to an earlier era in science fiction” since it is optimistic and depicts several advanced species working harmoniously. The struggle to build trust and produce a successful first contact is, he thought, as exciting and suspenseful as one could wish for. However Lawrence also noted that the level of characterization was the minimum required to support the plot.This book has an unusual feature in personal pronoun usage: in most Sector General stories, one human is “he” or “she” (or other grammatical case forms) and one alien is “it”. But, in , often in the text the character Prilicla is “he” and a human or a member of any other species is “it”.

  • Double Star
  • Heinlein Robert
  • One minute, down and out actor Lorenzo Smythe was -- as usual -- in a bar, drinking away his troubles as he watched his career go down the tubes. Then a space pilot bought him a drink, and the next thing Smythe knew, he was shanghaied to Mars.Suddenly he found himself agreeing to the most difficult role of his career: impersonating an important politician who had been kidnapped. Peace with the Martians was at stake -- failure to pull off the act could result in interplanetary war. And Smythe's own life was on the line -- for if he wasn't assassinated, there was always the possibility that he might be trapped in his new role forever!

  • Double ?toile
  • Heinlein Robert
  • Lorenzo Smythe, acteur sans emploi, est tout dispos? ? accepter n’importe quoi. y compris le verre que lui offre un homme qu’il sait cependant venir de l’espace.Cette rencontre dans un bar lui vaudra le plus grand r?le de sa carri?re : « doubler » John J. Bonforte, le chef de la coalition politico-expansionniste, l’homme le plus aim?, et le plus ha?, du Syst?me Solaire !Mais cela, Lorenzo ne le d?couvrira qu’enlev? ? bord d’un astronef en route pour Mars. Il se voit alors, dans un cauchemar terrible pour un acteur, de simple « doublure » devenir un v?ritable « double », pris dans la peau de son r?le comme dans un engrenage…Et entra?n? dans un conflit interplan?taire aux cons?quences impr?visibles. C’est de son talent d’acteur ? s’identifier compl?tement avec le personnage auquel il ne peut plus ?chapper, que d?pend le sort de neuf plan?tes.

  • Dove non splende il sole
  • Dozois Gardner
  • Vincitore di vari premi Hugo e Nebula e finalista molte altre volte, Gardner Dozois si ? ormai conquistato una solida reputazione come autore di ottimi racconti e romanzi brevi. Ci sembra infatti che, pur se autore di un buon romanzo su una storia d’amore tra un umano e un’aliena come (1978), la sua dimensione migliore rimanga quella della «short story», come indica anche quest’agghiacciante visione di una guerra futura tra bianchi e neri.