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Книги 22676—22700 из 24208.

  • Okno w niesko?czono??
  • Briusow Walery
  • Prezentowany wyb?r rosyjskiej i radzieckiej fantastyki naukowej jest jedn? z wielu mo?liwo?ci przekazania naszym Czytelnikom ogromnej i zr??nicowanej sfery literatury pi?knej, b?d?cej w swojej istocie nast?pstwem rewolucji naukowo-technicznej. Nawet taki wyb?r, si?? rzeczy zaw??ony do gatunk?w tzw. ma?ej prozy fantastyczno-naukowej (opowie??, opowiadanie, nowela), oraz do jednej tylko literatury radzieckiej, mianowicie rosyjskiej, jest wszak?e jakby konturem lub szkicem rozwoju tego obszaru literatury od zarania fantastyki naukowej do naszej wsp??czesno?ci. Nale?y si? spodziewa?, ?e Czytelnik polski dojrzy tak?e w antologii "Okno w niesko?czono??" najwa?niejsze tendencje wsp??czesnej radzieckiej fantastyki naukowej. Wszystkie jej kierunki sprowadzaj? si? bowiem do wszechstronnego i dog??bnego studium cz?owieka — nie do naukowo-technicznych aspekt?w rewolucji naukowo-technicznej, lecz do problem?w spo?eczno-psychologicznych.

  • Old Mans War
  • Scalzi John
  • John Perry did two things on his 75th birthday. First he visited his wife's grave. Then he joined the army. The good news is that humanity finally made it into interstellar space. The bad news is that planets fit to live on are scarce—and alien races willing to fight us for them are common. So: we fight. To defend Earth, and to stake our own claim to planetary real estate. Far from Earth, the war has been going on for decades: brutal, bloody, unyielding. Earth itself is a backwater. The bulk of humanity's resources are in the ...

  • Oltre la follia
  • Guin Wyman
  • Questo ? uno dei migliori romanzi brevi apparsi sulla gloriosa e purtroppo defunta «Galaxy». Wyman Guin, che esord? nel 1951 con questo bizzarro e convincente ritratto di un mondo di schizofrenia universale, produsse, nei successivi dieci anni, soltanto cinque o sei altri racconti, scomparendo poi senza lasciare tracce nell’oblio pi? completo. Peccato, perch? aveva davvero delle qualit?, come potrete constatare leggendo questa originalissima vicenda.

  • Olvidado Rey Gud?
  • Matute Ana
  • Olvidado rey Gud? narra el nacimiento y expansi?n del Reino de Olar, en una historia donde se habla de la p?rdida de la inocencia, la atracci?n y el miedo hacia lo desconocido, el placer de la conquista, el amor, el dolor, la memoria, y sobre todo, el olvido.El universo fant?stico de Matute nos introduce en una historia largu?sima sobre traiciones, hijos ileg?timos, desamores y pasiones desconocidas. Un rey incapaz de amar es el centro de esta saga dram?tica, con pocas concesiones a la ternura o la esperanza. He ah? la mayor baza de la novela, la forma en que retrata la educaci?n y la falta de afecto hacia los hijos. Un relato cruel con parricidios, asesinatos y huidas, todo entremezclado en una narraci?n densa a la vez que f?cil de seguir, hasta el obligado e inexorable final.

  • Ombre sulla Luna
  • Clarke Arthur
  • Questo affascinante racconto scritto da uno dei migliori e pi? noti autori di fantascienza si svolge tutto sulla Luna, in un’epoca — tra due secoli — nella quale i viaggi spaziali avranno superato il primo stadio, e gi? l’uomo avr? fondato le sue colonie sui pianeti del Sistema Solare. Come ora fra le nazioni della Terra, cos? domani fra la Terra e la Federazione dei pianeti si verranno inevitabilmente a creare situazioni passibili di sfociare in un conflitto armato. Ombre sulla Luna ci narra appunto come e perch? la guerra ebbe luogo, quali ne furono le cause, e quali conseguenze ebbe... o meglio, avr?. E la descrizione ? talmente vivida, accurata, poggiata su solide basi scientifiche, da dare l’?mpressione di leggere una cronaca vera, di eventi veri, di uomini veri. E la Luna ci appare accessibile e familiare nella sua realt?. Arthur Clarke, l’indimenticabile autore di Sabbie di Marte, ? tornato!

  • On the Oceans of Eternity
  • Stirling S.
  • In the bestselling Island in the Sea of Time, 20th-century Nantucket was inexplicably hurled back to the Bronze Age. In the sequel, Against the Tide of Years, the villainous renegade William Walker introduced muskets, cannon, and other deadly anachronisms to Odysseus's Greece, making himself king and positioning himself to overthrow the democratic Republic of Nantucket and destroy his archenemy, Commodore Marian Alston. Now, in the trilogy's rousing conclusion, On the Oceans of Eternity, Walker's powerful army conquers Troy and invades Babylon, Nantucket's last great ally, as Walker's blood brother, the king of Tartessos, blocks Commodore Alston's Nantucket navy at the straits of Gibraltar. If Nantucket's tiny forces cannot defeat Walker's army and allies, the world will be plunged into a Dark Age bleaker and more devastating than any known in our history.

  • On Wings of Song
  • Disch Thomas
  • In his seventh novel, Disch reaches a literary high point in the field of science fiction. At once hilarious and frightening, it follows Daniel Weinreb as he attempts to escape the repressive laws and atmosphere of the isolationist State of Iowa. A rich black comedy of bizarre sexual ambiguity and adventurism, a bitter satire that depicts a near-future America falling into worsening economic and social crisis.Won John W. Campbell Memorial Award in 1980.Nominated for Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1979.Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1980.

  • Once Departed
  • Reynolds Mack
  • When the world’s ace secret agents crash a party in Spain, they’re onto something monstrous—an ominous threat to world peace.It looked like a Convention of Secret Agents, thought the famous columnist Quentin Jones. Not one of them had been invited to the party of the distinguished Hungarian scientist. The Hungarian was known for advocating World Government—and for grafting a second head on a dog—but Quentin Jones suspected him of far more chilling experiments. Quentin runs up against former Nazi war criminals, and a series of weird murders that lead straight to… him.

  • One Human Minute
  • Lem Stanislaw
  • In three scathingly humorous reviews of not-yet-written books, Stanislaw Lem brings us insights into the life of the 21st century. “One Human Minute” summarizes the activities of every person on earth during a single minute. “The Upside-Down Evolution” depicts a battlefield devoid of human activity, where synthetic bugs—synsects—vie for supremacy. “The World as Cataclysm” unfolds the universe as a crooked roulette wheel, where cosmic catastrophe prevails over orderly evolution. All reflect the speculative imagination and dark humor that have made Lem a grand master of the science fiction genre."It is exhilarating to watch Lem building his argument… a splendid performance by a powerful mind."— Robert Silverberg,