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Книги 22701—22725 из 24208.

  • Opera?iunea Haos
  • Anderson Poul
  • Opera?iunea Haos este un roman science fantasy, care are toate ingredientele adulate de Paranormal Romancieri ?i Urban Fantazi?ti (dragoste cu v?rcolaci ?i vr?jitoare, ?ngeri, demoni, incubu?i, cadru modern ?.a.), ?i mai are ?n plus o complexitate moral? ?i stilistic? pe care nu o po?i detecta la prima vedere ?n subiectul aparent u?urel sau ?n scrierea relaxat?. Dar dac? te ui?i mai atent, o vezi.

  • Operacja Wieczno??
  • Petecki Bohdan
  • Po 3 latach z ksi??yca Europa wraca na Ziemi? kosmonauta Dan. Prowadzi? tam pomiary pantomat?w – urz?dze? scalaj?cych wiedz? o ludzkiej cywilizacji. Rzucony zostaje w ?wiat, w kt?rym wa?niejsze od podr?zy mi?dzygwiezdnych staj? si? eksperymenty z genami oraz z nie?miertelno?ci?, czyli tzw. aktualizacj? zapisu ?wiadomo?ci. Jego brak zgody na „operacj? wieczno??” stanowi meritum historii, w kt?rej prawo do decydowania o w?asnym losie jest, wed?ug bohatera, tyle? warto?ci? nadrz?dn?, co jednak gin?c? w op?tanym przez ch?? istnienia wiecznego ?wiecie

  • Options
  • Sheckley Robert
  • is a 1975 absurdist science fiction novel by Robert Sheckley.The story is ostensibly about a marooned space traveller's attempt to get a spare part for his starship, the . He has a robotic guard, programmed to guard him against all planetary dangers. But soon he discovers that the robot has not been programmed for the planet where they are, with comic results. However, the narrative later descends into a mass of diversions, non-sequiturs and meditations on the nature of authorship. Eventually the diversions take over the book to the extent that the author openly introduces an increasingly bizarre succession of deus ex machina in an attempt to get the novel back on track, but eventually admits defeat.

  • Ora?ul damnat
  • Struga?ki Arkadi
  • Alaturi de Isaac Asimov sau Stanislaw Lem, Arkadi si Boris Strugatki fac parte dintre prozatorii care au asigurat genului science fiction un loc legitim in cadrul literaturii de cea mai buna calitate. prezinta o lume sfasiata intre supunere si evaziune, proiectata pe fundalul unei utopii sustinute de sensurile unei misterioase parabole, cu tot decorul pe care il presupune Orasul ca spatiu inchis al controlului totalitar. Un dictator descins din imaginarul negru al nebuniei puterii manevreaza cu cinism o suita de destine prin care se recompune o umanitate strivita sub stigmatul unei culpabilitati intretinute metodic.

  • Orbit
  • Nance John
  • The year is 2009. For Kip Dawson, winning a passenger seat on American Space Adventure's spacecraft is a dream come true. One grand shot of insanity and he can return to earth fulfilled. But the thrill of the successful launch turns to terror when a micrometeorite penetrates the capsule, leaving the radios as dead as the pilot. Reality hits: Kip isn't going home. With nothing to do but wait for his doomed fate, Kip writes his epitaph on the ship's laptop computer, unaware that an audience of millions has discovered it and is tracking his every word on the Internet. As a massive struggle gets under way to rescue him, Kip has no idea that the world can hear his cries — or that his heroism in the face of death may sabotage his best chance of survival.

  • Orch?ron
  • Bordage Pierre
  • Des si?cles se sont ?coul?s depuis que les cinq cents survivants de l' se sont pos?s sur le nouveau monde.Un ensemble de communaut?s sont n?es sur le continent du Triangle, autour de grands domaines agricoles matriarcaux g?r?s par les mathelles : les chasseurs lakchas qui traquent les troupeaux de yonks ; les djemales, disciples de Qval Djema, ? la recherche de l' « ?ternel pr?sent » ; les ventresecs, nomades des plaines jaunes. Fragile ?quilibre que celui de cette colonie entre tradition et ignorance.Les umbres, myst?rieux et terribles pr?dateurs volants, font ...

  • Orion e la morte del tempo
  • Бова Бен
  • Orion non ? un uomo come tutti gli altri: tanto per cominciare, ? immortale. Scelto dai Creatori per essere il loro campione nei frangenti pi? pericolosi e contro nemici insidiosissimi, ? costretto ad andare alla deriva nel tempo per battersi contro i pericoli che si annidano in epoche e secoli nascosti. Insieme ad Anya, una ragazza che condivide la sua sorte, ? costretto questa volta a lottare non solo contro le forze ostili ai Creatori, gli enigmatici esseri che reggono le fila del suo destino, ma contro i Creatori stessi per riconquistare la libert?. E la partita si decide in un’era lontanissima, dove la morte del tempo non ? pi? metafora ma realt?.